The Romantic Soldier King



Looking at the mist that filled Pu Wanqing's eyes, Ye Cheng really didn't know what was going on with Pu Wanqing, why was he crying so easily just now. Could it be that the seal he placed on her just now made her feel that she was too perverted?    


Ye Cheng didn't know why Pu Wanqing was crying, and naturally didn't know how to comfort her. She hurriedly reached out her hand to wipe away the tears on Pu Wanqing's face, but she realized that her hands were dirty, because she had cut vegetables just now. Her arms were covered with sleeves, which was even dirtier than Pu Wanqing's beautiful, pure white face.    


Pu Wanqing looked at Ye Cheng who was standing in front of him, feeling helpless. His heart was suddenly filled with happiness, and he did not care about the greasy scarf around Ye Cheng's waist, he even hugged Ye Cheng's thick waist, and put his face in front of Ye Cheng's chest without saying a word.    


"Wife, what's wrong?" Ye Cheng called her wife purposely, wanting to test if Pu Wanqing was angry because of her.    


"Un, from now on, no matter what, I am your wife. If you don't want me in the future, I ?" I'll die for you to see! " Pu Wanqing's voice was soft but the last sentence was firm.    


Even though those words made Ye Cheng sigh deeply many times, he couldn't help but recall those words once again: A woman's heart is like the seabed of needles.    


However, at the moment, Ye Cheng's heart was full of joy. If Ye Cheng had said that, even he would despise himself, he would never have imagined that this little girl would be so moved just because he cooked a meal for her.    


That's right, it was a little girl, the current Pu Wanqing didn't look like a woman who just ran away, but what she said, her tone, and her bashful expression, was completely similar to a little woman who had fallen in love.    


"Only a fool wouldn't want a gentle and considerate wife like you." Ye Cheng said as he wrapped his arm around Pu Wanqing's slender waist and lowered his head to look at the beauty in his arms.    


"Do you want me very much?" Pu Wanqing raised her head and met Ye Cheng's gaze, her beautiful face blushing.    


's voice trembled a little. Even though her voice was very soft, Ye Cheng could tell that she was nervous, and the reason she asked that question was because she had made a huge decision and decision. It could be expected that as long as Ye Cheng nodded, Pu Wanqing would not hesitate to hand over the body that she had kept for nearly thirty years to Ye Cheng.    


"Would you believe me if I said I didn't want it?" Ye Cheng reached out and scratched Pu Wanqing's nose.    


"Hmph, pervert, I knew you had dirty thoughts!" Pu Wanqing wrinkled her cute nose, snorted, and let go of Ye Cheng as she ran.    


Ye Cheng stared blankly at Pu Wanqing who had landed on the sofa like a butterfly, eagerly waiting for himself to serve the dishes and eat. Ye Cheng really wanted to slap himself and silently curse at his own cheap mouth;    


However, some of their feelings became fainter and fainter with the passage of time, while some of their feelings became more and more fragrant like wine. Right now, the relationship between Ye Cheng and Pu Wanqing was the latter. Even if Ye Cheng didn't eat her today, the Pu Wanqing who had already opened that knot in his heart would sooner or later be his.    


"Let's eat." Ye Cheng called out for a plate of prepared food and placed it on the table in the living room.    


The familiar greeting that sounded like a family member made Pu Wanqing feel very sweet. Although it was a regular dish and there was no romantic candlelight dinner, Ye Cheng was still very happy to eat it.    


"It's a little cold tonight. Put this suit on." After the meal, Pu Wanqing knew that Ye Cheng still had to go and pick up his boss, so he did not ask him to stay.    


"No need, I just got in the car after I went downstairs. It's not cold in the car, and I'm a bit reluctant to wear the suit you bought me." Hearing Pu Wanqing's concern and the reluctance in his tone, Ye Cheng hugged Pu Wanqing in his arms and said.    


"You, it's what you wear when you buy things, and I want to see how you look in a suit now, to see if it suits you." Pu Wanqing's eyes revealed a trace of anticipation. After all, he was wearing it too casually all day, even though he didn't have a white evening dress when accompanying him to the gathering previously, it wasn't suitable for him to wear often.    


"Alright, anything you say is fine." Ye Cheng lovingly pinched Pu Wanqing's perky bottom, causing Pu Wanqing to pout around repeatedly as he took the suit and put it on.    


Although Ye Cheng was much more spirited after putting on the suit, inside was a round collar shirt, and casual pants. It looked very out of place, so under Pu Wanqing's request, he changed his entire body.    


Suit, pants, shirt, shoes, after changing into these, Ye Cheng's temperament instantly changed, adding that he had a robust body, wearing the suit made him look more manly, Pu Wanqing was very satisfied with Ye Cheng's current look, he gave her an incense kiss and urged Ye Cheng to quickly go get president Qiao. She was not the kind of woman who would stick to people, proper business was more important.    


Ye Cheng carried a box of items and left Pu Wanqing's residence, refusing Pu Wanqing's gift. Because Pu Wanqing was wearing his pajamas, changing them was very troublesome, and it was not a life and death departure, so he would be back in a few days.    


