The Romantic Soldier King



At 8 o'clock sharp, Ye Cheng appeared in front of Xiao Dao. Fat Brother followed behind him.    


There was a large family of seven people living on the fishing boat. It was a very ordinary fishing boat.    


At eight-thirty, the fishing boat slowly pulled out of the dock, the sound of its engines like a tractor.    


The captain gave Xiao Dao the room that the couple lived in and even brought over white wine to warm him up. Fresh seafood was used as a side dish to tell Ye Cheng that they might be ten minutes late due to the wind direction.    


When the captain returned, Xiao Dao told him that they were going to an uninhabited island.    


Because the Fat Brother were all people from a special organization of China, Xiao Dao did not cover himself like he did in the afternoon. He told Ye Cheng that the person who took away the peony was Fog, and that the Chinese organization had sent five members of the natural division. Now that the wind, rain, rain, thunder and lightning have left Hong Kong, the peony could very well be in his hands.    


During these few days, he had been to many of the islands. During the monsoon season, he had heard from the fishermen that there was an island shrouded in mist, and the local fishermen were very familiar with the islands on the sea. He had never seen this misty island before, so he concluded that the peony was on that island.    


Ye Cheng asked the ship master for a nautical map. Xiao Dao said that they were close to Fishery Island, so Xiao Dao could guess.    


Maybe it was because of Ye Cheng's good luck, when the boat encountered the wind and waves when it first went out to sea, it made Fatty feel weak from all the suffering.    


The ship master came in and told Ye Cheng that they would be able to see the misty island in about twenty minutes. However, they could not get close to the island because there were a lot of reefs around the misty island that required Ye Cheng and the others to boat on the island.    


After Ye Cheng bought a few fish spears and ropes from the ship master, the four of them sat on the wooden boat and rowed towards the misty island.    


In the darkness of the night, the misty island seemed to be covered with a thick layer of dust, and one could only see the outline of the entire island and not see the scene on it.    


Just as the captain had said, there were reefs in the vicinity of the misty island. The wooden boat moved with some stumbles, and from time to time, the sound of the boat scraping against the rocks could be heard.    


The thin man looked behind him with a serious expression. The fishing boat was firmly anchored on the surface of the sea. The wooden boat had already left the range of the fish lights.    


"Don't worry!" They are all people from the Hong Alliance. " Xiao Dao could see the worry in the skinny man's eyes and added.    


"You've been living quite well in the Hong Alliance these past few months." Ye Cheng said casually.    


"Young miss's identity is different from ordinary people. I don't work for the Hong Alliance, I'm still a person with Wolf Fang."    


Ye Cheng curled his lips, and his words sounded pale and powerless. When you fall in love with Icy Cold Ice, don't even mention that you're still a man with wolf teeth. When a man with wolf teeth doesn't talk about emotions, can you even kill that woman? I'm afraid that at that time, your gun will be aimed at your own people! "    


"Boss, I dare to guarantee with my life that Leng family and the LY stoste have nothing to do with each other."    


"I believe in those words, but I do not believe the people of Leng family. The Old Master Leng may be innocent, but what the Hong Alliance did in the East Sea is also the truth. Do you know how valuable the LY stoste products are in the market? Old Company Commander believes in you, I don't believe it! "    


Ye Cheng patted Xiao Dao's heart, straightforwardly revealing his true feelings, not because he wanted Xiao Dao to promise him anything, but to give him a warning.    


Xiao Dao sighed and jumped off the boat. He dragged the wooden boat to the shore of the misty island and tied a reef with a rope. After that, he walked towards the inner part of the misty island.    


The fog on the island was much thicker than the foreigners' could see. The deeper they went, the thicker the fog became.    


Fatty was walking at the front while the skinny man was at the back. On this island that was filled with a similar feeling, the two of them were eager to give it a try.    


The misty island didn't have a large area, and its height varied from low to high. To the south was a cliff, and on the lower was a flat ground made up of reefs. There were no tall vegetation on the island, and the moss on the rocks was wet and slippery, making it very difficult to walk.    


The fatty practically jumped towards the center of the island, the four of them forming a straight line as they walked through the thick fog.    


"Do you feel like you're being watched?" Xiao Dao asked.    


"Hm!" Someone spying means you're in the right place! If we follow Fatty, he will be like a hunting dog in the jungle. " Ye Cheng had the same feeling. From the moment they had landed on the island, there had been people spying on them.    


Xiao Dao replied. He reminded the fatty in front to be careful. The four of them tried their best not to split up. Fog raged on the island in the middle of the night. It would be troublesome if they left the group early.    


The four of them walked for more than half an hour before climbing the cliff. From their vantage point, they could see that the entire bottom of the island was shrouded in mist.    


Through the telescope, Ye Cheng pointed to a spot at the bottom and said: "There's a whirlpool there!"    


After adjusting the telescope, Xiao Dao indeed discovered an unremarkable vortex within the layer of mist. If it were not for his excellent eyesight, he would not have been able to see the subtle changes under the mist.    


"It might be the wind!"    


"Ye Cheng said as he smiled confidently. "You come down with me."    


"I'll go with you!" Xiao Dao volunteered.    


