The Romantic Soldier King



"Hello, Ye Cheng Sang, my name is Inagawa Otake." The other party was still sitting on his knees, causing Ye Cheng to wonder if his knees were actually sitting on meat. It had been so long, wasn't it numb? It seems that not only did the islanders treat others ruthlessly, he also treated himself in such a cruel way!    


"Parrot? What kind of animal is that? Is that the name of the animal? It's really funny! " islanders was so inconceivable, calling him by this name was completely acceptable. Ye Cheng felt that it was inconvenient to look down on him from above, furthermore, it was not necessary, hence he slowly sat down. Moreover, those ten geisha were lined up in a straight line right behind Inagawa Otake.    


"Ye Cheng Sang really knows how to joke. The cherry blossoms are the cherry blossoms and the martial arts. Father gave me this name, it is a hope ?" Inagawa Otake wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Ye Cheng.    


"Please, you are a man of honor, too, and I am? In the end, I am also one of the presidents of a large corporation. My time is very precious, so, in short, can you skip those boring steps, I have no interest in knowing your growth history. My purpose here today is very simple, I just want to know the safety of Mei-zi, and, when are you going to return her to me? "Whatever conditions you have, just state them." Ye Cheng slapped the table, his tone filled with sternness. If I don't give you some color, you won't even know what impatience is.    


Inagawa Otake nodded his head, as though he had just realised what Ye Cheng had just said.    


"I appreciate Ye Cheng Sang's frankness. Since that's the case, I shall go straight to the point. " That's right. If I had done this earlier, wouldn't I have ended up like this? He looked like a man, and his words were even less than those of the geisha. No, those geisha don't speak Chinese at all. With this thought in mind, Ye Cheng looked at those geisha who were quietly kneeling on the grass as if they were their young daughter-in-law, which was rather pleasing to the eye.    


Her delicate and pretty face was like a spring water from the lake, her watery eyes blinked like stars, giving her a more interesting feeling when compared to Ning Luoling and Lu Mengzhu. Although their entire bodies were covered by the uniform, to islanders, whose chests were extremely thick and full, they were like one in a hundred for a normal person with flat breasts. He really didn't know what it felt like when he held it in his hand. Towards women, Ye Cheng had always treated them with equal treatment, without distinction as to nationality.    


He wondered what kind of flavor Mei-zi would have when she was dressed up like this. When he rescued her, he would definitely ask her to dress up like this, so that he could have a few hundred rounds of battle and experience the proud feelings of those nationalistic youths on the internet. Ye Cheng was happily daydreaming, when she unknowingly became absent-minded.    


"I never thought that Ye Cheng Sang would have such a good side to him. If Ye Cheng Sang does not mind, I will give these to you, Chinese Saints have clouds, gentlemen have the beauty of adulthood. " Inagawa Otake smiled at Ye Cheng.    


You are a gentleman? Saint Hua Xia had also said that the heavens had the right to live! Moreover, I will take care of the woman that I, Ye Cheng, want. I will buy one from the supermarket for myself ? they are all products that are almost out of date, this principle is also applicable to women. Do you really think of me as a pervert? I, Ye Cheng, am a lecherous man, but I have my ways.    


"If you don't know how to use it, then don't use it carelessly. Besides, that sparrow is still a parrot, so don't even think about trying to change the subject. What I want is Mei-zi. If you are unable to return Meizi to me, or if you are just lonely and want to find someone to split your emotions with, I'm sorry, you found the wrong person. " In the beginning, Ye Cheng had been patient, he wanted to see what kind of medicine the other party was hiding, but he had exhausted his patience. He had never seen such a troublesome person, yet he still dared to learn from him? You're not even fit to clean the Don's shoes, no, lick them.    


"I just wanted to test Ye Cheng Sang's sincerity towards your sister. I didn't expect Ye Cheng Sang's love for the beautiful girl to be so deep." It was clearly a compliment, but why did it sound so awkward to Ye Cheng?    


"Your sister? I didn't know Mitsuko had a brother like you. "Don't think I don't know anything. Meizi told me everything." Ye Cheng tilted his head with a face full of suspicion.    


We are half-breeds, and for the sake of her mother, Misiko has always resented her father and the entire Sakawa family." "Her father was magnanimous and did not argue with her. However, because of Ye Chengsan, she did not hesitate to become enemies with the entire family ?" As he talked about his family's matters, Yichuan's tone was filled with reverence, and his expression was also restrained. However, Ye Cheng could not bear to continue listening.    


"What is magnanimity? Obviously, your father was worse than the beasts, and he did not care what methods were used. Moreover, for the sake of profit, he did not hesitate to cultivate Meizi to become a cold-blooded killer. She had been in pain all these years. You say that you are her older brother, yet not only are you not thinking for her sake, you're even claiming that you are protecting that beastlike father of yours? What do you mean by shameless? What do you mean by inverting right and wrong? I, Ye Cheng, have finally experienced it today. "No wonder you talk so much nonsense about history. You have a tradition." Ye Cheng had not settled the matter of kidnapping Mei Zi from him, and now that he was missing, he wanted to throw some dirty water on Mei Zi. As Ye Cheng's woman, wanted to protect her reputation and fight for her innocence.    


