The Romantic Soldier King



"president Qiao, our new development department does not have any objections, but we have some doubts regarding the further bidding and launching of the Three Continent's joint project. Furthermore, previously, we have already decided to create a joint project with the Star Moon Group of Hong Kong to create new materials, and these two projects are almost together, but previously, the development of the new materials proposed by the Star Moon Group had already exceeded our own requirements, after all, the scale of this project is already way beyond any previous investment or project development, and this time, Huutian Yiko represents the Asia Three Continent's Alliance. Forget about other things, just based on the amount of funding alone, I feel that we will not be able to keep up with the pace of our wins. president Qiao can explain it to us so that our Development Department can have a better idea. " The four ministers of the new development department discussed with each other for a while, before they finally raised their heads and spoke to Qiao Rubing.    


He gently placed the information in his hands on the table, and raised his head to look at the crowd with a confident smile on his face: "Hehe, I think I do not need to explain more about this matter, the proposal just now was very clear, and I think everyone is very clear on the importance of this Three Regions (Asia, Europe, and the Americas) joint project. Since Huutian Yingzi, one of the important representatives of this project, is here in our East Sea, then we will definitely not give up this opportunity. If you guys don't need to consider the issue of direct funding, I have already reached an agreement with a dozen of the banks and governors of Eastsea City. The other big banks will fully support our loan funding, and the funding is not a problem, but it's just because of the continuous research and development of the new projects, as well as the problems of the old projects going hand in hand with the new projects ? Qiao Rubing seemed to be muttering to himself as he said this, and frowned slightly: "The East and East Asia Alliance's project is extremely important, and is even more important than the joint research and development of new materials proposed by Star Moon Group a few days ago. Although the new research and development of new materials can be considered as a new reform, it is still only a cooperation between our three major groups, and for this East and South-East Asia's project, if we can obtain it, then it will be a major reform in our future progress. With that, Qiao Rubing turned and smiled at the few higher ups of the new development department.    


Seeing everyone nod their heads, Qiao Rubing thought for a while and said, "As for the old parallel projects, they are indeed outdated. Even if they are still profitable, the development trend in the future will still presage that they will be eliminated. After the Sanya Joint Competition and the new materials from the three big groups are successfully signed, I will spare no effort to abolish some old parallel projects. Qiao Rubing said with a resolute and decisive look on his face. After he finished speaking, he gave a light smile, "Do you have any other questions and doubts regarding the release of the card?"    


"Not at the moment." The development department head heaved a sigh of relief, the president Qiao's confidence and pressure was unbearable for him, even if it was just a discussion, he still felt a trace of uncontrollable fear for president Qiao's confidence and maybe even ? Self-abasement.    


This strong woman, I guess only this young master Ye can make her helpless ?    


After muttering to himself for a moment, the Development Minister looked at the information in his hands again, then raised his head to look at president Qiao, who was still confident, and frowned. "president Qiao, I still have one question, are you sure you can succeed in bidding for the development of the three continents? After all ? This is three continents. " He wasn't the only one who was puzzled by this question. Everyone else also raised their heads at the same time. Clearly, they all had the same question in their minds.    


Asia, Europe, America, these three continents had almost completely changed the entire world, whether it was in terms of military or business prosperity, the three continents' many countries were definitely the most important, especially Europe's many countries. Asia, Europe, America, these three continents had almost changed the entire world, whether it was in terms of military or business prosperity, the three continents' many countries were definitely the most important, especially Europe's many countries.    


Qiao Rubing did not seem to be surprised, as if he had already expected that someone would ask this question, or if they knew about their own business, Qiao Rubing was very clear that he had the status, no, no, no position, in the world. However, Qiao Rubing pursed her lips and revealed a confident smile: "Since everyone is so concerned about this matter, then I will leak some of the internal information here, and let everyone be at ease, this matter was originally something that I did not want to talk about before the competition."    


