The Romantic Soldier King



He wore a black hood that only revealed his eyes like a drug dealer mask, and held a shining long fruit knife in his hand. In addition to that, he also wore a black woolen sweater and faded jeans.    


Ye Cheng casually took out a lighter from his coat and held a cigarette by his lips. If Qiao Rubing was here, he would definitely say this out of disdain, what a smelly fart! This was exactly the kind of effect Ye Cheng wanted. He wanted to be arrogant, so that the entire world would know about it. Not to mention that his current level of cultivation had already broken through the seventh level of the Jin Yang Heaven Breaking Spell, even back when he had just retired and came to the East Sea, they were like bugs in his eyes, with a fighting strength that was not even comparable to air.    


"Aiyaya, why are there so many people in this world who want money more than their lives? If you want to take the money, you have to take it with your life! " When Ye Cheng slowly exhaled a breath of smoke, the few thugs who were rushing in front were nearing him, and at the same time, their boss, Li Yikang's car had already driven far away, leaving behind only the two bright red taillights.    


"Ye Cheng, you escaped last time. Let's see how you deal with so many people this time? Ye Cheng, I won't let you! " At the same time, he did not forget to look at Ning Luochan who was lying on the front passenger seat, his head and shoulders exposed from the gunny sack.    


Just when Li Yikang thought that victory was within his grasp and that he was far, far behind Ye Cheng's eight main streets, he never would have thought that Ye Cheng, who should have been deep within his grasp at the moment, would actually disappear without a trace like a fairy. The next moment, he actually sat steadily on Li Yikang's Aston Martin sportscar that was moving at a very high speed in an inconceivable manner. This wasn't from a falling from the sky, because there was at least one other process. This was just like a f * cking instantaneous movement technique!    


"Don't move!" Ye Cheng's cigarette was currently aimed at Li Yikang's throat, the cigarette butt that had been burnt red was emitting hot steam, the wisps of smoke that were ignited by the flames looked like the smile of a devil. When Li Yikang finally realized what was going on, he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva because his Adam's apple didn't dare to move.    


"President Li, you said that it was not easy for us to meet again, but where do you think you are going to go with such a hurry?" As Ye Cheng was speaking, a sports car that was also racing in the night drove by, and the rich second generation on the car gave Li Yikang a middle finger.    


"I say, President Li, don't be so nervous that you can't even drive a car, right? You know, my girlfriend and I are in your car right now. As for why my girlfriend and I are in your car, that's a good explanation. " Ye Cheng's butt, along with the rhythm of his speech, slowly approached that protruding adam's apple. Li Yikang was sweating profusely in the cold wind at night, but he did not dare to say a single word.    


"President Li, why are you not saying anything? "Oh, sorry, sorry. How come my smoke reached your neck?" Ye Cheng's words made Li Yikang speechless, but he could do nothing about it. After all, Ye Cheng's actions had already surpassed the scope of ordinary people, so Li Yikang did not know what he was going to do, and could only allow himself to be manipulated.    


"But my smoke is almost burnt out. Director Li, tell me ?" Right after Ye Cheng's words, as if he had received a pardon, and with the help of his years of experience in the business field, under the control of the steering wheel, Li Yikang took out a top-grade cigar from the side of the high class seat and accurately placed it in Ye Cheng's mouth. Then, he took out a lighter from his suit's pocket and respectfully lit it for Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng inhaled with satisfaction, spitting out a mouthful of smoke that made Li Yikang frown.    


"I have to say, Director Li, your ability to serve others is much better than your ability to give orders." Facing Ye Cheng's "praise", Li Yikang could only bitterly smile as he accepted, but in the bottom of his heart, he was planning to pay them back in double the amount one day after he had endured this praise.    


"Ye ?"    


"Who allowed you to speak? You can't talk while driving, do you need me to teach you this simple truth? " Ye Cheng said as he slapped Li Yikang's face. Ye Cheng looked at his sweaty hands in disdain and immediately wiped them on Li Yikang's Armani suit.    


Why aren't you talking?" "You really are born with the look of a servant. You won't feel comfortable without a fight." Ye Cheng stretched lazily and lay down grandly on his back. And Li Yikang, other than being speechless, was sweating profusely, the one who told me that you didn't tell me to talk about you again was you, Li Yikang was almost going crazy from the torture. If this car could let him go, Li Yikang wouldn't even blink. After all, a security guard could see a lot of markets.    


But this guy, was he really just a little security guard who was nodding and bowing? Come on, it's impossible.    


"Yes yes yes, you're right." Li Yikang did not even dare to turn his head, but he quietly sped up his speed. As long as you reach my territory, I'll make you suffer. Li Yikang thought.    


