The Romantic Soldier King



At this moment, Ye Cheng, who was standing beside the two of them and watching the lively and leisurely smoking, nearly choked to death upon hearing Lei Zihan's words, immediately coughed intensely. What did this Lei Zihan, who claimed that Big Sis did not care about the consequences, want to kill me?    


"Oh? Just say what you want to say. " Qiao Rubing glared at Ye Cheng who was pretending to cough to hide and laughed.    


Lei Zihan scoffed, in order to make herself more imposing, he stuck out his full chest with both hands at the waist, making Ye Cheng, who was secretly watching from the side, speechless. The current Lei Zihan was like a obedient little beauty, and now she was more like a little shrew scolding the streets, only to see Lei Zihan unwaveringly looking at her somewhat funny gaze, even though she was a little shorter than Qiao Rubing, she still had a bit of a condescending air, saying that the Eastern Ocean Big Sis's aura was not something that an ordinary girl could take out, "Ye Cheng doesn't have money, but don't look at how he is acting, in my opinion.    


Qiao Rubing's expression froze as he looked at Ye Cheng in disbelief, and thought to himself, just what is going on? When did he raise Ye Cheng? Was Ye Cheng short of money? Maybe in the past, Qiao Rubing thought that he was richer than Ye Cheng, but now, what was the case? And even if this girl did not know about this matter, could it be that Ye Cheng lacked money? One must know that this guy had a lot of money.    


F * * k!    




Ye Cheng who was smoking at the side, would definitely let this pump girl continue speaking. She said that I am currently the one chasing after Qiao Rubing, and now that you are doing this, how can I chase a * * *? Ye Cheng showed his teeth at Qiao Rubing and grabbed his arm to stop her from speaking any further. Who knows what other shocking words this pump girl would say.    


"Hey, big pervert, why are you pulling me? Let me go ?" Lei Zihan struggled with all his might, but he was not Ye Cheng's match. Helplessly, he was pulled to the side by Ye Cheng.    


"Hey, is Stinky girl trying to kill me? Are you done yet? Did you really fall for me? But even if you fancy me, you can just tell me in secret. Don't you know that your brother can't protect himself right now? Ye Cheng said as he looked at Lei Zihan, somewhat amused.    


"Hmph, who has taken a fancy to you!?" I just don't like that beautiful woman. " Lei Zihan snorted, and looked at Qiao Rubing who was not far away with disdain.    


"My young mistress, can you shut up?" Ye Cheng hurriedly covered Lei Zihan's mouth, and saw that Qiao Rubing was looking in his direction.    


"Shut up then. What's the big deal? Anyway, I feel like no one can trample on your dignity. Daddy told me that you're a man with skill." Lei Zihan turned his head and shook off Ye Cheng's hand that was covering his mouth, then quickly reached out to wipe his mouth, pouting his lips, his tone was firm and unwavering.    


Lei Zihan's words made Ye Cheng feel a little elated, but he still glared at Lei Zihan who was about to say it again: "Who said she trampled on my dignity? Do you know who that woman was? She's my boss, my boss. Do you know what the consequences of what you just said are for me? "    


Ah!" Lei Zihan let out a surprised cry, then thought of something, curled his lips and said, "So what if I'm the boss, my dad doesn't lack money. If he quits you, then come to my dad's company.    


"Shut up, do you really like me? Haven't you kissed enough last time? " Ye Cheng smiled obscenely at Lei Zihan. He felt that he had to quickly drive this little pump girl away, even if it meant scaring her away. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how long he would nag at her.    


"I... "I don't know." Lei Zihan's beautiful face reddened, and she lowered her head with a slightly nervous expression, not daring to look at Ye Cheng once.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng moaned weakly, truly he wanted to slap himself on the face. Why the f * ck would I ask that, I'm just asking for trouble, Ye Cheng is an experienced expert in the flowers, and from Lei Zihan's words alone, I can determine that Lei Zihan's pump mother is truly interested in me, if this were to happen in the past, Ye Cheng would be extremely happy, but now it's impossible, especially since Qiao Rubing is still beside them, Lei Zihan is just a high school student, in their eyes, he is just a child, I can't be that perverted.    


"You ? Alright, if you like me, then I'll see you tonight in Youlan Club. " Lei Zihan said while smiling. Last time, someone had almost drunk his medicine at Youlan Club, so Lei Zihan would definitely not go there. Ye Cheng had said that on purpose.    


"I... "I won't go." Lei Zihan was shocked by Ye Cheng's expression and could not help but take a few steps back.    


"Hmph, don't stay here if you don't want to. I'm going, do what you need to do." Ye Cheng waved his hands and turned, about to leave.    


