Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann originally wanted to rest inside the Space of Jade Pendant until the outside world grew bright, but after Meimei slept, he didn't want to stay in the Space of Jade Pendant anymore. It was too boring, rather than wasting time inside, he might as well spend the night outside.    


The night was the night, so Yang Fann didn't plan to change his mind. He definitely wouldn't travel during the night, so he planned to rest in the mountains for the night and leave tomorrow morning.    


Since they had decided to rest in the mountains, there was no need for Black Bear and Xue'er to stay in the Space of Jade Pendant anymore. They might encounter danger while they were rushing on their journey, and if they were only allowed to keep watch, the danger would be much lower.    


Furthermore, using two Mountain-guarding Dog to guard the night, it was much better than Yang Fann personally guarding the night. No matter what, a dog's vigilance is stronger than a human, Yang Fann's vigilance. Although Yang Fann was modified by the spatial Spirit Spring to a very abnormal state, but he has been on guard for a long time, so he obviously can't be compared to some canine animals, especially Black Bear and Xue'er who were modified by the spatial Spirit Spring.    


After lighting a bonfire, Yang Fann sat beside the bonfire to rest. While resting, he observed the mountain under the night sky. With his night vision, even if it was late at night, he could still see very far away.    


Under the cover of the night, the animals in the mountain were much more active than during the day, especially some carnivores. Under the cover of the night, the animals in the mountain were much more active than during the day, especially some carnivores.    


Ever since he was young, he had never thought that the Yunmeng Mountain that he lived in would have so many animals. Just the wild wolves alone were able to see three waves, and each wave contained at least four or five.    


There was also a bear that passed by the hill opposite Yang Fann. Its body seemed very cumbersome, but once it hunted, it moved surprisingly fast. A rabbit jumped out of its nest in fright and was pressed to the ground by the black bear, dying on the spot.    


If it wasn't too far away, Yang Fann really wanted to play with this bear and see how strong it was and whether it could beat his bear and Xue'er.    


Before the bear left, Yang Fann clearly saw it turn its head around. Its two small eyes looked towards the hillside where Yang Fann was at and let out a provocative growl.    


Yang Fann rubbed his nose and thought to himself, "Black guy, what are you pulling? Come over and try me if you dare. If I don't take care of this until you don't even know your mom, then I will be surnamed Yang Xiangdong."    


Black Bear and Xue'er also saw the bear, but without Yang Fann's order, they didn't chase, nor did they bark like normal dogs. Instead, they stared at the bear, ready to fight at any time.    


The bear was not stupid. Even though it was curious about Yang Fann, it knew they were not that easy to mess with when it saw the bonfire beside Yang Fann and the two big dogs glaring at each other.    


Wild animals were always very vigilant, no matter how strong they were, they would always carefully measure the difference in strength before hunting down wild animals. If it was not necessary, they would never rashly take risks, even if it was an ordinary goat, they would never easily launch an attack unless they were hungry.    


Carnivores like the bear and tiger can easily crush them. Once they are injured by the sheep's resistance during the hunting process, such as being pushed down by the sheep's horn, they might end up getting worse and lose their lives.    


The wild animals didn't have any antibiotics or bandages. Once they were injured, they would have to bear the wounds on their own, and once infected, they would die. The more injured they were, the less they would be able to grab anything and their stamina would drop.    


Therefore, even though the bear didn't have any natural enemies nearby, it didn't come to provoke Yang Fann. Its animal instinct told it that the two-legged hairless monster didn't seem to be easy to mess with, and the two big dogs beside it also seemed pretty strong, so it was better not to go over.    


Even the bears didn't want to mess with Yang Fann, let alone those cunning wild wolves. They usually only glanced at him from a distance and then quickly left. Not to mention getting closer to Yang Fann, there weren't even a few people looking at him.    


The wild beasts' performance made Yang Fann very depressed. He felt that these guys weren't worthy of their legendary ferocious names, and in novels, it was always written about how fierce the wolves were. Even if they were all killed, they would still desperately attack, so why didn't they even dare to come over?    


As expected, the house that shut him in all day to ponder over random things was full of nonsense. It was obvious that it didn't know anything, yet it said it as if he had seen it all before.    


In addition to wolves and bears, Yang Fann also saw a group of jackals.    


You're not wrong, it's a jackal, not a dog.    


Dogs and dogs were the same, but in reality, they were two entirely different animals.    


Dogs were a common term used by commoners. The standard term should be jackals. Although they were also dogs, they were not dogs.    


As for the dog, it was actually a Chinese dog. To put it nicely, it was called a Chinese field dog. Some people called the dogs in Japan as firewood dogs, and it was the same as people calling aliens people without knowing that humans were humans.    


Dogs were different from ordinary dogs. They were a group of animals that roamed about in groups of three or five. They were ferocious, cunning, and good at group attacks. They cooperated very well.    


Once the prey was found, one of the jackals would try its best to stop the prey from escaping as fast as possible. The other jackals would try to encircle the prey from both sides to block their escape.    


The jackal near the tail would seize the opportunity to jump onto the back of the prey, and then use its sharp claws to pull out the intestines of the prey. When the prey ran away in pain, the intestines would be hung from the branches of the tree, and the leopard would rush up, snatching and biting the prey until it was completely devoured.    


Dogs usually prey on small and medium-sized wild animals such as wild boars and mountain goat, and sometimes hurt their livestock near the countryside.    


When a jackal encounters a cow, one jackal runs up to it to play, while the other leaps onto its back and scratches its rear end with its front paws. When cattle feel comfortable and their tails are raised, jackals take the opportunity to "kill" them.    


The crafty and cruel jackal was good at hunting and hunting, causing even the fierce beasts to retreat three steps. It could be called the 'king of the mountains'.    


Since jackals sometimes attacked large livestock, they were often hunted by humans. The number of jackals had become fewer and fewer, so they were classified as the country's second rank's most important protected animals.    


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