Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was very angry, the consequences were very serious, he didn't expect the usually gentle and calm Sofia to be monitoring him, he just arrived at Amsterdam for two days and she already called him. If she didn't find him through the location of his phone, Yang Fann would have swallowed his phone.    


In the end, Yang Fann really had to swallow his phone because Sofia quickly sent him a few videos. When he opened them, he saw that they were all videos of him running on the roof.    


Yang Fann had always followed the principle of being low-key, even if he had abilities far beyond ordinary people, he would try his best not to show them in front of others. But today, he was so pleased that he actually jumped up and down as if he was walking on flat ground.    


Since things had come to this, there was nothing he could do other than regret. Yang Fann could only return to the hotel quickly and bitterly, but luckily, he jumped up and down the roof and did not enter Space of Jade Pendant. Otherwise, his disappearance would attract the attention of the whole world.    


Sigh, I better hurry up and go back to China. Although foreign countries are good, it's not a place to stay for long!    


After experiencing street fighting, Yang Fann felt that the legendary advanced countries of the West weren't that amazing. At least, this kind of thing rarely happens in our Da Hua Xia.    


Even though he was not hit, the other party had still moved his gun. It seemed like no matter where he was, there was a dark side to him, and the reason the people did not know about it was because there were no reports about him.    


Yang Fann wanted to leave Amsterdam earlier, but it wasn't because he was afraid that the security here wouldn't be good, but because he didn't want trouble. With those so-called extreme cool videos, it was unknown when the police would find him here.    


As for the address Lisa told him before she left, Yang Fann didn't intend to go at all. With Lisa's ability, Yang Fann believed that she would be able to find him as long as she wanted to meet him.    


Yang Fann would absolutely not do something like pasting someone's hot face to someone's cold butt, even if it was Lisa's cold butt.    


Speaking of which, even if Lisa's butt were a bit colder, it would still seem quite attractive. It was round, big and elastic, just that she didn't know how to feel it … Sigh, I don't want to think about it anymore. The more I think about it, the worse it will be!    


Yang Fann couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he thought. It was only at the latter half of the night that Yang Fann finally fell asleep. Ever since he accidentally activated his Space of Jade Pendant, he rarely slept like this tonight.    


Just as he fell asleep, Yang Fann heard someone knocking on the door. He was in a foreign land and had just witnessed a gunfight. Yang Fann didn't fall asleep and woke up quickly.    




Yang Fann asked. At the same time, he jumped up from the bed to the other direction. This was something he had learned on TV. If it was an assassin who came through the door, he would be beaten to death.    


"It's me! Open the door!"    


Even though the voices of the people outside the door were very quiet, Yang Fann still heard clearly who it was that had just met Lisa not long ago in the day.    


"Is it Jenny? It's not convenient for me today. There's someone in the room. You can come back another day."    


Yang Fann was indeed unreliable. With his abnormal hearing, he could already tell that something was wrong with Lisa's tone. However, he was still joking, as if he didn't notice the anxiety in Lisa's tone at all.    


It wasn't Yang Fann who was cold-blooded, nor was it Yang Fann who was cold, nor was it Yang Fann who was cold-hearted. It was really too strange.    


Just as Lu Xun had said, Yang Fann had always been unafraid of using the worst kind of malicious intent to deduce the Chinese, not to mention Lisa, who could not even be considered a citizen of the Chinese.    


What was Lisa doing? Who was she working for? Was the organization behind her evil? Yang Fann didn't know any of this. How could he let down his guard towards her just because she was good-looking!    


Thus, Yang Fann did not hesitate to butt in, as he would rather leave a bad impression on Lisa, to ensure his own safety. Now that he no longer has the protection of the Spirit Body, no matter how abnormal his body was, he wouldn't be able to block bullets.    


"Bastard, I'm Lisa, not that damnable Jenny. I never would have thought that you would be bad at learning, Yang Fann. You just arrived at Amsterdam, and you already picked up a few girls. I don't care if people in your room die, if not I'll open the door, then I'll shoot them!"    


"Ugh …"    


Yang Fann felt as if he had forgotten something. Lisa wasn't Sofia, much less Minako, and she couldn't even compare to the cold Anna. Cold-blooded was the best way to describe her personality.    


How could a cold-blooded animal like Lisa care about those girls that Yang Fann was flirting with. Whether it was Jenny or Sony, Yang Fann absolutely believed that she would really dare to shoot if she pissed off Lisa.    


"Alright then, just shoot. I'm busy right now, so I'll have to use my hands and feet. If you want to come in, then use your gun to break the lock."    


Yang Fann had already hid in a blind spot outside the bathroom. From this angle, even if he used a submachine gun to fire at him, it wouldn't be able to hurt him.    


Of course, if it was a powerful machine gun, it could still pierce through the wall. However, this was the Amsterdam, so the possibility of passing through with a machine gun was not high.    


"Alright, you asked me to open the door, so don't regret it!"    


Lisa gritted her teeth. Yang Fann heard it clearly. He was sure that Lisa was the only one outside the door because there was only one person breathing. If there was someone else hiding, it would also be some distance away.    


Yang Fann believed that Lisa came alone. Because no one understood how abnormal Yang Fann's hearing was, they didn't hide it too far. At most, they would be on both sides of the door.    


In addition, Yang Fann also noticed that Lisa's breathing wasn't normal. Normally, for someone like her who had undergone strict training, their breathing should be very even, but it sounded a bit hurried, as if she had just done that sort of thing.    


Don't get me wrong, it's the kind of urgency you get when you've just finished running. It's not the kind of urgency that causes you to do something else.    


After saying that, Yang Fann thought that Lisa wanted to use a gun to break the door lock. Who knew that this little girl was quite capable. He didn't know how she did it, but the hotel's electronic door lock opened with a click!    


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