"Clang!" And what made Ye Cheng want to cry but had no tears left, was that Qiao Rubing did not even wait for him, the villa's gate was immediately locked by Qiao Rubing, and he directly walked into the villa and closed the door without looking back, Ye Cheng only saw Qiao Rubing's back.    


"Dig!" Ye Cheng stood there dumbly, and couldn't help but curse.    


Ye Cheng carried her all the way to his maternal grandma's house. Damn it, what was going on?    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng to scold the main culprit, Ye Cheng heard Lei Zihan's laughter behind him. This laughter, no matter how Ye Cheng heard it, sounded like ridicule.    


Although the villa's door could not stop Ye Cheng, but at the same time, Ye Cheng did not have the intention to sneak in. Qiao Rubing was obviously angry, and she could not shamelessly go in, since there were still beauties at home, Qiao Rubing should be fine.    


"What are you laughing for!" Ye Cheng turned his head to look at Lei Zihan, and said snappily as he rolled his eyes.    


"Hehe, elder brother Ye, if you are fired, you can come to my dad's company. I told him, he will definitely take you in." Lei Zihan said while grinning.    


"Hmph, you don't need to worry about that Stinky girl. Oh right, why did you look for me when you texted me?" Ye Cheng casually asked.    


"Oh, today is my eighteenth birthday, I want you to come with me for my birthday." Lei Zihan said.    


"Eighteenth birthday? Weren't you already eighteen years old? " Ye Cheng asked curiously, since the last time she saw Lei Zihan, she claimed that she had already grown up.    


"Yeah, I'll be eighteen this year, and I can also have my eighteenth birthday." Lei Zihan nodded, and said with some satisfaction.    


"How can I pass? You still have two eighteen years old. " Ye Cheng looked at Lei Zihan's pleased expression and curled his lips.    


"Hehe, this year, I will be 18 years old. Next year, I will be 18 years old." Lei Zihan said.    


"What!?" You're only seventeen! " Ye Cheng exclaimed and looked at the beautiful Lei Zihan who had already matured. She did not expect her to be so beautiful at only seventeen years old, if she were to have a femininity at that age of seventeen, then what would happen?    


"What seventeen, I'm eighteen!" Lei Zihan stressed in dissatisfaction.    


"Aren't you only 18 years old?"    


"Even though he is fake, he's still a year old!"    


"Damn!" Didn't your father give you your birthday? Just us? " Ye Cheng did not plan to argue with her, since he could not go back, then he might as well go and get something from Lei Zihan.    


"You wish. This time, many of my birthday classmates gave it to me. Tonight, when I go home, my dad gave it to me once more." Lei Zihan laughed proudly.    


"Well, where?" Ye Cheng was helpless. People like Lei Zihan were naturally regarded as the pearls in their palms.    


"Youlan Club." Lei Zihan pouted her small mouth and said with some anger.    


"Why did you think of having a birthday here?" Ye Cheng said in a somewhat amused tone.    


"Humph, I don't know who leaked the information about my last time, but it let my sworn enemy Zhu Dan know. The location of my birthday party was suggested by her, she is obviously trying to humiliate me!" Lei Zihan said angrily.    


"Then why are you still going?" Ye Cheng said with a funny expression.    


"Hmph, go. Why don't you go? If you don't go, then aren't you losing your momentum? I'm still a Big Sis, so I've never been afraid of anyone before." Lei Zihan said with a proud expression.    


Ye Cheng looked at Lei Zihan's proud appearance and sighed in his heart: "He's still a child."    


"Then are you going?" Lei Zihan looked at Ye Cheng and asked, her small face had a look of anticipation and hope.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng hesitated, thinking that he had nowhere to go, although Ye Cheng had a lot of places to go, but thinking about it, he decided not to go. After all, he had to return tonight to protect Qiao Rubing, and even though Lei Zihan was unreliable, he felt relaxed being with this little girl.    


"Fine." Ye Cheng nodded after hesitating for a moment.    


"Yea, bo!" Seeing that Ye Cheng had agreed, Lei Zihan excitedly gave him a fierce kiss on the cheek. After kissing him, Lei Zihan finally remembered who she was kissing to. Lei Zihan hurriedly moved to the side with a blushing face, and her small hand unconsciously touched her own small mouth.    


Ye Cheng unconsciously reached out and touched the cheek that had been kissed by Lei Zihan.    


"Let's go, my car is outside. elder brother Ye, hurry up." Lei Zihan immediately regained his previous excitement as if he had changed his expression. In a few steps, he arrived next to a Lamborghini sportscar, and greeted Ye Cheng with his small white hand.    


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