Take Along A Spring



The special investigation team that was stationed in Jade Spring Mountain Villa was very rude. They treated Yang Fann like a suspect, leaving Yang Fann in a small room and asking him what he was doing when the bomb exploded.    


Yang Fann was just going to play along with the investigation team and fool around with them. He didn't expect the investigation team to not give him face and treat him as a criminal suspect for interrogation.    


What was this? What temper did Yang Fann have? What he hated the most was bullying others. His attitude immediately changed.    


"What's going on with all of you? Do you know that I'm a victim? I'm already so old, how did the teachers teach you at school? Did the teachers let you treat the victims like this?"    


Yang Fann's attitude suddenly changed from respectful to questioning, which made the investigation team very uncomfortable. One of the middle-aged men was the most angry, he immediately slammed the table: "What are you yelling about, before the case is completely investigated, everyone is suspicious, it's still too early to say that you are the victim, maybe you are the culprit!"    


"Oh, what's your position, what's your rank, what's your rank, did you take the oath when you entered the job, and what's your oath? Do you dare to repeat your oath now? You probably can't even say it out loud, have you forgotten it?"    


Yang Fann was not going to suffer a loss of temper. Whoever dared to be rude to him, he would be rude to them. No matter who you are, Yang Fann will not believe it.    


If the so-called investigation team really dared to use any means against him, Yang Fann didn't mind letting these guys have a taste of his methods. Yang Fann believed that under his two ultimate tricks, anyone would reveal their most secret.    


As the saying goes, no one is perfect. If Yang Fann really became angry, then he would just clean up the investigation team one by one, to see if they had ever let down their country!    


If the investigation team members were all honest men, fair and square with no flaws, and their professional ethics were so perfect that they had nothing to say, Yang Fann would be willing to be punished.    


If there was someone who was not honest, then he couldn't blame Yang Fann for not playing his cards according to the rules. He couldn't just allow the officials of other states to set fire to the cards and not let Yang Fann's citizens light the lamps.    


Yang Fann's question made the black-faced middle-aged man's face turn dark. Originally, his face was already dark, but now it was even darker. It was so dark that it could be compared to African Black Uncle.    


"Good …" Good... "Alright, alright …"    


Pointing at Yang Fann, the middle-aged man took out a pair of handcuffs from behind his butt and was about to put it on Yang Fann. One of his colleagues tried to stop him, but he gave a glare and sat back down.    


There were only four people in the investigation team, and every time Yang Fann was interrogated, they were in pairs. This time, it was the black-faced middle-aged man and a young man, young people obviously just graduated, and they seemed to be a little hot-blooded.    


Seeing that the youngster didn't say anything, the dark-faced middle-aged man smiled sinisterly at Yang Fann: "Brat, you're very cocky. I'd like to see if you can still be so cocky later on."    


Since it was an investigation, not an interrogation, so the room was just an office for the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and there was no monitoring equipment installed either. On the other hand, the monitoring equipment was there, and it was just the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's own Sky Eye System, not the investigation team's.    


Therefore, the black-faced middle-aged man was not worried about leaving any evidence against him. As long as he did not cause any deaths and did not cripple Yang Fann, he dared to beat his chest and guaranteed that nothing would happen!    


Seeing that the black-faced middle-aged man was confident, Yang Fann also laughed: "Have you thought about it, are you really going to do this, and not regret it?"    


"Haha, hahahaha!" The black faced middle-aged man laughed complacently: "Brat, I have seen many arrogant people like you before, but do you know what happened to them later on? "To tell you the truth, I was very arrogant at the beginning, but in the end I became softer. Everyone kneeled down in front of me and called me grandpa, haha, hahahaha!"    


Before he finished laughing, the black-faced middle-aged man flicked the handcuffs on Yang Fann's wrist.    


It was not like he had ever missed a fight. What a joke, he was not a police officer, nor was he handcuffed by some extremely vicious criminal, and the target of their investigations was either a criminal businessman or a corrupt official who violated the law, who would dare to resist, who would dare to bomb his hair?    


However, the dark-faced middle-aged man never expected that his successful handcuffs would fail today. Not only did he not handcuff Yang Fann, but he even cuffed himself with a "kacha" sound!    


The black-faced middle-aged man was stunned on the spot. He thought about it for a long time but didn't know what happened. From the start, he didn't see what Yang Fann did and just cuffed himself up.    


Just as the black-faced middle-aged man was still stupefied, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his crotch. It was extremely painful, more painful than when a woman gave birth to a child!    


It is said that medicine divides the pain that humans can feel into 12 levels, the higher the level, the greater the pain they can feel.    


Level 1: Insect Bite;    


Level 2: Operation after anesthetic;    


Level 3: amorous flirting;    


Level 4: Scolding and beating by parents who have not met their expectations;    


Level 5: Slap with your palm, leaving behind a red palm print.    


Grade 6: Inattention to diet caused by gastroenteritis, stomachache;    


Level 7: Hit it with a rod, leaving behind a purplish black mark;    


Level 8: Large area bleeding wounds caused by various means;    


Level 9: The pain of skin and flesh, the tiger stool, bamboo sticks, red-soldering iron, etc.    


Level 10: Injuries resulting from injuries to the body, such as injuries to the finger during battle;    


Level 11: Visceral pain. Soviet agents are said to have invented a method of coercing confessions, twisting the towel into a spiral and letting it be swallowed. The towel goes to the stomach and is attached to the wall of the stomach.    


Level 12: The feeling of the mother during childbirth.    


Of course, these things were not necessarily true, and some people said that they were fabricated. No matter what, having children should be a very severe type of pain.    


However, for a man, the egg pain is undoubtedly one of the most painful. It is no less painful than a woman giving birth to a child. If you play the egg cleverly, the pain will be far greater than a woman giving birth.     


The black-faced middle-aged man was like a big shrimp as he held his lower body and rolled around on the ground. Then he looked at Yang Fann, and with a calm face, he gently flicked his fingers, as if they were already there and never left!    


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