The Romantic Soldier King



"I already know that." It was obvious that Lei Qinglong was very afraid of the Hong Alliance, and for a moment, Ye Cheng felt that it was both funny and curious. He did not know why Lei Qinglong was willing to offend the Hong Alliance and wanted to tell him about this news, even if this news was not worth a single cent to Ye Cheng.    


"What?" You already know? " Lei Qinglong looked at Ye Cheng in shock.    


"Yes, I already know, so you have no value to me at all. So if your third goal isn't worth 5 billion Chinese dollars, then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. However, I'm very curious about the reason you took the risk to tell us all this." Ye Cheng asked Lei Qinglong curiously.    


"This... I want to beg you to promise me one thing, you must promise me, I ? I'm kneeling down for you! " Lei Qinglong stuttered for a while, as though he was hesitating, he suddenly took off his sunglasses and knelt in front of Ye Cheng, with a sincere tone.    


"Dig!" Lei Qinglong, what are you trying to do? " Ye Cheng was shocked, she immediately jumped up from her chair and avoided Lei Qinglong's bow. However, looking at Lei Qinglong's current state, Ye Cheng seemed to have guessed something. The only thing that made Lei Qinglong so afraid was the Hong Alliance, which was one of the strongest forces in the Scarlet Tiger Hall. Now that the Hong Alliance was about to make a move in the East Sea, he would definitely find Lei Qinglong, and that was why Lei Qinglong had found him.    


"Director Lei, you are ?" Qiao Rubing was also shocked, he never thought that Lei Qinglong would actually kneel to Ye Cheng, this fellow. One must know that Lei Qinglong's position in the Eastern Ocean was much higher than his.    


"Ye Cheng, just agree to it?" Lei Qinglong looked at Ye Cheng and said.    


Oh, let me first guess what difficulties you have encountered, Hong Alliance should be the one threatening you, right? "Su Yun said in a low voice." Then I'll go first, if the situation allows it, I'll agree to it. Ye Cheng looked at Lei Qinglong and asked.    


"Yes, to be honest, the last time Zihan was kidnapped from the United States was me lying to you. Zihan's kidnapping was not done by the Anti-Black Tiger Alliance, it was caused by the people of the Hong Alliance, they used Zihan to force me to take a pill for myself and now that I am controlled by them, I know that I will die sooner or later, but I hope that Zihan and my son can live on, and only you can help me. No matter how strong they are, the Hong Alliance is only a strong alliance in the underground world. What he had said was actually the truth. Right now, he really couldn't find anyone who could help him, anyone who would dare to help him. Furthermore, he didn't dare believe it, and the only person he could trust now was Ye Cheng.    


Hearing Lei Qinglong's confession, Ye Cheng also remembered what happened back then. At that time, Ye Cheng had indeed suspected that things were not so simple, it was just that he was rather busy at the time and accompanied Qiao Rubing to Yinchuan, but he had not been able to confirm it.    


"Heh heh, so what you're saying is that you're at your wit's end?" Ye Cheng laughed as he looked at Lei Qinglong, but his eyes were staring intently at Lei Qinglong's eyes, seeing if he was lying.    


Yes, I have nowhere else to go, I don't care if I die, but my daughter and son must survive, there are only two children left in our Lei Family, as for the 5 billion yuan president Qiao, you don't need to return it to me, when that time comes, give my son and daughter a place to hide outside the country, and they will have enough money to spend for the rest of their lives. Lei Qinglong said straightforwardly.    


"Hehe, your idea seems to be very long-term, but you don't seem to understand me. I'm just a rank 2 retired special forces soldier, and also a security chief of the Winning Group. I also have a very important identity which is one of the many suitors of our president Qiao." Ye Cheng laughed.    


Hearing this, Qiao Rubing couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ye Cheng. What kind of time was this, that this fellow actually still had the mood to talk about this. He angrily looked at Ye Cheng and said: "Can't you be more serious?    


"This ?" Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Lei Qinglong was at a loss for words.    


First, to protect the peace and stability of the country is my responsibility, and secondly, to help Zihan, I promised you before. As for the national personnel you were talking about, I am now retired, and can not be considered as a national personnel. I am just very familiar with the few people in the police station. First, let's not talk about how Lei Qinglong was such a person. Just because his child made such a huge sacrifice for him, he had to kneel down, that was worthy of respect. Furthermore, Ye Cheng did not believe that Lei Qinglong knew that he belonged to the Six Departments of State Security.    


Lei Qinglong gratefully looked at Ye Cheng and said, "Alright, alright, with these words of yours, I can relax. Then, I still have some more news to tell you guys, although it's not certain, but it's very likely that Qiao Rulong will be involved in this matter as well. It's just that I haven't found his figure in the East Sea." Lei Qinglong shook his head.    


