The Romantic Soldier King



"Hehe, you really know how to talk. When did I ever say I like you?" Ye Cheng shook his head and laughed.    


"Huh?" Originally, she was a little shy and afraid of being asked this question. If Ye Cheng had said that he wanted her body, would she have given it to him?    


Looking at Ye Cheng's serious expression, Lei Zihan thought for a bit. It was indeed like that, Ye Cheng had never said that he liked her, and those things were only things that he took for granted.    


Ye Cheng saw Lei Zihan's worried look and wanted to explain to her how he felt about her, but thought better of it. He didn't do anything to her anyway, otherwise, he would definitely hurt this girl's heart. He smiled and reached out to pinch Lei Zihan's cute little face, "You're so pretty and cute, only idiots wouldn't like you."    


"Then tell me if you like it or not ?" Lei Zihan's eyes lit up, and said coquettishly as she reached out her arms to hug Ye Cheng's arm.    


Ye Cheng was speechless, then laughed: "I like it!"    


"Yay!" Hearing that, Lei Zihan's eyes immediately lit up. He made a victory sign and jumped onto Ye Cheng's body, his two arms hugging Ye Cheng's neck, his face full of excitement.    


"Holy sh * t!" Lei Zihan was fine after fleeing, but in the beginning, Ye Cheng had only lightly leaned his back on the comfortable sofa, but after fleeing, his own back was pushed against the sofa, the pain made Ye Cheng grimace in pain, he took in a breath of cool air and tilted his body, bringing Lei Zihan down on the sofa.    


"Ya!" Lei Zihan's hands were only holding onto Ye Cheng's neck, so when Ye Cheng fell, she naturally fell as well. Ye Cheng subconsciously reached out and grabbed onto Lei Zihan's waist to prevent her from tumbling down from the sofa, and he also prevented her from holding onto his neck and twisting her head into a mess. However, Ye Cheng suddenly felt that his face was covered by a soft and soft object. He instinctively stretched out his hand to push Lei Zihan away, but he suddenly froze. Damn, why was he so familiar with this place?    


"Mhmm ?"    


The excited Lei Zihan was just wondering why elder brother Ye fell to the ground when she suddenly felt her treasure being grabbed by something, and even massaged her treasure twice. One of them was even pushed to the side, and a burst of hot air immediately came from her chest.    


The numbness spread from a treasure into his entire body in an instant. Lei Zihan instantly lost all of his strength, and once again laid weakly on Ye Cheng's body, not moving a single inch ?    


F * ck, why is it so big ?    


moaned in his heart. Previously, he was just a muddleheaded fool who did not pay special attention to him, but now that Lei Zihan's two treasures were not only in his hands, but they were right in front of his eyes. His nose was being pinched in the middle of his chest, and his two big treasures were being magnified in front of his two eyeballs.    


This was the living room! Ye Cheng wanted to push Lei Zihan away but couldn't bear to, so he smelt a faint fragrance from inside, it wasn't the smell of perfume, but a very special and light fragrance that the little pump girl rarely sprayed out, a fragrance that belonged to Lei Zihan himself. Maybe this was the legendary smell of a virgin's body, Ye Cheng thought in his mind, feeling dizzy and forgot where he was.    


Cheng Yalan carried a plate of stir-fried vegetables to the dining room and was about to take a look at the two people on the sofa who were "entangled" with each other. His expression turned awkward for a moment, and he quickly retreated back to the kitchen ?    


"Why did you bring it back?" Lei Qinglong looked at his wife who had returned, puzzled.    


"Hu!" Cheng Yalan placed the plate on the table and lightly patted his thumping heart, rolled his eyes at Lei Qinglong, and quickly made a silent gesture with his hands. After sneaking a glance outside, he lowered his voice and said: "Xiao Han and Young Master are busy again?"    


"What are you busy with again?" Lei Qinglong was confused at first, but then he was stunned: "It can't be, they are in the living room?"    


"Yeah, the two of them got together on the sofa." Cheng Yalan's face turned red, even people who had seen it would feel embarrassed when they thought of their daughter holding Ye Cheng's head and burying her treasure in Ye Cheng's face, the new saying that a young person was still young, looks like they were already old, they would not be able to go crazy again.    


"This... How can that be okay, even if you want to, you can't stay in the living room. Today can be considered a day, just in case someone comes and sees you, this Ye Cheng, really. " Lei Qinglong's face sank. Even though he was a little afraid of Ye Cheng in his heart, he couldn't think too much about the happiness of his own daughter.    


"Come back here! What are you going to do? You can die if you lower your voice! " Cheng Yalan pulled Lei Qinglong back into the kitchen and scolded him in a low voice.    


