The Romantic Soldier King



Married and had children? No matter how she looked at Cheng Yalan, she was only a charming young lady in her early thirties, yet she wanted to be a grandmother? Most importantly, Lei Zihan, could she even be a mother? Thinking about how Lei Zihan would hold a baby and feed it, Ye Cheng felt a chill down his spine. Even his heart was thumping uncontrollably, could it be that this was the end of the world?    


"Uncle, does Zihan know about this?" At the same time, he gave Lei Qinglong a glance. Fuck, your wife doesn't know about my situation, and you don't? Not sure?    


"Does she know what's wrong with him? I've decided on his matter, so it's settled. Why?" Don't you agree? " Lei Qinglong domineeringly waved his hand. Perhaps it was because he had drank too much, and finally managed to act domineering in front of his wife, as if he had forgotten Ye Cheng's identity and only saw him as his own son-in-law. His old face darkened.    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng was so angry that he started to curse in his heart. Sh * t, are you an old fool that your wife doesn't know that I can't marry your daughter? You don't know exactly how many my women are, but you should know at least ten or eight of them.    


Although Ye Cheng was angry in his heart, he was not too angry, what did Lei Qinglong mean by this? Why did he have to entrust Zihan to him so urgently, and why did he send his son to the United States so early? Was the Hong Alliance going to make a move on him again?    


Ye Cheng's mind raced, but he said: "No, how can I not agree, I'm just afraid that Zihan is still young, and has not played around enough to not want to marry. Furthermore, we have not talked about the matter of marriage." Ye Cheng scolded this old fellow in his heart, thinking that he was probably being ridiculous, and that he, his father, would definitely not agree, is this a joke? What if I marry Lei Zihan? What about the seven to eight women waiting in line for me in my house? What's more, don't you know about your wife's personality? If this matter were to be exposed, then my life would not be a peaceful one.    


Hehe, as long as you agree, I will go over to Zihan and ask her about it, but Zihan is indeed a bit young, so I think we should wait until after she graduated from high school before getting married. Since you guys are still young, you guys don't need to wait half a year, so during this period, you should let your aunt properly teach you how to be a wife. Seeing Ye Cheng giving him a meaningful glance, Lei Qinglong finally understood and helped Ye Cheng to resolve the situation.    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng couldn't help but turn his gaze towards Cheng Yalan. Black lines instantly appeared on his head. You want Zihan, this girl, to ride my head and shit on my back all day?    


"This... "Hmm, alright. You're both young anyway, so there's no rush. Hur Hur." I don't understand why he would suddenly change his mind, but his daughter is merely the intimate little cotton-padded jacket of his mother. Although his own family's girls often pinch each other, but she married at such a young age, Cheng Yalan still feels reluctant to part with her.    


In the end, when Ye Cheng saw that Lei Qinglong, the old fellow, not only did he not wake up from his sleep after drinking the sobriety soup, but instead had a tendency to fall asleep, and even said some nonsense, almost causing Cheng Yalan to see through his lies. Seems like this old fellow's alcohol tolerance was average, after all, he was over fifty, and his age was here.    


Alright, it's settled then, since you guys are on good terms with each other, so there are a lot of things that we don't need to worry about, when we have time, we'll bring Zihan to visit our old couple, and we won't disturb your time, go back inside the house and pull that girl out. It's getting late, I still have a birthday feast after a while I rest. As Lei Qinglong spoke, he stood up shakily, and with the support of his wife, he staggered into the bedroom. At the same time, he gave the order to expel the guests, but it was a command to expel the guests with goodwill.    


As Ye Cheng sat on the sofa, he watched the door of the bedroom close slowly. The corner of his mouth twitched.    


When I, Ye Cheng, came to Lei Zihan with a helpless expression on my face, I was at the door. When I pushed the door open, I saw Lei Zihan lying on the bed by herself, her small hands holding onto a small mirror as they played around with each other in her hands. There was a smile on her face, and I didn't know what she was smiling about, or what was so funny.    


"elder brother Ye, you came. My parents didn't say anything, right?" Seeing that it was Ye Cheng who walked in, Lei Zihan's small face flushed red. She jumped off the bed happily and pulled at Ye Cheng's arm, looking at her with her pair of curved eyes.    


"What do you think!? You actually have the heart to look at yourself in the mirror here. Ye Cheng snappily reached out and pinched Lei Zihan's nose, then sat on the side of the bed and placed the little girl on his lap.    


