The Romantic Soldier King



The situation at the intersection was as Qing Feng had said, it was normal. After Ye Cheng watched this video repeatedly, he suddenly noticed a light flashing at the corner and fell into deep thought.    


The red and green stagnation time at the entrance is usually based on the traffic flow rate, usually around 30 seconds, but the actual situation at the entrance is based on the traffic flow rate! Ye Cheng remembered that after he flipped the green light over and moved at a normal speed, but according to the display, it was a little strange.    


After the green light jumped, the car only passed through the intersection for a few seconds. At that time, the car was stopped and stopped to check. There was a difference between the time it was used and the time it took to pass through the entrance.    


Ye Cheng carefully compared the time difference and confirmed the suspicious point. In the few seconds when he got out of the car to check, no other vehicles drove past him, but the time in the picture was ticking. There was a five-second blank period, where did the time go?    


Ye Cheng stared at the jumping numbers on the screen and broke out in a cold sweat! Had time been stolen? Or had someone transferred time? He wanted to believe that it was the latter, but his instincts told him that it was not that simple. When he was rushing through the intersection, he had indeed run into a black shadow and discovered that there was a time bomb on his territory.    


Returning back to the traffic police station, Ye Cheng told Qing Feng about his discovery. At first, the latter thought that Ye Cheng was overthinking it, but when he replayed the video, he realized that he was in a weird place when he was watching this video.    


After Ye Cheng drove through the intersection normally, no other cars followed behind him. Where did the other cars that were waiting at the entrance go? Five seconds later, cars were rolling past the car, something that would never happen to an experienced traffic cop.    


"I've checked, the time of receiving the call and the recording are very consistent, and the report was also written by me, so this video will not be moved at all. Unless someone tampered with the camera at the entrance, this problem will not appear." Qing Feng firmly guaranteed the originality of the video.    


Ye Cheng lit up his cigarette and said: "It's a fact that I bumped into someone. Senior brother, do you think I'm someone so careless that people would not even know that I dropped a bomb on my car?"    


Qing Feng was speechless. I can only guarantee that there will be no problems with the video. Suppose the shadow was really the village head, was it your savior or harming you? "Since the video at the entrance can't give you an answer, it might be a little helpful to start from where you started."    


After Ye Cheng thanked him, he wandered along the main street in a daze, and unknowingly arrived at the territory of the Heaven Gate. That day, he came out of Deng Mengxiu's villa and was in a hurry to return to the bar.    


Ye Cheng shook his head. He was very confident in his car playing skills, from the villa to the entrance of the accident was at least 30 minutes.    


Inside the villa, the butler stood behind Deng Mengxiu. He had to remind him that Ye Cheng had already been outside for more than twenty minutes, as if it was very unusual for him to not come in for some reason.    


Deng Mengxiu swayed his goblet, after drinking the red wine, he stood up and took his jacket and walked out.    


"Young Master!"    


"Rest early!"    


Ye Cheng stared at Deng Mengxiu who had walked out from behind the iron gate. He started up the car and brought Deng Mengxiu to the intersection where the incident was taking place.    


Ye Cheng stood on the road and asked Deng Mengxiu: "I thought about it for a long time and finally figured it out the moment you came out. But there's a simple question, how did you avoid my eyes and ears?"    


"Two!" "First, trust; second, skill!" "Deng Mengxiu frankly admitted that he was the one who set the bomb. "How did you guess it was me?"    


Ye Cheng exclaimed. "Time!"    


Deng Mengxiu smiled. He initially wanted to do it flawlessly, but he had been negligent in the end. If he survived this disaster, there would be afterlife! Congratulations young master Ye for obtaining such a great helper! "    


At least Ye Cheng still had some imagination. He thought of this Young Master Tian as a kindhearted person, but who knew that this person ? "Sigh, you really don't know how to speak." Even if I don't beat you up, I feel that I've let you down. "    


His attacks were quick and ruthless!    


Deng Mengxiu dodged two punches, and when he turned around to counterattack, he was hit by's fist which was hidden behind his back. Clutching his swollen left eye, Deng Mengxiu asked wrongly: "Did you calm down? It's my turn now! "    


Ye Cheng's stomach received three punches. It was not because he was unable to retaliate, but because he did not want to.    


dragged Ye Cheng who was lying on the ground to the side of the road, and the two of them sat down along the side of the street, washing their faces.    


"These three punches belong to you! Shadow Fighter won't betray us once he made the contract, and not believing that I was the one who humiliated our Shadow Fighter. "    


"If I didn't believe you, you would have been a corpse a long time ago! I hit you because you're too insincere. If you want to probe me, then just say hello. If the other party doesn't show up, then I'll just disappear with a boom, wouldn't I? " Ye Cheng was terrified just thinking about it. How could he be so innocent?    


Deng Mengxiu raised his head and chuckled, he did not know if this was his life or not! When encountering fire, the person in the fable was Ye Cheng right? Regardless of whether the clan's Revelation Scripture was real or fake, he truly liked this funny person.    


"Standing up, Deng Mengxiu extended his hand out towards Ye Cheng. "Let's go. The person you asked me to find still hasn't been able to give you the information you need. However, I can bring you to see someone regarding the matters of the Montes clan."    


With one eye wide open, Deng Mengxiu sped along the highway. As Ye Cheng sat at the side counting the distance between them, he ran past at least five red lights, which were so fast that the electronic police probably didn't even have time to take a picture of his license plate and face.    


