The Romantic Soldier King



Mei-zi was Ye Cheng's true weakness at that moment in time. Hayama Takashi was indeed more insidious and cunning than the dead Fu Gonglongyi. Although he should have thought of this with Fu Gonglongyi's intelligence, he had his own selfish motives. His true goal was to kill Ye Cheng and at the same time, acquire the zhenyang zhenqi that was rarely seen on Ye Cheng in hundreds of years.    


One must know that to find someone suitable to train the zhenyang zhenqi and also reach the 7th level, that was as difficult as searching for an alien in the vast universe. If he was run into by Fu Gonglongyi, how could he let him go? It could be said that the reason why he practiced the Bei Chen Liu Zhen Qi art was because he hoped to meet someone who practiced the zhenyang zhenqi in his lifetime. If he had been more straightforward from the start, Fu Gonglongyi himself would not have ended up like this. Of course, there was another possibility. Fu Gonglongyi, who had roamed the martial arts world for many years and had always bragged about himself as a hero, obviously did not want to use threats to force Ye Cheng to submit.    


But for Hayama Takashi, these were not his considerations. All he could think of were two words, Victory! It was a complete and complete victory. He did not care about the means, nor did he care about the price he had to pay for the victory. Everyone, whether it was his senior brothers or the other warriors under his command, were merely his pawns. So now, after Young Lord had left the battlefield due to his injuries and left the order to get rid of Ye Cheng, with his own senior brother and his position above Fu Gonglongyi already dead, this place had become a place where Hayama Takashi supported his performance.    


As Hayama Takashi led the Golden Silk Bird Cage with Mei Zi inside, he gave the third order. All the Paddy field warriors stopped moving and stayed put. As a result, all the paddy field warriors who had been killed to the point of being jealous were like robots, they gave out orders and went back to the team without hesitation. They all stood by Hayama Takashi's side, quietly waiting for the next order. Silent, solemn, as if awaiting a mysterious and sacred ceremony.    


Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng and An Gaohan had also retreated to Ye Cheng's side in the shortest amount of time, they did not slack at all, even though they had not seen the intensity of the battle for the past half an hour or so, but a temporary truce did not mean much. Furthermore, they had all seen Fu Gonglongyi's terrifying fighting strength, so how could Hayama Takashi, who was at the same level as him, be an easy target?    


Hayama Takashi stood still, his hands behind his back. A pair of black sunglasses was like two bottomless black holes, seemingly capable of swallowing everything in the world. The Golden Silk Bird Prison Cage also stopped behind Hayama Takashi. Compared to before, the carriage only advanced a little, but Mei Zi's long hair had already been completely draped over her waist, covering her face. Furthermore, she was wearing a rich purple kimono, and was wrapped around by ropes that looked like vines and vipers. All of this gave off the feeling of a ghost of an island, although Ye Cheng clearly knew that that person was the person that he had thought of day and night, the person that he had to save, even if it meant sacrificing his own life in the end.    




"Enough, it's really enough. This old man has seen countless operas in his life and I thought that I had already seen the most interesting ones. But who would have thought that in this magical land of China, I would be able to broaden my horizons. " Hayama Takashi's laughter made Ye Cheng panic. His laughter was truly worse than crying.    


"Old Turtle, you really are a man of your word. I had no idea what you were trying to say after going around for so long." Let me boldly guess, do you feel that the situation has been lost, lost martial brother and the army, so you intend to unconditionally send Yukiko up? After all, your islanders loves to mess around. No matter what happens in the end, you will definitely surrender unconditionally. All of you are just a scripture, messing around. " Ye Cheng was not afraid of death, even if he were to die, he had to go through with it.    


People who cultivate zhenyang zhenqi are different, their recovery speed is faster than others, even when they are injured and defeated after two consecutive battles. If this goes on, within a few years, wouldn't the world be filled with people like you? Separated by two unassuming glasses, Ye Cheng could feel how sharp Hayama Takashi's eyes were, and how he wanted to skin Ye Cheng alive.    


"After speaking for a long time, your islanders finally spoke the truth. However, he wasn't afraid of saying it out loud. Not only would he dominate the world, he would also dominate the entire universe. The strongest person in the universe is not Zhen Zidan, he was just acting Ye Wen, but I am the real Ye Cheng! " Ye Cheng pointed his thumb at himself, his face filled with heroic spirit.    


"Young people really have no idea how high the sky and how deep the earth is. They even talk nonsense when they are about to die. Alright, I've let you say enough, and I've also let you out of the limelight. It's time to end this. I am not like the Young Lord who has tender feelings for women, and not like my respected senior brother who has his eyes on your martial arts cultivation. I only want one result, and that is your death. Didn't you want my lady? "Alright, I'll grant you one condition. If you die, I'll let you go." There was not the slightest tone in Hayama Takashi's words.    


