The Romantic Soldier King



Don't look at how normally An Gaohan wouldn't be able to say a word for a long time, even if he did speak he would be able to rush people to death. He was just a dull and boring standard technology nerd, but to actually do things, his level of craziness was not one bit worse than Ye Cheng's. If it was already frightening enough for Xiao Yifeng to just blindly lift up a heavy machine gun like that, then An Gaohan was risking his life for this.    


His weapon was nothing else but a bunch of TNT bombs. When his coat was blown away by the wind, Ye Cheng realized that this guy had enough bombs on him to flatten the whole forest. An Gaohan was like a death god that crawled out of hell, his two hands holding onto a scythe that was about to kill him. My god, he really does not make a move normally, but the moment he makes a move, he frightens me to death!    


Very quickly, An Gaohan joined the fray. The sounds of explosions in the East China Sea Flowers Forest came one after another, with the addition of the heavy machine gun's whooshing sound, the rampaging of the handguns on the left and right, and the fact that some of the people were shot to the ground or had been blown to death by the bombs, it made everyone feel like a local war had broken out here.    


Ye Cheng didn't even think about it that much. In fact, he didn't even feel that all of the wars that had erupted in the East China Sea Flowers Forest were matters of the world. If Ye Cheng had a catty of melon seeds or small plates of peanuts by his side right now, he would really feel like he was watching a Hollywood movie. Even if he didn't want money, he would just continuously pour free Innate Qi into his own body. And with his three brothers in front of him, Ye Cheng's life was not worth worrying about, and Ye Cheng also believed in their abilities. He would not be disappointed. If not for the fact that his Innate Qi was circulating within his body preventing it from leaking, Ye Cheng really wanted to shout loudly for his brothers!    


One of them was a war madman who was responsible for consolidating and expanding the frontlines. The other was a giant tank guy who was carrying a heavy machine gun and charging forward to tear apart the surrounding iron walls, while the other one was a knight who was stepping into a no-man's land using his two light pistols. He was trying to disrupt the opponent's defensive line and if possible, Fan Mingcheng wanted to rush to Hayama Takashi and Fu Gonglongyi's side to wreak havoc to confuse his state of mind. With such a perfect coordination and clear division of labor, the Iron Triangle firmly held the initiative on the battlefield for a time.    


Bombs flew everywhere and bullets roared. No matter how high the enemy's martial arts skills were, or how many True Qi leak out, they still had to throw away countless corpses under the concentrated firepower of this modern world. Although it was not enough to describe the place with corpses strewn all over the ground, the result was still very ugly for Hayama Takashi. However, the Inagawa-kai still had the numbers, which meant that they had the advantage in strength. The enemy could only last until their death, and there were only three people that could fight. Previously, he had ordered for Ye Cheng to be captured alive, but now, he had issued a second order. No matter who it was, all of them were to be killed without question.    


Killing Order!    


All of the Paddy field Warriors only advanced towards Ye Cheng. Now, they had suddenly changed their direction and were going to break through Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng and the others. The intense battle had already lasted for almost half an hour. Although the Pastoral Warriors had lost more than a thousand people in a regiment, it did not fundamentally shake the enemy's fighting strength as a huge legion. Correspondingly, the bullets in Fan Mingcheng's gun had already been exhausted, and the heavy machine guns that had consumed a large amount of bullets were already empty.    


"My good disciple, I know your popularity is poor, but it shouldn't be so bad. In this kind of occasion, only three brothers were left. Even if you brought the entire Black Tiger Gang and Four Seas gang here, although they were all cannon fodder rookies, the broken boat still had three thousand nails, and they would still be able to hold on for a little longer. " Lin Yifan shook his head worriedly. It would be great if Ye Cheng could recover at the same speed as the bullets he used on the battlefield. He was anxious to not eat the hot tofu, but Lin Yifan thought that he would be able to quickly serve the hot tofu.    


"Tch, I just don't want it. Furthermore, how would I know that with my face, I actually used half of the power of the Inagawa-kai to kill me. I just wanted to come and save your disciple's wife, Meizi, and I didn't even want to take action. " Even if Ye Cheng explained the process of transferring the power of the Dragon Soul Battle Squad and the National Security Agency to his master, with his character, Lin Yifan still wouldn't be able to understand. If Bai Yue had not interfered this morning, then he would be able to mobilize at least a hundred troops. The members of the Dragon Soul Battle Team would be a thousand.    


"Master, you should just put your heart in your stomach. Besides, how can I distract myself from your healing? "Didn't you often tell me that when you're training or when you're healing, once you're distracted, it's very dangerous. You'll go berserk at any minute." Ye Cheng said unhappily, at the same time he kept his eyes on Fu Gonglongyi. From the looks of it, Fu Gonglongyi had never suffered such a serious injury since he started his cultivation. If it wasn't for the fact that this old man was a gambler, how would he have ended up with his old bones falling apart? It was simply too insufferable.    


