The Romantic Soldier King



"Alright, alright ?" Since the other party had already said this, the girl was helpless. However, she could not help but mutter, "Why is your skin so thick?"    


"Puchi!" Hearing Du Ah Hong's words, Ye Cheng who was in the driver's seat could not help but burst out laughing. This Du Ah Hong was really cute, truly talented.    


"Eh? elder brother Ye? It's really you? Why are you here? " Just as Ye Cheng was about to drive away, he suddenly heard a familiar voice. Looking towards the direction of the voice, he couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw the two girls holding hands standing in front of the carriage.    


He was dressed in a long black down jacket that wrapped around their slender bodies. Most of their legs were covered by the down jacket, and they were wearing a pair of boots on their feet.    


The other person was naturally her sister Ning Luoling, and she was dressed almost the same as her sister. However, because her figure was a bit smaller than Ning Luochan's, and her excited and curious little face had a tender and beautiful appearance, she was less mature and sexy compared to her sister, which was more stable than her normal liveliness. However, her mature body now looked just as sexy and enchanting.    


"Well, this isn't a place to pick people up. Oh right, why are you guys here?" Ye Cheng opened the car door and walked out, he pointed at Lei Zihan who was sitting in the front passenger seat, and turned to look at Ning Luochan who was standing beside his sister and asked.    


"Our home is nearby, it's the new house that Little Spirit bought." Ning Luochan nodded and said.    


"Hmm, the housing prices in this area aren't cheap." Ye Cheng said casually.    


"Hehe, that's all thanks to elder brother Ye's care these past few days." Ning Luoling said while grinning.    


Hehe, little girl, you sure are honest. However, I'll leave the new company to you. You have to help me take care of it. Ye Cheng casually said in order to cover up the awkwardness in his heart. One must know that the scene of him and Ning Luochan bandaging in the office this morning had all been seen by this girl.    


"Hehe, of course, but elder brother Ye, you seem to have forgotten one thing, if I don't see you today, I will look for you when I get back." Ning Luoling said happily.    


"Oh? "You don't say, but you seem to have forgotten something. It's been a few days since I borrowed my car, right? Look, I still have to drive the boss's car out." Ye Cheng glared at Ning Luoling unhappily.    


"What are you still saying, we will all be in the same family in the future. But elder brother Ye, you must be blessed." Ning Luoling winked at Ye Cheng and said playfully.    


"What good luck?" Ye Cheng turned her head to look at Ning Luochan, who was standing beside her sister and was taking the opportunity to pinch her when she wasn't paying attention, before she suddenly thought of something.    


I won't lie about it. Furthermore, brother-in-law is a philanderer, I already knew that he had his eyes on you, so what's there to be afraid of. Furthermore, you guys have a relationship with each other, my fake boyfriend has already been looking for you for a few days, yet you kept saying that you haven't found him, that you were just waiting for the elder brother Ye? Ning Luoling jumped to the side to dodge Ning Luochan's attack, and said while grinning.    


"Ehh, hehe, hehe, children's words are unrestrained, children's words are unrestrained. Little Chan, don't mind it." How could Ye Cheng not know what Ning Luoling meant? At the same time, he glared at Ning Luoling without anyone noticing, and the threat in his eyes was obvious.    


"What childish talk! elder brother Ye, you really think that I am a little kid, I am the acting CEO of your company right now, okay? Furthermore, elder brother Ye, you have agreed to let me be your fake boyfriend, and at that time, you even said that if you really couldn't do it, then we would be using you as a shield. Also, listen to me, Little Chan, you call me so intimately. " Ning Luoling intentionally said with a coy voice, and with a sour tone.    


F * ck!    


Ye Cheng really wanted to slap his own face. Because he met Zhao Yikang, it was easy for him to act with Ning Luochan previously.    


"Eh, hur hur. I was just speaking casually." Ye Cheng touched his clothes and looked all over the place, trying to find an opportunity to escape. Otherwise, who knew if this girl would spout nonsense and say all sorts of nonsense, there was still a little ancestor in the carriage.    


"Hmph, casually said? Don't think that I don't know, other than Big Sister Snowfall, she's not the only girlfriend, just based on Big Sister Snowfall's intelligence she would definitely know about it, since she doesn't care, and furthermore you and my sister have such feelings and loyalty, and you even did that, what's there to be afraid of ? "    


F * ck me!    


Ye Cheng staggered and almost fell to the ground. What do you mean by you even did that?    


"Little Spirit! What nonsense are you spouting! Didn't I tell you that it was Ye Cheng who checked my wounds this morning? " Ning Luochan, who was at the side, could not listen any longer, and humphed with a red face.    


