The Romantic Soldier King



"Bam!" Tens of thousands of Chinese dollars a bottle of Lafite smashed into the tens of thousands of Chinese dollars large television set, immediately producing a loud sound, sparks flying everywhere and black smoke coming out from the large television, the red wine scattered all over the wall paper, making it look extremely terrifying.    


Song Liangjun, who was rushing forward without paying any attention to Ye Cheng, suddenly shivered from the loud sound, his lower body could only remember that he was impotent. Song Liangjun threw the lady under him to the side and glared at Ye Cheng: "Ye Cheng, are you f * cking looking for death?"    


"Ta!" Ye Cheng lit a cigarette, and contentedly blew out a smoke ring. Looking at Song Liangjun's lower body that was as big as his pinky, he said with some amusement: "Impotent? Or did it leak out? "Impossible, didn't you take some medicine just now?"    


"Brother Song, you're so amazing, I still need you." The woman was clearly not satisfied, and did not feel ashamed in the slightest because of Ye Cheng's presence.    


"I want you!" Scram! "Trash!" Song Liangjun swung his hand and slapped the woman, and said with a sinister look.    


"Yes, yes." The beautiful woman covered her face and weakly dodged to the side.    


"Ye Cheng, what are you doing here!" Song Liangjun casually picked up the towel on the sofa and wrapped it around himself as he looked at Ye Cheng coldly.    


"Of course I'm busy. I don't have the leisure to watch your Spring Palace drama." Ye Cheng saw that Song Liangjun did not have any signs of being afraid, and laughed.    


"If you have any last words, then hurry up and say it. I'm very busy." Song Liangjun squinted his eyes as he looked at Ye Cheng, the corners of his mouth curled up in delight. When he thought of Ye Cheng, who was about to die, Song Liangjun's mood improved again.    


Ye Cheng laughed and looked around.    


"What are you looking for?"    


"One person." Ye Cheng said honestly.    


Ye Cheng didn't want to give him a chance for a rebirth, but what surprised Ye Cheng was that Qiao Rulong didn't seem to be hiding in his hiding spot, because from Ye Cheng's senses, other than Song Liangjun and this pitiful woman, there was no one else in this house.    


"You're looking for that trash Qiao Rulong right? He doesn't live here, or it could be said that he left before you arrived." Song Liangjun said honestly.    


"You knew I was coming back for you?" Ye Cheng asked frankly, puzzled.    


But I didn't know you would find your way here so quickly. It's just a matter of time, it's what that bitch Qiao Rubing told you. Song Liangjun elegantly took out a cigarette and lit it up, as if the current Ye Cheng had already become a dead man.    


He casually placed the tip of his cigarette on the expensive sofa beside him, restrained his smile, and coldly looked at Song Liangjun: "Did you know that if you want to hurt the people by my side, it's even more annoying than hurting me."    


"Hehe, so what if you hate me. Actually, even though I hate Qiao Rubing, I hate you even more. Originally, I wanted to kill that bitch Qiao Rubing right in front of your eyes. Song Liangjun shook his head.    


"I've heard that you're very wise, very insidious, and good at enduring. But why did you do such an irrational thing?" Ye Cheng asked helplessly.    


"There are some things in this world that one does not use reason to look at, just like how I love Qiao Rubing so much. In order to obtain him, I will do anything and do whatever it takes. Song Liangjun closed his eyes with a sigh, as if he had fallen into some sort of train of thought.    


"Speak, how do you want to die? If you kneel down and beg me, I might be able to let you live a little longer. " Song Liangjun said with his eyes closed, as if looking at Ye Cheng again was a waste.    


Ye Cheng grinned, and replied with a question: "Tell me the method you want to die the most."    


"Originally, I wanted to make you die painfully. However, looking at your ignorant appearance, you seem like a clown. This caused me to suddenly feel a bit tired. If I lose interest, you can just die." After saying that, Song Liangjun stretched out his hand and patted it gracefully.    


Just as Song Liangjun was clapping his hands, Ye Cheng suddenly felt a gloomy and cold figure flash in from outside, immediately followed by another familiar figure.    


"Bam!" The two figures hadn't even entered the room before they started fighting. With the sound of flesh colliding, the leading cold figure borrowed the force from the impact to enter the house. The familiar figure followed closely behind.    


"Don't let that guy get away!" Before his figure had even arrived, Xiao Yifeng's voice sounded.    


"Let's go!" Dressed in tight clothes, the dark and cold shadow suddenly scuttled to Song Liangjun's side, who still did not know what had happened, and swept him up as he fled to the other side of the door.    


Xiao Yifeng naturally called him over before Ye Cheng even arrived, Ye Cheng did not know how strong Song Liangjun's guards were, so he was not arrogant enough to rush into the tiger cave by himself. However, with the help of and himself, ordinary experts would not be able to do anything even if they had guns.    


