The Romantic Soldier King



The profound and profound cultivation technique for the seventh level of the Jin Yang Heaven Breaking Spell was currently being displayed on Ye Cheng's body. This instant outburst of battle qi, which could destroy a mountain, as well as the unbreakable Golden Sun Barrier which was like a loyal guard made Ye Cheng appear like a small sun. At the same time, he constantly displayed his terrifying and shocking battle power.    


The golden sun battle qi was crisscrossing each other at an extremely high speed, causing Ye Cheng to float in the air, and become the true contestant from above when fighting against Inagawa Otake. The East China Sea Flowers Forest that was originally bathed in the radiance of spring, became frantic and restless under the disturbance of the tyrannical and unyielding Gold Sun Battle Qi. It was as if a huge wave had been unceasingly set off by an angry wind, causing even the heaven and earth to sigh at Ye Cheng's power.    


"Not bad, not bad. It seems like Ye Cheng did not take advantage of this opportunity to pick up girls, and did not lower his cultivation. " In the distance, in a place where neither Ye Cheng nor Inagawa Otake could see him, an old man was currently watching the battle from afar with a thin branch. This person was none other than Ye Cheng's master, Lin Yifan. As he stroked his white beard, Lin Yifan's eyes were filled with pride and pride.    


Ye Cheng's fists were like two burning fireballs, the power released from his pair of golden eyes caused the surrounding temperature to rise slowly. The slightly moist grass was being roasted by the raging flames, turning into yellow sand that was being burned by the decisive fire.    


If Ye Cheng was said to be furious, then his opponent was Inagawa Otake. In response, and also as a demonstration of his own strength, Inagawa Otake drew a barrier in front of his chest with both hands. It was one of the most profound cultivation bases in the island, Freezing Sky Mountain's Feng Bei Chenliu. It was a cultivation which could turn everything in the world into a killing blade. For Inagawa Otake, who had cultivated to the sixth level, there was naturally a reason for him to choose the East China Sea Flowers Forest area as his battlefield.    


These originally inanimate things were being summoned by Inagawa Otake's secretive and unfathomable God Power, and were constantly evolving into sharp weapons used to kill people. They were like many fanatical soldiers, and many poisoned figurines, under Inagawa Otake's control, they became devils and demons. The interweaving of the flower leaves became the upgraded version of the shuriken sword, but it was even more powerful, causing the plot to be even more profound; the rocks and branches were mobilized, forming a sharp blade that continuously attacked the opponent; As for the flowing water and the grass on the ground, they were manipulated by Inagawa Otake into an omnipresent, heavy pressure that was compressing and forcing Ye Cheng's fighting space to move step by step.    


"Samurai sword s are not just made of blades made of fine steel. They are in nature, they are everywhere." Inagawa Otake had completely taken off the hypocritical mask from before, revealing a sinister face.    


"Then let's see whether it's your island nation's Samurai sword that is more arrogant or my Chinese Emperor's Sword that is even more domineering." Ye Cheng roared out explosively. The energy that had been stored up in his body rushed out like a monstrous flood that had opened a gate, unstoppable.    


The overwhelming Gold Sun Battle Qi was constantly battling against the cold Bei Chen Liu that came from the ancient ice river. The two opposite yin and yang energies were on par with each other. The power generated by the zhen Qi when the two sides clashed was not any weaker than the shockwaves produced by hundreds or thousands of missiles exploding at the same time. The plants and trees within a radius of a few hundred meters were all razed to the ground in an instant. Even the thick ground was torn apart by the battle qi.    


"Oh my god, when did elder brother Cheng obtain such a heaven shocking power?! This is truly unbelievable!" As Fan Mingcheng watched the battle between the golden and silver godly powers, he was so nervous that he couldn't even blink. He hadn't thought that he would be able to witness such a stunning battle with his own eyes. He had truly been blessed in his three lives.    


"I never thought that the elder brother Cheng's skills would have such an amazing progress. In the previous round where he fought with Fu Qingyun, Ye Cheng barely managed to fight to a draw, but from the looks of it now, Fu Qingyun who is fighting with his full power will lose in a single round. " Xiao Yifeng looked at the two clashing battle Qis flying in all directions, his heart surging with emotions.    


Although the intense impact of the battle qi on An Gaohan's face threw out a multicolored light, and although he did not say anything on the surface, he knew that in his life, no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to catch up to Ye Cheng, who was his former comrade. An Gaohan was just like his name, arrogant and proud. However, compared to Ye Cheng, that so-called arrogance, that so-called high, was like a small child meeting a great master. It seems that he could only accept his fate and be Ye Cheng's loyal guard.    


Both of Ye Cheng's fists struck out alternately, the blazing Gold Sun Primordial Fire balls shot out like artillery shells, one by one they slanted towards the opponent's barrier enchantment, and the battle qi in the air was like a dragon dashing through the array, striking head on and attacking in a roundabout way, overlapping with each other inside and outside, covering the sky in firepower. From the air, all of Ye Cheng's attacks seemed to be like an unstoppable golden flood. Whether it was strength or scale, not to mention the facade, they were all as worthy as the Emperor Sky Sword that Ye Cheng had mentioned.    


