The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng stretched out his hand, and just as he was about to tug at the man sitting on the chair, he unknowingly fell onto the ground with a groan. "You!"    




A few of them surrounded him, and with one of them holding onto the man, the other two consciously stood behind Ye Cheng, blocking his way.    


When the other customers on the booth saw this, they all hid far away.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, we can discuss, we can discuss. This is a small transaction, I can't afford it!" While smoking, he had intended to invite Ye Cheng and the others out of the stall. Unexpectedly, those hoodlums had grabbed his collar and beat him up, sending him flying to the side with a kick, almost knocking him into the grill.    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. Why do you want to fight? "    


"Brat, the lord wants to run, now it's not as simple as losing money."    


"Then what do you want?"    


"Now that our boss has been beaten senseless by you, what do you think we should do!?"    


"Then I'll call the police!" With that, Ye Cheng took out his phone and called 110.    


"F * ck!" The man who was squatting on the ground cursed as he jumped up to grab Ye Cheng's phone and smashed it onto the ground.    


"You dropped my phone!"    


"What is it?"    


"Accompany me!" "Seven thousand."    


This number, Ye Cheng did not add any water at all, and all of the miscellaneous things added up even exceeded a few hundred.    


Heh heh, heh heh! The man laughed, he looked at Ye Cheng as if he was looking at a monster, he stepped forward and settled Ye Cheng's collar, then said to him: "Kid, did you not hear it clearly just now, you were asking me for money, do you want me to invite our Alliance Master over? Seven thousand, I won't even give you seven thousand. Today, if you don't leave behind one hundred thousand medical fees, you can forget about walking out on your own. Also, there's your woman.    


An Ningxuan stood at the side and really wanted to laugh. This bunch of hoodlums were really interesting.    


"Let's call the police, I want to see how the police will judge. He was the one who first took my tofu and fell down himself, and even accused someone unjustly. Hubby, don't you think so?"    


Dammit, you bitch, I want you to bullshit around here, bro, go get me!    


No matter how he looked at it, this fellow seemed more like a boss. At his command, the two people behind Ye Cheng pulled at An Ningxuan's collar.    


With a shoulder throw, An Ningxuan quickly knocked down one of them, and under the heavy punch, the muscular man fainted.    


Ye Cheng shook his head sympathetically, he could not see how the man made his move. He put one hand on the man's belt and picked up the other big sized man, sending him flying out into the streets.    


After getting rid of the two easily, Ye Cheng smiled and hooked his arm over An Ningxuan's shoulder, and said to the man in front of him: "What do you think your boss's name is? Relying on the Black Tiger Alliance? This place belongs to the east side, isn't there someone called Ah San? Who is he to you? "    


"You, you know Ah San?"    


"You know a little bit, don't you look like a high school student?" "Yes!" The man nodded his head inexplicably, Ye Cheng nodded his head, he picked up An Ningxuan's phone and called. After a long while, someone picked up the phone. East District's Little Food Street. "    


Seeing that Ye Cheng had made such an unreasonable call, the man's heart involuntarily skipped a beat. I want to call someone over to help. Hehe, I have a lot of people under my command. "Just you wait."    


The man seemed to want to become a warrior, so he made several phone calls. In a moment, many people walked out from the alleys and surrounded the kebab stall.    


Ye Cheng smiled calmly and pulled An Ningxuan to sit down. He waved at the Lady Boss and shouted, "Twenty more kebabs, ten more kebabs, and five more bottles of beer!"    


The Lady Boss's face turned pale. How could she still dare to roast meat!? "Big, big uncle!"    


"It's okay, don't be afraid. With me here, they won't be able to touch you. I'll be starving even if I have to roast some meat."    


An Ningxuan rolled his eyes at Ye Cheng. Something that could be easily settled obviously needed to cause such a commotion.    


Ye Cheng sat at the small table, and drank his wine with relish, not putting the people around him in his eyes at all.    


When he first exterminated the Hong Alliance, he was at the lead of Ah San. Now, he could be considered as the little leader, who would not let him see, as long as he announced his name, who would dare to collect money from him on this street? Today, he had met a crazy person.    


When the Lady Boss placed the skewers Ye Cheng asked for on the table, the crowd automatically parted, and a high school student dressed in a coarse white cloth and blue military pants walked in. He dragged his black ball shoes, with both of his hands in his pockets, as he slowly moved amidst the crowd.    


When the man saw the high school student, he became nervous for no reason. He immediately walked in front of him and whispered a few words into his ear, the high school student then raised his head and looked at Ye Cheng who was seated on the square table drinking and eating skewers with An Ningxuan. His eyes darkened, and without saying a word, he grabbed onto the man's collar and smashed him onto the ground.    


The high school student stepped on the man's head as he walked in front of Ye Cheng.    


Ah San's actions immediately made the others inexplicably retreat a few steps, staring at the Ye Cheng who was eating and drinking, swallowing their saliva.    




The dead man suddenly jumped up, his mouth was wide open, and his expression was extremely strange.    


"The Eastern District is your territory. Bullying, blackmail, intimidation! Everything! " Ye Cheng opened up a bottle of wine and placed it in front of Ah San. "This is just a district. If you don't have the ability to control the north district and the south district, you can let others do the same."    


"There won't be a next time!"    


"Black Tiger Alliance doesn't need waste. Bastard!"    


Ye Cheng put down the money and walked out of the crowd while holding An Ningxuan's wrist.    


Ah San stood up, he grabbed the bamboo stick on the table, and walked towards the few people who were cheating, frowning, and covered his mouth with one hand. The bamboo stick silently pierced through his neck, and the man's entire body twitched and stopped moving.    


