The Romantic Soldier King



The only thing that worried Ye Cheng were the two women, as Ye Cheng could clearly see the excitement and desire in their eyes, even Lei Zihan was no exception, Ye Cheng somewhat regretted letting this girl be with Sang Huihui. Back then, Ye Cheng had wanted Lei Zihan to be a happy student and live a happy life, but now, it seemed that his plans had changed slightly, and after seeing Lei Zihan's bright eyes, he couldn't stop them even if he wanted to. It was fortunate that while he was in the East Sea, looking at them, hoping that nothing had happened.    


"Hello, Xuan Xuan Xuan my wife, what are you looking for me for? Do you miss me? " Tonight, Ye Cheng received a call from An Ningxuan at 8 o'clock, but right when he was discussing with Old Man Song and the others, he was hung up.    


"Un, I missed you. I miss you so much that I want to kill you!" Was the commotion tonight caused by you? " An Ningxuan asked Ye Cheng snappily.    


Even though An Ningxuan was questioning him, he could still hear the worry in his voice. His heart immediately warmed. He smiled as he explained, "There's no other way. The old man of Song family is restless and wanted to cause some trouble in the East Sea. I was just warning them a little.    


Even if she had found out about this through her secret spies, not only did Ye Cheng's explanation not lie to her, he had also took care of his own emotions. Hearing Ye Cheng's explanation, a trace of sweetness rose in An Ningxuan's heart, and he said: "Mn, actually, I just wanted to tell you one thing."    


What is it? "You can't be trying to tell me that Xuan Xuan Xuan's wife misses her husband, right?" Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Hmph, nothing good comes out of your mouth, I am not as free as you, and furthermore, I am not as powerful as you. To be able to show off in the black tiger platform, sweep away two families' face, and finally get the beauty back, truly envious of the people around you!" An Ningxuan grunted, and said sinisterly.    


"Eh ?" Ye Cheng was startled and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He cursed in his heart, Damn it, who spread the news, it was fine to spread his big brother's godly powers, but why did this matter spread out?    


However, what kind of person was Ye Cheng? Even though he was being questioned by An Ningxuan, he didn't seem very uncomfortable, and laughed while exclaiming exaggeratedly: "Aiya, my family's Xuanxuan's wife is actually jealous, it's really strange, eh, let me guess your current expression, you must be emitting acetic acid all over, pouting your lips, scolding your husband in your heart. Don't you have me, Xuan Xuan Xuan, looking for a beauty? Why should anyone look for someone else."    


"Scram!" "Narcissist, I'm not jealous. You can do whatever you want. It's better if you die!" An Ningxuan was immediately angered to the point of laughing, and unhappily scolded.    


"Aiyaya, where is this? Why do I smell acetic acid here, Xuan Xuan's wife? Do you smell it? " Ye Cheng was not angry, but he had truly treated her unfairly during this period of time, allowing her to curse a little with a bit of comfort in her heart. Furthermore, Xuan Xuan Xuan did not really want to curse him.    


"Enough, I won't bullsh * t with you anymore. I have proper business with you, Qiao Rulong is dead." An Ningxuan blushed and interrupted Ye Cheng's shy words. It had been a few days since they last met, but this guy still hadn't changed. He always liked to tease and bully him.    


"Oh? Dead? Hehe, I was just looking for him, but, it doesn't matter if he died, or how he died, it couldn't be that the conspiracy failed, and Qiao Rulong lost his use and was killed by the Hong Alliance right? Ye Cheng was startled, and laughed as he guessed that, so what if Qiao Rulong died? Otherwise, if he killed, it would also cause Qiao Rubing to become unhappy, and even though Qiao Rubing hated him to the bones, they were siblings after all. Even though they weren't close, especially since the current Qiao Rubing, other than Chen Luoxue, his cousin, was someone who had no relatives or relatives in the world.    


"It's possible, but his body was found in a villa, but by the time we found him this afternoon, he had already died a long time ago, probably yesterday morning. We also found the bodies of two naked women in the mansion, and found out that he had that kind of relationship with these two women that night, and found out that their cause of death was due to excessive consumption of drugs, and that their excessive excitement resulted in sudden asphyxiation. As for which two women's identities were soon confirmed, they are just prostitutes who sell their bodies." After all, An Ningxuan was a police officer. Although it was just his first time tasting the forbidden fruit, he was not shy to talk about it.    


