The Romantic Soldier King



The Chi Lin slid down from the roof, coiled up beside Ye Cheng, and rubbed its head against his thigh, making "chi chi chi" sounds.    


After releasing the black blood, the peony medicine itself smeared on his chest, he put on his clothes, crossed his legs and started regulating his breathing.    


The person on the roof seemed to have already left. Ye Cheng could not help but feel that it was strange. If it was the opponent, then it would have been the best opportunity to kill them. Why did they have to leave?    


The Chi Lin greedily sucked on Ye Cheng's finger as it laid sickly on Ye Cheng's lap. The three of them sat in the temple quietly, with Lei Ming who was outside the house cutting their heads, a muffled thunder strike hitting the roof making a loud noise.    


Light illuminated the entire room, and the shadow that had left appeared once more outside the door.    


Ye Cheng stood up, the Chi Lin quickly swam to the side and surrounded her. It raised its head and stared at the black figure at the door.    


"Who is outside?" Ye Cheng used his Qi to spew out every single word. Although the voice was not loud, it could penetrate Lei Ming's ears.    


The black figure that was standing at the door remained as motionless as a statue, looking extremely sinister and terrifying under Lei Ming's lightning attacks.    


When a hundred ghosts passed by him tonight, it would unavoidably cause fear in the hearts of others. Even Peony, a Magician of Mao Mountain, feared him, not to mention a mere mortal like him.    


Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva. He was fearless in the face of strong enemies, but facing this silent fellow, he felt fear in the bottom of his heart. Wait here for me to go out and meet him! "    


If the enemy doesn't move, I'll move. Let's talk after we strike first!    


Ye Cheng raised his feet and rushed straight towards the door. In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed out of the door with the fastest speed possible, if not, the other party would have had no chance of entering.    


The black shadow outside the door wasn't really big, it was just that it looked big under the light and shadow of your door, and now, standing in front of Ye Cheng, it was a head shorter.    


"Wearing a gray-robed that revealed blue colored ripple, with wide sleeves dragging the ground, this attire reminded Ye Cheng of someone. "Mei-zi!"    


Hearing Ye Cheng's exchange, the black figure took off his hat and revealed a white face. Elder Brother Ye, I'm coming! "    


What was going on?    


Ye Cheng stared at Mei Zi in bewilderment. He felt like he was transported into another space.    


But Mei Zi did not allow Ye Cheng to think further, she took a step forward and gave him a hug, then with a pop, kissed him on the cheek. This is for all the sisters. Pop! This is for me! "Hee hee!"    


"Wait, wait!" I'm in Hong Kong, right? "    


"Yeah, this is Hong Kong's Great Eastern Mountain! "You're confused!" "She was laughing merrily." I just got off the plane and noticed that something was wrong here. I figured out that you were in trouble, so I just came over with a whoosh! "    


He cleared his throat, hid his hurt pride, and pretended to be angry: "Didn't I tell you not to leave the East Ocean casually, why did you come running over here?"    


Mei Zi revealed an injured expression and grudgingly said, "Elder Brother Ye, you still have five minutes. Are you really going to lecture me here?"    


"Alright! I'll deal with you later. " Ye Cheng rubbed Mei Zi's head. To be honest, being able to see her at this moment, was just as pleasant as getting hit by six different colors. " How can hundreds of ghosts prevent Yin ghost from entering the Ghost Road? "    


"It's not difficult. Follow me."    


In the blink of an eye, they had already arrived at the top of the Great Eastern Mountain. When they looked over, the lights from far away were actually all Nether Lamps. If they looked carefully at the flashing white floating objects in the sparks, it was no wonder that no matter how heavy the rain or wind was, they would not be able to extinguish them.    


She told Ye Cheng that even if it was the Yin Yang Master s, they would have to make a detour to allow him to pass through. Their goal was to capture the Yin ghost and not to disturb other ghosts.    


Ye Cheng replied, he lowered his head and looked at the dense fog that was gradually rising up from the bottom of the mountain, the type of cold Qi that filled the ground, even if it was thousands of meters away, he could still feel the numbness and coldness that his bones could not adapt to.    


"He's here!"    


She stood in the middle of her hand seals, and as she chanted the incantation, two flying birds appeared in the sky.    


Spreading both of her arms, the wide hunting suit began to move even though there was no wind. Mei-zi closed her eyes, and her soul-stirring Yin Yang Eyes shone with a dazzling light in the cold air.    


Ye Cheng stood at the top of the mountain, looking at the flying birds that were constantly emitting sharp sounds, waiting for the moment they swooped down to capture them.    


Time flew by second by second. As the mist closed in, Mei Zi, who was standing in the middle of the seal, sprung up. Her body spun faster and faster in the cold air.    


Ye Cheng immediately charged into the dense fog, only to see the white bird tightly biting onto something, and flapping its wings with all its might. Regardless of the consequences, Ye Cheng took out a thin net silk and covered the white bird with it, and then pressed it down along with the white bird.    




Everything happened in an instant, and all of his movements were done in one go. Ye Cheng didn't dare to have the slightest bit of negligence or slip up, and the moment he had placed the white bird under his body, he felt as if the strength of ten thousand kilograms worth of stepping on his back was going to grind him down, and with every step he took, it was as if he was being crushed to the point of suffocating him.    


Is this how a hundred ghosts travel?    


Ye Cheng held his breath as he thought to himself in his heart. If he did not experience it personally, it would have been impossible for him to have such a close feeling.    


