The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng's technique was very skilled, he had never massaged anyone before, even Chen Luoxue and Sang Huihui had never received such high treatment, but just now, when they saw Qiao Rubing's pale and trembling body, they thought that Qiao Rubing had been busy with work the past few days, and even though she did not order anything, she could not eat much now because she was sick, causing their hearts to ache, they did not know why, so they wanted to give her a massage.    


In truth, Ye Cheng did not know how to massage, but because of the special experience he had gotten from his previous life as a soldier as well as the < Jin Yang Heaven Breaking Spell > manual that his master had given him, he had a deep understanding of the structure of the human body. He understood the effects of the acupuncture points and every single acupuncture point on a human body much better than most massage masters, so he was very clear on the existing points and effects of each acupuncture point on the shoulder.    


"Relax your body and don't get too tense. This won't work well for the massage." Ye Cheng warned softly, and at the same time, increased the power in his hands.    


"Mm ?" "Lightly ?" His originally blank and dazed mind gradually recovered its ability to think, but he was a little confused by what was happening in front of him. Especially the fact that this Ye Cheng actually took the initiative to massage his shoulders and neck, especially the fact that he spoke in a very sarcastic and sarcastic tone just now.    


As Ye Cheng's body suddenly grew stronger and then became gentler, in a moment of relaxation, coupled with the Jinyang Qi s unique to Ye Cheng's body, it made Qiao Rubing feel extremely comfortable, as if he had been soaking in a hot spring for a long time.    


What was his purpose in doing this? And what did he mean by those confusing words? Qiao Rubing, who had regained his senses, once again fell into a daze as he thought.    


Just as Qiao Rubing was lost in his thoughts, Ye Cheng had already finished his massage. Once again, he sat on the leather chair across from him, took out a cigarette and looked at Qiao Rubing who was squinting his eyes in thought, then lit up a cigarette with a chuckle, and smiled at Qiao Rubing who was standing in front of him. That unrestrained and playful smile of his made Ye Cheng feel disgusted, as if the gentle and somewhat overbearing person who gave him a massage was not him.    


"How do you feel? Are you feeling a lot better? " Ye Cheng comfortably leaned against the leather chair, and just as he was about to put his legs on the computer table, he raised them back down. Although he did not massage Qiao Rubing for very long in just a few minutes, he believed that the effect of his massage was definitely better than the one that the so called Master of Massage for an hour. No, even if it was compared to his entire day, he had spent a bit of metal Yang's energy.    


"How do you know how to massage?" Qiao Rubing's beautiful eyes widened, as she looked at Ye Cheng in disbelief. She lightly shook her neck, although it was still a little sore, but it was much more comfortable than the previous feeling of numbness and toughness.    


Tsk, this is nothing, I just need to see and know about this little thing, so I already told you that I don't need to busy myself with your crappy work all day long, I, your big brother, am capable of everything, and I will not starve wherever I go, not to mention making you hungry. Do you see that, even if I become a masseur, I will immediately become the best masseur in the East China Sea. Ye Cheng played with his bangs in a flirtatious manner.    


"That's enough, stop selling the melon over there. What's more, do you think I need you to raise it?" Qiao Rubing glared at Ye Cheng angrily. This bastard, before, seemed like a normal person, but right when he was about to understand the man in front of him, he changed back into this kind of state. Then, he suddenly thought of something and crossed his legs.    


"What?" Ye Cheng was startled.    


"Of course it's foot massage. Aren't you bragging that you're the best masseur in the East China Sea?" "Then give me a massage of my feet. Before, I often did foot baths and foot treatments, let me see if your technique has really surpassed that of a massage master." Qiao Rubing was obviously very excited about this idea that had suddenly popped up in his mind.    


"Me? Massaging your feet? " Ye Cheng looked at Qiao Rubing in shock and pointed to himself.    


"Yeah, it's you. Why? Scared? " The corner of Qiao Rubing's mouth curled up, looking somewhat pleased with himself.    


"Hehe, afraid? I'm afraid that you will be afraid of me, so how can I be afraid, as long as you're not afraid. " Ye Cheng reached out to throw away the tip of the cigarette, then laughed at Qiao Rubing's tender feet.    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words that sounded like a tongue twister caused her to be stunned. When she saw Ye Cheng looking at her perverted expression, Qiao Rubing was shocked, and immediately regretted it, a woman's leg was also one of the most sensitive and important parts for women. Although the era was different, when women were in the summer, they could be seen for the most part.    


But the regret was over.    


Just as Qiao Rubing was about to retract her foot, that small, tender foot was grabbed by Ye Cheng.    