"Your mission is over. Now it's my business." Ye Cheng pressed down on Xiao Dao's shoulder, he turned towards Fatty and said: "This skinny guy will be back with Peony. Go back the way you came, and leave this place as soon as possible."    


Without waiting for others to object, Ye Cheng had already rushed down towards the direction of the vortex. He was like a huge bird that had spread its wings and soared into the sky, diving down towards the bottom of the misty island.    


The skinny man followed closely behind, his speed was not any slower than Ye Cheng. Like lightning, the two of them arrived near the whirlpool.    


From the top of the cliff, the vortex was only the size of a large fist, but when it came to the front, the vortex was several times larger and much deeper than expected.    


"Ye Cheng stood on a reef and only now did the two people who were deep in the fog realize that the closer they got to the vortex, the clearer their vision became. This is the center. Be careful. If you discover any traces of the Peony, immediately take it away, I'll deal with this guy. "    


The thin man nodded. He knew that he had nowhere else to go besides speed.    


Ye Cheng quietly stared at the vortex, his black eyes flickering with a golden light. In the dark of the night, his golden pupils were as dazzling as two twinkling stars, but they were also existences that were too high-profile.    


"Let's go!"    


With a shout, Ye Cheng already took a big step forward, and rushed into the center through a small crack.    


The wind whistled past his ears. Compared to the humid air outside, the interior of the vortex was much drier. It was very heavy, and every step he took on it felt like he was floating.    


The thin person wanted to lower his head, but was stopped by Ye Cheng. We are currently stepping on flippancy, not on the ground, you would be willing to see anything strange, don't let the mind be taken away. "    


With Ye Cheng's reminder, the scrawny man immediately calmed himself down and walked towards the back of Ye Cheng's head. It was unknown how far the two of them walked, but it seemed like there was no end to this floating passageway. However, due to the nervousness, there was no danger within this passageway.    


Ye Cheng tried to control the flame and discovered that it was not moving at all. He let out a light sigh, and hastened his footsteps to arrive at the spot where the light was coming from, only to discover that it was coming from the bottom.    


Peony was lying down in a cave. Beside her sat a child, about seven or eight years old, as big as a peony, but with white hair.    


Ye Cheng extended his finger, and his fingertip made contact with the surface of the place which seemed like a void, but actually hid a barrier. If he forced his way in, he was afraid that it would fall into another space.    


The child who was squatting on the ground felt that there was someone above him. He raised his head and looked towards Ye Cheng.    


"It really is him!" Ye Cheng coldly snorted. The one who had appeared on top of the Fishery Island and revealed his face through the ocean mist was him.    


The old man looked at Ye Cheng and waved his hands, provoking him to put his hands on his hips and make a face at Ye Cheng.    


"You know him!" Ye Cheng asked the skinny man beside him.    


"Yes, he's from the natural department." "The scrawny man nodded. He stepped back and looked around." There were five of them. They were seniors in the organization and were not easy to deal with! However, these five people have a habit: if we can find five doors, we'll be able to enter. "    


"Five? "What the hell is that?" Ye Cheng asked curiously.    


The thin man did not know how to explain. He was the dumbest of them all, so he could only continue to search around. "Five doors are not doors, it's a mechanism. As long as the mechanism is broken, you can enter."    


Ye Cheng pouted, he looked down at his feet, if you were to talk about mechanisms, he did not know if the thing he was stepping on was, but it was different from the rest, and looked extremely ugly. "Um, take a look at this protrusion and see if it's right."    


When the skinny guy heard Ye Cheng's words, he immediately scuttled over. Pushing aside Ye Cheng's feet, he discovered a fast black hard object that was higher than the ground, like a rock, but also like a layer of earth.    


"It should be this one." "The scrawny man was lying on the ground, meticulously digging away at the soil to reveal a square underground." "So delicate!"    


The thin man's eyes lit up. He had long heard that the five old men were unfathomable. In the past few internal competitions, no one had been able to make it up to them.    


"Fatty and I have researched about these five techniques in the organization. Although the settings are different each time, they are always the same as the five elements." With a flick of his finger, the square shaped object split into five parts, and from the middle, a Five Elements diagram appeared, representing the natural elements of rain, wind, lightning, and mist.    


The thin man caressed the surface of the array. If he wasn't wrong, the key to the five doors was the fog, but it could also be a wind that was at odds with the fog.    


While the skinny guy was studying the five doors, Ye Cheng stared at the old man below and noticed that when the old man opened the five doors, he also had a similar device in his hands. Furthermore, this old man looked like a bad bird, he had always been in the skinny guy's state, his little eyes rolling around as he glanced at Ye Cheng from time to time with a grin on his face and a chuckle.    


"Wait a minute!" Ye Cheng held onto the thin person's hand, he squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "No matter what you choose, it is impossible to open all five doors."    




"Just look below!"    


The skinny man looked down in confusion. Soon enough, he noticed that the old man's finger was pressing down on Lei's diagram. "What's going on?"    


"I don't know where the five doors came from, but it's clear that what you said won't be used here." Ye Cheng curled his lips, he stared at the old man, and it was as if he could see anxiety from that cunning smile of his.    


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