The Romantic Soldier King



If it was a normal situation, these self-proclaimed experts would actually be professional killers for grass bird in Ye Cheng's eyes. If he were to start a massacre, they would obviously not be able to fill the gaps in his teeth. But not now. The other party was not joking. Besides, he had not fully recovered yet. If they were to fight, the outcome of the battle was still uncertain. Add to that the fact that these two crafty old fellows were fighting, his death was certain. Thus, the most important thing for him to do now was to delay as much time as possible.    


Suddenly, Ye Cheng made up his mind. He wanted to play with this bunch of idiots. When talking about Ye Cheng, other than his explosive fighting strength in terms of martial arts, he was the best at acting. At this critical juncture between life and death, he decided to put on the most important act of his life. In front of these two old fellows who thought themselves to have experienced the trials of the world, Ye Cheng decided to properly tease them. Of course, this required excellent acting skills and rich circumstances, which Ye Cheng was not lacking in at all.    


I am Oskar, I am the showman, my performance is distracted.    


It just so happened that at this moment, the props said yes.    


Using Qi to control objects, the mountain village version of the Turtle Immortal looked like he was bent over a hump and looked like he was in his forties. However, when they fought, they knew just how powerful he was. With two fingers together, he made a light slice, and the Samurai sword that was held tightly in the hands of a professional killer was pulled out of his grasp with a 'shua' sound. The speed was so fast that the professional killer did not realize it, but his hands had long been cut so full of blood. The Samurai sword drew a beautiful and graceful arc in the air. Under the control of the Mountain Village version of the Turtle Immortal, it accurately landed on Ye Cheng's toes, flashing with a cold aura of death.    


"If you want me to die, I can." For a moment, Ye Cheng was like a different person. If either Fan Mingcheng or Fan Mingcheng was present, they would definitely be greatly shocked. This fellow entered the drama too quickly, there was no gap at all, and it was very easy for people's little hearts to not be able to take it. But if it was An Gaohan, he would not show it, and would then ruthlessly despise him in his heart.    


Isn't it? This was even more efficient and funny than becoming a grimace in a second. A second ago, Ye Cheng was still like a lion in the wilderness. His demeanor was exceptional when facing an army of thousands of men and his face was as cold and proud as granite. But then again, Ye Cheng's brows were furrowed slightly, his eyes were spinning, and he did not know what happened, but he still thought that Ye Cheng was just a child who did not grow up, because he stole food or broke the windows of his neighbors, feeling wronged and wanted to be smacked by an adult.    


The show had just begun! Ye Cheng thought confidently in his heart, but on his mouth he was saying words that even he himself felt disgusted. However, in order to obtain the most valuable time and victory in the end, Ye Cheng had to put in a lot of effort.    


"But before I die, before I apologize to the heavens and the Young Lord, please allow me to meet the Miss Mei-zi that I've been thinking about day and night. "It's fine if you want me to cut myself in half, and it's fine if you want me to smash my head into a wall. But before I die, I only have one small request. To see the beauty once ? to see ? to see." Using the reciting tone of a poem to recite the wronged lines, Ye Cheng felt that if his words were to be accompanied by sad music, preferably a dejected cello, it would definitely make those who heard it sad to the core.    


How did he become so good at acting? In the future, I don't want to take on any special tasks, so I might as well consider changing to an actor. Ye Cheng thought with confidence. The professional killers who could understand Chinese obviously gulped their saliva down. Obviously, they were disgusted by Ye Cheng, the big guy.    


However, it was very obvious that those two elders were a little touched. It was not because they were touched, but rather, it was because they were moved to such a state. Who knew how many more years Ye Cheng had to train in his acting skills?    


Although the two of them knew that Ye Cheng had changed too fast and that what he said was f * cking fake, they could still understand that Ye Cheng had finally realized the truth before he died. Even though Ye Cheng was arrogant and proud, but in the end, Ye Cheng was still a young man. He talked like he was not afraid of anything, but when death really came, he would still be afraid. In their eyes, the most important thing for humans was their lives. Ye Cheng's transformation, more or less, gave them some credibility.    


"Actually, if I had been like this earlier, wouldn't it have been so troublesome?" It's a very simple matter to meet Mei-zi. " The Mountain Village version of the Turtle Immortal laughed sinisterly, he did not have a smile on his face like the old man, he just extended his hand and clapped twice, suddenly opening up a path in front of Ye Cheng that was surrounded by the crowd. At the end of the road, a prison cart slowly appeared.    


Not a prison van! It was a huge Golden Silk Bird Cage!    