Sensing Ye Cheng's pair of fiery palms, Qiao Rubing's body trembled, and he suddenly let out a surprised cry as his body slanted.    


"Hey, what are you doing?" Ye Cheng was shocked, she immediately grabbed Qiao Rubing's thighs to stabilize her body.    


Qiao Rubing steadied his body, and with some lingering fear, he patted his towering soft flesh. Suddenly, he felt a numbing sensation on his thigh, and with a puzzled sound, he looked at his own leg, and almost vomited blood on the spot.    


At this time, Ye Cheng, this bastard was grabbing onto one of his legs with one hand, but with the other hand pressing onto his thigh, due to him lifting his leg, the seams of his skirt were wide open, and Ye Cheng's entire palm seemed to have come into intimate contact with his leg. At this time, Ye Cheng was secretly stroking his leg with a face full of enjoyment.    


Qiao Rubing was so angry that he almost kicked him out, but he was afraid that his body would unsteadily fall, and stared coldly at Ye Cheng: "Let go!"    


"Ah?" "What hand?" Ye Cheng was currently enjoying it, and curiously raised his head, only to find that Qiao Rubing was staring at the hand that was touching her leg, causing his face to turn green, and even his small fist to clench into a fist: "Oh, hehe, I was so anxious just now, afraid that you would fall down and I forgot." Ye Cheng did not dare to take advantage of the situation, and awkwardly retracted his hand and placed it at Qiao Rubing's ankle.    


"You! What are you doing! " Qiao Rubing said in shock as he realized that one of his legs was being controlled by Ye Cheng.    


"Of course it's a massage. Didn't you tell me that?" Ye Cheng asked as he innocently raised his head to look at Qiao Rubing.    


"No, that's not necessary. I feel much better now."    


"That won't do. I'm not a person with a lot of good points, but what I say isn't boasting. There's something that's good, not the best, but only the best. After massaging your feet, you'll feel more comfortable." Ye Cheng immediately shook his head, he had finally found a chance to touch Qiao Rubing's feet, how could he let it go.    


"Preposterous!" Qiao Rubing angrily snorted, but she didn't dare to move, afraid that if she tilted her body, there would be some sort of consequence. With Ye Cheng here, she wasn't afraid of being smashed into a state of stupor, but she was afraid that this bastard in front of her would use this opportunity to support her again. Who knows where that big claw would land on her body, and in the end, he would even say that he wanted to save her.    


Seeing that Qiao Rubing did not dare to struggle helplessly and compromise, Ye Cheng laughed complacently, and did not go overboard, one hand gently holding her ankle, while the other palm was placed on her foot, gently rubbing it, a wave of heat passed through his own palm into Qiao Rubing's body.    


Foot, in the TCM meridian science is a very important part of the human body, its key degree is even more important than the dexterous hands. Feet passing through the five viscera, foot soaking or foot massage are of great benefit to the human body, that's why there are important foot baths and foot treatments in society today. These jobs are not made up out of thin air, in fact, even though the feet pass through the five viscera, even though massaging does not have a distinct effect on the five viscera. But feet and massage, both to relieve fatigue, but also to facilitate sleep. At the same time, if some Chinese medicine is added to the water, it can also play a role. Hot water bubbles could improve the local blood circulation, dispel the cold, promote metabolism, and ultimately achieve the goal of health care. Although it was only a massage today, Ye Cheng's Gold Sun Body Power was mild and effective, it was still a hundred times stronger than warm water.    


"How is it? Comfortable. "    


"Mm ?" Qiao Rubing realized that Ye Cheng was really massaging her feet. The comfortable feeling couldn't help but cause her to slowly close her eyes and only let out a light snort.    


"Haha ?" Ye Cheng laughed, massaging as she admired Qiao Rubing's legs. Although Qiao Rubing was almost 1.7 meters tall, her feet were not big, and looked small compared to Ye Cheng's hands. Her soft and white legs were sharp and smooth, her fair skin was like milk that had been washed. The tentacles were soft and soft, carrying a bit of warmth, it was very slippery, causing Ye Cheng to be unable to resist the urge to love them. They were a pair of perfect, flawless jade legs, if Qiao Rubing's little feet were seen by a pedophile, he would definitely go crazy.    


In other words, he who had the Jinyang Qi could still clearly feel that although Qiao Rubing's feet were warm, the center of his feet still felt a trace of cold. Perhaps this was also because of Qiao Rubing's physique and cold.    


"Here, the other one." Ye Cheng reached out to support the other leg that Qiao Rubing had left in front of the chair, and the other hand gently held onto her calf as he placed it on his lap. Just as he was about to give her a massage, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.    


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