"Hur Hur, has this matter been spread out?" Ye Cheng laughed softly. He died under the hands of a woman, but Qiao Rulong actually died in the right place, but Ye Cheng did not believe that it would be so simple, there were indeed situations where one would die of sudden excitement from taking too many pills, and it was not rare either, but if there were one man and two women, then the matter would be strange, but Ye Cheng did not care about all of this. Even if the people of Hong Alliance did it, he had no choice, Qiao Rulong had already been dead for almost two days, so where could he find the culprit.    


No matter what kind of status Qiao Rulong had, they were all Qiao Rubing's elder brothers and the time of his death was too coincidental, so it was perfect for Qiao Rubing to claim complete victory in the stock market. Then, it would be easy for people to think that the person who was at a disadvantage to Qiao Rubing was Qiao Rulong, and the reason for his victory was even more exaggerated than what Ye Cheng was doing tonight. Due to the network, it was estimated that the entire country knew of this matter, and with the news of Qiao Rubing's death spread far too far, even her elder brother Qiao Rulong had been exposed by those painful netizens who knew about it.    


The other characteristic of the Chinese people was that they loved to join in on the fun, and that they wanted to deal with an old saying, "Good news never goes out, bad news spread a thousand miles," in today's society, it was already the internet era. Three people became tigers, and very soon, rumors of brothers being killed would spread out about Qiao Rubing, even if it wasn't serious, his family's shame couldn't be made public, he died from excitement from taking too many pills.    


Right now, Ye Cheng could only hope that An Ningxuan could continue to hide this matter.    


"It's hard to say, because at that time, the corpses of Qiao Rulong and the two prostitutes were found by the attendants, and the villa was only rented by Qiao Rulong. When we went there, many people already knew about it, and more so ? It seems that someone else recognized Qiao Rulong. An Ningxuan thought for a while and said.    


"Alright, do your best to seal the news and not let this matter spread. If this news does spread, then use the force of the police to block this news." Ye Cheng lit a cigarette, and said with a somewhat gloomy expression.    


"Yeah, I know. I've tried my best to keep the news under wraps, but this is a democratic society. The police have limited control over the situation." An Ningxuan promised.    


"Mm, I know. Try your best. If it really doesn't work out, I'll think of a way." As Ye Cheng said this, he couldn't help but think of Meier in the distant United States. This matter should be very simple for a king level hacker like her, as long as that girl doesn't scold him for thinking too highly of me.    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng drove to Carefree Villa. As Qiao Rulong's only family member, she should have the right to know about it, so she would find out sooner or later.    


Ye Cheng took out his phone and looked at the time. It was already 10.15 in the evening, he guessed that the two girls had already gone to bed. If that was the case, then he would find a suitable opportunity to talk to her tomorrow.    


Qiao Rubing's villa in Carefree Villa was said to be a house from twenty years ago, and every villa had a unique courtyard in front of them, as well as a not too big courtyard. It could be used for all sorts of flowers in the courtyard, which made it rather suitable for the elderly.    


"Could it be that these two women aren't asleep yet?" Ye Cheng was suspicious, he tried his best to relax and put on a smile as he walked in.    


When Ye Cheng saw the scene in the living room, he couldn't help but be stunned. Qiao Rubing and Mei Zi were wearing pajamas with the same style and color as each other, sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV. The two great beauties, even the casual pajamas couldn't cover up their slender bodies, Ye Cheng couldn't help but look at them with his mouth full of saliva.    


"Hubby, you ?" However, just as she was about to stand up and welcome Ye Cheng, she was stopped by Qiao Rubing who stood beside her. He gave her a look, and then, without caring if Ye Cheng saw it or not, Qiao Rubing elegantly took out a potato chip from the plastic bag on the table and placed it into his mouth. He looked at the television, and ignored Ye Cheng, completely treating him as air.    


Ye Cheng's mouth opened wide, and thought, since when did I offend you again? It's fine that you don't care about me, but why wouldn't you let a beauty care about me? But what made Ye Cheng even more suspicious was when did Qiao Rubing like to eat snacks? When Ye Cheng turned his head to follow Qiao Rubing's gaze, he saw the performance on TV. His mouth opened even wider, so wide that an egg could fit inside.    


Korean brainless foam drama?    


Since when did Qiao Rubing like this kind of thing that had no nutrition? Furthermore, Ye Cheng had lived with Qiao Rubing for a period of time, so he was very familiar with her habits. Although Qiao Rubing normally did not watch TV, because he could definitely go onto the computer to search for information, and even if he wanted to, he would only be able to watch some news and the lectures of some famous people.    


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