The Romantic Soldier King



"Humph!" I thought you'd never wake up! "Why aren't you dead?!" Hearing Ye Cheng's confirmation, An Ningxuan was overjoyed, but she would not reveal her personality. Furthermore, Ye Cheng's previous recklessness almost caused An Ningxuan to die, which made him extremely angry. Remarry? Or for the sake of this bastard?    


Ye Cheng already knew that this woman An Ningxuan was stubborn and soft-hearted, and he had overestimated himself previously. If that crazy old man hadn't came in time, he would have been eaten by the wolves in the mountains long ago. Ye Cheng also felt a little guilty: "My wife Xuan Xuan, I was wrong, your husband has missed you."    


An Ningxuan's heart warmed. She had scolded Ye Cheng just now only because she was angry, but that bastard was already her man, so she really couldn't do anything to him. Furthermore, she had also missed Ye Cheng, especially since he was her first love and wanted to taste the forbidden fruit.    


"How are you?" An Ningxuan's tone slightly softened.    


"Wife, your husband is blind." Ye Cheng complained.    


"Are you blind? It's great that you're blind, it'll save you from being perverted all day and only knowing how to stare at beautiful women. An Ningxuan did not believe her words at all, he believed that Ye Cheng was only trying to trick her to go see him.    


"I really can't see anything. According to my memory, my eyes aren't injured, and my eyes don't hurt, but I can't see anything. Even if you don't call, I want to find you. Ask Guo Weimin to find a doctor in this area for me."    


"You ? You really didn't lie to me? You can't see anything? " An Ningxuan asked doubtfully.    


Ye Cheng almost cried. God damn, why would no one believe me when I'm speaking the truth? Moreover, it's all my woman, isn't it too much of a failure for me to be a man?    


"Damn it, how can I lie to you when there's such a serious question?" If you don't believe me, call Big Sister Ruo Bing and elder sister Xue and ask them. They all know that I can't see anything. " Ye Cheng said angrily.    


"Are you blind? president Qiao didn't tell you anything? She said she can cure you completely? " An Ningxuan asked doubtfully.    


Oh, Sister Bing is indeed helpful to me due to my physique. I can't explain some things over the phone, so tell Guo Weimin what I told you just now. Fuck, I really don't feel good looking into the dark. If you have the time, come over and let your husband feel if you've lost weight these days. " Ye Cheng said while grinning.    


"You really don't leave your old profession with just three sentences. It seems like you're blind or just light. You should just lie on the bed with your whole body paralyzed!" Seeing that he was already like this, An Ningxuan did not forget to play tricks on him, he snorted and said: "The jackal and that fellow have a draw, we can't do anything to each other, the jackal was injured, I heard that our reinforcements arrived, that guy was also injured and escaped."    


Escaping from injury? An old man dressed in a retro black robe is around sixty years old. He's a crazy old man with a height of 1.65 meters, and his weight is around 55 kilograms. His hair is a mix of black and white, and his hair is messy like that of a beggar. " Ye Cheng thought of his cheap martial uncle. Since he was able to wake Qiao Rubing up so quickly because of a martial art and he wasn't paralyzed, he should know how to recover completely.     


"Aren't you talking about the scope of this place? There are a lot of people like this in the East China Sea." An Ningxuan said.    


"Yes, this guy is very powerful, at least he's stronger than me. Even when I was at my peak, I wasn't his match, but he's my senior. I think he knows a bit about my recovery. Pay attention." Ye Cheng said.    


Recently, the East China Sea has become more and more chaotic. The Black Tiger Gang and the Black Tiger Avenger gang have had a lot of conflicts over the past few days, and there have been a few incidents where foreigners with suspicious identities have arrived in the East China Sea, so all of them are not simple. Elder Guo's Six Division of State Security and Elder Li's three parts of State Security have brought a lot of experts over, and they are looking for the purpose of the investigation. An Ningxuan warned, but thought that it was not a bad thing for Ye Cheng, since people have their own selfish motives, let others handle such a dangerous matter, thought so.    


"En, then you should be careful. With that little ability of yours, you can only deal with normal gangsters. Don't try to be brave." Just as Ye Cheng wanted to hang up, he suddenly thought of something. "Oh yeah, what did you say just now? Ru Bing said that she could completely cure me? " In the beginning, Ye Cheng did not mind, but because of the word "complete", he had gotten his attention.    


"Mm, that's what she said, but he didn't say how exactly he was going to save you, nor did I ask." An Ningxuan said.    


"En, I understand. Be more careful in the next few days. When your husband is better, I'll go protect you. Hehe." Ye Cheng said while grinning.    


"Hmph, virtuous fellow, I still don't know what you're planning." An Ningxuan snorted and hung up.    