But thanks to this guy's speed, he arrived at Lantau at eleven in the morning.    


Lantau Mountain was located to the west of Hong Kong Island Xiang, the largest island in Hong Kong. It had a high terrain to the southwest and a low northeast, and along the way, Ye Cheng could not help but take in the scenery in front of him. Although it was late at night, the shadows of the trees overlapped, and from afar, the lofty mountain ridge looked like a sleeping dragon.    


"This place is pretty good. It's filled with spiritual energy!" Ye Cheng jumped off the car, stretched his waist, took a deep breath, and sighed as if he could absorb power from the air.    


"We still need to go to Tai O City. Big Bro, you've already peed. Can you hurry up?"    


Ye Cheng trembled in vexation and jumped onto the carriage. "Hurry up, don't you know that men don't wait for you when they pee?"    


"I've only heard that you can't hold your breath. I've never heard of that you can't urge people. Why can't you keep peeing? I know some authority in this field, do you want me to introduce them to you?"    


"Go away, go away! You're the one who's peeing so frequently!"    


Seeing how unreasonable Ye Cheng was, Deng Mengxiu could only shake his head and drive his own car without saying anything.    


Great Australia is located in the west of the island of Lantau Island in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Most of the residents here were guests, about 2000 people, and most of the residents travelled by boat.    


This was the Hong Kong's main fishing port and garrison town, and had been the Hong Kong Island's salt-producing area for more than a hundred years. Now, it was still a peaceful fishing village, standing on this piece of land, Ye Cheng felt cut off from the rest of the world.    


"Both of them are fishing villages, why do they feel so different!" Ye Cheng suddenly thought of the Fishery Island's village and couldn't help but feel a little guilty. If they hadn't gone there, those people would still have a home to return to.    


Deng Mengxiu patted Ye Cheng's shoulder, some things just needed to be done, a person's life was prearranged by the heavens, no matter how strong the elbow would be, it would never change!    


The two of them walked up a row of shacks built on the water, listening to the sound of water splashing under their feet. Ye Cheng had the urge to buy a house here, and after letting go of all his responsibilities, he brought his beauties here to catch fish, soak in water, and create a water park. It was also not bad to make a Fishery Island Resort, so he might as well buy an island.    


Ye Cheng's mind was full of money, how could he roll the money bigger and bigger like a snowball, yet he did not know that he had already followed Deng Mengxiu into a hut.    


The life in Fishery Island was simple and peaceful! Simple furniture, simple people, even the way you talk is simple.    


He had no derogatory connotations at all. He was simply using it to describe the sincerity of the original ecology.    


Deng Mengxiu was very familiar with this family, it seemed like this brat came into the city and exchanged a few words with the house owner. The owner of the house took out two sets of blankets and handed them over to the person from back then, after chattering for a while, Ye Cheng was brought over to the hut next door to stay in.    


Ye Cheng was puzzled, she came all the way here for the common living before midnight, was she not sick? Although he had a lot of doubts in his heart, he thought that Deng Mengxiu was not that idle either, so he laid down peacefully and pricked up his ears to listen for any movements next door.    


But the next door was extremely quiet, and after a while, Deng Mengxiu's calm breathing could be heard.    


In the latter half of the night, Ye Cheng was awakened by a light knock on the door. "What's wrong?"    


"Let's go!"    


It was just after two in the morning and he had only slept two hours. What the hell was this guy doing? Ye Cheng followed behind Deng Mengxiu and arrived at the beach. Right now, the coastline was pitch black, with only the lighthouse in the distance and the street lights floating in the sea emitting a slightly yellow glow.    


The owner's son rode a tricycle on the shore to wait for them. He did not say much, but after the two of them sat down, he brought Ye Cheng and the rest to the lighthouse.    


As they were getting closer, the light pillar in Ye Cheng's eyes continued to change. The young lad left the two of them at a distance of five metres and ran off. Ye Cheng puzzledly asked Deng Mengxiu if there were any monsters living in the lighthouse.    


Deng Mengxiu sternly berated him, and told Ye Cheng to not speak any nonsense after he entered, the light tower was not a forbidden ground in the village, but there lived a guardian that no one dared to come close to, and that was the person they wanted to meet.    


The damp air, the dry stone steps, the narrower the stairs were, as if testing the steepness of a soldier!    


The first two floors were normal steps, but each floor up was filled with hidden mysteries. If he went wrong, there might be a chance of death, so he was just like an old lady in front of him, telling Ye Cheng to follow him at all costs.    


It took the two of them more than half an hour to reach the top floor of the stone house. The ocean wind blew through the stone houses on both sides of the building, and the salty, wet, and cold air made Ye Cheng shiver. The people who used to guard the lighthouses usually stayed in these difficult stone houses all year round, guiding the boats that passed by the sea, or issuing warnings for the towns to attack the enemy.    


In these times of peace, lighthouses were like historical furnishings or monuments to a tourist attraction, and the guardians of lighthouses in technologically advanced societies lived on meagre wages.    


After three short and one long knocks on the door, the wooden door creaked open with confidence! Ye Cheng felt that the furnishings inside the house and the crematorium on Third Avenue were a little imaginative. There was an old lady there, could this place be an old man?    


This imagination was miles away from reality. Ye Cheng never thought that the person guarding the lighthouse would be so young, and furthermore, was a tall nosed European. His full beard covered most of his face, and if he were to shave it off completely, he would be a man who would mesmerize people.    


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