"Let me remind Ye Cheng, although our Xiao Han likes him a lot, they haven't even gotten married and yet he's already so reckless. Moreover, he's even doing this in front of us, this brat is too insensible, we can't let our Zihan suffer a loss." After all, Lei Qinglong was a director of a large corporation, hence he was filled with anger.    


"What nonsense are you talking about, what's wrong with Ye Cheng!" Cheng Yalan pulled Lei Qinglong and did not let him go out: "I saw very clearly, this time it's not's fault, it's a girl. Zihan is pressing Ye Cheng down on the sofa and hugging his head, this is our daughter bullying Ye Cheng." As Cheng Yalan explained, he couldn't help but blush. He thought to himself, I still haven't realized when my daughter was so bold to be so open-minded.    


"Huh?" Lei Qinglong was stunned: "Are you saying Han Han was facing Ye Cheng in the living room?" He obviously did not believe his wife's words. He was very clear on how capable Ye Cheng was, but he was bullied by Zihan.    


"What do you think? Otherwise, I would have refused long ago." Cheng Yalan rolled her eyes at Lei Qinglong, as she obviously did not know of Ye Cheng's identity, and Lei Qinglong did not tell her wife either. But thinking about it, if Cheng Yalan knew about this, then there would be no way to pass Zihan down, whether it was right or wrong, as long as Zihan was happy, and furthermore, the more she knew about the power of the Hong Alliance, the more worried Lei Qinglong was, and she did not know whether she was doing it right or wrong, and she hoped that Ye Cheng was sincere towards Xiao Han. Moreover, other than Ye Cheng, did she have any other methods?    


"Then what do you think we should do now?" Lei Qinglong heard his wife's explanation and stopped talking. Right now, his daughter was talking to Ye Cheng, and furthermore, no matter what, he had already entrusted Xiao Han to Ye Cheng a long time ago. Moreover, if he said that, no matter what reason he had, he wouldn't be able to go out.    


"What do we do? I think you are an old fool who has gone mad from age, what do you still want to do, of course you have to obediently cook here, pretend that you didn't hear anything, in the future you don't have to worry about your daughter's matters, I think that this brat Ye Cheng is not bad, if you anger him to the point he wants to leave, not only your daughter will follow you off, let's see how your old lady does this to you! "Go and cook, they'll probably be done with it if you're done with them." Cheng Yalan reprimanded his husband a few times, then got back to work.    


Lei Qinglong looked at his wife, even when they were cooking, there was a smile on his lips, and then looked towards the kitchen door, thinking for a while, he did not dare go out, and could only sigh while standing at the side as an assistant.    


"So big and white!"    


Lei Zihan only wore a set of loose pajamas and didn't even have two covers on her. This had gone bad for Ye Cheng, but when Lei Zihan saw that exaggerated piece of white and tender pink meat appear in front of him, he couldn't help but gulp and mutter from the bottom of his heart, This girl really wasn't lying to me, it really wasn't small. After saying that, he couldn't help but lower his head and gently bite at it ?    


What's so big and fair?    


At this time, Lei Zihan's head was already a mess, when she heard Ye Cheng's words, she felt even more confused. However just when she felt this strange feeling, a sharp electric current suddenly transmitted from her chest, causing her body to become agitated, and she finally realized what Ye Cheng meant by those words, causing her face to immediately turn completely red. At the same time, the fish sting caused her to clearly feel that her pyjamas had been completely stretched out, and her body felt so cold that it seemed to be exposed to the air.    


When Lei Zihan looked down, a loud boom resounded in his mind. Ye Cheng actually used his tongue to wrap around his protrusion, and even bit on it, causing Lei Zihan's head to instantly go blank.    


It was just that this time, it was only for a split-second, before Lei Zihan woke up. He was going to die, he was going to die, Lei Zihan was going to die from shame, a feeling that she had never experienced in the past few years made her feel like she was unable to stop herself from instinctively reaching out to grab Ye Cheng's head to let him ruthlessly kiss her enough.    


"elder brother Ye, you can't be like this, you can't be here ?" Lei Zihan's voice trembled as she uttered those words. With some unknown source of strength, she abruptly broke free from Ye Cheng's embrace, tumbling to the side of the sofa. Her small mouth was forcefully opened, and her face showed extreme shame ?    


Being pushed around by Lei Zihan, Ye Cheng quickly regained his senses, even though he was thick-skinned, thinking about his actions just now and Lei Zihan's current expression, his old face couldn't help but flush red. But fortunately, Ye Cheng was not an ordinary person, as his face revealed a look of guilt: "This, Lei Zihan, I did not do it on purpose just now ?"    


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