The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng looked at Lei Zihan's expression and laughed bitterly in his heart. He did not think that this would happen like the last time he was in a bar, where such a thing would happen.    


In Ye Cheng's opinion, this top quality pump girl was someone who could take care of things easily, even to the point of disregarding everything else. Although she had a big head, and had been acting in an arrogant and despotic manner for a while, she did not have a bad heart, and Ye Cheng had already noticed it, or else, he would not have agreed to let Lei Qinglong take care of the Eastern Ocean Underground World. Furthermore, Ye Cheng felt relaxed when he was with her, which was why he had pestered this pump girl for so long because he did not think that this little girl would have such a strong ego.    


"Miss, may I ask if you want the Purple Heart Orchid that you just ordered?" the waiter asked.    


"Nope." Lei Zihan waved his hands weakly, and the waiter left.    


"What's wrong? Being compared to Zhu Dan, you think that you are not in a good mood? " Ye Cheng took a sip of the red wine on the table and quickly typed a few words into his phone.    


"Of course I'm not happy. This Zhu Dan clearly came here today on purpose to annoy me, I just didn't expect this woman to be so well-prepared, and I don't know what method her boyfriend used to obtain the Youlan Club's Illusory Dream, to embarrass me in front of so many students. When I return to school, the other students won't know how to tease me." Lei Zihan said listlessly, his entire body was resting on the round table, his eyes did not have any light.    


At this moment, a male student at the next table came over and said to Lei Zihan, "Lei Zihan, don't be upset. Isn't this just a special illusion created by the Youlan Society? "Don't worry, I'll definitely bring you a cup the next time you come here." However, when he spoke, his mood seemed to be very excited, and his entire face was a little red. Ye Cheng noticed that the boy's gaze towards Lei Zihan was filled with adoration and admiration, but he didn't dare to express it, and could only express his feelings from other aspects.    


Ye Cheng shook his head, thinking that a girl with Lei Zihan's personality would definitely not like a boy with such a timid personality like him. If this guy had stood out when Zhu Dan obtained the Phantom Shadow, he might have been able to get a good impression from Lei Zihan, but now ?    


Sure enough, Lei Zihan impatiently looked up at the man and said: "Aunt, I'm not in a good mood right now. If you have the ability, get me a cup of Illusory Ghost instead.    


Seeing the playful expressions of the other boys, he embarrassedly walked back to his original position. Only, he did not forget to look at Lei Zihan once more, and the affection in his eyes did not decrease in the slightest because of Lei Zihan's scolding.    


"It's your birthday today. I wonder if you will be happy if I give you a present." Ye Cheng looked at Lei Zihan and asked.    


"Eh?" Lei Zihan raised his head and looked at Ye Cheng, thinking: "That depends on what gift it is, as long as it can compare to that cup of Youlan Club made Illusory Ghost, compared to that bitch Zhu Dan, I will definitely get better, if not, that thing will definitely mock me even more."    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng laughed lightly but did not explain. He knew that Sang Huihui would not be too shabby, this entire family's Youlan Club was all hers, he laughed and said: "But I have a request, if you are satisfied with the gift I gave you, you must agree to one of my conditions."    


"And they even have conditions. What conditions?" Lei Zihan looked at Ye Cheng with some vigilance, then suddenly laughed: "elder brother Ye, you couldn't be planning something bad for me right? If that's the case, you might be disappointed, but before I said those words to you, I might just be angry at you for not being able to say them. Don't look at how I normally dress up, but in my heart, I'm a pure and innocent woman, don't you think that Zhu Dan would call me the pure and innocent Queen?    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng laughed bitterly, and said: "Why don't you give it up? I remember the first time you met me, you threatened to snap me off. "    


"Hehe, who asked you to bully me. Since I was young, no one has ever dared to bully me like this." Lei Zihan's eyes turned, revealing a trace of reminiscence, thinking back to that time, when the guy in front of him took advantage of him on their first meeting, and at that time when he was just too angry, he was about to cripple Ye Cheng, but no matter what he did, he could not earn any benefits from Ye Cheng, and in the end, he even made Ye Cheng a maid for a month. However, Ye Cheng only earned some verbal benefits, and did not really earn any benefits from his side.    


