The Romantic Soldier King



The Night Angel Recreation Club was a popular entertainment club near Carefree Villa. It wasn't because of how high-end the bar was, but because it could resist it. To be more exact, this bar wasn't even considered a real entertainment club, but rather, there was a chartered room, KTV and a large di hall stage here. It was like a bazaar of boxes, everything was present, and there was a complete set.    


The reason why they were so popular was because the expenses here were not high. It was much lower than most entertainment clubs. Therefore, they attracted more jokers, youths, hot girls, and students.    


This is not only because the bar is cheap but also because it offers a discount for girls and students but also because it attracts more rebellious girls and doesn't have to worry about not having enough pocket money.    


In short, in name of the entertainment club, they were mainly young bullies around the age of twenty, and similarly, some of the big boss's senior white-collar workers would also often come to stay here. After all, the Mei Lan Bamboo Flowers each had their own love, and many rich people liked to talk about it, and most of the girls here didn't have any background, and they didn't have to worry about any accidents. Also, many of the girls here didn't have to pay a lot of money, and thirdly, this place was located in a remote area, so it didn't seem like a big power at all on the surface.    


However, what caused Ye Cheng to not enter the game house to shake his head and laugh bitterly was that the memory of the game club was still fresh in his mind. Four days ago, this bitch Qiao Rubing had gone crazy, ate and drank beer, and even skipped things like that, his little Ye Cheng had done all those years under those beautiful legs.    


Night Angel Entertainment Club, we are truly fated to meet ? Ye Cheng laughed bitterly, shook his head, and walked in.    


In fact, it had long been taken over by that woman, Sang Huihui, in the mainland. However, Sang Huihui probably had never come to such a small place, and not to such a great sect like the Black Tiger Gang, let alone the big bear, which was like Lei Lei Zihan. This Stinky girl, why did she run so mad here, if the big bear knew her identity, he would probably be scared to death.    


big bear was dressed in simple black pants and a vest, his tanned skin was as thick as a child's leg, and his shiny bald head looked like a true gangster. However, the pair of sneakers on his feet also looked a bit out of place. He was the leader of a group of people nearby, and he spent most of his time idling around the Night Angel Entertainment, and was basically called the security chief. In terms of position, he was at the same level as Ye Cheng, and in terms of status, he was even higher than him. big bear was just a security chief, but he was actually the boss of an entertainment club in the mainland.    


elder brother Xiong practically ruled over this area, and the reason why big bear liked to live here was also because he, himself, dropped out of school before entering society. Relying on his stupefaction, he managed to get to this point, and he was able to recover some of the feelings of youth from the students here.    


Many female students who weren't familiar with the affairs of the world had good impressions of this big muscular and clumsy youth. There were even some that tried to seduce him many times, but were rejected by him without any hesitation. He had his own set of principles, he didn't deny that he liked to watch those dressed up beautiful and sexy female students, but he definitely wouldn't have that kind of relationship with anyone. Even many young men who came to pick up girls had intentionally dressed up differently because of big bear's shabby and upright appearance. Their goal was to attract the attention of the female students, but he was not a big guy that could be made into something like that. Of course, as a big boss, he naturally had a few women. As a man, he would always need them.    


However, big bear was currently standing at the entrance of the Night Angel Entertainment with a nervous face, constantly looking around the street. He didn't even have the time and mood to pick up the cigarettes handed to him by a lackey at the side. He was just joking around with a few sexy little sisters, and after answering a phone call, he immediately ran out respectfully and affectionately. Although it was just in secret that the elder brother Xiong followed the Four Seas gang, but as long as most of the forces knew about this matter, who could make Boss Sang inspect it like this? However, in the past few days, there seemed to have been a few new figures, but even if they were these people, elder brother Xiong only told his subordinates to not cause any trouble, and did not get the elder brother Xiong to personally welcome them. After all, their levels were not high enough yet, but now that they had been smashed on the door and blown the cold wind for more than half an hour, in such a cold weather, their boss was still wearing a vest, and did not even have the time to change his clothes before running out. Just who was the leader of this group ?    


Although the few of his lackeys were wondering in their hearts, they did not dare to ask too much. Even though the elder brother Xiong was usually laughing and laughing, as long as there was anything he could do, it would be fine, but if he was angry, then he would become someone who did not recognize anyone, and he would just attack without any hesitation or mercy, not leaving any face at all. In the eyes of the hooligans on the street, the elder brother Xiong was the emperor of this land, the master of the street.    


Finally, a black Audi car drove over from the street end, with a "creak" sound, it directly stopped right in front of the Night Angel Entertainment's entrance, the entire body of the car blocked off the entrance, and when the car door opened, Ye Cheng quickly walked out.    


The Audi that Ye Cheng was driving was naturally Qiao Rubing's car, it looked like it was at least a million, but although these hooligans did not have any money, but there were many rich and powerful people, and driving an Audi was not a common sight, they did not care about it at all, many gold owners who were driving even more expensive than this car stopped by their side obediently, and when they saw their boss, they respectfully called out elder brother Xiong, but now that he had blocked the door of his car, it was simply a provocation, a death wish.    


"What kind of person is next door!?" How arrogant, don't you know the rules here? Ah? You actually dare to park your car in front of the door, I ? "Ouch ?" A lackey behind big bear was instantly angered and started shouting angrily. Seeing that he was about to run out, big bear, who was standing right in front of him, slapped him in the face before he could even move, causing him to stumble over his words. The lackey subconsciously covered his face and looked at his big brother's cold and dark face in disbelief.    


"leaf lord ?" big bear coldly glared at the little brother who had hooted at her, and didn't bother to pay attention to the little brother who she had beaten silly. She quickly walked to Ye Cheng's side in two or three steps, and said respectfully in a low voice.    


"Is he inside?" Ye Cheng raised his head and looked at the indistinct clamor of the Red Lamp Lover and could not help but frown. The sky had just darkened and it was not yet night yet, yet the place was already bustling with noise and excitement. When he looked again at the three words on the sign that had 'Night Angel' flickering in its light, he couldn't help but feel a burst of pain. Previously, he came here with that crazy woman Qiao Rubing before, so he naturally knew what was going on inside.    


"En, he is in a private room inside, I followed leaf lord's orders and did not dare to disturb him." It was said that their eldest brother, Boss Sang, was the woman from leaf lord in front of them, and he was also one of them. No one had not heard of the beauty and power of Sang Huihui in the Eastern Ocean Underground World, and how she was able to tame such a woman, and it was just one of them, how could others not be envious?    


Seeing the big boss being so careful of the man who suddenly appeared, at that moment, the few lackeys standing behind him finally understood, especially the lackey who was slapped in the face by big bear, he was extremely nervous, thinking to himself, what kind of big shot is this, even personally welcoming elder brother Xiong, yet being so respectful to him? This was something that had never happened before. The eyes that they looked at Ye Cheng with were filled with confusion.    


"leaf lord, who exactly is that girl?" Seeing that Ye Cheng's face did not look good, out of caution, big bear licked his face and asked carefully. After all, he did not even know if the person inside was an enemy or friend.    


"You don't need to ask. Disperse." Ye Cheng looked at big bear and walked straight into the bar.    


"Yes, yes." He could not help but extend his hand and slap himself. Why would he ask about this, and when the time came, he would just have to act according to the circumstances. As long as leaf lord wanted to hit him, he would just stand there, stunned.    


Ye Cheng walked into the clubhouse. It was bustling outside, and when he turned into the Underground Palace, it was even more deafening inside. Under the dazzling neon lights, there was already a group of blurry human figures on the dance floor and stage who were wildly twisting their bodies, screaming out non-stop.    


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