The Romantic Soldier King



"Da Da Da."    


Countless flames lit up. Within the small abandoned factory, more than twenty corpses lay on the ground in disorder. It was like a living hell, and from time to time, another person would fall down and not get back up.    




Ye Cheng kicked out, easily breaking apart cyan's hands, and at the same time, clenched his fists and greeted her.    


Seeing that, cyan did not dare to be careless, he immediately retreated, the person in front of him had hidden his true strength, if he had displayed such strength the other day, perhaps those people would not be his opponent.    


"It seems like you have a little secret on you." cyan said.    


"Your eyes are quite sharp, but unfortunately, you're about to die." As soon as Ye Cheng finished speaking, he rushed towards cyan. He had to finish this battle quickly, in case his little brother came and got himself into trouble.    


"Bullshit." The cyan snorted. Ye Cheng was indeed strong, but he still didn't feel that his life was in danger.    


cyan was not slow either, facing Ye Cheng's quick and violent attack, he decisively went to meet it. The two fought with each other, and after a while, it was hard to tell who was who, so Ye Cheng just frowned, and then it would really be troublesome.    


It was true that people did not fear anything. Several people suddenly rushed out from the nearby corridor. Each of them had extraordinary equipment. One look and one could tell they were experts. Each of these people had the smell of blood on their bodies. They had obviously killed a lot of people.    


"cyan, we will lend you a hand." One of them said, and with a body as light as a swallow, he instantly appeared in front of Ye Cheng.    


"The fact that you guys are trash won't change no matter how many of you there are." Ye Cheng snorted, he kicked cyan who was in front of him, and struck him with his fist.    


As his fist met the flesh, the man in front of him cried out in pain. Ye Cheng's fist had actually penetrated the man's body, blood splattering all over.    


The others trembled in fear. How could this person be so strong? He had killed one of them with a single punch.    


"Everyone attack together." Someone said, the few of them nodded their heads and rushed towards Ye Cheng, the cyan followed closely behind, and casually picked up a blade.    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng retreated a few steps, at the same time he grabbed onto a person's fist and smashed it onto the ground, that person screamed miserably, his face was no longer the same as before, and fresh blood sputtered out.    


"Damn it." One of them said. Ye Cheng was running too fast for them to catch up.    


"Brat, if you have the ability, don't run." Someone tried to provoke him, but who would have thought that Ye Cheng did not buy it and mocked him instead.    


"If you guys have the ability, don't chase after me. I have the ability not to run."    


While speaking, another person was accidentally grabbed by Ye Cheng, and a fist struck the head, with a huge force, it shattered the person's head.    


"We can't continue like this, or else he'll break us one by one." Some people frowned. If this continued, death was only a matter of time.    


"I'll go and hold him. You guys follow me." Immediately, he caught up to Ye Cheng who was in front of him. With one hand, he firmly grabbed onto Ye Cheng, preventing him from struggling free, and at the same time, hacked out with his other hand's machete.    


"Looks like he still has some strength." Ye Cheng said, his body slanted to the side as he dodged the cyan's blade, but behind him, came a burst of intense pain, it turned out that someone took the chance while cyan was grabbing onto him, going behind him, and punched on his back, causing him to clench his teeth in pain.    


"Brat, why aren't you running anymore?"    


One of them said fiercely, his fist arrived first at the fist wind and then shot towards Ye Cheng's face.    


"Hmph." Ye Cheng snorted coldly, his strength suddenly increasing. With a shake of his large hand, it caused cyan's palm to go numb, and at the same time, he loosened his grip on Ye Cheng's hand.    




Miserable screams came out, the man who was attacking at Ye Cheng's face flew out, Ye Cheng's backhand punch made his face cave in, blood flowing out, it was extremely terrifying.    


Ye Cheng hated these people very much, they basically caused him to lose his life with a single punch. In any case, this was a situation where there would only be one end to it, if he gave the enemies a chance to live, that would be breaking his own life.    


"How is this possible?" cyan was shocked, he never thought that Ye Cheng would actually be able to struggle free from his hands.    


"Why not?" Ye Cheng's killing intent flashed, he snatched away the blade in cyan's hand and used a backhand slash. Seeing that, cyan jumped backwards without caring about his life, but he was too slow, a cold glare flashed past, and cyan's head left his body.    


"He actually killed cyan." cyan was much stronger than them, but it was only a round's worth of work in front of the person in front of them.    


None of them dared to face Ye Cheng head on, and turned to run.    


"How can it be so easy to run?" Ye Cheng snorted, throwing the blade on the ground, at the same time, two cold glare s appeared in his hands. The cold glare s roared and spun in mid air, rushing towards the few people who were trying to escape, and with a groan, they fell to the ground, no longer moving.    


"Brothers, kill them! There aren't many left!" The people on Black Tiger's side clamored. It was true that a majority of the experts had been killed by Ye Cheng and Zi Can, but there were not many left.    


Ye Cheng looked at the scene in front of him coldly. Lei Tianya's heart was ruthless, he probably never thought that anyone could survive.    


"Speaking of which, where did Zi Can run off to?" Ye Cheng's eyes flashed with killing intent, it was best to get rid of him as soon as possible, since such a good opportunity was extremely rare.    


Ye Cheng began to search for Zi Can's figure in the factory. Towards those who appeared in front of him, Ye Cheng did not mind killing them, including the people from Black Tiger.    


Those people who were killed by Ye Cheng, had their eyes opened wide in shock, and died with grievance. They didn't know why Ye Cheng would attack them.    


