Take Along A Spring



Lisa was not an ordinary person. When she realized that the small box she had personally buried had disappeared, she quickly realized that it had been secretly dug out by someone else.    


Thus, Lisa started to search the surroundings alertly. Even though she had been fighting with Bing Feng, the fact that she was able to dig things up quietly near the two of them meant that the person must have been an expert among experts.    


Even though Bing Feng suspected that it was Lisa acting, she still couldn't help but raise her vigilance. Since Lisa was able to receive a bounty from some of the organizations in Underground World, it meant that she must have obtained something of value.    


The strength of the entire Underground World was so great that even many countries did not dare to underestimate it. Even the five rogue nations had to be careful in dealing with Underground World, afraid of provoking their entire body.    


Of course, there was not only one organization called Underground World, just like more than one nation in the world. It was impossible for the nations of the world to be united, and the entire Underground World could not condense into a single organization.    


Since Underground World was an organized bounty on Lisa, then it was very likely that there were already people with Underground World following them to Hua Xia. It was also possible that someone had secretly dug out the small box that Lisa had just buried under the tree.    


Just as Lisa had expected, Bing Feng believed that if someone had dug up Lisa's small box in such a short time, the person who had come would definitely be an expert, at least not inferior to her and Lisa.    


Thus, Bing Feng kept one eye on Lisa, the other on her surroundings. She didn't want to catch the thief, so she had to ensure her own safety first.    


Besides, Yang Fann's parents lived in Dispersive Flower Courtyard, so Bing Feng couldn't let anyone hurt them. If anything happened to the couple, how would she explain it to Yang Fann!    


The small box buried in the ground disappeared without a trace. The first thing Lisa checked repeatedly was the banyan tree that Yang Fann was staying on. However, no matter how Lisa looked, climbed up the tree and searched carefully, she couldn't find any traces of it.    


Lisa and Bing Feng's guesses were correct. The small box that was buried in the ground was dug out by someone, and the person who dug out the box was Yang Fann, not some so-called Underground World expert.    


At this time, Yang Fann was cozily lying on a rocking chair in Space of Jade Pendant, swinging his body as he checked an exquisite little box in his hands.    


The small box was only about ten centimeters square. The lid of the box was locked by an exquisite lock. Yang Fann didn't have a key, so he could only open the lock with brute force.    


Although the copper lock was exquisite, it was too small. Yang Fann only used a little strength and pulled it open.    


As a precaution, Yang Fann moved the small box further away from him before slowly opening the lid.    


The moment he opened the box, Yang Fann smelled a pungent smell of earth. It was the smell of aged earth, as if he had been buried underground for a long time.    


Yang Fann's eyes were very useful, he could tell at a glance what was in the small box. It seemed like a bone fossil, grey and unremarkable. If it wasn't in such a delicate box, no one would have picked it up if it wasn't left in the roadside.    


Was a piece of fossil that precious? Was there a need for Lisa to secretly bury it in her backyard? Was this the piece of human bone from Zhoukou Shop in Beijing?    


Yang Fann thought about it for a while and felt that something wasn't right. The fossil at Zhoukoudian in Beijing seemed to be a skull, and the one in the small box seemed to be a spine.    


Yang Fann looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't tell what kind of animal it was. He must be a high school student at medical school, but this bone was obviously bigger than a human's, and it didn't look like the bones of other mammals.    


Yang Fann was confused. Normally, there was no need for Lisa to gather so many fossils from animals. Even the legendary dinosaurs, which were worth millions, could be obtained by ordinary people, let alone someone as powerful as Lisa.    


Actually, what Yang Fann was most interested in right now was not fossils, nor gold, silver, or jewelry, but the legendary sariras.    


It was precisely because Yang Fann had obtained a sariras in Myanmar that his Space of Jade Pendant underwent such a drastic change. Not only did it open a wall of fog, it even created a boundless desert.    


As for the other things, they were all out of Yang Fann's sight. With a God Equipment like Space of Jade Pendant, how much money could he earn? What kind of gold, silver, and jewelry couldn't he get? How could Yang Fann care about those vulgar things.    


Well, Yang Fann was being hypocritical again. It was not like back then when he couldn't afford to go to school or even eat his fill of rice. At that time, he wouldn't say money was vulgar and impatient.    


Since the things in the small box weren't of much use to him, Yang Fann didn't plan to take it for himself. He didn't know about the Underground World's bounty to look for Lisa, so he thought that the things in the box were stolen goods from Lisa.    


Thus, after searching for a long time, Lisa still couldn't find the thief who stole her things. Suddenly, she found her small box quietly lying in the pit under the banyan tree!    


Lisa's fur stood on end. Cough cough, all the hair on her body stood up. She didn't think that she didn't see the small box earlier, but now she realized that the expert must have put the box back!    


Lisa was extremely shocked. Even though she seemed to be a Christian, she couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle as she felt a cold breeze blow against the back of her neck. It was too scary!    


Now, Lisa no longer believed that some so-called Underground World expert had secretly taken away her small box, because she was right on top of the banyan tree. No matter how powerful an expert was, it was impossible for them to silently place the small box in the pit beneath the tree, unless they were not human!    


What's more, Lisa didn't notice it, so what about Bing Feng? Bing Feng was standing at the Moon Gate, staring at her. If Bing Feng saw someone approaching the banyan tree, would she be able to keep quiet?    


Of course, there was also the possibility that they were in the same boat as Bing Feng, but even if they were in the same boat as him, it would still be impossible for them to hide the small box from him and put it back into the hole under the tree!    


If the one on the banyan tree was Bing Feng, she wouldn't be able to put the small box in the pit under the tree.    


First, the small box mysteriously disappeared, and now it appeared again for no reason. If it wasn't Poplar Gully making a ghost, then it was like meeting a ruthless person with special abilities like Somalia!    


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