The Romantic Soldier King



The fatty's mind was filled with Qiao Rubing's figure and he quickly collapsed on the boss's chair like a deflated ball. He reached out his hand with satisfaction and pulled the beautiful woman in between his legs and placed her on his lap while laughing: "Xiao Feng, looks like our good days are about to come to an end."    


"Could it be that the woman who made you wait for years is coming?" The woman called Xiao Feng had a pretty good appearance. She was plump and sexy. She reached out her hand to the tissue on the table to wipe the white liquid at the corner of her mouth. Then, she stuck her face against the fatty's chest.    


Even if we leave the country, we will be able to live a free life. You have been by my side for the past few years, and this makes me very happy. No matter what your purpose is, as long as you are willing, I will take you away after I finish this vote. The fatty embraced the woman in his arms and grabbed her from his sleeves.    


"Mn, hmph, be gentler ?" The woman let out a coquettish snort, her limply body hanging on the fatty's body. She said, "I'm willing. For the past few years, don't you understand what I've been thinking about you? I'm willing."    


"Hello, the general manager wants to invite you up." The little secretary said to Qiao Rubing and Ye Cheng. She could not help but look at Qiao Rubing who had an extremely good temperament and wondered if the beautiful woman who called herself the boss of the Group was real.    


However, Ye Cheng felt the same way when she saw Qiao Rubing's beautiful face full of undisguised anger. This general manager was really arrogant, and now that he saw the word 'please', he knew that Qiao Rubing should have come down to greet him. And now that he was sitting in the office as a grandpa and Qiao Rubing had even went up to look for him, this proved that he was not afraid of Qiao Rubing, the boss of the group. Ye Cheng really did not know what kind of backing he could take, but the corner of his mouth raised into a cold smile.    


The two of them headed straight for the eighth floor's general manager's office. Along the way, Ye Cheng did not forget to look around at his surroundings, and when he arrived, he took the initiative to knock on the door. He wanted to see who this arrogant general manager was.    


"Come in." A man's voice came from the office.    


Opening the office door, what entered his eyes was a fatty that weighed over one hundred kilograms sitting comfortably on the boss's chair, holding a teacup and drinking tea in one hand, squinting his eyes as he looked at Qiao Rubing who was standing in front of the office's door.    


What caught Ye Cheng's attention were the two middle-aged men in black suits and sunglasses, who should be the bodyguards of the arrogant General Manager. Was this what Fatty was relying on? Ye Cheng sneered in his heart.    


"Zhang Liqiang, you have quite the manner!" The corner of Qiao Rubing's brows tightly knitted as he coldly spoke.    


"Aiya, so you really are president Qiao. I had thought that you were the one who had disguised yourself as the corporation's boss to cause trouble, I had even specially arranged for two people to come and protect you." Zhang Liqiang hurriedly put down the teacup in his hands and stood up with difficulty while holding down the corner of the table. His four limbs were short and small, like a ball of fat rolling towards Qiao Rubing, and his face that was filled with fat was filled with flattery, after taking a few deep breaths with great effort, he extended his hand towards Qiao Rubing and said: "president Qiao, please come in.    


Qiao Rubing looked at Zhang Liqiang who was looking at him lecherously, but he did not have the intention to shake hands with him. He glanced at Ye Cheng, who was standing beside him, calmed down, and walked in.    


Qiao Rubing did not sit in the big boss's chair, but pulled Ye Cheng along to sit on the sofa at the side instead. Xiao Feng helped the two of them get two cups of tea.    


Qiao Rubing, however, did not drink any tea under Ye Cheng's gaze. Instead, he looked at her with a cold and intense gaze and said, "Speak, give me an explanation."    


"Explanation? "What explanation?" Zhang Liqiang looked at Qiao Rubing doubtfully.    


"Zhang Liqiang! Even now, you still refuse to admit it! Do you think I'm blind?! " Qiao Rubing slapped her hands on the table, causing tea to splash out.    


"Calm down president Qiao, may I know why president Qiao is so angry?" Zhang Liqiang was very suspicious, even though the fat man was fat, his acting was actually quite vivid.    


"Why does the company run out of money every year?" Qiao Rubing did not plan to beat around the bush with him and asked bluntly.    


"Continuous annual losses? "Impossible, this company makes 10 million yuan a year. I can clearly see the finance department's account. Every time, they would hand the money to the headquarters, how could they lose money every year?" Zhang Liqiang exclaimed.    


Qiao Rubing was suspicious, could it be that the Finance Department had done something when handing over the money to the Group? Qiao Rubing stared closely at Zhang Liqiang to see if he was lying. It was only because of Zhang Liqiang's fat face, how could he tell what expression he was wearing.    


"Well, call the treasurer and have him bring the sales records and account books from the last few years." Qiao Rubing sneered.    


The president Qiao is having a hard time and probably haven't eaten either. I have now ordered some people to order a table at the Hua Sheng Inn for us to eat while we talk, I have already called our company's upper echelons over. I would like to see who has the guts to do something like this right under my nose! Zhang Liqiang slammed the table fiercely, filled with righteousness and dignity.    


