The Romantic Soldier King



The blade in his hand had turned red from the heat of the fire. Ye Cheng brought the candle closer to the wound and bit by bit shaved off the rotten flesh. These were all ordinary people and could not be dealt with by Second Mother's methods.    


The scraped flesh quickly grew back, making it difficult for Ye Cheng. He looked at Ahbuda in front of him, and after hesitating for a moment, he used a flame to burn his wound, causing the injured man to shout loudly.    


"Press him down. Don't let him move."    


Not long later, a worm-like thing crawled out from the rotten meat. Ahbuda let out a scream, but under Ye Cheng's gaze, he did not dare to relax even a little.    


Ye Cheng's attacks were extremely fast, in the moment that the meat pillar worm jumped out, the two pieces of the blade cut off its body, one of them grinded it into pieces, then continued to hang onto the flesh and pus. After bleeding, fresh blood started to flow out.    


"I can sew up the wound now!"    


Ahbuda skeptically used the local folklore to treat his clansmen's wounds. Only until Ye Cheng treated the injuries of the others the same way, did he manage to heal one of them.    


After Ye Cheng helped Ahbuda to tend to everyone else's wounds, the rain outside had started to lessen. Is there anything else? " Seeing that Ahbuda looked like he wanted to say something, Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Can you come with me to a place?"    


"Fine, I want to send him back."    


Ye Cheng went back to the village and called for a few people to help him, to bring him back, and just as he was about to leave with Ahbuda, he was stopped by Bai Yue.    


"Let's talk about it later!"    


"No one is allowed to leave this place now."    


Ahbuda's face was filled with anxiety, he stared at the tyrannical Bai Yue and started to let out sounds of whooshing. Ye Cheng blocked in front of him and said: "I will be back soon."    


"Ye Cheng, we are not clear on the situation outside yet, if you leave on your own, I will not send any more people to support you."    


"No need!"    


Ye Cheng frowned slightly. He patted Ahbuda's shoulder and the two of them left the village together.    


Ye Cheng, who was following closely behind Ahbuda, could see that this sturdy mountain person had some skills in his movements, and was stepping on the slippery mud floor to become abnormally stable.    


The two of them soon arrived at another hillside. There was a very small hole here that looked like a cave where animals hid themselves.    


Ye Cheng very quickly thought of the woman with the round and perky face.    


"Save her!" Ahbuda's voice was choked with emotions.    


Ye Cheng ducked his body and entered the cave. She was indeed a pretty woman, with her hair tied up in a cloth cap. She was dressed like a boy, but like a woman.    


"You took her hunting with you?"    


"She blocked it for me, and when she was attacked by those monsters, she was almost dragged away. I tried my best to pull her back. They won't let me take her back to the stronghold. I can't abandon her. "    


Ahbuda's speech always had a docile, uncoordinated way of speaking, making people feel very tired listening to him, but Ye Cheng still understood what he meant.    


The lady's injuries were severe, her body was in no better condition, and even if she were to be treated as a pest, her body would not be able to withstand the pain, but seeing the look in Ahbuda's eyes, Ye Cheng could not bear to refuse.    


Sighing, Ye Cheng took out his blade and began to clean the clothes on the woman's body.    


A wet hand grabbed onto Ye Cheng's wrist, but she still had some consciousness, so she shook her head at Ye Cheng. I can't live with them. They're here with me. "    


Ye Cheng looked at the woman, and in front of Ahbuda, he untied the clothes on her chest. The woman's body was as plump as a young girl. Under the dark skin, there was a wriggling, finger-long thing. It looked extremely disgusting.    


Ahbuda let out a loud shout and slapped his palm down, but was blocked by Ye Cheng. " It was useless! If you can't kill these things, it will actually give them the chance to enter your body. " Ye Cheng passed the military blade to Ahbuda. Send her on her final journey and burn the body. "    


When Ye Cheng walked out of the cave, he sighed and walked a few steps away. Hearing Ahbuda's crying sound from inside, not only did Ye Cheng start to worry, would they still be able to come out alive?    


Before dawn, Ahbuda walked out of the cave and held a very simple funeral for his woman. He covered the cave with grass and branches, and with Ye Cheng's secret assistance, he lit it up.    


Seeing that the lady's body was slowly burning up, Ahbuda became silent like a dead man. When Ye Cheng returned to the village, the sky was already bright.    


Bai Yue instructed his subordinates to gather all the materials and prepare to enter the mountain. Ye Cheng looked at the box of useless items, and could only shake his head helplessly. He was well aware of Bai Yue's stubbornness. Some people would turn back after hitting Nan Shan, some would only go forward endlessly, knowing that their heads were bleeding and they would not turn back. Ye Cheng did not seem to have any sympathy for those people behind them, so at this moment, he would no longer try to stop them.    


"You're the only one left. When we're ready, we'll set off immediately."    


Ye Cheng looked at the people in the village and said: "Let's wait for half a day. It's just dawn now, those things should still be nearby."    


"The plan will not change. We must reach the valley before noon."    


"This is a moral issue. Since you've made such a big trouble for them by eating their food, isn't it too unreasonable to just leave like that?"    


"You can choose to stay!"    


Ye Cheng shrugged and lazily sat on the stairs of the tall building, stretching his legs and leaning back.    


Bai Yue glared at Ye Cheng angrily, she shouted to the others and led the people out of the mountain stronghold.    


