Take Along A Spring



Sometimes, in the world, things are like this. When you want to find someone, you can't find them no matter what you say. But when you're not paying attention, she just happens to appear in front of you.    


Among all the women Yang Fann knew, Lisa had the hottest body and some organs were even bigger than the mixed blood beauty Sofia. Lisa's body was full of vigor after special training, and every part of her body showed the rhythm of youth.    


For a split-second, Yang Fann almost pushed open the window as he shouted Lisa's name.    


There were seven to eight billion people in the world, so being able to bump into one in an unfamiliar city was definitely a type of fate. If he didn't make good use of the opportunity granted by the heavens, or give himself a shot, perhaps even passersby would despise him.    


However, after some thought, Yang Fann dispelled the idea of meeting Lisa right now. Lisa was too mysterious, and Yang Fann still couldn't figure out if her surname was Jiang or she was a pervert. Especially since Lisa had put on makeup, if Yang Fann showed up, he might expose himself while ruining her plan.    


Of course, Yang Fann wasn't afraid of exposing himself, and he wasn't afraid of anyone harming him. The reason why Yang Fann had to hide his whereabouts was because he was afraid of alerting people and scaring those Underground World fellows away. He didn't have time to look around for them.    


Perhaps it was because the auction was about to begin, but there were a lot of foreigners around the auction house. There was more than one foreigner like Lisa who was arrogantly standing at the entrance of the auction house and enjoying the scenery, so there was nothing to be surprised about.    


Yang Fann didn't look for Ren Yi or Lee Jian anymore. The next morning, he personally went to the auction house and paid a deposit of 100 thousand Chinese dollars. He obtained a quota and a copy of the auction materials.    


Yang Fann's six senses were sharp and his reading ability was outrageous. As he flipped through the items one by one, the entire item's information was firmly memorized by him.    


From the surface, this auction wasn't anything special. Although there were a few that could be counted in the world, they were only considered to have a bit of fame. They shouldn't be able to attract so many foreign auctioneers.    


Holy sh * t, I don't want to make a move, but since you guys aren't playing according to the rules, then I won't blame you guys. If I don't teach you guys a lesson, you'd think there's no one left in China!    


Maybe because they felt that China's foreign policy was better than theirs, a large number of International Friend seemed to have nothing to fear. Not only did they brazenly live near the auction house, they also openly strolled around the auction house with an arrogant demeanor.    


Therefore, Yang Fann was also prepared to find a few International Friend s to have a heart-to-heart talk. As the saying goes, there's no need to be rude when coming and going, if we don't properly entertain and entertain these many International Friend s, how would we display the elegance of the Da Hua Xia Empire?    


"Friend, do you have time? I'd like to buy you a drink."    


Yang Fann lightly patted on the shoulder of a International Friend and gave Uncle Sam a fright. Uncle Sam, who was fully focused on observing the auction house, jumped in shock and anger.    


Uncle Sam's fist stopped in the air. His pair of deep blue eyes were filled with confusion. Why is this young man with an eastern face so good-looking? He's so handsome!    


At this moment, in Uncle Sam's eyes, Yang Fann was more intimate than his father. When Uncle Sam saw Yang Fann, he immediately thought back to his childhood. His dear father held his hand and told him the story of Thanksgiving.    


Thanksgiving, roast turkey leg, Indian, Mayflower...    


What a yearning era, the scalp of an Indian could change into a horse. If he had been born in that era, he would have definitely killed him. But now, he had to sneakily kill anyone.    


Thus, Uncle Sam subconsciously followed Yang Fann into a coffee shop not far away. He found a seat for two and started to tell a story about himself.    


Looking at the empty seat in front of him, Uncle Sam suspected that he was drunk, not a young man like his father. Uncle Sam talked for a long time, Uncle Sam didn't wake up until the sun was setting, looking at the empty seat in front of him, Uncle Sam suspected that he was drunk.    


Uncle Sam did not realize that he had never been this careless before. No matter how normal things were, he had to think about it again and again to confirm that there were no problems before he could let it go.    


He didn't know why, but after sitting in a coffee shop for the whole afternoon, Uncle Sam actually didn't have any doubts. He even happily gave a 100 yuan beautiful knife to the waitress, and Uncle Sam almost kissed him due to his excitement.    


Of course, in Uncle Sam's eyes, a service sister who had a tonnage exceeding 200 pounds couldn't be considered fat because his hometown had many fat people. Some of them even had to take two seats on the plane, which was quite terrifying.    


If Uncle Sam was twenty years younger, he would definitely not have any interest in women with a tonnage on display, but with the change in age and experience, Uncle Sam was becoming more and more interested in fat girls. He felt more and more interested in fat girls.    


Uncle Samguang wanted to serve his sister. He had no idea that all his information had already been gathered by someone else.    


Yang Fann took out a lot of dry goods from Uncle Sam's mouth. Including the reason he came to participate in the auction, even his identity in Underground World was known by Yang Fann.    


Originally, the main reason why there were so many foreign friends participating in Sea City's auction was to auction off a piece of information related to the Lost World. The seller spread the word in the Underground World that he was preparing to auction off the lost world information.    


Putting the information on auction in an ordinary auction, the seller was smart enough to avoid certain risks and reap the greatest benefits.    


Especially the chosen location, China, listen to me, such a big place, one of the safest places in the world, but it's different from those places in Singapore, I have absolute respect for the International Friend, where else can I go if I don't come to China?    


Yang Fann was infuriated. He thought to himself, "The organization Dark Blood Society is really unreliable, putting a fake intelligence report on the surface only to use points to buy the real thing. Plus, what they bought was only a piece of information to attend the auction in China's Sea City."    


Compared to Hans, Uncle Sam was much more reliable. Not only was his position in the Underground World higher than Hans, the organization he joined was also stronger than the Dark Blood Society.    


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