"I don't want to be distracted, but you see, the situation is very worrying." Lin Yifan was referring to the battle qi that Fan Mingcheng and Fan Mingcheng had just finished adjusting. They fought valiantly, the battle qi that flew in all directions and the iron fists and copper arms that were like dragons in the sea, making the Samurai sword that came rushing in like a torrential storm completely useless. But this did not change anything, amongst them the most outstanding Paddy warriors also released their battle qi attack, with the Profound Sky Battle Qi, and the Samurai sword, Fan Mingcheng and Fan Mingcheng were instantly targeted by the experts, and the two fought together.    


Very quickly, An Gaohan's bombs had been used up, and he had no choice but to fight in close combat. With his battle qi fully activated, the muscles all over his body bulged out like pieces of rocks, making him seem like a mountain god opening his path. He was ferocious and unstoppable. The martial artists' horizons had been broadened. Not all Chinese were polite, and there were still some crazy people.    


Ye Cheng, you can't let your guard down. From what I see, although Mt. Gui and Fujia belong to the same team, they still have a hidden and powerful look on their face. If anything goes wrong, he might just give up on Fujia Longyi or even stab him in the head. After that, he will kill you by himself. Master was truly worthy of being called a master. His thoughts and thoughts had already gone straight to the point. Yes, what Master said was entirely possible.    


Ye Cheng was slightly apprehensive, because the situation seemed to be developing in the direction that Lin Yifan had pointed out irreversibly. It really was a jinx. If it was good, it wouldn't be good at all.    


"Senior brother, we have been in the Inagawa-kai for so many years. Hayama Takashi said sinisterly to Fu Gonglongyi. However, Fu Gonglongyi was still severely injured and only had a weak consciousness. Although he could not answer, he could still reluctantly nod his head and agree.    


"But, why are you an elder of the Zuo family, while my contribution is greater than yours, but only an elder of the right? I once wondered if it was because of me. Later on, I thought it through and realized that it was because of you that I have fallen to my current state. " While talking, Hayama Takashi's hands had already quietly moved away from Fu Gonglongyi's back. Fu Gonglongyi had to wait for a while before he knew the true meaning behind Hayama Takashi's words.    


"Ah, ah, ah." Fu Gonglongyi was unable to speak and could only squeeze out these words from his mouth with much difficulty.    


"Don't blame me, Senior Brother. Just now, in front of my subordinates, I was too embarrassed to make a move, but now, don't blame me." Do you still remember the first reason why we taught Young Lord together? That is, do not have patience for people and things that are no longer useful. Only by being cold-blooded and emotionless can you succeed. " Hayama Takashi stopped channeling his Innate Qi into his hands. Just now, Hayama Takashi's hands were a glimmer of hope for Fu Gonglongyi, a sliver of life, but now, it was the breathing of the god of death, a touch that could captivate souls.    


"Human hearts are treacherous. Never underestimate them." Through the dense crowd, Ye Cheng saw Fu Gonglongyi, who still had a little bit of color just now. When Hayama Takashi's hands made contact with him once again, Fu Gonglongyi's face had already become as red as a sheet of paper.    


What a vicious person!    


Following that, Hayama Takashi would definitely blame Fu Gonglongyi's death on Ye Cheng, or should we say, it wouldn't be so troublesome at all, he would definitely make his move in the shortest amount of time. Right now, his master's movement had reached its most crucial point. Hayama Takashi was able to kill his comrades as if he was a broken shoe, but Lin Yifan wasn't as confident.    


"Master, don't abandon me either. In this kind of crisis, we have to take into consideration the fact that the disciple respects you with all his filial piety. " Ye Cheng pretended to cry.    


"What nonsense is Stinky kid talking about? Is your master that kind of person? Besides, even if it is, what can you do to me? " Lin Yifan even made a face and spoke in a good mood.    


Okay, so what if you have a master like that, Ye Cheng was completely convinced by his master.    


Before he could even catch his breath, Ye Cheng saw the distant Hayama Takashi, slowly walking towards him. Not only that, Hayama Takashi was not the only one there. On his hands was a bundle of red rope, on the other end of which was the Golden Silk Bird Cage that held Mei Zi.    


Ye Cheng knew what he wanted to do. Since things had progressed to this point, it was time to truly resolve it.    


Fan Mingcheng, Xiao Yifeng and An Gaohan gradually reached their limits under the continuous attacks of the Paddy Rivers Warriors, and with their strong willpower and superb fighting techniques, they had barely been able to hold on until now. In exchange for thousands of casualties, but as time passed by, the results of the battle would completely disappear. They could lose hundreds of people, but as long as they could kill Ye Cheng in the end, all their efforts would have been for naught.    


The final moment had finally arrived.    


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