The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng stayed in Yi Fangyi's office for another two hours, but after enjoying this peach like woman, it was not bad at all to say that Yi Fangyi was a wolf and tiger like woman. If not for something happening to Ye Cheng, this woman would probably want him even more. Even if Ye Cheng had become an undefeated golden spear, when he walked out of Yi Fangyi's office, his legs still felt a little floating.    


Walking out of victory, Ye Cheng looked at his phone. It was already 3 in the afternoon, and just when he was about to take Pu Wanqing's birthday present, he received a call from Pu Wanqing.    


"Hey, my dear baby Wanqing, we really have the same heart. I just wanted to call you, but you called first. Ye Cheng picked up the phone and said while grinning.    


The other side of the phone was startled, obviously she did not expect Ye Cheng to say these words, following that a girl's voice sounded: "Eh ? I'm not your baby, I'm Teacher Pu's student, hehe, not just your boyfriend, I didn't think you and Teacher Pu were so close. Today is Teacher Pu's birthday, if you don't come to pick him up, then we'll give Teacher Pu a birthday party tonight, and there are a lot of boys in our class who like Teacher Pu, if you don't come soon, then you might want to marry him ? "    


F * ck!    


Ye Cheng was speechless. What kind of day was it today? Wasn't it Christmas Eve?    


"Damned girl, who asked you to steal my phone. Hurry and give it to me, do you still want to celebrate New Year? Be careful that I don't let you hang up and see my parents!" Pu Wanqing's anxious voice came out from the phone.    


"Hehe, that's not it, I knew Teacher Pu was the kindest, how could he let me fail a test, although I have never passed a test before, hehe, okay, my dear Teacher Pu's husband, come quickly, your beloved baby Wanqing is waiting for you at school, if you are late, you won't have the chance, by the way, don't forget to bring a present with you."    


Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Ye Cheng smiled bitterly as he put away his phone. It seemed that today's present had to be added with ingredients, otherwise, the beauty Pu Da [1] would really remarry. It had indeed been a bit too much not to look for her for more than half a month.    


The manager was a pretty good-looking woman. Although Ye Cheng's casual attire did not look like someone who could afford to buy a BMW, he still walked up to her with a smile and asked: "Sir, what kind of car do you want to buy?"    


"Oh, the BMW sports car I ordered ten days ago should have arrived by now, right?" Looking at Ye Cheng's beautiful woman's professional smile, she said with a smile.    


"Oh? I ordered it ten days ago. I'll check it for you. " The woman was stunned for a moment before retracting the surprised expression on her face.    


"Mm, thank you." Ye Cheng nodded and smiled.    


Not long after, the beautiful woman took out a stack of information, bowed and smiled to Ye Cheng: "I've made you wait for too long, there were three who ordered a car ten days ago, which series did you order?"    


"C2." Ye Cheng smiled.    


"Hiss ?" Even though she had been a manager at the BMW 4S for many years, she couldn't help but gasp when she heard someone call to book this car. When someone had asked for this car, the people at the 4S store were all shocked, after all, the C2 was just a concept car which was not available in the country, so it had to be transported from the main company to China, and it wasn't just expensive. Although the model was nice and its performance was comparable to Ferrari, it was still a bit cheaper than Ferrari, so many employees were guessing which boss in the East China Sea was, and because it was the first car in the country, it was worth paying 8.88 million yuan for this car.    


Although she was not sure, but the pretty female manager's smile became more genuine. She asked Ye Cheng probingly with some respect: "Are you Mr. Ye?"    


"Yes, my surname is Ye." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Ye Cheng?"    




"May I see your ID? I need to confirm it. " The manager said carefully.    


"Fine." Ye Cheng was helpless, he remembered that he did not say that back when he bought the BMW for Chen Luoxue, but since had a request and he already spent the money, he decided to do as they said, maybe because the BMW was too expensive.    


Actually, this model was designed and built since 1991, it was a concept car designed by the Italian design room for BMW. When Ye Cheng first saw the picture of this car, he liked it, but at that time, he didn't have any money. Now that he had money, he naturally wanted to buy it for the woman he liked.    


"Hello, your identity has been confirmed. The carriage arrived two days ago. Do you want to pick up the carriage now?" The manager said with a smile, he did not even try to hide the fact that was giving him a flirtatious look, the meaning hidden within the look of his eyes, that Ye Cheng was able to afford a 8.88 million car, that was a true tycoon.    


"Yes." Ye Cheng will never try to seduce another woman again, although the woman in front of him looked pretty good, but Ye Cheng pretended not to see her, and nodded in agreement.    