On the other hand, Xiao Wei had already caught up with him due to exhaustion. Zi Can laughed lewdly as his hands pressed on top of Xiao Wei's huge white rabbit.    


Zi Can skillfully took off Xiao Wei's clothes, and a perfect body instantly appeared in front of him. He swallowed his saliva, and looked around at Xiao Wei's beautiful body with greedy eyes: "I wonder what kind of beautiful scenery it would be like to take off this last piece of cloth?"    


Zi Can laughed out loud as his hands moved to touch Xiao Wei's bra.    


"I will not let you succeed even if I die." Xiao Wei said, she was prepared to bite her tongue to commit suicide, but Zi Can's speed was much faster than his, so she left two acupoints in her body, causing her body to stiffen on the ground.    


"Even if I die, I'll have to wait for my labor to come to an end first." Zi Can said as he pushed Xiao Wei down to the ground. Just as he was about to ride on Xiao Wei's beautiful body, the people at the side were suddenly kicked away.    


Zi Can was startled, and thought that it was someone from the Iron Blood Alliance. He did not expect that it was Ye Cheng, who did not care, and snorted coldly: "If you have nothing to do, then scram.    


"Hmph." Ye Cheng scoffed, "Do you still think you can return alive?"    


Zi Can's expression turned cold, and said angrily: "Why do you still want to kill me?"    


"Correct." Ye Cheng stopped talking and rushed straight at Zi Can. Zi Can was unable to dodge in time and was kicked in the stomach by Ye Cheng. He felt nauseous and foamed at the mouth.    


"Are you challenging me?" Zi Can said, a look of fear flashed past his face, the intense pain in his abdomen finally woke him up from his desire.    


"You? No no no, I want to challenge your entire power, which is the Inagawa-kai. " Ye Cheng said as he stepped on Zi Can's navel and looked down at him.    


"What?" Zi Can's eyes flashed with astonishment, "How do you know about the existence of the Inagawa-kai?"    


Xiao Wei didn't really know what was going on with these two people in front of him. They were clearly from the same group, why did they start to argue internally?    


"Because I'm the one you want to kill." Ye Cheng said, his face returning to his original appearance.    


Seeing that, Zi Can's pupils contracted, and he trembled: "It's actually you."    


"Yeah, go and die. Your Inagawa-kai will also come to accompany you later on." Ye Cheng said as he suddenly stomped down.    


At the edge of life and death, Zi Can unleashed the potential of his body, and pushed Ye Cheng away, then threw out a punch from the back of his hand which smashed onto Ye Cheng's chest, causing Ye Cheng to fly out, spitting out large amounts of blood.    


"Go to hell, haha." Zi Can roared, he took out his gun and fired at Ye Cheng.    


"No." Xiao Wei released a heart-wrenching scream, she thought about the moment when Ye Cheng would appear in front of her, but who would have thought that he would fall to the ground in the blink of an eye.    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


The bullet pierced through the hard cement, but it did not hit Ye Cheng.    


As Ye Cheng fell to the ground, he supported himself and turned his body to the side, barely dodging Zi Can's shot: "It's still too young for you to kill me."    


As he said that, Ye Cheng had already arrived in front of Zi Can. He slapped Zi Can's face, causing Zi Can to fly backwards as his teeth fell onto the ground.    


At the same time, Ye Cheng punched Zi Can hard on his stomach, causing him to fall on the ground and twitch, unable to move.    


"I am qualified to become a Jounin. How can I die here?" Zi Can struggled, wanting to get up. He felt that everything in front of him was a bit dreamy, he had just arrived at Eastsea City a few days ago, and he was about to die.    


"You do have the qualifications to become a Jounin. Unfortunately, you're still too weak right now." Ye Cheng said coldly, he raised the gun and aimed it at Zi Can's head: "Also, Xiao Wei is my, Ye Cheng's, woman, so other than me, no other man can touch her."    


Zi Can snorted coldly, and did not move anymore.    


"Is Ye Cheng you?" Xiao Wei's almond-shaped eyes were filled with tears, as she looked at Ye Cheng's back in disbelief.    


"Your husband, of course? Is there anyone else here? " Ye Cheng laughed, and came up to Xiao Wei, and admired her body.    


"Undoing my acupoints first." Xiao Wei asked anxiously, being stared at by Ye Cheng's fiery gaze, her face flushed red.    


"What acupoint?" Ye Cheng teased Xiao Wei. This Xiao Nizi's heart is now entirely mine, I can't treat her unfairly in the future.    


"You." After all, Xiao Wei was a killer, she understood the meaning behind these words.    


"Look, there aren't many living people left here. A man and a woman alone are on fire. Shouldn't we do something?" Ye Cheng smiled obscenely, he had not seen Xiao Wei for a few days and missed her.    


"Then you still have to help me unlock my acupoints first." Xiao Wei said with a red face, he did not resist anymore. In fact, she really wanted that in her heart, and she really wanted to try that feeling again.    




Seeing that Xiao Wei agreed, Ye Cheng happily opened up Xiao Wei's acupoints.    


Xiao Wei's face looked like a ripe red apple. Just as Ye Cheng opened her acupoints, she impatiently kissed on it, and after kissing for a few minutes, Ye Cheng easily pushed Xiao Wei to the ground and took off her pants, allowing Xiao Wei to stand with his back facing him. She then raised her spear and kissed him.    


In a short moment, the entire room was filled with the sound of spring and the sound of banging.    


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