The Romantic Soldier King



If crying could really solve this problem, then Qiao Rubing would definitely not hesitate to cry at this moment. If she did not mind, she would definitely cause the Great Wall to collapse once again in another thousand years, into the immense sorrow of a woman. Sadly, crying didn't solve any problems. At the very least, the child wouldn't just disappear along with the gushing liquid.    


However, tears didn't have the effect of a miraculous painless stream of people, but it was a sure bet when it came to dealing with men. Just as Ye Cheng was about to kiss the tears on Qiao Rubing's face, Qiao Rubing used all of his strength at the end. When Ye Cheng wasn't paying attention, he was pushed away.    


Both of them slowly woke up from their previous intimate encounter with the wall. Only now did Ye Cheng realize how crazy he had been just now. If he had not paid attention, if it wasn't for Qiao Rubing's desperate tears, and if he had not been soft-hearted just now, he would not even know what Ye Cheng had done.    


As for Qiao Rubing, he was currently breathing rapidly, trying his best to make his breathing even and smooth. Just now, Qiao Rubing didn't hold much hope for his own strength, he only felt that it was necessary to work even harder. Although his body didn't resist Ye Cheng's overbearingness, and had even thought for a moment that he would obey, this time was different than before. There was an additional mysterious life force in his body, and Qiao Rubing was no longer as willful as before.    


"Like ice, can we all be a bit more honest? Now you don't have to say anything, and you don't have to spend any more effort trying to lie to me, to tell you, it's useless! This child is mine, Ye Cheng's! " He had forgotten to check the calendar when he left the house. After an entire day, Ye Cheng realised that he had been tricked the entire way here. The only exception was Meier. However, the words that she said before she left the hospital confused Ye Cheng. Oh god, today's intelligence is not normal, if my intelligence could keep up with my zhenyang zhenqi, wouldn't there be so much trouble?    


Just thinking about it made Ye Cheng's back break out in a cold sweat. If he had really thrown Qiao Rubing onto the bed in anger just now and started it without thinking, then his child might very well be ? Fortunately, the heavens always stood out at the most crucial moment like this, showing their spirit and giving him some advice. Slowly, he looked at Qiao Rubing, who had a smile on his face.    


"What are you laughing at? Is my sorry state really so funny? " At this point, Qiao Rubing did not know what to say. Paper could not wrap fire, but he never thought that he would be able to lie perfectly under the pressure of Ye Cheng's questioning in vain. It seemed like the events that should have happened wouldn't change according to the will of man. Qiao Rubing thought, could it be that he could only accept his fate?    


"No, my Little Bing Bing is happy." If either Fan Mingcheng or Xiao Yifeng were present right now, they would definitely laugh their teeth out if they heard Ye Cheng say such soft and tiresome words. An Gaohan wouldn't do it, he would only turn around and poke his own ears with his fingers, then roll his eyes with all his might in the shadows.    


"You are very happy to see a pregnant woman in such a sorry state, aren't you? In my opinion, you're just a psychopath, maybe even a psychopath. In the future, the child and I will have to stay away from you, otherwise, if you lose your mind, the child and I will be killed or even cut to pieces and put in the fridge. When you left the army and retired early, it couldn't be that your commanding officer found out about your mental problems, right? Qiao Rubing waved his hands as he activated his serial of venomous tongues, walking towards the luxurious bed.    


Can you see the difference? 's words from before were cold to the bone, and every word was aimed straight at Ye Cheng's sore spot. But now, even though the ugly words were still being spat out of Qiao Rubing's mouth like a venom, but after hearing it carefully, there was a strong sense of spoiled love. And there was even a hint of love, hate, and adoration mixed within, making one unable to stop. In short, Qiao Rubing's attack was not fatal, at most, it was just a small fist on Ye Cheng's body.    


Qiao Rubing knew, Ye Cheng could hear it clearly.    


"Yeah, I'm a freak, a freak who only went crazy for you, Qiao Rubing. "Then, you have to be fine, don't make me angry, you know you are my Tightening Curse, it seems like you are the only one in the world who can tame me." Qiao Rubing lied on the bed and just as he was about to cover her with the blanket, Ye Cheng came to the bedside and smiled at the ice beauty, Qiao Rubing.    


At this time, Ye Cheng finally felt what it meant to be happy by his side. What it meant to curse was love, and humiliation was concern. This was the best way to get along with Ye Cheng and Qiao Rubing. They despised each other, but they were close to each other at the same time.    