Ye Cheng thought that since he was already here, he should go and visit Lu Mengzhu and the others. They were all women he loved, and being ignored by them these past few days made Ye Cheng feel a little guilty. However, when he opened the door to his room, he discovered that there was no one in his house.    


The more Ye Cheng thought about it, the more worried he became. He then called Lu Mengzhu and asked where they were at, only then did he find out that this group of women had gone out to eat together with them. Ye Cheng never thought that even if he wasn't at home, this group of women would still have a fun time, and even organize a small gathering.    


"This bunch of women ?" Ye Cheng laughed bitterly.    


Ye Cheng rejected Lu Mengzhu's suggestion to go have dinner with them. Firstly, it was because he had already eaten dinner, and would probably eat another meal at Qiao Rubing's home at night, and if he were to go eat dinner with Lu Mengzhu and the others, wouldn't he be full to death, and secondly, it was already late, and even though he received a message from Qiao Rubing at his house, telling him to work overtime to get Ye Cheng to pick her up, he did not want to make her angry. Firstly, he had to have some good will, so he decided to take the initiative to bring her home.    


When Ye Cheng arrived at the Winning Group, it was already almost 7 PM. Because today was the weekend, there were not many employees who came to work, and furthermore, it was already past the time to get off work. In the entire Winning Group, there was only the light of the CEO's office on on the twentieth floor, and Ye Cheng cursed under his breath.    


Although it was a weekend, Winning Group's security was on duty twenty-four hours a day. The one on duty today was Wu Da, Ye Cheng greeted him before quickly entering the elevator.    


"Knock, knock."    


Ye Cheng went to the CEO's office on the 20th floor and knocked on the door.    


The little secretary looked at Ye Cheng strangely, and her eyes revealed a trace of vigilance. Although she knew that Ye Cheng in front of her was the manager of Winning Group's security department, she did not speak to him, and even more so did not know that Ye Cheng was Qiao Rubing's bodyguard, so she took a step back and asked: "Manager Ye, what business do you have?"    


"Hmm? And the president Qiao? " Ye Cheng did not think too much into it, and directly asked.    


president Qiao and Chen Assistant just went downstairs, is there anything going on in your president Qiao? the secretary asked.    


"Oh, thank you. I'll call her straight away. You're busy." Ye Cheng said and quickly turned around to return. Because he was anxious to follow the principle of proximity, Ye Cheng did not use the elevator specially for the CEO, but he had missed it.    


"What is it?" Qiao Rubing's cold voice came out from the phone.    


"Where are you now? I came to your office and found you had already left. " Ye Cheng laughed bitterly, even he felt that his explanation was pale and weak.    


"Hmph, we're in the underground parking lot. You brat, hurry and come over! You have two minutes, or else you will bear the consequences! " Chen Luoxue's voice came from the other side of the phone, it was obvious that Chen Luoxue was right beside him, so he directly took Qiao Rubing's phone and gave the orders to him.    


Hearing Chen Luoxue's unkind tone, Ye Cheng seemed to have guessed something, probably because Qiao Rubing was unhappy to be seen through by her best friend, Chen Luoxue.    


Ye Cheng didn't know if Qiao Rubing told Chen Luoxue that he had confessed to her, but he was feeling apprehensive as he went to the Underground Tunnels.    


Under the dim light, the two beautiful girls looked very conspicuous in the garage. One was dressed differently, the other was white, and the two beautiful women had the same temperament, and the two girls were currently standing in front of the mobile and fashionable red BMW Z4 that Ye Cheng had bought for him. The red BMW's strong lines and elegant curves cleverly combined together looked smooth and pleasing to the eye, but at this moment, the car had become the partner of two beautiful women, and the fragrant car had a different kind of charm.    


Beneath the snow-white business suit was a pair of seductive legs wrapped in black silk. The two pieces of seduction overlapped and the bottom of her high heels lightly knocked against the concrete floor, creating a "Da Da Da" sound. The bountiful car key ring between her snow-white slender fingers lightly shook, shaking people's nerves ?    


It was just that Ye Cheng noticed that the corner of his mouth hooked up, and the way he looked at himself was filled with playfulness, causing Ye Cheng's apprehension to become even more uncertain. The originally tempting knocking sound became a lullaby in Ye Cheng's ears.    


Qiao Rubing coldly stood to the side, not even sparing Ye Cheng a glance.    


In the dim, yet cold basement, a cold sweat actually seeped out of Ye Cheng's forehead when he saw the two girls' different attitude. Ye Cheng, who was unsure in his heart, didn't dare to speak first, as he was afraid of exposing his true thoughts.    


Of course, Ye Cheng felt a lot of pressure. Just as he was about to kneel and beg for forgiveness for the two beauties in front of him, Chen Luoxue finally spoke: "Speak."    


It was just that with the name Chen Luoxue, Ye Cheng was even more uncertain, and might as well not speak of it. Ye Cheng could only pretend that he did not know anything, and asked blankly: "Speak ? What did you say? "    


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