"Can you leave?!" After all, he was carrying a person, but his speed was not slower than's. Maybe this was Song Liangjun's biggest reliance, maybe Ye Cheng was not even able to be a match for the black figure before he was injured, but now, even if he was not, Ye Cheng had the confidence to escape.    


"Can you leave?!" Ye Cheng focused his gaze, and discovered that the cold black figure's skills were not simple, after all he was carrying a person, but his speed was not slower than her, so this was probably Song Liangjun's greatest reliance. Perhaps Ye Cheng was not injured when he was fighting against the black figure, but now, even if he was not his opponent, Ye Cheng had the confidence to escape, not to mention Xiao Yifeng, who was only stronger than him.    


"Humph!" Seeing that Ye Cheng was actually so quick to rush forward to block the black figure, the black figure coldly snorted and pulled out his hand to clash with Ye Cheng's incoming fist.    


"Bam!" Ye Cheng's fist landed on the man's palm, he realised that his fist was like hitting cotton, the man's palm suddenly released a gloomy and cold suction, directly reducing the destructive force of Ye Cheng's fist by half, and the black shadow also realized that Ye Cheng's fist directly broke through the door and flew out.    


"Hey!" Xiao Yifeng chuckled, his footsteps were like the wind, and the smile on his face gradually faded.    


"Bam!" The black figure clearly did not expect Xiao Yifeng's speed to be so fast, seeing that Xiao Yifeng had blocked and punched Song Liangjun in his bosom, the black figure helplessly exchanged another punch with Xiao Yifeng, blocking it for Song Liangjun.    


As for the black-clothed person who rescued Song Liangjun, he was stopped by Xiao Yifeng and helplessly retreated back to the living room. Ye Cheng stood firmly behind the black figure and blocked his path, with Xiao Yifeng in the middle position.    


"Hmph, a wolf is only so-so!" The black-clothed man looked coldly at Xiao Yifeng who blocked in front of him. Even though he was carrying a person who was still trapped by Xiao Yifeng and Ye Cheng, he did not have the slightest hint of fear.    


"Oh? You know me? "Who are you?" Xiao Yifeng called out the code name by the black clothed man and looked at him strangely. He realised that this man in black was not bad looking and was very handsome, but more of a gentle beauty. The long and narrow eyes gave off a cold feeling, but Xiao Yifeng realized that he did not even know who this man in black was.    


"Hmph, who I am is not important. What is important is that I know who you are. Do you know what you are doing? Do you know who this person in my arms is? You have no right to kill him! " The effeminate man looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and said.    


"What the hell are you! Stop f * cking spouting nonsense here, let me tell you this, Song Liangjun has colluded with overseas merchants to attack domestic enterprises, disrupting the stock market in the East Ocean Sea, colluding with others to participate in the fire at the winning factory, resulting in the death of dozens of employees. He is currently guilty of a death sentence, we have the right to punish him first, do you understand! Ye Cheng sneered.    


"Hmph, you are right, but do you have evidence? What evidence do you have to prove my guilt? " Song Liangjun was so frightened that his entire face turned pale white. Clearly, he did not expect Xiao Yifeng to be so powerful, to the point that even the guardian of the family felt fear. However, he did not know where he got the courage from as he roared at Ye Cheng.    


"Hehe, the evidence can be collected slowly, but you must die today." Ye Cheng sneered as he looked at Song Liangjun, his eyes filled with killing intent.    


"Xiao Yifeng, what about you? Don't forget your status. Now is not the time to cause chaos. The effeminate man looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and said.    


The first was that Song Mingcheng of the Song family was now the Deputy Prime Minister of China, and was also Song Liangjun's father. Although he did not have much power, his political background was deep, and the second was that Song Liangjun's sister was married to the Yanjing's Li Family's Patriarch, Li Guohua, and Song Liangjun's sister was married to Li Guohua's independent Li Ze Dong. In the past, the Song family could only be considered to be doing well in the East Sea, but the current Song family was different.    


This was also the reason why Song Liangjun suddenly became arrogant.    


Furthermore, Song Liangjun had done all of this in secret, and he and Ye Cheng did not have any political background. If they were to kill Song Liangjun and cause a ruckus, he and Xiao Yifeng would be in a lawsuit, and most importantly, if there was any disturbance in the East Sea because he and Ye Cheng were to be missing, Xiao Yifeng would be the sinner of an ancient era.    


"Ye Cheng, let's just forget about it. The bigger picture is more important." The reason why Xiao Yifeng could sit as the Wolf Fang vice team leader was not purely because of his hot-bloodedness. After considering many things in his mind, he helplessly looked at Ye Cheng as he made this decision.    


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