"Heh heh, do I believe you when you say that? Although the Black Tiger Gang is being suppressed by the Anti-Black Tiger Alliance, it shouldn't be difficult to find someone in the East Sea. " Ye Cheng looked at Lei Qinglong and said.    


"I... I don't dare, I'm afraid that the people of the Hong Alliance are staring at me, and from the looks of it, Qiao Rulong is going to be working with the people of the Hong Alliance, I don't know what conditions he has for the people of the Hong Alliance to help him deal with the president Qiao, but now that he is standing with the Hong Alliance, I don't dare, even if I come today, it would be a secret visit. " Lei Qinglong shook his head bitterly.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng looked at Qiao Rubing silently.    


Qiao Rubing smiled bitterly and nodded at Ye Cheng. Actually, the smart girl had already guessed this a long time ago, and she had already confirmed that Qiao Rulong was no longer in the United States, he had still not given up on her after all. Although Qiao Rulong was not her father's son, he was still considered the most direct relative of Qiao Rubing in this world.    


"En, I will take note of that. However, as the saying goes, I cannot guarantee that you will be able to protect Zihan from harm." Although Ye Cheng was very powerful now, he would not be arrogant and conceited. There was always someone above others, and forget about others, but Ye Cheng was not their match even after meeting the three slashes earlier, he was still not their match.    


Lei Qinglong looked at Ye Cheng and said, "Actually, there is another reason why I sought you out for help, and that is that my family's little girl has fallen for you. In the past twenty odd days, when you were not around, she would often nag you, and although she has scolded you as a big pervert, she knew her daughter well like a father. She has fallen for you, so I am in favor of her ?"    


"Dig!" Stop, stop! Didn't you hear that I am one of president Qiao's suitors? Aren't you destroying me? " Ye Cheng could not help but curse and interrupt Lei Qinglong's words. He knew that this evil merchant was playing the role of a relative.    


However, this also reminded Ye Cheng of that top quality pump girl. She was clearly a little girl, yet she called herself Big Sis, and to be honest, Ye Cheng liked Lei Zihan a lot, but this kind of liking was only for her straightforward personality.    


Thinking about it, Ye Cheng once again remembered the incident at Youlan Club, whether she had been given medicine or if he had saved her, in the end she had said that it was all because of him, and he had even had a bit of an affair with her, could it be that it was something that happened at that time?    


"Right, there's one more thing." Lei Qinglong suddenly said.    


"What else is there?" Ye Cheng asked impatiently, he was now a little afraid of this evil merchant.    


"The victor this time is the Sung Group. Now that Song Liangjun is the successor to the Sung Group, he... Previously, he chased after president Qiao, but now, he is here to deal with president Qiao. His goal is very bad, moreover, this person is very sinister. Lei Qinglong said.    


"Song Liangjun?" Ye Cheng muttered to himself, and a very handsome and elegant figure appeared in his mind. That guy had lost a lot of money to him in the Imperial Code, but that person was exactly as Lei Qinglong had described.    


Ye Cheng suddenly had an idea, which was whether or not Qiao Rulong was related to him. They all had the same goal: if he was unable to find Qiao Rulong, then he would be able to use Song Liangjun to find him, and maybe use the mastermind behind the scenes in the Hong Alliance to deal with him.    


Ye Cheng was different now, normal Asura Hall killers were not even worth looking at. Furthermore, Xiao Yifeng, Longqing and the others were all in the Eastern Sea Region, as long as they could find out where the Hong Alliance was hiding, it would not be difficult to take them all out.    


"Yes, I understand. Thank you for your kind reminder, Director Lei." Qiao Rubing nodded, she was very clear about Song Liangjun's motive for fighting him, furthermore, after going into business for so many years, she had already guessed 90% of the reason when she dealt with the successful business group.    


After finally sending the great god Lei Qinglong away, Ye Cheng saw that Qiao Rubing was silently looking at him and grinned: "My dear Little Bing Bing, why are you looking at me like that? Do you think that I'm very strong, that I'm very special, and that I suddenly found myself in love with me at that moment? "    


"Ugh!" Qiao Rubing made a disgusted gesture, rolled his eyes and said: "Can you not be so shameless, you can leave, I want to work."    


"Why are you leaving? I want to protect you here and wait for you to get off work before sending you back to your villa." Ye Cheng shook his head, as he sat by the side and asked.    


Hearing this, Qiao Rubing felt helpless, thinking that Ye Cheng had lent him the money to help the company overcome their difficult circumstances, and it was true that he had no reason to kick him out, but Ye Cheng's condition was very simple, it was to stay with her for half a year, Qiao Rubing naturally knew that Ye Cheng was protecting him, and furthermore, it was not the first time Ye Cheng was staying with him, it was just that Ye Cheng was watching his work from here, especially after that relationship with him, which made Qiao Rubing feel very weird and uncomfortable.    


"You can ask me to leave, but you have to tell me something." Ye Cheng suddenly said after thinking for a while.    


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