The Romantic Soldier King



The three of them all became silent. Some words were meaningless, but there were some things that had to be said. Thus, Black Turtle still spoke for his own people. Brothers were like siblings, there must be a reason behind the matter back then. Four years have passed, has young master Ye brought up this matter again to threaten my Soul House? "    


"I only want to know who that senior official who sought out Leng Yue was!"    


Black Turtle didn't seem to believe that things could be settled simply like that, but Ye Cheng didn't have any intentions of pursuing the matter back then, he lit up a cigarette and poured Black Turtle a cup of tea. I have come to Hong Kong for only two things. Initially, I had no intention of going against your Soul House, but when fortune makes a fool out of people, if I had to drag you in, I could not help it. "    


"Everything was caused by me. If you have anything, just come at me. Leng Yue has already returned your arm with an arm. He is now like a cripple. I beg young master Ye to spare him!"    


"Xuanwu, no need to beg him! If I could do it again, I would do it again. " The door to the living room was pulled open by Leng Yue. Half of his body was leaning against the door. I can tell you who that person is, but you must promise me to pull him down from his high position. "    


"Leng Yue!"    


"" Leng Yue walked step by step into the room and knelt in front of Ye Cheng. "For the past four years, we have been patiently waiting for someone who can take care of him. So, as long as you agree to this condition, I can hand over the information that the police have yet to find, and that's why the Ghost Mouse died!"    


"I promise you!"    


His instinctual protection moved Qiao Yingzhe a little. He casually found an excuse to say that he was worried about peonies being alone in Soul House, so Xuanwu decided to send him off. There were some things that should be done as few people as possible who knew about it!    


Something that Ye Cheng had never thought of. Qiu Yuan's death four years ago was definitely related to that Ghost Mouse at all!    


Sitting on the stone bench in Victoria Harbour, he recalled the name Leng Yue mentioned, and he sneered in his heart!    


Four years ago and right now didn't seem to have anything to do with each other, but at that time, the secret that was hidden had been slowly dug out because of his arrival!    


Ye Cheng exhaled a breath of relief. What he was worried about had already happened. If it wasn't for the accident four years ago, no one would ever know how deep the line between night evil and Hong Kong was buried.    


A car slowly approached Ye Cheng, and it stopped silently on the road. An old man walked out and sat beside Ye Cheng with a walking stick.    


The sea breeze blew past their faces, causing Ye Cheng to let out a short laugh.    


Xiao Dao leaned against the door and smoked a cigarette. In at most ten minutes, he saw Ye Cheng stand up and leave towards the right, Old Master Leng raised his head and within that short period of time, he slowly slid down to the stone bench.    


"This is bad!" Xiao Dao threw away his cigarette and knocked on the window as he chased after Ye Cheng.    


Bai Huang jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards Old Master Leng. He held onto his chest and gasped for air, as if he had an old illness. Old Master, I'll take you to the hospital! "    


Xiao Dao chased Ye Cheng all the way to a commercial street. There were people everywhere on the left and right, but he could not find any trace of Ye Cheng! " "Damn it!" He cursed and ran to the right.    


Ye Cheng came out of a shop and walked in the opposite direction from where Xiao Dao left.    


Ye Cheng walked up the stairs and appeared on the other side of the road. He stared intently at the crowd as Ye Cheng stopped the taxi and left.    


In the Leng family's private hospital, Leng Bing bit her lips and waited outside the Intensive Care Unit room, watching the doctors and nurses walking back and forth through the window. If it wasn't for Bai Huang holding her shoulders tightly, she would have already rushed in.    


"How can this be? Didn't you go with me? Why would this happen? "    


"I'm sorry!"    


"What's the use of telling me now that you're sorry? If anything happens to Grandfather, I won't let you off so easily!" Where is that bastard? " Leng Bing asked, sobbing.    


"I've already sent people to look for it!"    


"Capture him and I'll deal with him myself!" Leng Bing squinted her eyes. She would never have thought that Little Saber would betray the old man.    


Bai Huang rubbed Leng Bing's shoulder, and said with a low voice: "I told you a long time ago that you couldn't trust outsiders!"    


In the ward, the beeper sounded, and a doctor with a face mask ran out, followed by two other doctors in white coats.    