"I'm not bullying you. You brought someone to cause me trouble, I'm protecting myself." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Who asked you to bully my brother. As his sister, I naturally have to help him get back at them." Lei Zihan snorted, thinking about the matter with Ye Cheng in the past, his thoughts changed to Ye Cheng, causing him to feel much better, the corners of his mouth raised into a smile.    


At this time, a ruckus suddenly came from the clubhouse, accompanied by the screams of several male animals, "Nether Orchid Goddess, Nether Orchid Goddess ?"    


Ye Cheng raised his head to look at the center of the dance floor, and discovered that Sang Huihui was already standing in the middle of the dance floor. He was thinking to himself, this Sang Huihui is actually very cooperative, but what does she want to do ?    


Ye Cheng had naturally sent a message just now to get her to prepare a present for Lei Zihan, and even more so, to not be too shabby. If one were to talk about what kind of present Sang Huihui was preparing, Ye Cheng really did not know at all.    


Lei Zihan did not forget what Ye Cheng had said just now, and asked: "elder brother Ye, what exactly do you want to give me?"    


"You'll know in a bit. Don't worry, let's watch the show first. This is the owner of the Youlan Club, the goddess of the masses for all the men. I wonder what she's going to perform for."    


"Is that so?" Lei Zihan looked curiously at the stage in the middle.    


It was unknown when, but a zither that seemed to be of an ancient style was already placed in the center of the stage. Sang Huihui was actually wearing an ancient robe and sat in front of the zither facing the crowd below the stage.    


It could be said that Sang Huihui had the most femininity out of all of Ye Cheng's women, and was the one who would most easily attract attention from men. Furthermore, she did not look bad, and now that she was wearing ancient clothes, her graceful appearance made it seem as if she had become a completely different person.    


Seeing that everyone below the stage was looking at him, Sang Huihui instantly turned into an ancient beauty. Her eyes contained spring water and waves of longing, the jade dragon and phoenix hairpin stuck on her head, the jade dragon and phoenix hairpin on her head was even more beautiful than a flower, her jade-like lips were like Zhu Dan's, every single one of her expressions were captivating. Sang Huihui pressed her hand lightly, and the screams instantly disappeared, and the entire bar became extremely quiet, Ye Cheng saw, that even Zhu Dan and the others were looking at the stage with envious and fanatical expressions, this Sang Huihui had truly cultivated to a high level, her temperament had also changed greatly, and now, she was no longer an old or young girl, only both men and women.    


It was just that, even Ye Cheng, who was extremely familiar with Sang Huihui, had to admit that if Ye Cheng did not know that he was a slut who did not know how tired she was, he would have thought that she was a lady from a noble family.    


"Dear guests, I am Sister Hui." Sang Huihui gently lifted her cherry red lips, and gave a gentle bow to the crowd below the stage.    


Boom!" Countless young men and men revealed expressions of fanaticism and admiration, including many women. The current scene was like those Star Chasers on TV. This time, in the Youlan Club, this woman who exuded gentleness and elegance was the goddess of their hearts.    


The Youlan Club also existed because of her.    


At this moment, the Youlan Club was also going crazy because of her ?    


Once again, Sang Huihui gracefully waved his hand, and the club became quiet again. Sang Huihui smiled towards the crowd, and out of the corner of his eyes, he unnoticeably glanced at Ye Cheng, and spoke to the people around him: "Because of a special reason, the Flower Harvesting Dance that occurs every half a month will happen tonight."    


Seeing the doubtful look in everyone's eyes, and seeing that all the guests were listening quietly to their own words, Sang Huihui once again let out a light laugh: "Only, this time is different than the previous times. Tonight, I will dance with the dance I created and prepared, and pick the lilies from the lily pool. Moreover, these lilies are not for auction, but for a very special guest who is making them.    


Boom!" Countless young men and men revealed expressions of fanaticism and admiration, including many women. The current scene was like those Star Chasers on TV. This time, in the Youlan Club, this woman who exuded gentleness and elegance was the goddess of their hearts.    


"Three!" The bar of the clubhouse immediately burst into a frenzy as uncontrollable cries of alarm rang out. The fanaticism in the eyes of many youths had already reached a terrifying limit. If not for someone pulling them, they would have already rushed onto the stage crazily.    


All the guests in the Youlan Club knew a rule, and that was every half a month, the owner of the Youlan Club, Sang Huihui, would dance a self-created dance and perform in public. Furthermore, she would also personally pick a lily flower from the lily pool and dance with it.    


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