Take Along A Spring



Regardless of whether the operator believed it or not, Yang Fann had already called the police to call them. Even if the sky was falling down, it would not hit his head again.    


It wasn't that the operator was neglecting her duty, but that she had received too many harassment calls in the past few years. Especially since some naughty rascals had called 110 times every now and then, leaving the police at a loss of whether to laugh or to cry. They could not really do anything to those naughty kids, even if they were to inform their parents.    


Take the operator who mistook Yang Fann for making obnoxious calls as an example. In the last month, she received seven obnoxious calls, either saying that she made the wrong phone call, or asking her to help ask about the number 114 next door, or even asking if something was wrong with her.    


But Yang Fann didn't know, this guy was too used to seeing pretty girls, he couldn't help but feel dizzy when he saw them, and he would feel dizzy when he heard their voices, and even if he smelled their scent, it would be flowery when he heard their gentle voices. He immediately forgot what he was doing by making a phone call.    


Before Yang Fann activated his Space of Jade Pendant, he definitely would not dare to speak ill of the police. Even though the operator may not be an official police officer, but the person in charge of the shift was undoubtedly a police officer. If it wasn't for Yang Fann's current strength, how would he dare to mess around with the police?    


He did not want the police to intervene so quickly. At the very least, he had to give these foreigners some time to prepare, and he did not want them to run away on their own accord. He also did not want them to fall into the hands of the police without any mental preparation, which would be detrimental to Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Of course, if a few foreigners were lucky enough to escape with a broken leg, that would be their good fortune. They believed that a few guys with broken legs wouldn't be able to completely cover up their tracks even if they ran away.    


As long as the police found out that it was someone else who detonated the bomb, they wouldn't go looking for trouble with Yang Fann and Jade Spring Mountain Villa. They believed that in such a big case, the police would definitely send experts to track them down.    


It was a pity that Yang Fann overestimated the public morals of the people in Poplar Gully. Other than him deliberately interrupting the conversation to inform the police, not a single person in the hundreds of people in Poplar Gully called the police.    


This made Yang Fann feel relieved, but at the same time, he could not help but feel a little disappointed. Luckily, he had the ability to deal with this kind of trouble, otherwise, there would not even be one who would call the police, and even if he was killed by those people from Underground World, no one would know.    


Actually, it wasn't like no one knew, at least the security guards from Jade Spring Mountain Villa knew what was going on. It was just that Yang Fann said that he had already called and did not ask the security guards to call the police again.    


As for Yang Fann's parents, Zhong Runjuan and Yang Xiangdong, they had already gone on a tour with the first batch of employees. Otherwise, they wouldn't have let Yang Fann have his way. At the very least, they would have called the police.    


He waited until noon, but still no police came to his door. Yang Fann had no choice but to call the police again.    


He had to call the police. If something happened in the future, Yang Fann wouldn't be able to explain why he didn't call the police. It could be said that he had already called the police, but the police didn't come, so why didn't they report it?    


Don't try to explain. If someone is strong, then I'm weak. They wouldn't listen to a small farm owner like you. If you didn't call the police, then you didn't call the police. Even if Yang Fann had a recording phone call, it wouldn't work!    


He didn't want to be treated as a fake police officer again, or else he might get into trouble. Although Yang Fann wasn't afraid of trouble, he didn't want to get into trouble for no reason at all.    


Sure enough, this time the call to the police worked. Less than an hour after the call, the comrades from Xincheng County and Public Security Bureau arrived at the scene first.    


It was said that the Jiangnan Bureau's comrades would arrive soon. If Yang Fann's alarm was true, there would still be a bomb expert from the province who would rush over to check the scene.    


Yang Fann looked very frightened. He personally led Police Uncle to check out the damaged parts of the rattan wall.    


Of course, Yang Fann didn't go to the place where the foreigners broke their legs, because he didn't even know that the foreigners broke their legs.    


What a joke, hearing the explosion of the bomb, I was scared stiff, how could I dare to wander around, I don't want to leave the Dan Xin Guang alive, there is a saying that 'good death is better than good death', there is only one life, you guys don't advocate that people should live their entire lives in the afterlife, even if they die, they can't reincarnate, what's the use of leaving behind those good reputations?    


To put it bluntly, why would a person do a good thing and not do a bad thing? It's all because of the reverence in the heart of the person.    


In truth, the majority of people still had a simple view of the world. They hoped that the good would be rewarded.    


In fact, it was a kind of karmic retribution. If you think people only live their lives, then I should be the one to care about them after they die. What is the use of being respectful to the heavens and earth?    


If Yang Fann didn't go look for a few foreigners to break their legs, naturally, there would be people who could find them. Not to mention those who came later to the Jiangnan Bureau, even those of the Xincheng County and Public Security Bureau, they also quickly found a few foreigners to break their legs.    


A few foreigners had indeed escaped, but they had either lost a leg or both legs, and some of them even had injuries to their spines. Although they were not paralyzed, their movements were still extremely inconvenient, as long as they did not leave any traces behind, unless there were enough people to support them.    




As soon as the commander gave the order, the police officers immediately had the two dogs rush out while sniffing the smell on the ground. This was a mountain, not a city full of cars and horses.    


The injuries sustained by the few elders were not light, and there were still mottled bloodstains on the ground. The police dog was able to track them easily, so it didn't take long for it to chase out Jade Spring Mountain Villa from the gaps in the rattan wall.    


Unfortunately, after a while of tracking, the police dog stopped on a mountain road. Judging from the tire marks left on the scene, the suspect must have driven away in a car.    


There was no helping it, it had been so long. If they had been chased by the police the first time Yang Fann called the police, a few foreigners who broke their legs wouldn't have been able to run so far!    


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