The Romantic Soldier King



This time, in order to kill Ye Cheng, Inagawa-kai had spent a lot of effort and brought over a sniper rifle from the island secretly. It was the latest death god model, the bullet was an explosive bullet, upon colliding with any object, it would change direction and explode.    


Luo Lie looked enviously at Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu who are wearing black stockings on the ground. After I take care of Ye Cheng, I will come over and teach the two of you properly.    


"An Gaohan, be careful. They are not after money, but they want my life. Ye Cheng said, and carefully walked inside, no matter how dangerous it was in front of him, he would still walk forward.    


When Ye Cheng walked into the ruins, An Gaohan had already quickly moved. A few meters of wall in front of him was nothing, he easily laid down, and in the darkness of the night, An Gaohan was like a hawk, inspecting his prey.    


The moment Ye Cheng stepped into the ruins, he saw countless dazzling lights that were extremely dazzling in the dark night. Ye Cheng painfully shut his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he saw a black figure appear in front of him, who knows what had stabbed into his stomach.    


Ye Cheng sneered again and again, how could he possibly have the nerve to deal with him? It was not as if he had never trained in the army for this kind of light change, although he had his eyes closed, but he could catch traces of the enemy from the corner of his eyes.    




When he heard the miserable shrieks, Luo Lie sneered again and again. He then turned his head to look at the direction the scream came from, and couldn't help but frown.    


Ye Cheng was grabbing onto a man in a suit like a little chick. Unknowingly, the dagger in the man's hand had already been snatched away by Ye Cheng, and without any hesitation, Ye Cheng stabbed at the man in the suit's chest.    


"Hmph." Ye Cheng threw the man in the suit to the side, his black eyes that resembled the god of death stared straight at Luo Lie: "Speak, which organization did you guys send over?"    


With that, Ye Cheng walked towards Luo Lie, ignoring the people around him as if they were nothing, and under the gaze of Ye Cheng who was like a wild beast, he suddenly took a step back: "Ba Ga, you're so arrogant at the brink of death, you really make me not know what to say to you?"    


As he said that, he pulled Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu who were behind him out, and pushed the two of them to the edge of the tall building.    


"You are so arrogant, continue being arrogant. Let's see if we can't toy with those two to death." Luo Lie sneered again and again. His salty pig's paw brushed against their chests. Then, he started walking back and forth with a satisfied look on his face. "As expected of a Chinese girl, it feels different to the touch."    


Ye Cheng's face was expressionless, as she coldly stared at him. There was not a single hint of emotion in her eyes, as she looked at him as if he was a dead object.    


For some reason, even though he clearly had the upper hand, Luo Lie was stunned by his words. He stood there stunned for a moment, then felt an intense sense of shame: "Ba Ga, even before death, you still act so arrogantly. I want you to see how she's going to play around with me, I want to rape the two of them in front of you."    




The sound of clothes being torn was heard, making it extremely ear piercing in the silent night, while Ye Cheng's expression became even colder. If it was just the look in his eyes, then Ye Cheng's entire person was like a wild beast that was ready to pounce and kill its prey.    


He wanted to torture Ye Cheng mentally and slowly. If he let Ye Cheng die just like this, then it would be all for nothing, but seeing Ye Cheng's appearance, he felt that it wasn't safe enough, and ordered someone beside him to give him a few cuts.    


When he was not near, he would feel that Ye Cheng was extremely terrifying, but when he was close, he realised that the current Ye Cheng was not even human, but was clearly a wild beast. He carefully slashed at Ye Cheng's shoulder, but Ye Cheng did not dodge, he did not even make a sound.    


The dagger was extremely sharp, it directly pierced through Ye Cheng's shoulder, and fresh blood slowly flowed down from his shoulder.    


"No, no." Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu struggled. They didn't want to see Ye Cheng get injured because of them.    


"elder brother Ye, I don't want you to be like this. Don't worry about us." Lu Mengzhu choked up, she could not cry at the moment, her heart was blocked.    


Jiang Chuyao was the same, as he continued to beg for mercy: "Please release elder brother Ye, I'll do whatever you want me to do, I just want you to release elder brother Ye."    


"What nonsense are you two talking about? I should be the one protecting you. How are you here to protect me? I'm a man after all." Ye Cheng said gently, with a very soft voice, but everyone present could hear her.    


"Let's see how long you can last." Luo Lie sneered, "Destroy his other hand as well." With that, Luo Lie looked towards the sniper's position and became at ease, "Ye Cheng, you will definitely die tonight."    


An Gaohan had been hiding in the darkness the entire time, and he knew that it was not appropriate for him to take action now. He had a feeling that there was still a hidden enemy, he never expected that it was actually a sniper, and following the direction of Luo Lie's gaze, An Gaohan easily arrived behind the sniper.    




