The Romantic Soldier King



Regardless of whether the others were scared silly or not, at least one person at the scene was determined not to be scared. From the beginning to the end, he had always been calmer and calmer than everyone else except for himself. It was not because he was Ye Cheng's master, but because he was always clear-headed. His fiery eyes could see through everything, and Hayama Takashi could have done as well, but who knew that after provoking Ye Cheng, he would be instantly turned into slag.    


"Ye Cheng, my good disciple, how are you feeling right now?" Just when the others were still staring wide-eyed, and their legs seemed to have been injected with lead, Lin Yifan was already the first one to rush down the huge pit formed by the strong impact on the ground. Although Hayama Takashi had already temporarily lost the ability to fight due to the strong blow from the Sky Man, he had to be on guard against anyone. Even Hayama Takashi's senior brother couldn't see the repulsiveness hidden under the kindness on his face, so Lin Yifan completely had a reason to suspect if his appearance was fake.    


Therefore, Lin Yifan specially circulated the battle qi around his body, so that he could respond to any situation that might occur at any time. islanders was too good at loading, he would need to carefully drive a ten thousand year old ship.    


"Master, Master, you don't have to act like this. How can I be embarrassed when you say it in such a public place?" Furthermore, I, Ye Cheng am not a three year old child. " Lin Yifan's current appearance was like a heart breaking woman, touching Ye Cheng randomly. Ye Cheng only knew that his master was concerned about him, but did not know that his master was testing the acupoints and meridians in his body. After that unimaginable experience, what Lin Yifan wanted to confirm the most was not the flames and light, but Ye Cheng's body. He would rather use his astonishing cultivation in exchange for a lively Ye Cheng.    


"Strange, how come there's nothing abnormal at all? All of the meridians in his body were smooth, his breathing was even, and he was full of energy. Although the Jinyang Qi in his body was not fully recovered, it was still more abundant than when he had pulled back his hand. "Impossible, this is completely unscientific ?" Lin Yifan rubbed his chin, his face filled with suspicion, as he muttered to himself.    


Ye Cheng listened till his head hurt, and then it was his turn to be speechless.    


"No, Master, I know you hate me, but I'm fine now, you shouldn't look like that, right?" I, Ye Cheng, am under the protection of the heavens. This is my special technique, it can be said that I, Ye Cheng, brought it from my mother's womb! Stop looking, I'm shy. " Ye Cheng pretended to be asking for a beating, making Lin Yifan, who was still confused a moment ago, feel nauseous.    


Just a moment ago, he was so shocked that he looked like a supreme deity. How did he become a transvestite in the blink of an eye?    


"Yay!" We have won! " Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng and An Gaohan cried with joy as they ran down and hugged Ye Cheng tightly. They were so excited that they almost kissed him. If the entire Dragon Soul Battle Squad were to come, the East China Sea Flowers Forest would probably be able to hold a grand celebration.    


"Victory?" "How do you explain that?" Ye Cheng shook him until he was dizzy and his head buzzed. He wasn't a money grubber, so how could he be so full of money to take it? Ye Cheng had a helpless face, but was also genuinely happy.    


"Oh my god, elder brother Cheng, you are way too good at acting! From entering the East China Sea Flowers Forest till now, you still don't know how many times you have raged? Others might not know, but us three brothers can clearly see from the sidelines. Fighting against the Young Lord, it was like a battle between a dragon and a tiger, evenly matched. In the end, he had to fight against the entire army to overcome the enemy! and their confrontation with Fu Gonglongyi, they wouldn't be at a disadvantage in the slightest. The last one is the absolute, the absolute! " It would be a great waste and a crime if Xiao Yifeng did not perform crosstalk. As he finished speaking, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up. His expression was no different from that of a seventeen or eighteen year old crazy girl.    


"That's right, elder brother Cheng. If I were a girl, I would have immediately promised my body on the spot. "No wonder so many beauties fall in love with you, even the beauties of the island ?" If it was said that he was confused by Fan Mingcheng's words before, then it was as if he had fallen into a fog. However, Fan Mingcheng's words suddenly woke him up.    


Yes, Mei-zi, where's my Mei-zi? Wasn't Mei-zi in the Golden Silk Bird Cage just now? Wasn't he still being held hostage by Old Turtle Hayama Takashi? What about this time? Ye Cheng hurriedly pushed his brothers who were surrounding him away, and looked around for anything that Ye Cheng could see. Mei-zi, where is my Mei-zi?    


"Did you see Mei-zi? "Where the hell is Mei-zi?" Ye Cheng suddenly grabbed onto Fan Mingcheng's clothes, his expression looked as though he wanted to swallow Fan Mingcheng whole. But Fan Mingcheng could understand, wasn't the reason why Ye Cheng was willing to sacrifice his life for her?    


"elder brother Cheng, don't you know? She's right there! " Following the direction that Fan Mingcheng pointed, Ye Cheng left him and ran frantically. All the paddy field warriors felt as if they had seen a ghost when they saw him, and they all avoided him to make way for Ye Cheng to pass. Less than a hundred meters away, Ye Cheng saw the beauty lying on the ground, like a flower that had been ravaged by the violent storm.    