"May I ask where else you want to take us?" Ye Cheng had even crossed his legs behind the carriage. He looked like he was not here to save Ning Luochan who had fallen into the hands of the thieves, but was instead on his way back to the comfort hotel while travelling with Ning Luochan.    


"This, of course it's to send Ning Luo home. Oh, no, it's Miss Ning." This fellow was truly meticulous! Only now did Li Yikang have the time to wipe the sweat on his forehead. Although Ye Cheng was pretty powerful, but he had developed four limbs and a simple mind. Cigar isn't something you can easily smoke, you'll see later.    


"Fine, stop the car." Ye Cheng said calmly, casually extinguishing the remaining half of his cigar.    


"It, it's not here yet!" Li Yikang was a little flustered. He had not yet arrived at his own territory, but he had to do everything he could to delay the time.    


"I say, are you stupid, or do you have useless eyes? Look, look, isn't this the end of it?" The impatient Ye Cheng knocked on Li Yikang's head a few times as if he had never seen someone with such low IQ. Li Yikang had never doubted his intelligence before as seriously as he did now.    


Impossible, this, how is this possible?    


Li Yikang and his little friends, including the thugs who were still standing in their original spots, were all dumbstruck.    


He was clearly driving the car in the opposite direction. He was controlling the steering wheel to head to his heavily guarded mansion in Shanghai. He was clearly controlling the steering wheel. Why, why, this was impossible!    


Li Yikang was so shocked that his mouth was wide open, his forehead was once again covered with sweat, which flowed down the nose of the man and into his own mouth without him knowing.    


It was impossible to explain why the car he was driving would magically return to the entrance of Ning Luochan's high-class residential area. Just what kind of godly strength was this? He was actually able to do it without anyone noticing, allowing the car that was in different directions to return to its starting point. If Li Yikang really wanted someone to beat him up, he wouldn't believe it.    


But as it turned out, this was the truth. The residential area in front of them was still the same one that was filled with European customs. The security guards at the metal door that were dealt with by his subordinates were still lying there, while the group of thugs that were supposed to hurt Ye Cheng were still standing there foolishly. They were at a loss because of Ye Cheng's disappearance just now, and had even forgotten about their instinct of killing someone to escape.    


Thank you, Director Li. You're so kind to bring me and my girlfriend out for a ride." By the time Li Yikang reacted, Ye Cheng had already gotten out of the car. In his arms was a beautiful lady in a purple nightgown covered in lace who was in a coma. It was without a doubt Ning Xuechan. Ning Xuechan's two jade arms were wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck, while Ye Cheng's two hands were wrapped around her well-developed waist and thighs.    


"But how can you let your brother stay here? If he was in the army, this would have been considered a last minute escape. "What should we do?" Ye Cheng seemed to be very vexed. He carried Ning Luochan and walked towards the group of lackeys, then whispered to the person holding the lackeys. The person nodded in satisfaction, then his gaze shifted towards Li Yikang who was in the car. As if they were a signal, all the thugs had a direction, they all turned around and brandished their invisible fruit knives, and rushed towards Li Yikang like a pack of wolves. Li Yikang immediately understood that these people who opened their eyes to money were going overboard.    


"People that you can bribe with money are naturally able to be used by me for money. "Tsk tsk tsk tsk." Ye Cheng carried Ning Luochan and entered the small district, completely ignoring the Li Yikang who was being beaten up by the thugs after he was unable to drive away in time.    


He turned on the light in the bedroom and placed Ning Luochan gently on the bed. Looking at the nightgown that was snuggled close to her body, showing off Ning Luochan's figure that only belonged to a Heavenly Immortal, then looking at Ning Luochan's peaceful expression that he did not know what had happened, and then looking back at the small bruises on his originally white, flawless arm, Ye Cheng felt a heart aching for her.    


"Do you have any other wounds on your body?" Ye Cheng thought as he slowly reached for the collar of his pajamas. This scene was too enticing, an evil flame rose from Ye Cheng's heart, he suddenly wanted to take off all the clothes on Ning Luochan's body, and give her a thorough check-up.    


Just as Ye Cheng's hand was about to touch Ning Luochan's snow-white skin, Ning Luochan suddenly frowned, as if he was about to wake up.    


"Ye Cheng, Ye Cheng, what are you doing? You are taking advantage of me! " Ye Cheng shook his head, shaking off the image of the tofu. Ye Cheng tried his best not to think about those random things. But how could he calm down in his bedroom, under the bewildering light, in such an alluring and criminal moment?    


Just then, Ye Cheng's phone started to ring.    


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