The Romantic Soldier King



At one o'clock in the morning, the sleeping Ye Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the door: "Who?"    


"Wang Ge, Hall Master Lei is calling you." Someone said from outside the door.    


"Right away." Ye Cheng nodded and stretched himself. After waiting for so long, he finally made it here, but he never thought he would fall asleep.    


He casually grabbed a set of clothes and put them on, then followed the subordinate who was at the door to where Lei Tianya was. However, he was not going to Lei Tianya's office this time, but to the underground parking lot.    


Five black Hummers were parked neatly in the underground parking lot. They exuded a domineering aura and surrounded more than 20 people on the sides of the Hummer. They were working hard, arranging their firearms, and a neat row of machine guns were lying on the cold ground.    


"Good boy, are we going to fight?" Ye Cheng shivered, he had even found a rocket launcher in one of the Humvees. This fellow's killing power was extremely terrifying, if it were to be shot, the entire house would probably collapse.    


"Wang Er, you're here." When Lei Tianya saw Ye Cheng, he walked over: "Have you never seen the real thing before?"    


"Yeah, I've never seen it before." Ye Cheng nodded: "What does Brother Lei want to do today?"    


"Do you still remember the place where I told you to collect the protection fee?"    


"Yes." Ye Cheng nodded.    


"We're going there tonight to collect protection money." Lei Tianya sneered, I will accept this small branch of the Iron Blood Alliance. A killing intent flashed across Lei Tianya's eyes.    


Ye Cheng agreed.    


"Since everyone's here, let's set off." Lei Tianya said, and threw a gun to Ye Cheng: "Come with me, I'll teach you how to use it."    


As he said that, he got into the car with Ye Cheng, who was sitting on the carriage. Zi Can gave a cold snort, as he did not like Ye Cheng much.    


Seeing that, the remaining 20 plus people casually picked a car, all ready to go, waiting for Lei Tianya's order.    


"Let's go." Lei Tianya waved his hand, and the sound of an engine resonating echoed. Five Hummer drove out from the underground parking lot in an orderly fashion, and in less than half an hour, five Hummer arrived at the mountain top not far away from the abandoned factory.    


Just as they reached the top of the hill, the five Humvees came to a neat stop. The 20 men seemed to be well-trained as they all came down with machine guns in their hands and headed towards the factory.    


"Wang Er, I really don't know how to teach you." Lei Tianya's face was in pain as he looked at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng laughed helplessly and threw the gun to the side: "Brother Lei, forget about it. Besides, I don't need this thing."    


"He's really stupid." Zi Can snorted coldly, opened the car door and walked out. Along the way, he had seen many of Ye Cheng's jokes.    


"You can't even beat a fool." Ye Cheng was not afraid of anyone.    


"Hur hur." Zi Can's eyes flashed with killing intent, don't let me meet you later, if not, don't blame me for not having eyes for the spear.    


"Brother Lei, I'm leaving first." Zi Can said, and then left the place.    


Looking at Zi Can's leaving figure, Ye Cheng laughed coldly, a look of a cold glare flashed past his eyes: "Brother Lei, then I will go too, in case I kill too little, to make someone laugh." With that, Ye Cheng left the place and headed towards the abandoned factory.    


More than 20 people groped their way towards the abandoned factory. Although it was one o'clock in the morning, there were still guards at the entrance. A few men were playing cards together, and there were laughter and curses from time to time.    


"Is there a monitor next to it?" Zi Can said to the people around him.    


"There are two at the gate." The person beside him answered and pointed at the two protruding areas on the gate.    


"So it's here." Zi Can laughed, and took out a gun with a silencer, casually firing two shots, accurately hitting the monitor.    


"Dang, dang."    


Two clear sounds rang out and the monitor was broken.    


The people in the monitoring room were stunned, they asked curiously: "Why is the monitor at the door gone? Bad? "    


Another person yawned and said, "I think it's bad. I'll give Avan a call and ask around." As he spoke, he took out his phone and dialed Avon's number, but no one answered.    


"Did that bastard go to sleep?" The man on the phone spoke.    


"Go take a look."    


"Yes." The man on the phone nodded and walked out of the door. When he arrived at the gate, he was completely awake. He saw several corpses lying at the gate, one of them being Ah Wang.    


"There's an enemy." he shouted, and ran into the room.    


A sharp cry tore through the night.    


"Damn it." Zi Can shouted angrily, he did not expect that there would be someone alive, so he casually released a shot, causing the person to fall to the ground, with blood splashing all over the ground: "Brothers, follow me."    


As he spoke, he picked up a machine gun and rushed towards the factory. The 20 men behind him followed him.    


With the sound of the machine gun, the bullet shot out from the factory towards Zi Can and the rest, causing them to dodge in panic, but the people behind them were not so lucky, as miserable screams came out, the bullet had penetrated their heads.    


The people on Zi Can's side immediately started their counterattack. With the sound of gunfire, countless of tongues of flame tore through the darkness, and sparks appeared on the door of the abandoned factory as the bullets struck it.    


After a round of fire, the people hiding behind their bunkers began their counterattack. Under the barrage of bullets, a few more unfortunately were hit by the bullets and fell onto the ice-cold soil.    