"Mei-zi, my Mei-zi!" It was as if he and Meizi were the only two people left in the world. There had been no news of him these past few days. The lovesick feelings that had been tormenting his heart and the unsettled worries that he had experienced during these past few days all turned into a tight hug. He buried her head in his arms, hoping to comfort all the misfortune that had happened to her with his slightly hot chest. Ye Cheng immediately draped the wind coat over Mei Zi's body. Seeing Mei Zi's tattered kimono and her exposed jade arms and legs, Ye Cheng did not have any thoughts of being frivolous. All he had was regret and heartache.    


"I'm sorry, Mei-zi, your husband is useless and caused you to suffer so much. Don't worry, I will definitely kill all those people who bullied you before, and those people who had the desire and desire for your beauty. I will definitely not beat them to death, I will only dig out their dog eyes and drink from them. " Ye Cheng said as he looked around at the dense crowd of Paddy warriors who were still standing around him with his fierce eyes.    


Although most of the warriors didn't understand Chinese, they still knew the basic ability of observing people's expressions. From Ye Cheng's actions, to the look in Ye Cheng's eyes, they knew that under the situation where Young Lord and the two clan elders fell one after the other, bad luck was finally going to befall them. At this time, he hurriedly picked up the Samurai sword, but what was the use of it?    


"Meizi, just watch me avenge you!" He gently wiped away the long hair that covered Mei-zi's waist, but when Ye Cheng saw the true appearance of this so-called Mei-zi, he was truly shocked.    


Not Mei-zi?    


It was not the beauty that Ye Cheng knew and loved!    


Where was the beauty?    




The flame of anger burned, the spear tip was aimed straight at Hayama Takashi! If he wasn't Mei-zi, what was the point? Abandoning the mountain stronghold, a figure teleported right in front of Hayama Takashi. Hayama Takashi who was seated on the ground, his small eyes slowly focused, when he saw that the person was Ye Cheng, he immediately retreated.    


"Save me, save me, don't come over, please don't come over, ah!" Have you seen "Electric Saw"? Hayama Takashi's screams were as helpless and mournful as a female pig's feet that was being chased by evil spirits.    


"I'm not interested in you. I don't want to do anything to you. I just want you to tell me, where is the real beauty? "Speak, when did you give it away?" Towards a dog that had lost its home, Ye Cheng did not have the slightest bit of mercy. A foot kicked Hayama Takashi down, and the fist that was like the wind arrived in front of Hayama Takashi in the blink of an eye.    


"Mei-zi, what about Mei-zi? I don't know, hehe, I am Hayama Takashi, how would I know? "Hee hee." Hayama Takashi laughed like a fool, wanting to avoid Ye Cheng's interrogation. But don't forget that Ye Cheng came from a special forces background. If it were anyone else, they might have been tricked, but Ye Cheng didn't.    


"Stop acting dumb and watch how I take care of you!" An iron fist directly smashed down, and in the end, it stopped on top of Hayama Takashi's pitiful, ugly little thing. As long as one more millimeter passed, as a man, Hayama Takashi would completely become a thing of the past.    


"Speak, or don't speak. One word, one punch." Ye Cheng's face revealed a vicious expression. Before I become an Oscar, I'm going to ask you not to make a fool of yourself.    


"Hahaha, Mei-zi, there is no Mei-zi here, there has never been a Mei-zi here. We're playing with you. As the Young Lord who planned all of this, we naturally hoped to recruit you into our Inagawa-kai's army, adding some strength to our expansion in China. It's a pity, but it's a pity that you won't budge, so we can only use Plan B and get rid of you so that we won't have any future troubles. As for Mei-zi, she has never been in our consideration. " Hayama Takashi's words were filled with jokes, but Ye Cheng couldn't bring himself to laugh at all.    


So in the end, this trip to the East China Sea Flowers Forest was just a scam, it was really funny, he was tricked by others until he almost died here. In the end, it was heaven that couldn't bear for me, Ye Cheng, to die. To think that there would be such a great reversal in victory and defeat.    


At this time, Ye Cheng could not help but feel a chill in his heart.    


If their plan was to use Mei Zi to kill them, then why wouldn't they do it at a place so far away from the Eastsea City? The other party's scheme was definitely not that simple. There should be something behind it ?    


Carefree Villa!    


Right, the other side wanted him to come, but their goal was ?    


"Saying that you're an incomparably cunning old turtle, is your goal ?" Ye Cheng didn't even have the time to force himself to speak to Hayama Takashi, he was truly tired after seeing just one person appear. The other side was truly a follower. No matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't be able to shake him off.    


"Illegal assembly, armed brawls, murder, you can't afford to bear all these crimes!" In an instant, another force from East China Sea Flowers Forest joined in, and this time, it was the faction Ye Cheng hated the most.    


I hate it!    


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