Ye Cheng quietly looked at the self-confident woman in the main seat, he could not help but crease his eyebrows, scolding the woman next door, why did he suddenly get the three continents project alliance? Previously, he thought that Huutian Ying Zi would use this banner to enter the Eastern Ocean, but it seemed that he was a little too simple. This made Ye Cheng recall the situation that the three abnormal beings had told him a few days ago.    


Becoming a god would indeed be able to make countless people go crazy. Even if it was just by chance, or if there was not even one in ten thousand, many experts would come to the Auction, and looking at the situation, it was obvious that most of the people were already prepared to fight for it. In the East China Sea, it would only be a few days from now ?    


However, the most important thing right now was that this woman in front of him, who wanted to go crazy from anger, attracted everyone's attention with a single sentence. Everyone in the meeting room looked at each other, obviously not knowing what had happened, and then shifted their gaze to Qiao Rubing.    


Ye Cheng was also very curious, he did not know what the Great Beauty Qiao was planning, but he had a whole new level of respect for Qiao Rubing's perseverance and mystery. He never thought that the cold and cold CEO Qiao would actually have this kind of scheme, with just a few words, it had attracted everyone's attention.    


Seeing that everyone was looking at him with a look of anticipation, Qiao Rubing laughed lightly and did not hold back, raising his head to look at everyone casually before he said confidently: "I think everyone knows who the representative responsible for this competition is. Not bad, the one in charge of the bidding this time is my assistant, and currently, we are the second largest shareholder, Chen Luoxue, she had already flown to Europe a few days ago to prepare everything, and the goal is for A Xia's bidding.    


"F * ck!" No wonder Chen Luoxue hadn't even called her in the past few days. No wonder he went to look for her today, there wasn't even a hair on his head in the office, he had already been sent to Europe by this woman, you said you don't want to send so many capable people in the company, why did you send my wife ?    


Qiao Rubing naturally did not know what Ye Cheng was thinking at the moment, and laughed: "But I think everyone still doesn't know one thing, just the day before yesterday, Chen Assistant called and said that she was completely prepared, the most important thing is that this time, Chen Assistant even got to know a higher echelon of the Mumbai - Windsor Family Enterprise Group, and this higher echelon said to be her first time here in China, but she really loves the scenery of Jiang-Nan region, and Chen Assistant has already become good friends with her, so I can obtain some internal information from the high ranking Chen Assistant, and with this information, I can easily take down the Wen family's plan for the world."    


"Monbade-Windsor?" These five words were just a name given by luck. From this, it was impossible to tell who the person was, and even men or women could not tell, but the surname Meng Barton Windsor was used by the descendants of Yi Li Suo, White Queen Yi Li Suo, and Prince Philip. Ye Cheng remembered that Meier was probably called Meng Barton Windsor Mei, and a few days ago Meier had even said that he would come to the East Ocean to play, unless ?    


"What is it? Could it be that Manager Ye still has any doubts about this project? " Qiao Rubing inadvertently looked at Ye Cheng, and realized that he was muttering some words in his mouth, and that his eyebrows were furrowed as though he was thinking about something, not pretending, and Qiao Rubing could not help but ask.    


"Oh, that... Is Chen Assistant's sturdy European devil friend a man or a woman? " Ye Cheng casually asked.    


Hearing this, Qiao Rubing was startled, he had never expected that even if he wanted to, he would not think that Ye Cheng, this bastard, would actually mutter such an insignificant thought.    


"Haha ?" Hearing Ye Cheng's strange question, some of the higher ups could not help but laugh.    


Hearing the precise questions from Ye Cheng's mouth and seeing the teasing faces of the surrounding higher-ups, Qiao Rubing almost couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and his voice became cold: "Manager Ye! Please take note of the situation. It's funny to hear such insignificant things coming out of your mouth. Do you know that? " After saying that, Qiao Rubing seemed to give Ye Cheng face, and continued: "Chen Assistant's friend, Meng Barton Wen Sha, is naturally a lady, but I don't think that Manager Ye can think about it anymore. It is said that the lady already has a boyfriend, and a boyfriend is also someone from China, maybe Manager Ye can get to know her boyfriend a little." Qiao Rubing said as the corners of his mouth hooked up to Ye Cheng.    


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