"You are not a member of our family, how could you understand?" The clan's benefits outweighed everything else! For the first time, he let go of his meticulously crafted smile, and Inagawa Otake's face became extremely stern, as enmity slowly rose up in his eyes.    


"I don't care about your bullshit family matters. I believe in Mei-zi anyway, I love her, I believe in her, because she is my woman. And I also told you, if I didn't take Mei away from here today, I would have killed you first, then your father, and then your Inagawa-kai would have completely disappeared from Earth. If you understand me, you will know that I, Ye Cheng, am not bluffing. And I'm sure you did your homework before you came. " Rather than saying this, it would be better to have a good fight. To put it bluntly, Ye Cheng wanted to anger the other party and force him to make a decision.    


Inagawa Otake picked up a piece of tuna sashimi and dipped it into the green mustard powder on the small plate. After that, he placed it into his mouth and compared it to enjoying the impact on his eyes at that moment.    


"Ye Cheng Sang's words, are like mustard. It has a strong taste, a strong temper, and a spicy aftertaste. If it is someone who is not used to eating it, they would naturally be like poison. However, to me, they are simply insignificant. " Inagawa Otake put down the chopsticks neatly as the corner of his mouth slightly curved upwards.    


"Is that so? "In that case, do I truly have to experience how powerful my mustard seed is? Or are you truly capable enough to eat it all in one gulp?" After finishing his speech, Ye Cheng flipped the three foot long table towards Inagawa Otake, scattering all the food and wine on the table. Inagawa Otake somersaulted twice consecutively, and steadily landed.    


Ye Cheng clenched his fist tightly, and released a voice full of power.    


Inagawa Otake spread open his palms, his lower body was stable, and he was ready to burst forth with the speed of a cheetah.    


The gentle spring breeze turned sharp at this moment, as if it was influenced by the power of the two.    


Fallen leaves fell in a hurry, adding a desolate and somber feeling to the natural fighting arena.    


"I heard that Ye Cheng Sang came from a special forces background, so capturing him in combat is naturally not a problem. Cherry Blossom wanted to ask for advice." With a shout, Inagawa Otake untied his suit jacket, revealing his pure white shirt. The front and the back of both palms were naturally the guard posture of Japanese karate.    


"As a grandson, you want to learn. How can a grandpa not teach you?" Ye Cheng also took off his jacket, revealing his firm chest and stone-like muscles, he clenched his fists, and was ready to fight with his enemies.    


The two of them slowly approached each other. As their feet touched each other, their fists and palms intersected. The two of them looked at each other in the eye, and they began to fight like tigers and dragons.    


The punch was vicious, sharp like lightning, and it contained a great amount of power. The attack was earth-shattering, so dense that not even wind could penetrate it. As long as Ying Wu was punched by Ye Cheng, he would at least vomit blood, and at most, his entire body would be paralyzed.    


Ying Wu took the attack seriously, his palms were like two blades, opening and closing wide, his movements were well-founded, strictly defending against Ye Cheng's attack, at the same time he was also gathering his energy, searching for his opponent's weakness.    


The iron fists collided with the steel palms like dragon claws meeting with tiger teeth. No one could suppress them and they were forcefully mixed together.    


"Chinese martial arts indeed. It really lives up to its name." Ying Wu gritted her teeth, and the veins on her forehead popped out.    


"The strength of the island isn't worth mentioning." Ye Cheng released another force, the ten fingers on his fist were like two dragons in the ocean, unstoppable.    


"Is that so? It's too early to say that! " Ying Wu suddenly changed his palm into a claw, his ten fingers bent, like a hook, and deeply embedded into Ye Cheng's flesh and blood.    


"Isn't it karate? So, if you can't beat her in a fight, you'll just turn into a grandma cursing at you all of a sudden? " At this time, Ye Cheng's fists were firmly hooked, and he was unable to move at all.    


"As long as I win, I don't care about any martial arts methods. As I said, I don't usually have patience for anything useless. " Ying Wu's ten fingers looked as if they were filled with lead, if he was allowed to increase his strength, Ye Cheng's hand would be crippled.    


No, they had to be separated from it.    


Jin Yang Heaven Breaking Spell! Since the opponent has set up a trick, then I, Ye Cheng, will not care about it, I just need to win!    


The surrounding wind was stirred up by Ye Cheng's Innate Qi, in that moment the battle qi in his body became crisscrossed, the golden light shining across Ye Cheng's entire body.    


"You forced me to do this, so I won't be rude." Since I don't want to engage in close combat, then I'll let you experience the profoundness of my Chinese martial arts.    


The three tyrannical and sharp battle Qis were like three flying dragons that were released at the same time. Being caught unprepared, Inagawa Otake was not able to adjust in time and was sent flying by the earthquake with a loud shout.    


Do you think I'm Hello Kitty? I will show you what true unrestrained battle qi is! " At this moment, Ye Cheng's eyes revealed a fierce light and his expression was cold. Compared to his disrespectful attitude from before, he seemed like a completely different person. "If he had given the impression that he was a wolf, then now, Ye Cheng gave the impression that he was a dragon flying in the sky.    


The moment he flapped his wings, he was going to set the prairie ablaze with rage!    


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