Both of his hands were powerlessly hanging from his body. Ye Cheng raised his head and looked at Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu: "If I survive today, are you two willing to be my wives?"    


"Yes, I do." The two of them cried and looked at Ye Cheng weakly, but they could not help at all.    




The sound of gunfire rang out, tearing the quiet night sky. A flame lit up, and the bullet carried a tongue of flame as it arrived in front of Luo Lie, easily tearing his hand apart. The huge impact sent Luo Lie flying backwards, crashing into the wall behind him.    


All of this happened in an instant, and many people had yet to react.    


"What's going on? Did the sniper fire?" Many people were suspicious, they did not think that the sniper would be killed, after all, Ye Cheng was still there, and both his hands were already crippled.    


They all thought that Ye Cheng was not going to do this: "Damn you, An Gaohan, for making me bleed so much blood in vain."    


Ye Cheng's aura instantly became sharp, the tip of the blade causing people to tremble, before the man with the dagger could react, Ye Cheng had already rushed forward, a huge hole appeared on the man's neck, and fresh blood continued to flow out.    


Ye Cheng bit onto a piece of flesh, the corner of his mouth was filled with blood, red blood slowly flowed down the corner of his mouth, his entire being looked extremely terrifying, as though he was a devil, as though he was the god of death that came from hell.    


Forget about the Black Tiger Avenger Gang members being frightened, even Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu were shocked by Ye Cheng's attitude. There was a time where Ye Cheng had revealed such a ferocious face, he was usually laughing merrily, with an air of a rogue, but now he was filled with an unspeakable domineering aura.    


"All of you must die, and die in ugly ways." Ye Cheng laughed coldly again and again. Both of his hands dangled in front of him, powerlessly swaying back and forth, but no one present doubted his words.    


"Is he still human?" Someone was scared out of his wits and screamed, "Sniper, quickly kill him!"    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


The sounds of gunfire continuously sounded out, but the target was not Ye Cheng, it was the few people who were pulling out guns not too far away, the guns did not miss, all of them had their heads shot, under the effect of the explosive bullets, their heads exploded like watermelons, fresh blood mixed with their brains splattered all over the ground.    


"What's going on?" Luo Lie wailed as he climbed back up. He knew he was doomed, the sniper must have been killed: "What the f * ck are you still standing there for? Go and kill him, his hands are already crippled."    


After all, they were well-trained killers, after the initial panic, they calmed down a little, and pulled out their long swords from their waists, and rushed towards Ye Cheng from all directions.    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


Another round of gunshots rang out, and every shot accurately hit the few people rushing towards Ye Cheng. The few of them groaned and their bodies immediately exploded, all kinds of intestines falling to the ground, making them extremely eye-catching under the glaring light, as though they were from hell.    


"Ah, who is he? "How can his spear be so accurate, causing the spear to blow up?" The courage he had just been mustering vanished completely as a result of the gunshots. Many people began to look for cover.    


Luo Lie held onto his broken hand and kept on pulling back, not daring to come into contact with Jiang Chuyao and Yue Yang. He was certain that if he got near to them, he would definitely die.    


"Gao Han, don't shoot, let me deal with these bastards. It would be too easy for them to be killed like this." Ye Cheng said coldly as his body slowly advanced.    


An Gaohan nodded, but he did not let go of the sniper rifle in his hands. He believed that Ye Cheng was safe, but the two women were different.    


The entire abandoned factory was terrifyingly quiet, with only the faint sounds of breathing and Ye Cheng's footsteps. Every step Ye Cheng took, the people from the Black Tiger Avenger Gang all felt an inexplicable sense of fear.    


"Ah, go to hell." Someone could not bear the pressure and jumped out from behind the cover, waving his dagger and thrusting towards Ye Cheng's head.    


"You're not qualified to kill me."    


Even though his hands had lost all ability to fight, he was still a hungry wolf. He took a slight step forward, and his shoulder struck the man, and the man immediately felt a sharp pain engulfing his entire body, at the same time, Ye Cheng's mouth opened slightly and bit down on the dagger in the man's hand. It spun in mid air for a circle, and then the dagger drew a beautiful arc, easily ripping open the man's throat, causing blood to spurt out immediately.    


The man clutched his throat with a face full of fear. This time, he did not dodge, but cut a hole in his throat with blood flowing out and intense pain engulfing his entire body. His eyes were filled with fear, and he wanted to say something but was unable to do so.    


"Don't worry, I will let you slowly die." Ye Cheng bit his dagger, and walked over to Jiang Chuyao and Lu Mengzhu, who were on stage, step by step. The blood on his arms were all over the floor, and if not for Ye Cheng's profound inner force, which temporarily stopped the flow of blood, he would have bled himself to death.    


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