The Romantic Soldier King



"Actually, even I don't know about this. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, just like in the novel. Those who don't know about it will get a great opportunity." Ye Cheng shook his head and gave a vague explanation. Although Ye Cheng had guessed that his strength had increased, but it was hard to say, and it was just like what An Ningxuan had suspected, that his current appearance was like a comeback, but Ye Cheng thought that it was a very small probability.    


The reason was naturally because of Qiao Rubing. Qiao Rubing had the cold yin constitution mentioned in the books, so Ye Cheng had basically confirmed that she was using her cold yin energy to nourish her body, and her complete recovery and growth in her strength could be said to have been entirely due to her. Although this matter was not recorded in the books, it could be said that the current Ye Cheng was already considered an anomaly.    


"Hehe, I really want to test out your strength right now, because we will be fighting side by side in the near future. Being familiar with the true strength of our teammates is a must." The handsome youth did not have any disapproval towards Ye Cheng's explanation, and laughed as he spoke.    


"You want to fight with Ye Cheng?" Ye Cheng recognized the handsome youth, but the person who received them, Gao Han, recognized him. He was called Xiao Yifeng, a very elegant and free name, and like his name, he had a very handsome appearance and temperament, just like the handsome and chivalrous men of ancient times. However, there was no doubt of his strength, as he was the vice leader of the Dragon Fang Division.    


Outsiders only knew the Dragon Soul. In truth, the Dragon Soul was just a general term. In truth, the Dragon Soul was divided into two parts, Dragon Fang and Dragon Armor. As for the name of the dragon armor, one could see that the dragon armor focused on defense. Of course, this didn't mean that their martial arts value was low, because they were mainly responsible for protecting the country's important high level figures.    


On the other hand, Xiao Yifeng was the vice leader of the Dragon Tooth division.    


It was just that at that time, he was already a member of Dragon Fang, but his strength was still there. Furthermore, the jackal was not Xiao Yifeng's opponent, and the other person was naturally a member of the Dragon Armor Division. From their arrival, there were three members of the Dragon Soul Division.    


"Hehe, it's just a spar. That's all you can say." Xiao Yifeng waved his hand as he looked at Ye Cheng, and then said: "First let me introduce myself, I am Xiao Yifeng, code-named Wolf, the vice leader of the Dragon Fang Group, and also from the Wolf Fang Special Task Force. This time, the turmoil in the East Sea will mainly be handled by me, this is the jackal, hehe, I have done things under my hands before, you do not need to introduce me any further, this is Longqing, code-named Black Tower, he is a member of the Dragon Armor Division."    


"You are the rumored beautiful fierce wolf's Dragon Fang vice team leader Xiao Yifeng? You think too highly of me. " Hearing Xiao Yifeng's introduction, Ye Cheng was truly shocked, because Xiao Yifeng had also walked out of the Wolf Fanged City, so his name was Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng had heard of him before, although this Xiao Yifeng looked like a very kind and harmless person who had just graduated and seemed like a good youth, he was actually a ferocious being that killed people without blinking an eye. Furthermore, he would not use even two moves if he could kill people, and his movements were so elegant and graceful, it was also known as a kind and fierce wolf, because he could quickly kill the opponent without causing too much pain to the enemy.    


"Hehe, that's just a nickname given to me by someone else. We are only sparring. Moreover, with your strength, you might not lose to me." Xiao Yifeng smiled and waved his hand.    


"In that case, let me test the strength of this Ye Cheng." Longqing said in a low and muffled voice.    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng couldn't help but glance at this fellow with the code name 'Black Tower'. Ye Cheng knew why this fellow had the code name 'Black Tower', because this' Tower 'was indeed rather dark, and the word' Tower 'was very accurate. Long Qing was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and was half the height of Ye Cheng, and even though he was wearing a suit, his broad body was still able to see the bulging muscles on his body. His big hand was like a fan, and he didn't know if ordinary people would be directly beaten to death.    


"Forget it. I'm afraid that my attacks won't be able to hit you. I might as well spar with Brother Xiao. There's a training field behind the police station." Ye Cheng said as he looked at Longqing, he turned and said.    


"Sigh, actually, this guy is much stronger than me." Longqing sighed, and looked at Ye Cheng with some pity. He knew clearly how strong Xiao Yifeng was, even though Ye Cheng was very powerful, but he didn't think that Ye Cheng was Xiao Yifeng's match, or even that Ye Cheng would be toyed with.    


"Ye Cheng, do you really want to fight Brother Xiao?" Gao Han pressed down in shock, he did not expect Ye Cheng to actually agree.    