Qiao Rubing could not help but turn his head to look at Ye Cheng, who had been silent all this time, and an inquiring look appeared in his eyes. Seeing that Ye Cheng was nodding at him without leaving a trace behind, Qiao Rubing said: "Alright, go and arrange things for him."    


Ye Cheng was wearing sunglasses, and from the moment he entered the door, he had focused most of his attention on the fatty Zhang Liqiang. Although this Zhang Liqiang must have had a good acting, Ye Cheng was an expert in acting, and had done a lot of undercover work during his time in the army. The fiery and sinister eyes that flashed past occasionally on Zhang Liqiang's face did not escape Ye Cheng's eyes.    


Even though he knew it was a feast, he still had to go.    


Since this branch family made so much money, then Qiao Rubing's idea should naturally be to change his blood and not just give up and let it fail, then Ye Cheng would naturally want to pull out all of Zhang Liqiang's reliance and get rid of it so that he could feel at ease about changing his blood. Otherwise, if Zhang Liqiang's remaining power was still there, it would be inevitable for another Zhang Liqiang or Zhang Liqiang to make a comeback, because this was his territory after all.    


On the other hand, Ye Cheng was not worried about his and Qiao Rubing's safety, no matter how strong these fellows were, they still had other means of reliance. Didn't they still have Hu Lang and the two experts who were hiding in the shadows to protect them?    


The way Zhang Liqiang received Qiao Rubing was rather impressive, it was an Audi with over 1.8 million.    


Zhang Liqiang, together with Xiao Feng and the two bodyguards, arrived at a luxurious private room of the Hua Sheng Inn. The middle table was filled with steaming hot food and wine.    


When Ye Cheng and the others arrived at the private room, there were already four mischievous looking men waiting for them there. When they saw the beautiful Qiao Rubing, their eyes immediately filled with a fiery passion.    


I presume this is President Qiao of the Winning Group. Come, please take a seat. Quick, take a seat." At this time, a man with a vulture face stood up and said passionately. His eyes swept over Qiao RuBing's body, but he couldn't see her figure even though her entire body was wrapped in a white down jacket. Just by looking at her face and slim waist, one could tell she wasn't a beauty anymore.    


The man's voice was sharp, like the sound of a duck being throttled, which made people feel uncomfortable, but his words were more of a courtesy, as though they were from the upper echelons of a conversation, unlike Qiao Rubing's lower level.    


Qiao Rubing frowned, seeing that Ye Cheng did not say a word, he nodded to the four of them, and silently sat down.    


Come, come. Director Qiao, let me introduce you. This is the purchasing department's director, Wang Qizheng. This is the personnel department's director, Zhang Mohai. This is the finance department's director, Chen Rufeng. This is the security department's director, Zhang He." The fat Zhang Li forced a smile as he introduced.    


The four men stared unblinkingly at Qiao Rubing and nodded with smiles. They did not display any hint of reverence as their eyes burned with passion.    


Ye Cheng could not help but laugh out loud. How could these four men be directors? All of them were fat men with thick chains around their neck, and one of them even had a gold ring on his finger. With one look, Ye Cheng could tell that they were street bullies.    


was after all, a woman, and these four people were definitely not good people. Although she was not worried about her safety with Ye Cheng by her side, she could not help but be afraid.    


Ye Cheng's hand that was under the table slowly grabbed at Qiao Rubing's small hand that was inside her sleeve, and threw her a relieved look.    


Qiao Rubing retracted his hand. Seeing the four pairs of eyes that looked like hungry wolves wanting to pounce at him, not only did they not stop Ye Cheng, but they even grabbed onto Ye Cheng's big hand that was full of heat, and his heart slowly calmed down.    


Feeling the cold sweat on Qiao Rubing's palms, Ye Cheng knew that she was truly frightened. Raising his head to look at the few people in front of him, he sneered in his heart.    


The banquet started, and a few big lackeys started to eat their meal. But after more than ten minutes, the dishes and wine in front of Qiao Rubing and Qiao Rubing were still untouched, even the chopsticks in front of them were still in the disinfection bag.    


The guy with the vulture face finally could not hold back and revealed his tail, because they could tell that Qiao Rubing had sensed something, so they did not try to hide it anymore. They moved their bodies towards Qiao Rubing, revealing their disgusting yellow teeth as they smiled obscenely at Qiao Rubing, "Why isn't president Qiao eating? Do you want us to feed you? " As he said that, his dirty claw slowly reached towards Qiao Rubing's other hand that was on the table.    


However, before the claw could touch Qiao Rubing's hand, the chopstick that was still in front of Ye Cheng with the disinfection bag stuck into the back of his hand, directly nailing his claws onto the round wooden table.    


"Aooo!" A mournful and miserable howl instantly filled the entire room, and the sharp sound was like the sound of glass being crushed, causing one's hair to stand on end ?    


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