In mid-air, the beauty suddenly retreated back into the seal. She respectfully pulled her body over and kneeled on the ground with her head lowered, as if she was kowtowing to someone.    


As the fog passed before her, the air in the surroundings broke and the surrounding creatures were frozen into ice crystals.    


Suddenly, Mei Zi's body trembled. She made gurgling sounds as if she was talking to someone. After a long while, the fog gradually dissipated and the top of the Great Eastern Mountain regained its tranquility.    


Meizi remained in her original position. Not far away from her, there were two people lying on the side of the mountain. They were similarly not moving at all!    


The bloody sky did not change due to the silence of the Great Eastern Mountain. It still emitted a bewitching red light, dazzling and gorgeous.    


After recuperating, Peony immediately rushed out of the temple. Her feet were tangled up by something, and when she lowered her head to look, she saw the small Chi Lin had wrapped its body around her ankle.    


"I'm going to look for the old man, let go!" Even Peony herself felt foolish talking to an animal.    


The Chi Lin seemed to understand her words and slowly let go of her tail. However, it still continued to stare at her.    


"Alright, alright, I'll bring you along!"    


The helpless peony like Ye Cheng extended out her left arm, but the Chi Lin completely ignored her and passed by her. In a blink of an eye, it was already several meters away, swimming towards the top of the Great Eastern Mountain.    


"Tsk, just like master or pet, they're all the same arrogant and impolite!" Peony grumbled as she caught up with Chi Lin, throwing the matter of Ye Cheng saving her to the back of her mind.    


Arriving at the top of the mountain, Peony could not help but be stunned by the scene before her. Why did a woman suddenly appear?    


The Chi Lin circled around Meizi, and as if it had seen its old friend, rubbed its head against her body, causing her to no longer have any reaction. It rubbed its head a few times, then wrapped its tail around her waist and gently placed her on the ground.    


Peony curled her lips, unable to describe the feeling, it should be jealousy! He could tell that the relationship between the Chi Lin and this girl was extremely close, and it was rare for the Chi Lin to be so fed up with anyone other than Ye Cheng.    


"Hey, little old man, quickly get up. If you don't get up now, your treasure will belong to someone else!" Peony purposely said it loudly, pushing Ye Cheng with all her might, only to discover that there was still someone underneath him. Yin ghost? "    


"Don't move!"    


A woman's voice came from the side. Peony turned her head and stared at the girl who walked over with the Chi Lin in her arms, and raised her mouth. Who are you? Quickly put down the little old man's treasure. " As she said that, she was about to snatch the Chi Lin, but who knew that her good intentions were instead met with the Chi Lin's pursuit and bite.    


Wow, wow, wow! "Peony cried out in anger." You heartless thing. I treat you so well, yet you bite me like your master. "    


"As the beautiful girl listened to the cursing of the peony, she realized that this girl had probably forgotten about her." You must be Peony, you can't touch him right now. "    


"You know me?" "Peony looked at Meizi strangely. Suddenly, she felt that she looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere before." Ah, you're the Yin Yang Master in the basement, the little old man's woman. I'm surprised that you're not in the East Sea, so why are you here? "Transmigration!"    


Mei Zi shook her head. She stood in front of Ye Cheng and looked at the footprints on his back with a pained look. Can you find some people for me? Although the King of Hundred Ghosts has promised to keep the Yin ghost, it will still need buddhist magic to intimidate and it will also need to be treated for Elder Brother Ye's injuries. "    


Peony was shocked. This Yin Yang Master looked really impressive, to be able to fight with the Hundred Ghost King, to have the opportunity to fight with her, is it because of her Yin-Yang magic or my Mao Mountain Demon Catching Technique?    


"It's just a ghost. Just use my Hundred Treasure Bag to capture the Ghost Rope if you want to find someone with buddhist skills." From her white treasure bag, she took out a rope with colorful golden threads and walked over to Ye Cheng's side.    


Seeing the footprints on Ye Cheng's body, Peony could not help but be shocked. These are the footprints left by the Hundred Ghosts. Oh my god, could it be that he was stepped to death? "    


"Don't talk nonsense!" Mei Zi couldn't help but frown. With the Demon Binding Ropes, she didn't need any buddhist techniques. Seeing how proficient and proficient the peony was, she decided to let her fiddle with it and walk to the other side of the mountaintop alone.    


It was easy to climb the mountain, but hard to climb it. She sighed as she looked at the ridge, which seemed to have been burned by fire.    


"Yin ghost, who was in the cloth bag, moved. Peony kicked him, and after giving him a few punches, she let him rest." What do we do now? Just the two of us, how can we carry this big guy down? "    


"Mei Zi summoned a piece of paper and two fierce beasts appeared in front of the peony." Help me get him up and we'll ride them down the mountain. "    


"Are you trying to show off again?" Peony curled her lips and angrily carried the bag down the mountain.    


"Mei Zi shook her head and mounted the vicious beast. She passed by Peony and picked her up before running down the mountain." You have time to dawdle, Elder Brother Ye doesn't have time, don't get angry, saving people is more important. "    


With such astonishing speed, Peony could only scream as it flew through the wilderness, gliding down like a bird. Only the whistling of the wind could be heard.    


Peony did not dare to open her eyes, because tears would constantly fall. Of course, this was not because she was moved, but because she was stimulated by the wind.    


Feeling that they had slowed down, Peony opened its eyes and discovered that they were already at the foot of the mountain. The vicious beasts from before had disappeared without a trace, and only two pieces of paper were left floating on the ground.    


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