Take Along A Spring



While arguing with Nana, Yang Fann was doing the work on his hands in a daze. A rolling pin seemed to come to life in his hand, like a nimble snake or a nimble fish.    


After the noodle piece was rolled out, Yang Fann casually threw it and the noodle piece that was bigger than a big pot lid folded up. Before Nana and Yao woke up from shock, Yang Fann already swept across the folded noodle piece with a kitchen knife.    


After cutting the noodles, Yang Fann casually threw the kitchen knife out of his hand and it firmly landed on the knife rack beside him. At the same time, the cut noodle was already spread out by Yang Fann and scattered evenly on the flour covered chopping board.    


It was only at this moment that the both of them forcefully pulled their thoughts back from their shock. Just based on Yang Fann's fluid actions, even the special chef at the National Hotel would not be able to do it.    


After the noodles were done, Yang Fann opened an old-fashioned clay pot on the side. He took a glance at the broth that was simmering slowly and felt that it was almost done.    


The pouring was very simple, what Yang Fann made was mutton halogen.    


The sheep was a sheep that Yang Fann raised in the Space of Jade Pendant, and most of the ingredients came from the Space of Jade Pendant as well. The radishes, potatoes, dried mushrooms, fresh cucumbers, etc.    


Yang Fann first boiled the wok dry and added some space peanut oil. When the oil was hot enough for seven to eight layers, he first fried the dried chili, leaving a fragrant smell in the air. Then, he directly fried the mutton until it was fried and added in the cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, and salt when more than half of the mutton changed color.    


Then, Yang Fann poured the sliced red radish, potato, and mushrooms into the pot, covered it with the lid and began to stew it.    


This process didn't take too long, because almost all of the ingredients required were spatial in nature, so they were very ripe. At most, ten minutes would be enough.    


Taking advantage of the fact that the noodles had not been boiled properly, Yang Fann started the noodles and it became much simpler. As long as the cooking time was grasped, the noodles would be cooked well.    


When the noodles were done cooking, the noodles were done cooking and the pot was ready to be boiled. A fragrant and authentic hand rolling was done.    


Taking three big bowls, Yang Fann scooped the cooked noodles into the bowls separately. Then he scooped a spoonful of water into each bowl and sprinkled some chopped cucumber silk and cilantro.    


Yang Fann raised his hand to signal them: "You two, what are you waiting for, let's eat!"    


"What?" You with the surname Yang are too stingy, treating us to a bowl of noodles, no matter what, you have to give us a few dishes, don't you know that it's a failure to act like this? You... "Hey, hey, hey, what the hell are you doing, you sissy? I'm not done yet, why did you eat first?"    


Nana wanted to make use of this opportunity to scold Yang Fann, but before she could say anything, she suddenly heard some crashing noises coming from beside her. She turned around to take a look, it turned out that the sissy Yao Ji had already started eating.    


Actually, Nana had wanted to eat for a long time. Her nose was still working, she had long been tempted by the fragrance of the spices, and this was a type of fragrance she had never smelled before. She didn't know how many famous things in the world she had eaten, but none of them could be as fragrant as the one with the surname Yang.    


However, people shouldn't lose face. Although Nana couldn't endure it any longer, she couldn't back down on her words. She was prepared to use words to shock Yang Fann before eating, so as to save herself from being inflated by the surname Yang.    


Who knew that this damned b * tch, Yao Ji, would be so weak that she started to eat before she could finish her words. Moreover, she ate very quickly, glancing at the bowl that belonged to her as she ate.    


Nana's math was not bad, and she knew that Yang Fann only ate three bowls of noodles, the three of them each had one bowl. If her bowl was eaten by Witch, she definitely wouldn't have the chance to eat it.    


Based on her current speed, Nana estimated that if she didn't move her chopsticks after two minutes, her bowl of noodles might be snatched away by Xia Ji.    


Nana had no doubt that once Witch had finished his bowl, she would definitely snatch his bowl of noodles. That was because the way she stared at her face had already betrayed his true thoughts.    


Looking at Yang Fann, he seemed to be calmly eating the noodles while laughing, as if he was not talking to him at all. Obviously, this guy had no good intentions, he was probably holding back and waiting for the witch to snatch the noodles with him!    


If her noodles were eaten by the witch, with her understanding of Yang Fann, she definitely wouldn't make a second bowl for her. A bottle of broken medicine actually cost her 200 thousand yuan and she didn't know what price she would have to pay for a bowl of noodles!    


Nana couldn't help but think of the scene last night when she stood naked in front of Yang Fann. Yang Fann looked at her again and then ran away. Ever since she met Yang Fann, she had never seen Yang Wei in such a sorry state.    


Em, it seems like I shouldn't feel satisfied, should feel disadvantaged, and that surnamed Yang should feel satisfied, am I swollen, to actually feel satisfied after being looked at like this, should I really find a boyfriend to solve my physiological problems?    


Just as Nana was in a daze, she suddenly heard the sound of noodles falling to the ground. She turned around to check, and found that the demoness' bowl had been bottomed, and the comrade was holding the bowl, licking the bowl with his tongue!    


Just as Nana was about to tease this nemesis of hers, she suddenly realized that Comrade Witch's gaze was off. She was staring at the noodle bowl that she had yet to take a bite of, and her body was ready to pounce at any moment.    


As her colleague, how could Nana not know that the demoness was already looking for an opportunity to steal her face?    


This time, Comrade Nana didn't have the time to oppose Yang Fann. With a speed that fast enough to cover one's ears, she used a famous dog's pounce to take the first step and pulled the bowl of noodles from the table into her arms, slowing Comrade Witch who had already left her seat.    


Nana didn't have the time to pay attention to the vexed demoness who was thumping her chest and stomping her feet. She hurriedly used her chopsticks to pick up a strand of noodles and chomped down on it without any care for her image of a lady.    


Then, Comrade Nana was stunned.    


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