"No, I can't hit him." Some people said that the people of the Iron Blood Union were all hiding in the factory. They couldn't even see where they were hiding, and could only blindly shoot them.    


"Bring me the rocket launcher." Zi Can roared, he did not expect the Iron Blood Alliance to have such a fast and cunning reaction, the moment he had discovered the enemy situation, he had actually launched a counterattack.    


The subordinate behind him nodded and brought the rocket launcher over.    


A meter-long gigantic warhead appeared behind Zi Can, who sneered as he received the rocket launcher and fired at the entrance.    


Immediately, a dazzling flame roared and rushed towards the abandoned factory.    


Boom! With a loud explosion, a small mushroom cloud rose into the air and shook the ground violently.    


"The power of this rocket launcher is extraordinary." Ye Cheng was startled, and immediately sent An Gaohan a message telling him not to bring anyone over. With such a huge explosion, the police station would definitely find out not to send anyone over, otherwise they would only end up getting hurt for nothing.    


When the smoke cleared, a huge hole appeared in the factory gate, and the few people hiding behind the door were turned into minced meat, they were all dead.    


"What happened?" cyan, who was sleeping, felt the ground tremble and suddenly stood up.    


"Boss, someone brought a big guy to smash the stage." The lackey's voice trembled a little as he answered.    


"Big guy?" The cyan snorted coldly, then walked out of the room.    


"It should be the Black Tiger Avenger's Gang."    


"Black Tiger?" cyan snorted, and the few of them walked towards the outside in a grandiose manner.    


Under the deterrence of the rocket launcher, the men of the Iron Blood Alliance were frozen on the spot. They didn't fight back. The Black Tiger easily charged into the factory. A series of screams rang out. Some were Black Tiger, some were from the Iron Blood Alliance.    


"Since you've come, then don't leave." The cyan snorted, looking at the 20 odd people who rushed in.    


Seeing that everyone had rushed in, Ye Cheng was very unwilling to follow them. This time, he was not going to make a move, after all, the more they died, the happier he would be.    


"Go to hell." Zi Can rushed to the front, and effortlessly broke the heads of the few people blocking him, and twitched on the ground.    


"I didn't expect there to be an expert here." An elegant figure appeared in front of Zi Can, she snorted, and a trace of killing intent flashed across her pretty face.    


Zi Can was startled, she did not expect there to be a big beauty here. A pair of white rabbits were tall and straight, their long legs were covered by black silk, causing her desire to rise: "Haha, I did not think that there was such a good thing here, it seems my trip here was not in vain."    


Zi Can lewdly smiled and rushed towards the black haired beauty in front of him. If Ye Cheng was here, he would definitely recognize her.    


"I'm afraid you're not qualified." Xiao Wei snorted, he casually took out a handgun and shot three times towards the direction that Zi Can was heading.    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


Three gunshots rang out, and three beams of fire shot out from the concrete corridor.    


Xiao Wei frowned, knowing that they had all been dodged by Zi Can, "Not bad."    


"When I press you to the ground, you will know how good I am." Zi Can laughed obscenely, and at the same time dodging Xiao Wei's bullets, he stepped on the wall, using a lot of force and arrived in front of Xiao Wei.    


Seeing that, Xiao Wei snorted, and used her small hands to intercept Zi Can, and with a clash, their hands clashed.    


Xiao Wei felt a huge force coming from his hands, his palms became numb, and his eyebrows knitted together. This man's power was extremely strong, even stronger than the cyan, he was probably at the same level as.    


"Hehe, you dare to face me head on? You are courting death." Zi Can laughed obscenely: "Or are you saying that you impatiently want me to comfort you?"    


Zi Can said as he grabbed towards the big white rabbit in front of Xiao Wei's chest.    


"Scram." A member of the Iron Blood Alliance just happened to pass by and saw his comrade in trouble, he slashed at Zi Can with a blade in his hand.    


Seeing that, Zi Can disapproved and gave up on Xiao Wei. He walked over to the man with the blade: "You dare to disturb my mood, you truly are a reckless fool."    


As he spoke, he punched out and easily struck the saber-wielding man in the chest. The saber-wielding man gave a muffled groan as he was sent flying backwards, the saber in his hand escaping his grasp.    


Zi Can did not give him the chance to grab his blade, he immediately followed and stabbed into the man's head, blood splattering all over, falling onto the ground, twitching for a few times before he stopped moving.    


Everything happened too quickly. When Xiao Wei wanted to help, the companion was already lying in a pool of blood.    


"Damn it." After exchanging a few blows with him, she knew that she was no match for this man in front of her. If she really gets molested by him, how would she be able to face Ye Cheng in the future?    


"Want to run?" "I think you're thinking too much. Let me first let me have a good time." Zi Can said, and chased up.    


Although Xiao Wei was not as good as him, his speed was not much slower than Zi Can.    


Ye Cheng sneered as he stared at the man in front of him. Originally, he wanted to walk around here for a bit, but who would have thought that he would meet cyan.    


cyan said with a sneer: "Last time you ran pretty fast, but this time you won't be able to."    


"Do you really think I'm running again?" Ye Cheng sneered.    


Somehow, looking at the ordinary-looking Ye Cheng in front of him, cyan had a bad premonition.    


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