"Alright you pervert, I'm going to rest now, please go out. Don't forget, I'm still a patient. Please let me rest in peace, otherwise, I will ring the bell at the head of the bed and call the nurse to come and chase you away. " Qiao Rubing really wanted to tell Ye Cheng to stay behind, then when the sun rose tomorrow morning, he would see the sleeping Ye Cheng being like a child, while he tightly held her hand. This scene which had appeared multiple times in his dreams, was something that Qiao Rubing wished to realize a day earlier. But if Qiao Rubing wanted to speak, it would be even harder than ascending to the heavens.    


"Okay, okay, but who will the nurse help when the time comes?" Let's not talk about the relationship we have right now. Just based on my charisma, those little nurses would obediently submit to me, and allow themselves to be manipulated by me. " Ye Cheng had a cheap look on his face, but why couldn't the current Qiao Rubing get angry at all, instead, started to feel that he was a little cute?    


"What is our relationship?" Qiao Rubing asked softly. Fortunately, the light source inside the room was only slightly weak, and the full moon outside the window was covered up by the dark clouds, otherwise, when Ye Cheng saw Qiao Rubing, who was like an ice mountain that had not been used for ten thousand years, there would actually come a day when his face would turn red, and he would be so proud that he flew up into the sky.    


"We should be husband and wife now. "In the future, I have to call you wife, but you have to call me husband, just like Meizi and Snowfall have called me husband." Ye Cheng was still smiling, and continued to joke around. Although these were Ye Cheng's truest thoughts, but Ye Cheng did not know that women were fickle creatures, with a single sentence, they would produce a difference as big as the sky and the earth.    


Sure enough, Qiao Rubing's face, which was a little like the charming and bashful face of a little girl in deep love just now, fell down at once, unable to be saved.    


"I'm going to rest. Please leave." The moment Qiao Rubing said this, the temperature plummeted. But Ye Cheng had thought that Qiao Rubing was only joking with him.    


"No, I want to see what you can do." Seeing that Qiao Rubing had neatly covered himself with the blanket and turned his head, Ye Cheng hurriedly climbed onto the bed and wanted to sleep with Qiao Rubing. But Qiao Rubing's reaction was so huge, to the point that the moment Ye Cheng went to bed, Qiao Rubing reacted like it was a conditioned reflex, and got down from the bed.    


The night wind was mournful, the frost was thick and the dew was heavy. One was warm and one was cold, Qiao Rubing sneezed.    


"Little Bing Bing, what happened to you?" Ye Cheng quickly got off the bed and said while taking off his jacket, wanting to let Qiao Rubing wear it. Qiao Rubing rejected her decisively and retreated a few steps back. During that time, Qiao Rubing sneezed once again.    


"Nothing. I've already said that I want to rest, so please leave. If you really care about me, you have to listen to me. If you are like this now, I really don't know if you will treat me like before. " Qiao Rubing hugged onto his arms tightly, and truly felt cold. However, he couldn't show any sign of weakness in front of Ye Cheng. This time, Qiao Rubing was really angry.    


What was going on? was sure that Qiao Rubing had whispered something soft to him just now. How unimaginable was it? But why was this moment of happiness so short? It changed just like that, faster than a chameleon's change in color. Ye Cheng felt that he had just eaten a ginseng fruit before it could even be savored, and it had already ended.    


"Little Bing Bing, did I say something wrong? Aiya, now that we are all like this, even our children are here, what else can't we say in front of each other? We've had so many misunderstandings before, but we've often failed to get things straight. Change it, and start from today. " Ye Cheng spread open his arms and walked towards Qiao Rubing step by step. He believed that when Qiao Rubing heard him say this, he would definitely rush towards Qiao Rubing's embrace.    


Ye Cheng was wrong. The thing he should do the most right now was to leave instead of doing some actions here that would only add fuel to the fire.    


"We have nothing to do with each other, and even if we had children, it doesn't mean anything. We are all adults, don't worry, I won't let you take any responsibility, and you don't have to be burdened with any unhappiness. " Qiao Rubing blocked Ye Cheng's chest with his hand, signalling him not to walk any further ahead.    


Ye Cheng's hand froze in mid air, as though after going around in such a huge circle, it had returned to the original point of the bickering.    


Woman, is your name unreasonable? What exactly do I, Ye Cheng, need to do to stop Qiao Rubing from acting like this? Honestly speaking, Ye Cheng cannot take it anymore.    


"Well, you want me to go, don't you? I'll show you. " Using retreat to advance, Ye Cheng didn't believe that he wouldn't keep him here.    


After only taking three steps, Ye Cheng stopped, waiting for Qiao Rubing's call. Or perhaps, he could not help but rush forward and wrap his arms around himself from behind. Unfortunately, none of these existed. Ye Cheng's sensitive hearing ability indicated that Qiao Rubing had already gone to bed as if there was no one around him, so his next action should be to turn off the lights and go to sleep.    


No way, didn't he want to dig a hole for himself to jump into?    


Isn't it a bit too useless to leave?    


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