The Romantic Soldier King



The commotion and injuries that had been imposed on the East China Sea Flowers Forest had come to an end with the departure of the Inagawa-kai. The beautiful peace of the past had once again descended on the East China Sea Flowers Forest that was near dusk. Although they had gone through a few great battles, the floral forest had still left behind a large piece of land charred by the battle qi, a bunch of plants and flowers that had been ravaged by the battle qi, as well as the corpses of a lot of dead birds and birds that were previously full of life and the bloodstains which were not easy to detect even after they had soaked in the soil, but at this time, the real spring had finally arrived. As long as there was spring, there would be hope.    


To Bai Yue, when would her spring finally come? If he were to tell Ye Cheng about this matter, would Ye Cheng think that I was deliberately hiding it? It was not easy to get the warmth that he wanted to get. Bai Yue cherished this feeling, he really wanted to keep that feeling of warmth, numbness, weakness in his body, and shyness for a long time. But, if I don't tell Ye Cheng, when Ye Cheng finds out, will he turn his head to scold me? With Ye Cheng's temper, after knowing the truth, he would definitely become friends with. And this was even more cruel than directly killing Bai Yue with a knife. was in a dilemma. Now, besides Ye Cheng, there was no one else.    


Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng and An Gaohan saw that the situation had settled down, that Bai Yue was still present, and that nothing would happen to him, so they followed the group. As for Lin Yifan who was like a wild crane, he had long gone missing, and would probably be kneeling at home and reporting to his wife about the situation. As long as his good disciple was alright, Lin Yifan would not care about the others, and had no way to help them. Since he had the time and mindset, he might as well go home and accompany his wife.    


"Oh right, Bai Yue, what did you want to tell me by stopping me just now?" Ye Cheng intentionally kept a safe distance between him and Bai Yue, so as to not be unable to maintain his close contact with the other party. The evil flame in Ye Cheng's body could not be extinguished completely in a short period of time while Bai Yue was still in his line of sight. Although he was not far away in the clearing in the forest, and had kept a special helicopter ready to pick Bai Yue up at any time, and there were three security guards on the plane, to Ye Cheng, they were negligible and could not be considered as a limiting factor.    


"Ye Cheng, what I want to say is ?" It was clearly just a single sentence, and he had already mustered up enough courage. However, just as the words reached his mouth, Bai Yue swallowed it back down, because Bai Yue could imagine Ye Cheng's violent reaction when he heard it, was as if quicklime had suddenly been added to the water, and it would immediately explode into a pot of boiling water. However, this matter couldn't be delayed in the slightest.    


"Bai Yue, if you have something to say, quickly say it. Please, if this were to drag on, Ye Cheng would not be able to hold himself back. After a few rounds of competition that was devoid of humanity and had no rest, the Jinyang Qi s in Ye Cheng's body were still moving around restlessly and restlessly. The Jinyang Qi s were also the most powerful and pure Yang energy in the world. As long as Ye Cheng's gaze fell on Bai Yue's flawless face, fell on the limitless splendor of her chest under the flirtatious collarbone before shifting to the waist of a water snake and her long beautiful legs. Oh, mygod! How could Ye Cheng endure it?    


At this moment, Ye Cheng turned around, because Ye Cheng's expression looked as if he was pissing himself.    


"Ye Cheng, I can say that, but you have to promise me first, no matter what, you have to be calm, okay?" In order to ensure his safety, Bai Yue had to guarantee his safety. Although Bai Yue did not dare guarantee what would happen, he had to at least first ensure Ye Cheng's safety.    


"Alright, I agree." Ye Cheng thought for a moment, still unable to think of anything that would cause him to suddenly lose control of himself. Ye Cheng could even endure the spring breeze that was blowing which was softer than a mattress. Moreover, Bai Yue never had anything to do with him other than working. What else could Bai Yue say other than work?    


Alright, what should come would eventually come. Whether it was fortune or misfortune, it was inevitable. Finally, after experiencing hundreds of rounds of internal struggles, Bai Yue mustered all the courage he could muster in his life to say the things that had been bottled up in his heart for a long time.    


"Ye Cheng, what I want to say is not about anything else, it's about you." Although it was still long and tedious, but to Bai Yue, it was already difficult enough.    