"Hehe, I still don't know my mother's personality. I will only make her more and more excited as I am there, and I don't know what embarrassing words she will say in the end, so of course I will run away. "    


"Mm, your parents have already sent out the orders for us to leave. We can go home now. Do you need to say hello to your parents?" Ye Cheng casually asked.    


Hearing that, Lei Zihan was startled. Go home? Why was elder brother Ye in such a rush to follow him home? Could it be that the elder brother Ye is going to follow him ?    


Thinking about it, Lei Zihan's little face became even redder, her skin was rosy red, and her skin was so tender that it was hard for people to not kiss her ruthlessly. Although she was a little nervous and scared, Lei Zihan was currently thinking about going back with elder brother Ye, to his own villa. Then let's hurry home. "    


Seeing Lei Zihan suddenly becoming bashful, Ye Cheng could not help but be startled, what's wrong? Pretend? Acting cute? Or had he drunk too much? 'This girl didn't drink that much ? '    


Ye Cheng obviously did not know that just a few casual words from him had made Lei Zihan think so much. If he knew, Ye Cheng would definitely shout out that he was wronged, but his brother's heart was pure ? ?    


"elder brother Ye, why are you looking at me like that? Let's go ?" Lei Zihan's little head was currently covered in paste, she had only sensed that Ye Cheng was looking at her, and did not dare to look up at her. After shyly saying those words, she jumped up from Ye Cheng's leg and pulled Ye Cheng along, blushing.    


Ye Cheng suspiciously was pulled out of the room by Lei Zihan.    


Ye Cheng didn't know what kind of medicine this girl Lei Zihan had secretly taken in the room or whether she had also secretly drunk the alcohol Sang Huihui had given her. Her little face was flushed, and looking at her faint appearance, Ye Cheng naturally didn't dare to let this little fool drive the car.    


Along the way, Lei Zihan appeared to be very obedient and obediently sat on the passenger seat with a red face, deep in thought. It was unknown what he was thinking, but Ye Cheng did not have the time to guess the little girl's thoughts, because he was thinking about other more important things.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng didn't have any intention to tell him anything, Lei Zihan felt both nervous and nervous as he sat there, blushing. Thinking about the experiences and details of the men and women that his heartless sisters had told him about, Lei Zihan became even more nervous and nervous, thinking about how elder brother Ye had taken off his clothes after returning to the villa with him ? Lei Zihan felt as if she was thrown into a furnace and her entire body was burning hot. Her small face looked like it was on fire and her mind was in a mess.    


But with Lei Zihan's personality, this kind of oppressive atmosphere was unbearable. Finally, he mustered the courage to pretend that nothing happened and asked curiously: elder brother Ye, what did my parents tell you?    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng grinned, and immediately felt his balls ache, and laughed: "Then guess what your parents told me before they let us leave?"    


"What else can you say? It must be because you said it's good, they are very satisfied, and then they said that I'm disobedient, and they wanted you to teach me a good lesson. " Lei Zihan snorted.    


"Hehe, it's pretty close, but you also said it's a bit lacking. Your parents said that after you graduate from high school, they would choose a wedding date for us. They'll find a good day for us to get married." Ye Cheng looked at Lei Zihan's reaction while he was driving.    


"Oh. Ah? What? Marry? You mean my parents let us get married? " Fortunately, she did not have a roof on her sports car, so she was able to avoid the tragedy of a head crash. But just because of that, Ye Cheng, who was at the side, nearly jumped out of the car as he was jumping around.    


"Stinky girl, what are you doing? Startled, why? "You don't want to?" Ye Cheng glared at the girl in dissatisfaction, and imitated Lei Qinglong's actions from before. His face sunk as he stared at Lei Zihan.    


"Ah, no, no, I'm willing, of course I'm willing. This way, I can actually graduate early, since I don't want to study in school, I can leave school early and go directly to get my graduation certificate next summer." Lei Zihan panicked, waved her two small hands, and looked at Ye Cheng seriously.    


Seeing Lei Zihan's panicked look, Ye Cheng smiled and shook his head. Although he had already guessed that Zihan would not mind, but hearing that she was willing personally, Ye Cheng's heart was still full of joy. At the thought of this, Ye Cheng was also startled. He thought to himself, "Am I a bit too shameless?"    


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