Inside the birdcage, he saw Mei-zi in kimono tied by a rope, floating in the air above the birdcage. This is not a simple kidnapping of the bondage, but the island's unique perverted culture SM. The only thing he saw was the unconscious Mei Zi, her hair hanging in a mess. The ropes tied her up tightly. Not only did they accentuate the beautiful curves of Mei Zi's body, they also bound her limbs tightly. As the people behind pushed the huge birdcage forward, the professional killers on the left and right were all stunned. They were truly people from a country. Only they could appreciate this kind of twisted and gloomy beauty. Looking at their expressions, they were all deeply attracted. It was clear that as long as someone gave the order, they would destroy the birdcage and immediately take down that beauty who could not resist.    


He almost drooled. If it was purely from an artistic point of view, the binding would have been okay, but it was not an occasion at all. This was a kidnapping, and it was Ye Cheng's own woman who was tied up like this! How could he tolerate this? Ye Cheng secretly clenched his fists. If possible, he really wanted to rush forward and save Mei Zi. However, right now, he didn't have the ability. Of course he could call for his master and his three loyal helpers, but the situation was still unclear. Who knew how many hidden experts and powers there were in this forest. Before confirming the danger, he couldn't bear to let his master and brothers take the risk.    


The luxurious birdcage prison carriage stopped a hundred steps away from Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng could only look at Mei Zi from afar, but couldn't approach her. Ye Cheng endured the anger in his heart and continued to lie to these old fellows.    


"Is it this Samurai sword? It's really beautiful!" No matter how much of an act Ye Cheng put on, no matter how much of an act he pretended, he would not lower his head in front of the islanders. Ye Cheng slowly squatted down and picked up the Samurai sword that was thrown over by his Innate Qi. He carefully examined it, looking at it while praising it.    


What's so good about it? It's not even comparable to my belt. This was actually what Ye Cheng was thinking in his heart.    


"Cough cough cough, dying under this Samurai sword will not be in vain. "This blade has been used by Tian Li's family, a famous general of the Battle Country. It has been passed down for seven hundred years. After meticulous efforts by craftsmen in our country, it has become one of the world's most famous blades." The Mountain Village version of the Turtle Immortal twirled his goatee, speaking clearly.    


He was just saying it casually. He didn't expect the old man to actually say it out loud. Could it be nonsense? The blade of a famous general was still 700 years old. Was it held in the hand of a professional fighter who didn't even know that he had been injured? It seemed that the so-called general was also lacking.    


"If I cut myself, would you be willing to forgive me and let Meizi reunite with you?" Ye Cheng's eyes were filled with hot tears. In truth, these so-called tears were only evaporated from his own little bit of Innate Qi, and the taste was still sweet.    


"Mm, it's like this." The knockoff version of the Turtle Immortal nodded.    


"Alright, it seems like we have nothing to discuss." With a flip of his hand, Ye Cheng pointed the blade tip of the Samurai sword at his abdomen. Even through the shirt, Ye Cheng could still feel the coldness of the Samurai sword. In the eyes of an outsider, it seemed as if Ye Cheng was truly prepared to cut off his own stomach to thank Cang Tian.    


"Damn, what is the elder brother Cheng doing? Why did he have to take the Broken Island Country's broken Samurai sword and point it at his own stomach? What kind of martial arts technique is this? " Fan Mingcheng, who was using his distance vision telescope to observe from afar had a face full of disbelief.    


"Really?" Is this still the elder brother Cheng that I know? " At the same time, Xiao Yifeng quickly reported to the others, he also sent the signal to the communication device between them and Ye Cheng. This kind of signal had no sound, no words, only vibration. With the frequency and intensity of the vibration, one would be able to decipher the contents of the signal. If one wasn't an inner person, then there was no way to know.    


Three vibrations came from the pocket of his pants. Furthermore, his strength was medium and strong. Every vibration happened in a second. What do you mean, what's going on in your Y gourd?    


Ye Cheng was speechless, he didn't even have the mood to reply.    


"However, before I die, I still have a small wish, so small that it can't be any smaller. That is, the food that the Paddy Rivers Young Lord had just given me was something that I did not know how to treasure. I am not a good person either, I actually wasted it. Before I died, I wanted to take a bite, just one bite was enough. " Ye Cheng said this while feeling that the True Qi in his body had largely returned to its original position. If this matter was urgent, he would be able to deal with these twenty thousand men easily, but there was still a little bit of a difference in strength in dealing with these two old turtles.    


"Where did all this nonsense come from?" An impatient light shone in the eyes of the old man who showed his might without getting angry. If his eyes were a sharp sword, Ye Cheng would have had his throat sliced open long ago.    


"Alright, alright. I'll shut up, I'll shut up. I thank you, thank you all. Wasn't it just to kill me? I'll tell you guys, don't stop me! I'll tell you guys, if anyone dares to come forward, I'll be in a hurry with them! Take a look, take a good look at what kind of extraordinary and transcendent death method I, Ye Cheng, have displayed to you all ? " Ye Cheng did not look like he was about to die at all.    


The thugs were feeling cold under the sunlight, but the spring wind was blowing them around.    


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