After instantly killing one of them, the man who was previously captured by Ah San jumped up and fled for his life.    


Ah San raised the corner of his mouth, stepping onto the stool that Ye Cheng was sitting on before, the stool bounced up, he bent his legs and kicked it, causing the stool to shatter, and a leg flew towards the man who escaped.    


Puff! The leg of the stool came unerringly through his heart from his back, and the man went limp on his face.    


"Cut off their heads and hang them on the casino wall! This is your example. "    


Ah San spat out these harsh words. Both of his hands were in his pockets, dragging his ball shoes as he walked away slowly.    


The effect of killing a chicken to make an example of a monkey was outstanding!    


The largest casino in the east district had a bright head hanging over it. Although it looked frightening, it had garnered quite a bit of popularity.    


An Ningxuan told Ye Cheng that after he had identified the body, Yi Lang would leave on a plane that very night. Inagawa Otake's body had been cremated this morning and brought back by a lawyer.    


As the plane departed, not even a speck of dust was left behind for Inagawa-kai in the East Sea.    


Qiao Rubing stood in front of the french window. Following the disappearance of the Inagawa-kai in the Eastern Ocean, his cooperation with Yue Yang became more difficult to deal with after his victory.    


JOY knocks on the door and steps behind her.    


"Someone has sent a letter. I have read it!" "Good news."    


Qiao Rubing stared at JOY, his cold eyes devoid of emotion. You're just my legal adviser, not my private secretary. "    


"Legal advisers are a lot more inclusive, such as the content of all business documents, which may contain some unequal treaties."    


Qiao Rubing curled his lips, and forced out a smile that she thought was a very reserved smile. What news? "    


"Mr. Yiran is very interested in the previous cooperation plan and would like to have the opportunity to meet with you."    


"I don't have any interest in this area right now, so I'll put it on hold for now!"    


"This is a chance for victory to return to its original state. Does the CEO really want to give it up?"    


"Medicine has always been the wish of my parents, not mine!" Qiao Rubing turned to look out the window. We'll discuss this matter again. "    


"JOY raised his eyebrows and swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth." Young Master Han's plane arrived in the East China Sea tonight. Young Master Song called, and hoped to have dinner with you. "    


"You can go in my place!"    


Qiao Rubing revealed a tired figure, she picked up her bag and walked out of the CEO's room.    


JOY let out a cold snort. He sat on the chair in front of the president without a care in the world. He spun around in a circle and stared at the photo on the wall in front of him. His face darkened.    


Ye Cheng walked into the faraway bar and discovered that the old man was openly sitting at the bar drinking wine. He sat beside and asked for a cup of the same wine.    


"Not bad. It was beyond my imagination."    


"Not only you, I'm also surprised." Ye Cheng said in a low voice: "Have you found out where the ice is?"    


"Leng Zhao is very cunning, he is not in the carriage, and the exit record does not have the name of the little miss. He should still be in the East Sea, and there haven't been any smugglers entering the port recently."    


"As long as you are in the East China Sea, you are not afraid of not being able to find them. Where are the whereabouts of the three elders and the white-robed man? "    


"The old man shook his head. After he disappeared into the ice, the two of them seemed to have disappeared from the world, disappearing without a trace." Leng family has found the imperial lawyer, he is the one who specializes in criminal cases, he has never lost, so tomorrow morning, he will go to the East Sea, if no accidents happens, Leng Zhao will be bailed out. "    


"Humph!" "It is very difficult to bail them out if there is evidence." Ye Cheng patted the chief's shoulder, then asked suspiciously: "Why didn't you get destroyed by your fellow sect members just because you appeared here?"    


"I am not the one who killed Leng Yifan, the murderer has already been found."    


Ye Cheng voiced out his doubts.    


"I'm curious as well, but I haven't seen the culprit with my own eyes."    


"You know very well that Cool Ice was not at the hotel that night."    


"She's here!"    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders. He walked out of the bar in the distance and headed towards the ocean's edge.    


The fishing boats were parked on the shore and lined up in a row.    


Correspondingly, there was a row of seafood restaurants. Ye Cheng opened the door, and a welcoming voice came from inside as he walked into a small room. A girl was lying on the ground with her face towards the back, drinking too much.    


Ye Cheng sighed, carried the girl on his back, carried her on his shoulder, and greeted the boss before paying the bill and walking out of the seafood shop.    


Jumping onto a fishing boat, Ye Cheng walked straight to the cabin and threw the girl onto the bed. He took out an ice bag from the refrigerator and pressed it onto the girl's head.    




"The ice-cold stimulation caused the girl to wake up from her stupor. She jumped up from her seat and threw a punch towards Ye Cheng. "Who?"    


Ye Cheng casually blocked the girl's fist, and used one hand to press the dial button.    


"Come here and bring our men!"    


The girl stared straight at Ye Cheng, and only after a long while did she recognize him. " You, why are you here? How did you find me? "    


"I don't want to talk to an alcoholic right now." Ye Cheng unceremoniously pressed a palm on the girl's face, pushing her back onto the bed.    


"Who did you say was an alcoholic?! "Madman, come and fight with me."    


Ye Cheng curled his lips, and once again pressed the girl down on the bed.    


Women were even more frightening than men when it came to drinking. Taking the chance that Ye Cheng was not paying attention, the woman jumped onto his body and bit down hard on his neck.    




Ye Cheng screamed miserably as he forcefully pulled her down from his body and threw her on the bed. Do you believe that I won't beat you? "    


"Come on, who's afraid of who? If you don't force me today, then you're not a man! "    


Ye Cheng glared at the woman fiercely.    


"Leng Bing, if you weren't Leng family's little miss, I would definitely throw you into the ocean to feed the fishes today."    


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