Take Along A Spring



Contrary to Yang Fann's expectations, the owner of the ponytail was different from what he imagined. He wasn't some obese man, nor was he a skinny old man with white hair. Instead, he was a elegant young master.    


However, this was Yang Fann's impression before the other party even opened his mouth. When the elegant young master, who was only thirty years old, opened his mouth to speak, Yang Fann's impression of him collapsed.    


"Grandson, you're the owner of Jade Spring Mountain Villa? Hurry up and give your lousy villa to laozi, laozi will guarantee your survival! "    


Pow! Pow! Pow! "Pa …"    


Don't misunderstand, it's not Yang Fann and Young Noble Rise that are slapping each other. It's Yang Fann who is slapping the Young Noble Rise in the face.    


Yang Fann hated people who insulted his elders, especially his parents, and this elegant young master was a grandson of yours!    


As for whether the grandson was scolding or had a mouth disease, Yang Fann didn't care. He felt that the grandson was scolding him anyway. As for any explanation of mouth disease, I won't listen to any of it!    


Young Master Qu Rao never expected that a country bumpkin in the mountains would dare to hit her in front of her two bodyguards. Not only that, he attacked without saying a word, and without showing any mercy, causing him to feel dizzy, his ears roared, and all his teeth in his mouth went loose. Yet, not a single one of them fell.    


"Wuliya ~ ~" Coo, coo … Aragado is enough to blow up a mother... "    


Yang Fann also did not hear what the elegant young master had said. His teeth had loosened and his mouth was swollen. It would be strange if he could speak clearly.    


Even though Yang Fann didn't understand what Young Noble Rise had said, the two bodyguards understood what her master meant. They had worked hard in the past, so they decided to just start fighting. Regardless of the consequences, they had to beat him up first!    


His master was still being slapped, if he was any longer delayed, his master would be slapped for a second. The country bumpkin in the mountains had quite a rhythm to the slap, one second at a time, no more, no less, it was really artistic!    


The two bodyguards of the elegant young master were also wonderful people. Their master was enjoying the slap to the face, and they still had the mind to figure out the rhythm of Yang Fann's slapping. It had to be said that the two bodyguards under him were different, even the two bodyguards had good musical attainments.    


However, having musical attainments didn't have much to do with fighting. It was quite rare to see a novel that combined martial arts with calligraphy. The two bodyguards of the elegant young master were kicked back before they could even touch Yang Fann's clothes.    


The two bodyguards came and went as fast as they could, causing Director Wang, who was in a ponytail, to be stunned. This muddle-headed Kung Fu was so much better looking than what was on TV, even though that thing was known to be fake, the scene in front of him was real. It was not easy, he had always thought that Chinese Kung Fu was lying, but today he was really lucky to see it!    


He knew how he should behave now. Although he was very reluctant to go over and take a kick, there was no other way around it. His master was being slapped, and his two bodyguards were being kicked away.    


Therefore, the ponytail also ran towards Yang Fann while howling. If one observed carefully, they would discover that the seemingly brave ponytail was actually well-prepared.    


Just as Yang Fann kicked out like lightning, the ponytail flew back with a speed even faster than lightning!    


Yang Fann was extremely surprised. He didn't even know when he had mastered it and didn't even touch the ponytail's clothes before the old man flew back. He wouldn't believe that the old man didn't train at all and gave Yang Fann a million.    


Although Yang Fann's kick was just a casual kick, it wasn't something that an ordinary person could easily dodge. If it wasn't because the ponytail was meticulously calculated and the rhythm was perfect, it would be impossible for Yang Fann to dodge that kick and it was even a perfect performance.    


He was not afraid that Yang Fann would be able to beat him up, but the key was that he could not take the loss before his eyes. Today, he had suffered a setback, even if he were to beat up Yang Fann later on, he would not be able to wash away the shame he had suffered today. Now that he mentioned it, he was also a person who had been slapped in the face by a country bumpkin in the mountains, how could he continue to live in the circle in the future?    


Even though they usually thought of themselves as businessmen, none of them relied on making money from proper business. Whether it was by their parents or by whatever power, they relied on their reputation to support them, and once they lost face, they would become a joke in the circle. They would always be a head shorter than others.    


Just when Young Master Rise was thinking about how he could regain his face, or say that he should not lose any face, or find a way to make up for his loss of face later on, as well as how to make Yang Fann suffer a fate worse than death, something unforgettable happened.    


He saw Yang Fann smile at him and then casually hit his two bodyguards and ponytail until they fainted.    


"Come on, now that no one is bothering us, we can finally have a good chat."    


"Mom, I don't make chickens. I've never made chickens before!"    


When she saw Yang Fann's malicious smile, tears immediately flowed down the young master's face. The words that came out of his mouth caused Yang Fann's smile to freeze on his face.    


Yang Fann was exasperated: "Which eye of yours saw that I am going to mess with you? Ah? Which eye?"    


He originally thought that Yang Fann would be more scared this way, but unexpectedly, when the Rise Young Master saw that Yang Fann became so fierce, not only was he not afraid, he even heaved a long sigh of relief.    


What kind of expression was that?    


When Yang Fann saw the relief on the young master's face, he was immediately angered. You haven't f * cked a chicken before, and I have never tried to seduce a girl before. Who doesn't know what kind of weird habits you guys are?    


Yang Fann hated people like Young Master Wandering. He was obviously full of evil tricks, but he had to pretend to be a Virgin. Just by saying 'grandpa's grandson', he knew that this brat was no good!    


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