"Boss, you're not leaving?"    


"You guys watch over that woman for the rest of the day, I'll catch up with you guys."    


Xiao Yifeng nodded his head, and brought the already called Liu Xi to the front of the group. Bai Lang glanced at Ye Cheng, then pulled down his hat and walked with Black Two Dog, An Gaohan was still in charge of the last line of defense.    


After they left, Ye Cheng called Ahbuda over. Other than the injured, the rest of them were all in charge of setting up a wall of fire in the village.    


"Those things are afraid of fire. Once an invasion is discovered, we will use fire to deal with them."    


"I'll go with you." Ahbuda said after thinking for a long time.    


Ye Cheng shook his head.    


"I want to avenge her!"    


"He is the person in our village who is most familiar with this forest. It would be helpful if you brought him along." A child walked past Ye Cheng. This is what the wizard asked me to pass on to you.    


The child held Ahbuda's hand and walked towards the tallest building in the village.    


Ye Cheng opened the bag. Inside was a handwritten book and a few bottles. Opening the notebook, Ye Cheng was immediately attracted by what was written on it.    


Raising his head to look at the tall building, he could clearly see the old face behind the shadow.    


More than an hour later, Ahbuda walked out from the tall building. His body was filled with black tattoos and Ye Cheng was extremely curious.    


"What did he do to you?"    


Ahbuda smiled honestly and didn't reply. Carrying a bamboo basket, putting on water and food, and a fifty centimeter long black blade, he walked out of the village.    


After Ye Cheng greeted the people from the village one by one, he chased after Ahbuda with a witch's gift and bag.    


This was a path of no return! If possible, Ye Cheng did not wish for Ahbuda to follow him, but on the mountain road, Ye Cheng gave up on that idea.    


Based on Bai Yue's route of travel, Ye Cheng and Ahbuda's path was completely opposite of his. It could be said that Ye Cheng walked further and further away from him, but when they reached the top of a mountain, a four to five meter wide river appeared in front of him.    


"This river is called the Mother River. Your people should be taking the smaller one." Ahbuda rested by the river bank for a while, and then pointed to the two mountain peaks opposite them. That's the basin valley you guys are going to, I'll take you on a shortcut. "    


Ye Cheng had seen this river before in the witch's notebook, so he had a vague impression of it.    


"Where is the river boundary?"    


Ahbuda revealed his white teeth and said: "Cover your mother and you can go down."    


"We have to go back."    


Ahbuda stopped Ye Cheng. It's useless to go back now. With their speed, they should have already started crossing the river. "    


"How do you know so well?"    


"When your female team leader entered the village, she asked me to be her guide. However, I did not want to leave my woman, so I did not agree."    


Bai Yue's insight was not bad. Honestly speaking, Ye Cheng had thought about it before, but did not say it.    


After a short break, Ye Cheng followed Abda to the edge of a cliff. He looked up to the mountains, and before him was a wide river. Without a bridge or a boat, how could they cross the river?    


Ahbuda squatted by the side of the river and groped his way around. Not long later, he grabbed a steel chain from the river and tested its fastness.    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, it turned out that this place had another world. After watching Ahbuda climb up the river bank on the other side, Ye Cheng then jumped into the water as if it was his own.    


The river water was bone-chilling cold, enough to chill a person's heart. Ye Cheng squeezed dry his clothes, roasted some dry, then divided the food to Ahbuda and sat beside the fire, asking him how he knew about the chains in the water.    


Ahbuda's answer was very simple. What the Magus said, including this dao, were also provided by the Magus.    


Ye Cheng's heart thumped, his face did not reveal the slightest hint of surprise. He took out the book the Magus gave him, and started to carefully study it against the terrain behind him.    


The basin was Bai Yue's ultimate goal, and crossing this river would allow him to truly enter the primeval forest. He was currently about a kilometer away from Bai Yue, and if nothing unexpected happened, he and Ahbuda would probably reach the basin first. After entering the basin from the mountain road in front of them, it would only take four hours to reach the basin.    


Using Wolf Fang's unique watch, Ye Cheng sent his location and route all the way into the forest.    


Xiao Yifeng's arm started to emit beeping sounds. He found a place where no one could contact him and started to laugh.    


"Brother Xiao, what's so funny?"    


"Someone has entered the forest. We need to hurry up and meet them in the valley."    


"How is that possible? Didn't Boss Ye want to be late by half a day? Why are we in front of us now? "    


Xiao Yifeng shrugged and told Bai Yue the news. After everyone crossed the river, the team headed towards their destination.    


In the dense forest, Xiao Yifeng was leading the way as he broke through the branches. Some birds were chirping above his head, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks and raised his hand, signalling the people behind him to stay alert.    


Ten meters in front of Xiao Yifeng, there was a black shadow that was hanging on a tree. It was around two meters long.    


Liu Xi raised his spear as a cover for Xiao Yifeng. The entire team was extremely nervous.    


Bai Yue quietly squatted beside Liu Xi, using her binoculars to look at Xiao Yifeng's back. After they passed the Mistress River, they were in their territory, so she, who was extremely nervous, started to perspire from her palms.    


Xiao Yifeng hid in the bushes, he raised his head and looked at the black shadow on the tree, the shadow of the tree was dense, he could not see the situation there clearly, he picked up a rock and threw it towards the black shadow.    


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