The Romantic Soldier King



Meier? Wasn't the name of a foreign woman supposed to be 'Super Mary' or 'Bloody Mary' or 'Yi Li Suo Bai, Victoria, Kidman'? How could they be names with such Oriental charm? Fake, it had to be fake. Meier, such a coquettish and coquettish name, to be honest, really deserved such an enchanting name. Bai Yue didn't want to turn his head and look at her, because even looking at her for an extra moment would make him feel extremely disgusted.    


It was fine at first, but Bai Yue was only suspicious of this woman. After that, when Bai Yue observed her carefully, his feelings gradually changed. Who said that men were the visual creatures, and so were women. In the beginning, Bai Yue was only trying to figure out the doubts on Meier's body, but he had no choice. Although a woman would look at a woman like she was looking at a mirror, after looking at a mirror for a long time, she would see the structure and the material of the mirror. She would even care about the price of the mirror a little, so Bai Yue's gaze naturally fell on Meier's body.    


It had to be said, it had to be said that Meier's body was truly shocking. In Chinese idiom, it had to be said that he had used the foreign language's grammatical structure, to the point that no one could believe it was true. Maybe it was really decided by genes. Whether it was the foreigners' facial features, height, or figure, they were all much more obvious and prominent than the Oriental people. Even though Meier was wearing a nurse's uniform that didn't fit her perfectly and it was very obvious that she had picked it up conveniently, it still could not completely cover her arrogant body that could easily cause a war between men and blood flowing like a river. Fortunately, the protective suit was not that exaggerated, if there were more open mouth and those teasing slashes, Bai Yue guaranteed that even if Ye Cheng was able to keep it up on face, he would be bleeding internally due to the surging Innate Qi.    


Therefore, under this kind of situation where challenged him with bare fruit, Bai Yue's initial suspicion unconsciously shifted to a hint of jealousy brought about by his Innate Inheritance. Then, it directly evolved into a hateful look that, since he couldn't compete, he might as well just rely on physical force to destroy it. Especially after that, Meier seemed to have no qualms about Ye Cheng's words and revealed a little bit of flirtatiousness, the anger in Bai Yue's heart rose to another level, causing Bai Yue to become even more furious. And just happened to hear Ye Cheng's threat towards her, so Bai Yue made his move.    


To treat an enemy as cold as winter, to treat a potential love rival, then send her straight to hell! Actually, Bai Yue had always wanted to kill these girls and Chen Luoxue, but first of all, they were already very familiar with Ye Cheng. They had already filled up the time that they were not by Ye Cheng's side, if they were killed, what difference would there be between that and cutting off's retreat?    


Secondly, he had yet to truly understand Ye Cheng's thoughts. Just like other women, Bai Yue was unable to tolerate the fact that the people she loved were all swallows and swallows next to her, but this was definitely not a good thing. At least Ye Cheng had never revealed his true intentions to any of them before, and as long as Ye Cheng was not certain for one day, Bai Yue himself still had a chance.    


But all of these are because of the women that followed Ye Cheng around for a period of time. With regards to this trash who came from an unknown place, Bai Yue does not care about you at all. If no one else can cure you, I don't believe that I, Bai Yue, can't take care of you, a foreign female who came from a foreign land and doesn't even know how much the eggs here cost! But after just one round of battle, Bai Yue had truly discovered that he could do nothing about her. Although he had obtained the upper hand in a short period of time, she had quickly slipped away once again.    


"Meier? Oh hello, Meier! I believe you are already very familiar with it, and the one behind me is Bai Yue, my friend. " When he finished speaking, Ye Cheng paused for a while, before he said the two words "friends" with difficulty.    


"Ye Cheng, you!" Bai Yue was so angry that he almost exploded. He was naturally not Ye Cheng's girlfriend yet, but after knowing her for so many years, she was still a good friend. This time, he wasn't even a good friend, but a friend instead. Even though it was just a single word, the inside was vastly different.    


"Friend? As far as I know, it's not just you guys! This Officer Bai Yue, that was all due to his deep affection for you, Ye Cheng. " From the start to now, this fox named Meier had finally said something human. Bai Yue felt embarrassed, but Ye Cheng did not see anything, so Bai Yue did not mind.    