Ye Cheng put down the phone, muttered to himself for a moment: "Could it be that Sister Bing is hiding something from me? And what's the matter with me? Didn't you say that the best result would be a broken nerve and vein? "    


"Time to eat." After some time, Chen Luoxue's voice came from outside.    


Ye Cheng laid on the floor and groped for a while before he finally found his slippers. After silently cursing at the naive and naughty Elder of a thief, he slowly opened the bedroom door and walked out while holding onto the wall.    


"Come, let me help you." At this time, Qiao Rubing also walked out from his bedroom. There was no happiness or sadness on his face, nor was he shy or glared at Ye Cheng.    


"Yes." Ye Cheng promised once, because what An Ningxuan said just now made Ye Cheng a little fidgety in his heart, and he did not have any thoughts of teasing Qiao Rubing anymore.    


"Hee hee, Big Sister Ruo Bing is so considerate." Chen Luoxue placed a dish on the table and laughed as he looked at the two.    


"What is it? You're hungry too? "Come on, there's still a hand here, hold it." Ye Cheng extended his other arm and laughed.    


"Beautiful, it's already good enough for you to have our CEO Cho Da Mei supporting you, do you still want to hug me left and right?" Chen Luoxue laughed.    


"I do have such an idea." Thinking about how Qiao Rubing and Chen Luoxue, the two great beauties, were the two untouchable beauties in the top two of the list, gulped every time he thought about how the two of them were so sexy and their beautiful legs were so slim, hoping that he would be able to carry the two of them onto the bed together and get them to sleep together.    


"Hmph, I'm just taking care of the patient." Qiao Rubing snorted.    


"Sigh, since when did Ye Cheng, who can tremble three times with a stomp in the Eastern Ocean, fall to the level of a patient? Sigh ?" Ye Cheng sighed helplessly.    


"Hehe, you are truly shameless." Chen Luoxue said.    


"You really think highly of yourself." Qiao Rubing snorted sarcastically.    


Ye Cheng was not annoyed: "Hehe, to be able to take you in as his wife, you sure are something."    


"Humph!" Qiao Rubing snorted, and helped Ye Cheng to sit on the sofa, and no longer paid any attention to him.    


"Hmm, it's really fragrant. Our elder sister Xue's wives have really good culinary skills." Ye Cheng sniffed and laughed, he did not look depressed at all.    


"Of course. In order to celebrate your awakening, I brought out all of the culinary arts that I'm good at." Chen Luoxue took off his apron and threw it on the sofa: "Come, let's eat."    


Qiao Rubing saw that Ye Cheng was wearing only a thin set of pajamas. It was already autumn, and although there was warmth in the room, Ye Cheng was still a patient. He couldn't bear to get up and walk towards Ye Cheng's bedroom.    


Qiao Rubing walked into Ye Cheng's bedroom and took out a folded clothes. He turned his head to look at the torn and tattered suit that Ye Cheng had worn back then in the forest. Originally, Qiao Rubing wanted to throw it away, but after thinking for a while, he washed it and folded it.    


Her jade-like hand gently caressed the suit as her eyes revealed a trace of gentle reminiscence.    


"Hmm?" Qiao Rubing asked curiously, she felt that there was something in Ye Cheng's underwear pocket, because at that time, when Ye Cheng was injured, she had placed all of her heart and mind on him. She only folded it carefully, and under her curiosity, she dug her hand into the inside pocket of Ye Cheng's suit.    


Qiao Rubing's hand touched the pocket on Ye Cheng's hand. The thing inside was extremely soft to the touch, so Qiao Rubing took it out doubtfully, and when she saw the thing in her hand, her eyes immediately froze.    


In Qiao Rubing's hand was a piece of cloth that had been carefully folded. Perhaps it was because he had washed it once, but because it had been a long time, the bloodstains on the cloth had already turned black, and the piece of cloth in Qiao Rubing's hand was the piece of cloth that she had torn from her undergarment when she bandaged Ye Cheng's body.    


He never thought that Ye Cheng would actually...    


"Sister Bing, what are you doing in the bedroom?" Chen Luoxue's urging came from outside the door.    


"Oh, I'm coming." Qiao Rubing hurriedly stuffed the piece of cloth he was holding into Ye Cheng's jacket's pocket, then took it and walked out.    


"Here, help Ye Cheng put it on." Qiao Rubing threw his jacket over to Chen Luoxue and asked.    


"Hehe, Sister Bing is so considerate." Chen Luoxue said while grinning, and turned to Ye Cheng: "I am just a servant girl, this is what Big Sister Bing is wearing, I'm afraid you will catch a cold."    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng's heart warmed, and he smiled: "Thank you." Ye Cheng took the clothes and put them on himself. Although Ye Cheng was blind, he had already done it himself since he was young, and could wear them with his eyes closed.    


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