"That's right, elder brother Ye's eyesight is so good, do you still need to lie down after checking his wounds? What's more, do you still need to use your mouth to check for injuries? "    


Ye Cheng was speechless, seeing that matter with the little girl, it seemed like no matter how he explained it, he could not explain himself.    


"What do you mean, checking the wound with the mouth?" Lei Zihan, who was in the carriage, could not help but walk out curiously. He curiously looked at Ye Cheng and Ning Luochan, and at their beautiful appearances, his eyes revealed a trace of vigilance.    


"Oh, right. Come, let me introduce you, this is Lei Zihan, this is your Sister Xiao Ling, and this is your Sister Chan." Ye Cheng pulled the unclear Lei Zihan over and introduced him to the two.    


Seeing Ye Cheng's nervous face that was drenched in cold sweat, Ning Luochan couldn't help but laugh. He didn't think that this guy would be so cute and anxious because of Little Spirit's words.    


"Hehe, nice to meet you, Sister Ling. Hi to you, I am Lei Zihan, elder brother Ye's wife." Lei Zihan was unafraid of strangers, he extended his hands and grabbed onto Ye Cheng's arms, smiling as he greeted the Ning Luoling sisters.    


My name is Ning Luoling, I'm the secretary of elder brother Ye. Hearing that, Ning Luoling could not help but be startled, and immediately recovered as he laughed and said.    


"Hello, my name is Ning Luochan. I'm Little Spirit's older sister, and I'm also Ye Cheng's colleague." Ning Luochan had also recovered from his shock and couldn't help but look at Ye Cheng with curiosity. This Lei Zihan was probably less than eighteen or nineteen years old.    


"Eh? The clothes you bought here are also pure. I also like this brand of clothes the most. " Lei Zihan giggled as he looked at the clothes in Ning Luoling and's hands.    


"Hehe, that's right. We usually wear this brand." Ning Luoling said while grinning.    


Seeing this, Ye Cheng heaved a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but feel helpless. It was just a brand of clothes. What was there to talk about? Women were women.    


"But, I want to say something. Tomorrow, I want to borrow your elder brother Ye for a bit. You don't mind, do you?"    


"What is it?" Lei Zihan laughed and asked, but a look of vigilance flashed past his eyes.    


My mother is going to get me a blind date tomorrow, so she insisted that us sisters come out to buy some new clothes. Furthermore, I already told her that I have a boyfriend, but she didn't believe me, so I wanted to use elder brother Ye as a shield tomorrow. Ning Luoling explained.    


Oh, of course you can, even if you were to become elder brother Ye's wife I wouldn't mind, then from now on we are good sisters, but I also want to go tomorrow, that's fine, I will just say that I am elder brother Ye's sister. Lei Zihan replied with a smile.    


Heh heh, I was only blocking with the elder brother Ye, that's all. Hearing this, Ning Luoling said with a red face.    


"Mm, then it's decided." Lei Zihan said happily.    


Damn! Ye Cheng, who was at the side, was a little speechless listening to the two girls talk. In the end, who was the main character? And what exactly did Zihan mean by this? Since she wanted him to find another wife, why did she have to follow him so vigilantly?    


"Alright, since that's the case, we can still meet tomorrow. We'll be leaving first. This girl is disobedient and came out to play. Her mother is still worried, so I'm going to send her off early." Ye Cheng explained as he dragged the still excited Lei Zihan and left.    


Right, don't forget that it's 10 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you then, and my sister's boyfriend is also you. Seeing the two of them get in the car, Ning Luoling quickly said.    


"Yes, I know, I know." Lei Zihan immediately agreed excitedly.    


When he saw that the little girl still did not stop, Ye Cheng was speechless. Previously, when he said that he wanted to be the shield the two sisters used, he was just joking around, but now, he had to bring Lei Zihan, their mother, four women, and even a so-called successful person. This relationship was really messy ?    


Forget it, Ye Cheng was too lazy to think about it.    


After sending Lei Zihan's three sisters one by one home, and Du Ahhong all the way home, Ye Cheng finally drove Lei Zihan to Carefree Villa. Originally, Ye Cheng had wanted to take her back to her home, but this girl still wanted to go on a blind date the next day, so he couldn't be finished. Ye Cheng was helpless and didn't have the time to chat with this excited girl, so he directly brought her to Carefree Villa.    


"Alright, I won't send you off. You can go back by yourself." He never thought that Lei Zihan's villa was not too far from his, Ye Cheng said as he parked the carriage and sent Lei Zihan to the entrance of her villa.    


"elder brother Ye, I'm afraid. Can you send me in?" Hearing that, Lei Zihan pitifully pulled Ye Cheng's arm and said.    


Seeing Lei Zihan like this, Ye Cheng felt a burst of pain. How could she be afraid? Not even ghosts would believe it.    


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