"How do you know?" Did Ye Cheng not know the harm that his words had done to Bai Yue? How do you know? Please, other than Ye Cheng who doesn't know about it, everyone on Earth knows about it, okay? Even if you didn't know, you could still see it. This time, Bai Yue really couldn't take it anymore. If it wasn't for the importance of this matter, he wouldn't even bother to waste his time here.    


"Ye Cheng, as you get along with me in the future, you'll know just how foolish your words are today. In the future, please do not use this phrase anymore. How do you know? Meier's tone, was as though he was teaching a lesson to a student who had studied for a long time and still did not know how to answer the question.    


"Alright then, I accept. I'll write it down. What I want to confirm now is whether we are friends or enemies. It can't be that you know everything while I don't. Aren't foreign countries most concerned with the fairness of equal exchange? What, are all of your fairness just things that you talk about? " Needless to say, dealing with foreigners was really interesting, especially when talking to a woman who nourished the eyes and stomach. The atmosphere was even more different.    


At this moment, Ye Cheng could basically conclude that Qiao Rubing and the others were not in any life-threatening danger. Not knowing why, although Meier was like her name and had many unanswered questions that were like ghosts, but looking at her calm and fearless demeanor, at the very least, what she had just told him about what had happened in Carefree Villa, was not fake. But now, what Ye Cheng needed to understand was, the group of thieves that Meier was talking about, which power did they belong to? There was always a debt to blame, and now that he was dead, there was no proof. That was why Meier was the key.    


"Ye Cheng, in the future, you have to remember one thing. "Alright, since we're friends, I don't think we need to put on so much disguise." As Meier said that, she pulled on the clothes behind her and the nurse's uniform that was on her body immediately flew out.    


Wow, how can you be so beautiful, how can you be so beautiful!    


If he added in the Animation Effect, Ye Cheng's two eyes would probably become the same as Tom's in "Cat and Mouse", two Peach of Love that was jumping up and down.    


If Qiao Rubing's face could be said to be that of an angel, then Meier's face could be said to be that of an angel among all Angels, a demon among demons! A pair of light green eyes that was not one bit inferior to a hundred thousand volts, a tall nose that could pick up dead people, and a pair of sexy fiery red lips ? Oh no, how could such an existence appear in this world?    


If just looking at her face made him unable to take it, then the other parts of her body would be even more heaven-defying and even more inconceivable. Different from Bai Yue's black leather clothes that had become even more dignified and mysterious due to the enticement, she was actually wearing a shoulder-revealing, high-cut, red evening dress. Whether it was the exposed fragrant shoulder or that pair of long, fair, beautiful legs that was slightly apart, both caused Ye Cheng's heartbeat to speed up in an instant, and was unable to breathe smoothly. It was as if all the nutrients in the air in the room was sucked out by Meier in an instant.    


I swear, Ye Cheng really doesn't want to see this woman with so much charm and so much vigor. But how is this possible?" His head couldn't control itself as he thought about the fantasy scene with soap bubbles floating on it. He said that if he was caught by this woman's legs, if he did any violent movements on her body, it would be worth it even if he died ten thousand times. In the future, Ye Cheng would no longer say anything frivolous. Because of Mei Er's existence, Ye Cheng would not be willing to die! That's right, this was the feeling of wanting to die rather than live.    


Let alone Ye Cheng, even Bai Yue was almost unable to hold back. They were both women, and so was Bai Yue, but why was the difference so huge? He looked at her, then back at himself. He didn't even have the chance to see that splendor on his chest before he was instantly reduced to nothing. Even if Bai Yue was not convinced, she could not seem to say anything. He had originally thought that he was a phoenix, but in the end he was turned into a village nun, no, a pheasant.    


"Good friends, you should show your true face." Meier seemed to have not even noticed Ye Cheng, who was constantly sniffing with his nose, as he spoke to himself.    


True face? Then you can take off your clothes while you're at it. I don't mind, because I'd like to show you my true appearance. Ye Cheng thought in his mind. No matter how much he endured, he had more things that he understood.    


"We've been standing here for so long and are tired. Let's talk on the road." Meier charmingly shook off her long wavy golden hair. Ye Cheng felt as if he was surfing in a golden ocean, filled with unprecedented excitement and enjoyment.    


"Where to?" Bai Yue replied vigilantly, at the same time his hand was already on the top of the gun. Believe it or not, I'll shoot you in a minute.    


"Of course we're going to Qiao Rubing and the others' place. Let's go, I'll bring you guys there!"    


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