Take Along A Spring



After Yang Fann successively sent eleven foreigners to the Qingshan Town police station, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa finally stopped. It was possible that he felt that the guys who gave the foreigners to Police Uncle were not to be trifled with and temporarily did not have any intentions of using Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


With this, Yang Fann could finally reveal himself. Although the air in the Space of Jade Pendant was good, the longer he stayed in there, the more uncomfortable he felt.    


It should be an extremely harsh environment, but in reality, it was true that there was wind in the desert, but it was not too strong. There was no desert in the real world which could cover the sky with its sandstorm, and the air was so fresh that people almost wanted to curse out loud. There was probably no place in the real world that could compare to Space of Jade Pendant.    


Yang Fann brought two Mountain-guarding Dog s, two old eagle s, and several pheasant rabbits and returned to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa from the mountains. Of course, all of these were disguised by Yang Fann to deceive people.    


Yang Fann generously threw two pheasants and two wild rabbits to the guards at the door for them to use as a toothpick. Yang Fann walked into the Jade Spring Mountain Villa under the praise from the security guards. If these security guards knew that their continuous overtime work was related to their generous boss, would they thank him this way?    


Once he returned to the Dispersive Flower Courtyard, Yang Fann was immediately scolded by Mom, saying that he came back too late and did not see Lisa and Bing Feng.    


"Mom, didn't you say you won't let me find foreign woman as my wife? Why are you blaming me for being late?" I think it's not only not too late, but also too early.    


Yang Fann was filled with a sense of righteousness. He retorted with what Zhong Runjuan had told him before. His eyes were filled with doubt and disbelief. If he went to Hengdian Restaurant, he would definitely be chosen by the director and become a crowd actor.    


"If we don't find a foreign wife, then wouldn't there still be a Chinese woman? She is so beautiful, and if she were to marry someone else, don't you think it would be a pity? I would also think it would be a pity!"    


Zhong Runjuan's logic made Yang Fann dumbstruck. What kind of logic was this? There were so many beautiful women, but all of them had to be his. Marrying someone else would be a waste.    


However, after thinking about it, Yang Fann felt that Mom's point of view was right. Good cabbages couldn't be eaten by pigs. If he could get one more, then he could get another. If he got one more, then the other pigs could get one less.    


Pei pei pei, how can it be other pigs, I am not a pig!    


Oh right, Fann, let's hurry up, I'll go look for you Second Aunt again, and have her keep an eye out for you. Let's see if she has any suitable girls in her possession, you can't go anywhere this time, just stay at home and make a blind date for me, only when the marriage is set will you be able to leave the Poplar Gully!    


Yang Fann was on the verge of tears. It seemed like Mom was really going crazy this time. If she didn't force him into the grave of their marriage, she wasn't going to let it go!    


"Mom, no need for that. I'll just look for myself. Second Aunt has been in a bad mood recently, so don't bother her anymore."    


It had been a long time since Yang Fann last saw Second Aunt. In the past, when she was the wife of the village chief, Second Aunt loved to matchmaking for other people, but now, she had become the wife of a prisoner. Even if Yang Guoqing was matchmaking for another person, they would still find it unlucky for him.    


"That's true. You, Second Aunt, have been getting unlucky recently, so it's not really appropriate to have her introduce you to her. I might as well ask your Third Aunt about it. Your Third Aunt has recently added a fat grandson to her family. Her luck must be very good, and the lady she's introducing to is definitely not bad either!"    


Yang Fann was so regretful that he wanted to take the cauldron. If he knew that Mom was going to force the marriage, why would he come back?    


However, no matter how unwilling Yang Fann was, he wouldn't be as good as Mom. Ever since he was injured in the hospital, Yang Fann swore to never make his father Mom angry. There were hundreds of millions of people in the world; other than his father Mom, there was no one else who was good to him.    


After breaking up with Lee Qian, Yang Fann had a bad impression of women, especially beauties. Previously, he held beauties in his hands, but now he wanted to spank them whenever he saw them. After all, beauties have special privileges and like to ride on the heads of old masters.    


Especially after the Amsterdam had hit Lisa's plump butt a few times, Yang Fann no longer cared about beauties. What's wrong with beauties, even a cold-blooded beauty like Lisa would moan softly under his slap, not to mention those so-called princesses who are full of pride and naughtiness. If they dare to displease me, I can deal with them with a slap, and the rarer they are, the more excited they are!    


Since he wasn't going to argue with Mom, Yang Fann couldn't allow her to find a strong girl with big breasts and big buttocks. He had to think of a way to get his hands on the marriage, with so many beauties around him, he didn't believe he wouldn't be able to find a suitable one.    


Just when Yang Fann was thinking hard and racking his brains to think of a way out, Lin Xiaoling, who heard that Yang Fann came back, found Yang Fann angrily and said that she wanted to report to him.    


Reporting is good, Yang Fann is waiting for someone to rescue him. Lin Xiaoling came just in time. Yang Fann used his work as an excuse and immediately escaped from Mom's bombardment!    


Lin Xiaoling was in front while Yang Fann was behind. The two of them walked one after the other towards Lin Xiaoling's office.    


Looking at Lin Xiaoling walking in front, wearing a professional suit, Yang Fann wanted to slap her sexy butt.    


He wanted to pat her butt, especially Lin Xiaoling's butt. Although it wasn't as big as Lisa's butt or as seductive as Bai Mei's, it was very delicate. It was like a delicate artwork that made people want to play with it.    


Okay, Yang Fann had been holding in his anger for too long, and now that his Amsterdam had been hooked by Lisa, coupled with the time he had watched Bing Feng and Lisa, he had seen two super beauties bathing together. The anger in his heart had reached a point where he couldn't hold it in any longer, if he continued to hold it in, he would definitely become sick from holding it back!    


Lin Xiaoling seemed to be unaware of the burning gazes behind her. She waited until she had entered her office before she turned around and smiled as she poured some tea for Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann wasn't in the mood to appreciate Lin Xiaoling's tea ceremony. He focused all of his attention on Lin Xiaoling's body, especially when Lin Xiaoling bent down to pour the tea. Her chest shape was especially attractive and Yang Fann was almost like a hungry wolf as he pounced on her!    


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