The picture was completely different from the real car. When the C2 BMW sports car truly appeared in front of Ye Cheng, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, it was too beautiful. The smooth silver lines and car halo, not to mention understanding its performance, just a glance at it would cause people to feel that it had an explosive force, causing Ye Cheng's hands to itch, who wanted to run a few rounds around the East Sea.    


After Ye Cheng was done with the paperwork, he quickly left because he really couldn't stand the coquettish eyes of the beautiful manager. Otherwise, he would really be unable to resist the urge of following the beautiful lady in the car for the first time.    


Opening up the navigation system, Ye Cheng found a flower shop and bought 99 roses, then placed them on the passenger seat and went straight to Eastsea City's Third Senior High School, which was the school that Pu Wanqing taught at and also one of the top three secondary schools in the Eastern Ocean.    


Maybe it was because of the luxurious car, although most people did not know which family the car belonged to, but most people still recognized the logo of the BMW. Ye Cheng had entered the East Sea's Third Senior High School unhindered and parked his car in front of Pu Wanqing's building, which was located on the same floor as her building. Back then, when Ye Cheng sent He Tong to school at school, he had went there once, so he remembered the road and knew that Pu Wanqing's class was in charge of any subject.    


After pressing the button, the doors on both sides slowly rose up. Ye Cheng walked out, although he did not look very handsome, and his clothes did not have an oily and glossy appearance, they still attracted the attention of many high school beauties.    


Ye Cheng was in high spirits, she waved her bangs, picked up a handful of roses, and walked into the office building smiling.    


He walked all the way to the fifth floor of the office building, as Ye Cheng was not from this school in the first place. There were at most two meanings behind them. One of them was to propose, and the other was to look for a girlfriend, but for this student who only knew how to fight with his textbooks today, it was still extremely novel. Everyone was curiously looking at Ye Cheng, who had an incomparably smiling face and many other students following him, wanting to see which class this young man would go to, and who he would go find.    


"Guess who this average man is going to give the flowers to. I guess it must be a teacher." One of the students looked at Ye Cheng and guessed.    


"Do you really need to say that? Our school forbids students from having a relationship."    


"Tsk, is this useful? Isn't that what you need to talk about? As long as it doesn't affect your studies, it's fine. The school has really taken care of it. " Another student pouted.    


"Well, that's true, eh? Look, that man went to the senior year class five. Isn't that Goddess Pu's class? This person couldn't be Goddess Pu who is chasing after us, right? "    


"Crap, it can't be. With his body, he's still chasing our Goddess Pu. I think those who can catch up to Goddess Pu would have to at least drive a luxurious car over. Although his bunch of roses is still worth some money, but it's far from enough. I'm guessing that this stall definitely isn't for Goddess Pu."    


"Who else but the Goddess of Healing? The few beauties of the twelfth grade's class five have all gotten their hands on an owner, the only one left was someone called He Tong. This stall must not be here to chase after He Tong, f * ck, if that's the case, I'll annihilate him. " One of the boys said angrily.    


"Tsk, come on, He Tong doesn't even look at you properly, don't think that his clothes are lacking, he looks like a real person, maybe he can even catch up to that little beauty He Tong."    


"Bullshit!" Scram! I'm guessing this stall belongs to the Goddess of Healing. "    


"Bullshit. Goddess Pu is mine. "    


"Come on, you don't even have a hair on your head, are you controlled by an imperial lady?"    


"So what if he's a lady? It's still better than you, you loli. You're a pervert."    


"Bullshit, what lolicon? He Tong is only a year younger than me, fine? Although he looks a little cute, laozi likes this cute little girl."    


Even though this group of students was far behind Ye Cheng, their words were still all stuck in Ye Cheng's ears.    


F * cking hell, since when did laozi become a vendor's stall when I was so rich? This nickname is f * cking too f * cking painful, this bunch of bored third year students.    


He never thought that He Tong, this little girl, would still be so popular in school, and there were even people chasing after her. However, thinking about it, He Tong's beauty was not inferior to Lu Mengzhu and the others, she was also a little beauty.    


Ye Cheng walked to the entrance of the third year's class five. Because today was not a weekend and it was still the class's time, Ye Cheng was not in a hurry to barge in, the Ye Cheng with the thick skin definitely did not pay attention to the crowd's gazes anymore, as he casually looked around him. In the corridor, other than a group of bored students and people who liked each other, there were also a few boys reading in the corner with books in their arms, and a man and woman who were hiding at the corner chatting and laughing. There was nothing interesting about dating here, even if he wanted to chat, he would have to go to the small forest or field of sprouts. That was great there, other than talking and laughing there, there was something else he could do, Ye Cheng thought sinisterly.    


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