"Isn't it just a spar? "I also want to test if my strength has really increased by a lot." Ye Cheng said.    


An Ningxuan also looked at Ye Cheng with some shock. Even though she didn't know how strong this Xiao Yifeng actually was, just the title of Dragon Fang Group's vice leader was already very impressive.    


Hehe, Ye Cheng is right, it is just a spar, but, I will not be lenient, I will use my true strength, and also let you understand my true strength. Xiao Yifeng praised Ye Cheng as he looked at him.    


"Please." Ye Cheng gestured to invite him in.    


The group of six arrived at the training grounds. It was just around 11 in the afternoon, and there were not many people in the training grounds. Because of An Ningxuan and Gao Han, they were able to reach the training grounds without being stopped.    


The training field was very big, and was separated into different shapes by an iron net that was five to six meters tall. Surrounding them were French parasol trees, and because it was already autumn, the ground was littered with yellow leaves. The two of them stood there quietly, the autumn wind sweeping the yellow leaves whirling in the wind.    


Xiao Yifeng stood with his hands behind his back, his elegant hair fluttering in the autumn wind, looking very free and at ease. Ye Cheng's body slightly arched, like a cheetah ready to strike, and his two hands seemed very loose as he casually placed them on his chest.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng did not have any intention to take the initiative and attack, and seeing how he was treating her with rapt attention, Xiao Yifeng's eyes revealed a look of praise, because once he took the initiative to attack, he would inevitably reveal a flaw.    


"I'm going to attack. Be careful." As Xiao Yifeng said that, the aura around his body suddenly changed, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his expression was stern, his gaze sharp, in an instant he turned from a kind young man to a ruthless and fierce wolf.    


Ye Cheng did not speak, his eyes staring straight at Xiao Yifeng's legs, because Ye Cheng knew Xiao Yifeng's strongest point, speed and attack.    


Xiao Yifeng's speed was not fast, it was even very slow, incomparably slow, because he slowly walked towards Ye Cheng as if he was strolling leisurely in the park.    


"This guy is so shameless! He took out his Mirage Steps before the fight even started!" Although Xiao Yifeng was the vice team leader Long Ya, this Longqing's tone of voice did not carry much respect. To be exact, he looked more like an ordinary friend or brother.    


Ye Cheng pursed his lips, his body tensed up. Although Xiao Yifeng walked very slowly, the invisible pressure from his body pressured down until Ye Cheng was unable to breathe. He had almost taken the initiative to attack on several occasions, and a trickle of sweat slowly seeped out from his forehead.    


When a withered yellow leaf passed between the two of them, and the withered yellow leaf just happened to obstruct their line of sight, Xiao Yifeng moved, and his movements was incomparably quick. Compared to his slow movements just now, it was a clear contrast.    


Ye Cheng's eyes focused, he suddenly raised his left hand to block Xiao Yifeng's attack aimed at his neck.    




With a dull thud, Xiao Yifeng's wrist and Ye Cheng's wrist clashed, the immense pain caused Ye Cheng to inhale a breath of cool air, being unable to defend or attack freely was not Ye Cheng's style, following that, Ye Cheng fiercely waved his right fist towards Xiao Yifeng's neck.    


"Bam!" Their wrists clashed together once more, and both of them simultaneously raised their knees to strike at each other's lower body.    


"Bam!" The knee collided with a dull thud.    


"Bang, bang, bang ?" The two of them clashed back and forth, elbows, knees, left hook, right hook, and so on. They clashed back and forth, the sound of heavy collisions and the occasional muffled groan that brought up the chests of the two as they clashed. Within two minutes, the two of them had exchanged countless attacks.    


Ye Cheng felt as if all the blood in his body was burning, his attack speed was extremely fast, making him unable to see through his opponent's movements. However, Ye Cheng's greater intuition and perception, as well as his ability to sense danger, allowed him to attack or defend in the shortest amount of time possible.    


"Bam!" Another heavy, muffled sound rang out. Both of their fists slammed into each other's fists. They both let out muffled groans as they retreated a few steps back due to inertia.    


Ye Cheng's entire body was in extreme pain, especially his fists, wrists, arms, legs, calves and knee, all sorts of places that were struck by attacks, but this feeling was very good, especially that one time where Ye Cheng felt powerless. This time, Ye Cheng had found that feeling of satisfaction once again, he did not think that he was holding back in that fight with Xiao Yifeng, because like this, his own strength could be seen, as he had thought, that his speed, strength, and perception had increased by a lot.    


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