Take Along A Spring



Since the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was ordered to rectify, Yang Fann did not give the employees of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa a holiday. Since Bing Feng said that the Jade Spring Mountain Villa could continue to operate after a period of time, Yang Fann did not let the employees run around randomly.    


"Everyone has been busy for so long, and we haven't had much rest. Considering the current situation of our Jade Spring Mountain Villa, I will pay you to go out and relax. Those who are willing, please raise your hands."    


In the spacious meeting room, Yang Fann pretended not to see the worry on the faces of the employees as he stood on the high platform and gave an impassioned speech.    


The main purpose of Yang Fann's speech was to comfort the employees and let them put their worries into their stomachs. They should eat, drink, and the dark clouds would eventually disperse. The sun would eventually shine on the land!    


At the end of the speech, Yang Fann announced in front of everyone that he was going on a tour with half of his employees. As for the other half, they could only wait until the first wave of people came back, so they couldn't all go out to play and leave a few security guards behind.    


Upon hearing that there was still hope for the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa staff members immediately became half relieved. After hearing that the boss wanted to organize everyone to travel, the other half, however, became half relieved. Only a quarter of them were still worried, and couldn't calm down no matter what they said.    


It could be said that both sides would be prosperous together, and both sides would suffer losses at the same time. If Jade Spring Mountain Villa were to be closed from now on, or transferred over, the lives of many employees would also change because of this.    


Since Yang Fann wanted to motivate people, he didn't assign the location to travel and let everyone discuss it themselves. Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao led the discussion to find a few alternative places for everyone to vote on.    


With Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao watching over him, Yang Fann was especially assured. He believed that Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao would not screw him over, such as choosing a luxury tour like Lao Mei or Europa.    


Of course, with Yang Fann's financial strength, even if all the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa went to visit the United States, they wouldn't be so severely injured. Going to the United States alone would only cost twenty to thirty thousand, and the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was more than a hundred employees, but going to the United States together would cost more than a few million. This amount of money Yang Fann was still able to afford.    


Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao were both members of Yang Fann, so they naturally wouldn't choose places where everyone would need to spend tens of thousands of dollars. In the end, they chose four of them from the domestic scenic area and only one from overseas.    


Actually, going to travel abroad wouldn't necessarily cost a lot of money, for example, Japan and the people from stick Nation. But as Yang Fann's strong men, Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao both knew that their boss was a little angry, and didn't want to see Japan and stick Nation earn money from Chinese, not to mention organizing their employees to travel to Japan and stick Nation.    


If Yang Fann knew the thoughts of Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao, he would definitely yell that they were wronged. I am not a nationalist, you are a nationalist, your whole family is a nationalist!    


There was no other way around it. The people of today saw the nationalistic youths as idiots. An era had its own special characteristics. Before liberation, the nationalistic youths were called patriots, and their actions were also called patriotic acts.    


However, he couldn't do it now. The nationalist was on the same level as the retard, so his actions had become an immature display.    


Not caring about the overall situation, disregarding the interests of the country and the people, focusing only on his own happiness, and hoping to distance himself from the friendship of our people and the people of other countries, obstructing the development of history, obstructing the national integration, he is an unstable person who needs to be combated!    


Since the nationalistic young man was already an alien race, Yang Fann didn't want to be called a nationalist. Some things could only be done but not said, Yang Fann didn't care about others, he wouldn't easily give money to those foreign races to punish his home country.    


Of course, Yang Fann wasn't an idiotic fool. If there was a need, it didn't matter if some foreign race wanted to earn some money, such as making a Japan woman as a little secret master. He couldn't just let them do it for nothing.    


Oh yeah, there's an exception. Last time, Yang Fann went on a Japan tour.    


However, Yang Fann was not really here to appreciate the scenery and national spirit of Japan. He was here for another purpose, such as secretly getting a few Japan s and taking care of his cattle.    


What? That's called stealing?    


Nonsense, how could it be called stealing when it's about being a scholar? It's called borrowing, alright? I'll just return it to Yang Fann and the others when there are more in the future.    


Of course, there were some skills involved here as well. You couldn't make things big and even send someone to their doorstep with a gong or a gong, so you should use a more gentle, more gentle and more peaceful way to quietly let them benefit from this. For example, you could find a female servant from the Japan to be their little secret servant.    


After earning his salary and going back to spend it, wouldn't that be the same as returning the money to Japanese the Ripper?!    


"Have you guys decided on where we're going to play? I don't have that much patience to wait."    


Yang Fann was speechless towards a bunch of chattering employees. It was just a trip. Look at those girls, they were so excited, it seemed like they were going to have a wedding tonight.    


Yang Fann was furious, so he quickly accepted the ballot papers. In order to show that they were fair and fair, Lin Xiaoling let everyone vote on the votes.    


Lin Xiaoling asked for a vote, but Yang Fann wanted to be original. He wanted everyone to write their reasons on the ticket, and he couldn't lie and disqualify himself for tourism.    


Lin Xiaoling had no choice but to explain that Yang Fann had the authority to be the boss.    


Yang Fann let Jin Cuier, who had a clear and sweet voice, sing a song in front of everyone. The girl's voice had nothing to say, so it attracted the attention of all the employees on the spot.    


"Wang Da, why did you choose the new Ma Tai?" Someone in Thailand... "Cough, cough …"    


After all, Jin Cuier did not have any manpower and was quite thin-skinned. Seeing that the security guard Wang Dazhi had chosen the new Ma Tai because he wanted to see a transvestite, how could she say it out loud?    


Although Jin Cuier did not recite the word 'transvestite', she knew nothing about humans now, so all the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa spat out laughter. Usually when they saw Wang Da Dazhi not saying much, they would think that he was a proper person.    


Jin Cuier looked down and decided not to sing anymore. Yang Fann took the ballot papers and looked at them. Damn, so there were quite a few guys who chose to travel to the new Ma Tai.    


"Hey, hey, hey? Little Mengyao, others went to the new Ma Tai to look at transvestites because they are all men. As a lady's family, why are you going to the new Ma Tai to look at transvestites? "    


Black lines appeared on Yang Fann's forehead. He never thought that Qin Mengyao's reason for choosing the new Ma Tai would be so valiant. He thought for a moment and then decided to just directly write it down. He really wasn't afraid of others laughing at him!    


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