"Could it be that you found my biological parents? Or could it be that you are actually my long-lost, good sister? " These plots that had been used up by the TV series, they probably wouldn't jump out from Bai Yue's mouth. East China Sea Flowers Forest did not rescue Mei-zi, because Mei-zi was simply not here. But in short, as long as he did not see Mei-zi for one day, as long as he had some value for one day, Mei-zi should not be in any danger for the time being. No matter how crazy Hayama Takashi was, he should be able to restrain himself from meeting the real Mei-zi. Thinking about it this way, Ye Cheng's mood became good, and he could not help but return to his normal game world's free and unfettered ability. Now, he was laughing mischievously at Bai Yue.    


However, Ye Cheng's mischievous smile did not last long, because Bai Yue's following words were like a burst of ice, instantly causing Ye Cheng's soul to leave his body.    


"No, of course not. If it's really as you say, it's easier, and I hope it is, but the problem is not. No one would have thought that something like that would happen, and no one would be able to stop it. So, Ye Cheng, you need to be mentally prepared. " In the end, Bai Yue still did not have the courage to say it.    


At this moment, Ye Cheng seemed to have vaguely guessed a point or two from Bai Yue's words. The uneasiness in his heart had once again risen like flames, and the smile on his face hadn't disappeared yet. However, the expression on his face had gradually turned solemn.    


"What exactly is going on? "Speak quickly, or else I'll make you look good." Ye Cheng looked at Bai Yue, whose head was slightly lowered. He didn't know what he was going to do, and he didn't know what he was going to do. Bai Yue usually acted like a big sister or big brother. What happened today?    


"What would you want from me?" He sincerely hoped that they could change the topic. If Bai Yue really wanted to kneel down and beg for forgiveness to distract Ye Cheng's attention, or perhaps just give Ye Cheng a slap to make him completely lose his memories, he only remembered that he once loved Bai Yue. These two extremes meant that Bai Yue no longer had anywhere to retreat to.    


"Don't change the topic. Bai Yue, you were hiding something from me." Ye Cheng took a step forward. To be honest, Ye Cheng would not be able to think of a good idea in a short time. Push you down? It was simple, but what about after he fell down? Could he do whatever he wanted? He didn't know what kind of performance Bai Yue had beneath him, but just the thought of it was enough to captivate him.    


"Ye Cheng, you have to be mentally prepared." He did not expect Bai Yue's reminder, to instantly enrage him.    


"My mental preparation right now is already very good. My mental preparation has never been as good as this. If I were to, it would explode. Come on, sir, I haven't been to the bathroom all afternoon. Do you want me to suffocate? " After a few days, I, Ye Cheng, have yet to fully vent my anger. If you drag it on any longer, do you believe that I won't release you?    


"Ye Cheng!" Regarding this point, Ye Cheng wasn't mentally prepared at all. His wide shoulders were grasped tightly by Bai Yue all of a sudden.    


No way, could it be that Bai Yue is even hungrier than me? Could it be that that Bai Yue had been stuttering about this all along? Okay, for girls, this kind of thing was too brazen. Although it was fierce and belonged to the Wild Faction, Ye Cheng could still accept it. [You are the one who is taking the initiative. Wait and see. You will know what it means to turn the tables. You will know what it means to turn the tide.] Ye Cheng thought in delight, her little heart was also waiting for Bai Yue to give her a pleasant surprise.    


So under the leather jacket was such an impatient body!    


If Bai Yue knew what Ye Cheng was thinking, he reckoned that Bai Yue would have immediately fainted. Men and women didn't look much different, but why were their minds in different dimensions? No, it's thinking. Why isn't it in the same universe? Men and women are separated by at least billions of galaxies.    


"I endured it very hard. I thought about whether or not I should say it, but in the end, I could not hide it." It was as if every word hollowed out all of Bai Yue's remaining strength.    


I know, I know, I know! Ye Cheng thought, in fact, he was the same. How could he endure such a thing? However, there had to be someone who was willing to take the initiative. Sigh, Ye Cheng was not only sighing with emotion, if Qiao Rubing, or Pu Wanqing were to take the initiative, he wouldn't be so battered and exhausted all of a sudden. Sigh, forget about men and women, even between women and men, the gap is really big.    


"I'm ready." Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, and his eyes seemed to be on the verge of bursting into flames.    


Uh, Ye Cheng!    


It was only then that Bai Yue saw the abnormality of Ye Cheng's eyes and broke out in a cold sweat.    


"Hey, it's not what you think." Bai Yue's tone suddenly turned cold.    


"Then what?" If you want to do it, then do it. If only it could be like you. If you still don't act, I, Ye Cheng, will truly act as a man.    


"It's not about you, it's about Chen Luoxue and the others ?"    


Paradise and Hell, indeed, were only a thin line between them.    


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