Fan Mingcheng was not the only one looking at him. Ye Cheng's master, Lin Yifan was also looking at him. As his close friend who once lived, and his master who taught him, they naturally knew that Ye Cheng was an extremely emotional and holy person, that he would not refuse even if his bones were shattered for the sake of his loved one. But in their hearts, even if they clearly knew that it was not worth it for a woman, and furthermore, there was not only this woman Ye Cheng, who was also a islanders, she should not be so foolish, but how could they possibly say such cold words? Where in the world would a man let his loved one be in danger?    


They could do nothing, understand everything, yet they could not say anything. They could only leave it to Ye Cheng to decide. God bless them, they all started to pray silently in their hearts, praying that the heavens would open their eyes, so that Ye Cheng wouldn't be muddled and wouldn't speak nonsense and accept.    


"Hahaha, old turtle, listen up. If my death can be exchanged for my freedom, I will agree to it a thousand times. If you want me, Ye Cheng, to die, it will be very easy. I just need to bite my tongue hard and it will be fine. " Ye Cheng turned his head and signaled Lin Yifan to withdraw his Innate Qi from his wounds.    


To be honest, the four of them had their hearts in their throats, afraid that Ye Cheng would not be able to bear it and bite his tongue to commit suicide. All of those soul-stirring battles were not worth mentioning anymore. Now, Ye Cheng was the one who was in big trouble. Lin Yifan was already secretly making preparations. As long as this disciple had some tricks up his sleeve, he would definitely save the God of Death before he could even make it in time! Golden Sun Body cannot be sacrificed for nothing, Ye Cheng had an even more important mission to complete!    


"But, how can I be sure that my death will truly be able to achieve the desired result? If it was your Young Lord, or even your senior brother, then I would still believe it. Old Turtle, you even dare to kill your own Senior Brother, what else do you have that you can't do? " Ye Cheng straightened his body and pointed out with his finger.    


In the face of Ye Cheng's accusation, Hayama Takashi did not move at all, as if Ye Cheng was a lunatic whose mouth was full of fart.    


"There is an ancient saying in China: thieves are called thieves. Originally, I had intended to spare you and let you commit suicide. But since you mentioned my senior brother, then I will have to consider carefully whether or not I should let a person whose hands are stained with the blood of my Inagawa-kai like you die so easily. " The corner of Hayama Takashi's mouth curved up as a sinister thought sprouted in his mind. With a flip of his finger, he flipped the beauty in the distance.    


At this moment, Mei Zi was in the midst of Hayama Takashi's strange true energy light. Even though her face was covered by her long hair, Ye Cheng could still feel the pain that was happening to her body.    


"Old Turtle, is this how you treat your young lady?" Ye Cheng clenched his fists and glared at her.    


"Yes, or what? Even her brother and her father had abandoned her. What else could I care about? In the eyes of other people, she is a young miss, but in my eyes, she is a bastard who doesn't deserve to be in Inagawa-kai. " After saying that, Hayama Takashi's hand that was pointing behind him turned slightly, his five fingers bent slightly, and he suddenly looked down, only to see a large piece of Mei Zi's uniform being ripped off, revealing her fair and tender shoulders.    


"Hayama Takashi, stop right now!" The Innate Qi that had calmed down with much difficulty in Ye Cheng's body was surging once again.    


"If I don't stop, what can you do? Look at you now, even if you go all out, you still won't be a match for me, Hayama Takashi. Of course you still have your master, but so what? "No matter how fast you are, can you beat the power of my fingers?" While speaking, Hayama Takashi used the same trick again, and another large part of Mei Zi's uniform was ripped off mercilessly. This time, it was Mei Zi's skirt, revealing her long, slender, white, and slippery legs in front of everyone, which was truly a fatal mystery under the heavens. Some of the martial artists couldn't help but raise their heads, admiring her unique beauty.    


Ye Cheng was angry!    


Never had it been like this before, where Ye Cheng's anger could not increase any further!    


He felt as if ten thousand suns were burning within him, and he felt as if the whole world was raging in flames.    


No, that was not a rising fire, but surging true energy that he had never felt before.    


His tightly clenched fists had his nails embedded into his flesh.    


Frowning and the pain in his temple were insufficient.    


Ye Cheng was furious, he gritted his teeth so hard that they were about to shatter.    


"This is, no, this is impossible!" Lin Yifan watched in disbelief. Not only Lin Yifan, everyone was watching, regardless of whether it was Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng, An Gaohan, or Hayama Takashi who was just standing there stunned with a sinister smile on his face.    


That's right, anyone who saw such a scene would be stunned.    


It was too ? unbelievable!    


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