The continuous bombardment, the true energy that was rampaging about, it was as if East China Sea Flowers Forest had detonated an atomic bomb in the center. The power of the explosion was accompanied by ripples that seemed to be endless as they walked step by step towards the abyss of destruction.    


And in this kind of situation, the one who was at a disadvantage was not Ye Cheng, who became braver the more they fought, but instead Inagawa Otake, who was their opponent. The reason why Inagawa Otake relied on his battle prowess was due to the fact that he thought that he had reached the level of the Freezing Sky Bei Bei Liu's zhenqi. On top of that, he relied on the East China Sea Flowers Forest's power to attack him, using all natural objects in the world as his weapons. But as the battles progressed, the resources that Inagawa Otake had on hand became useless ashes from Ye Cheng's attacks. Even the hard rock was not able to face Ye Cheng's attacks directly and turned into powder and scattered into the wind.    


"Surrender, you parrot! If you're not good at learning, don't use these flowers as a scapegoat. Didn't the island not teach you guys to love the environment? " Ye Cheng who looked like a golden god who had descended to the mortal realm became more confident the more he fought. Ye Cheng unleashed another wave of true energy attack that was extremely powerful, it could topple mountains and overturn the seas, making it seem like there was a pressure on the mountain, as it rolled over.    


Inagawa Otake could not see any hope of victory. One side was that the number of times he could launch his attacks was decreasing, and the amount of Bei Chen Liu Qi in his body and Ye Cheng's reserves were two completely different levels. If he was a lake, then Ye Cheng would be a ocean, and if he was a sea, then Ye Cheng would be an endless ocean. In order to use his Innate Qi, Ye Cheng had much more time and confidence.    


On the other hand, the natural energy that Cherry Blossom relied on was also paralyzed by Ye Cheng's continuous and concentrated attacks. At this moment, Ye Cheng had already completely occupied the top of the barrier, and could see the Jinyang Qi s in Ye Cheng's area flourishing, and the ball of enchantment around Ye Cheng began expanding at a very fast speed. This was the external form of the cultivation of a party who was in the midst of a battle, and what formed a clear contrast with it was that Inagawa Otake's silver enchantment was shrinking and crumbling, and it was powerless to reverse its effects.    


Finally, the time had come to close the office    


"Ten Thousand Dragon Sect!" A myriad of golden sun battle Qis, which were like dragons in the ocean, surged with thunder and lightning, roared as they rushed towards Inagawa Otake.    


Ah!" Clenching his teeth tightly, his veins popped out and his face flushed red. He had never experienced a defeat in his life, yet when he faced his first defeat, there was nothing he could do other than struggle and despair. The enchantment of the Cherry Blossom God Palace was collapsing. All of the flowers, plants, and trees were no longer possessed, and those flying in the air seemed to have lost their souls, powerlessly falling to the ground. As the silver enchantment slowly faded away, blood seeped out from the corner of Yinwu's mouth.    


"Break!" As if an Emperor had descended, Ye Cheng descended from the sky and punched out with both of his fists, forming an extremely strong impact with his Innate Qi. Finally, unable to resist, Inagawa Otake withdrew his palms. The last bit of silver Qi was gone, and he failed.    


"Chase after him!" Just as Ye Cheng was prepared to do it in one go and use his imposing Qi to completely defeat Inagawa Otake, making him unable to retaliate, at some point, two battle qi from who knows where suddenly joined in the battle. At first, Ye Cheng was unstoppable, but he completely did not expect there would be any external forces added in at all. It was too late to retract his true energy, and with the other party's battle qi as well, Ye Cheng was already at the end of his rope.    


The impact of his zhenqi caused a surge in the surroundings and a rebound in the surroundings.    




Ye Cheng's chest seemed to have been struck by a stone hammer, the initial attack instantly disappearing.    


Ye Cheng fell towards a hundred year old tree like a meteor, but didn't expect Ye Cheng to merely lean on it, and in the blink of an eye, the hundred year old tree was pressed down and deformed, and even its roots were pushed down.    


The smoke was thick, as though the entire sky was filled with smoke. East China Sea Flowers Forest had turned into a smoky sky, and it was impossible to see her fingers in front of her.    


Ye Cheng immediately sat down cross legged, and took this rare time to recuperate the Innate Qi which was rushing out of his body and out of control. The other party must have sent experts over. Ye Cheng thought that no matter what, he should first stabilize himself.    


When Ye Cheng opened his eyes again, the smoke that was stirred up by the battle qi had already dispersed. Was the place in front of him still the East China Sea Flowers Forest's auspicious and vibrant grass? No, it was simply a field of despair and death. The charred ground still had sparks of fire left, the wind that blew past still carried a scorching aura, but outside the battling ground just now, the East China Sea Flowers Forest was still full of life.    


Those who did not know about this would think that the center of East China Sea Flowers Forest had visited a meteorite.    


"Parrot, you've been defeated. Come come come, kowtow to my Master Ye Cheng. "Don't pretend to bow this time, I want you to perform three kowtows and nine kowtows for me." Ye Cheng slowly stood up, this loud voice did not reveal that he was injured in the slightest.    


"It is still not clear who will win and who will lose." Two more people appeared beside Inagawa Otake.    


The two of them were the ones who had just attacked Ye Cheng.    


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