The nurse that came out from the ward told Leng Bing that the Old Master Leng needed to be operated on as soon as possible, otherwise her life would be in danger. She hoped that he would notify her two uncles to come and participate in the disease research.    


Leng Bing looked at Bai Huang, completely at a loss of what to do. "Grandfather had always wanted to avoid surgery, and furthermore, he didn't want her two uncles to know about his condition. But now, I'm afraid he won't be able to continue on for long!" "What should we do?"    


"The old man will be fine!"    


Bai Huang consoled Leng Bing, and called Master Leng Er.    


The heavens' will was messing with people, the Chen family had not come out from the chaos, and now that something had happened to the Leng family, the news of the Old Master Leng dying in less than an hour had spread throughout the entire Hong Kong underground world, some people were happy, some were worried!    


That night, an emergency meeting that was hosted by Master Leng San was held in the Ancestral Hall of the Leng family. Only nine people from the Hong Alliance came.    


It was almost impossible to see the Hong Alliance at the same time unless something big happened in the Hong Alliance, otherwise these people would not easily show up. At this moment, Master Leng San was sitting on the tiger skin armchair that the Old Master Leng had once sat on, looking at the elder-class people on both sides with an air of nobility, their followers sitting on the stools outside.    


Master Leng San coughed and said: "Firstly, the Patriarch's body is unwell, and during the operation, Leng Bing is young, I hope that the members of the House of Representatives can be chosen in front of the Elders and the Supreme Protectors to temporarily manage the affairs of the Hong Alliance!"    


After he said that, Master Leng San intentionally paused for a long time, seeing that no one commented on his suggestion, he continued, "Second matter, I humbly request the Elders to join hands and issue an order to capture the culprit. Not long ago, an accident happened in large ring gang, and now, it is our Hong Alliance, I suspect that someone is trying to destroy our Hong Kong underground power, the Triad Society has fallen, we ?"    


"third master!" Someone interrupted Leng San. This person had a thin and long face, his entire being looked extremely feminine and feminine. When he smiled, he looked like a three-headed corpse, an extremely terrifying sight to behold. Did you do something wrong? "    


The Seventh Yin ghost was one of the most difficult people to coordinate with, but he had a weakness, and that was victory. As long as he managed to provoke Leng San, he would not hold back.    


Thinking about that, Leng San stood up from his position as the Patriarch, and cupped his hands towards Yin ghost: "Seventh Guard said that Lao San did not consider everything, but from what I know, Chen family and large ring gang's marquis fell to one person, and he even said that he would flatten Hong Kong's underground world, and recreate the second place in the East Sea!"    


Yin ghost glared, he grinned and laughed, but did not reply to Master Leng San's words.    


Master Leng San coughed awkwardly a few times, then turned to Bai Huang and said: "Bai Huang, tell everyone about the situation at that time."    


Bai Huang did not expect Grandpa Leng San to push him to such a state, wasn't this asking him to be a bad guy?! " third master, the Patriarch had instructed me before that we should not cross swords with Ye Cheng so easily. I think we should wait until the Patriarch is operated on before talking about this matter again. Today, we are mainly focusing on the matter of Xiao Dao betraying the Patriarch.    


"Humph!" Was the Patriarch harmed by Ye Cheng? Just because the other party is the hegemon of Eastsea City, we have to give in? " Leng San squinted his eyes. Why did this Bai Huang suddenly retreat? He looked over, Old Bai was not among them, could it be that he had already rushed over to the hospital?    


"That's not what I meant. The Patriarch's words are far more than anything, so I can't not listen." "Bai Huang lowered his eyes and thought of an idea. However, I have a suggestion. I would ask everyone to prepare a plan for Bai Huang. "    


Those sitting around the table knew that Bai Huang was the favorite disciple of Thirteen Secret Service Elder Bai, the senior brother of the young miss, the future Patriarch of Leng family. There were even rumors that he was the little miss' future husband, someone whose status and status were not to be offended.    


"As long as it doesn't go against the Patriarch's wishes, we might as well listen and see."    


The third master is worried about him, so the patriarch only said that we should not fight against him in the army, but did not say that we should not be on guard. If we can send people with equal strength to probe him, if we win, then it would be as good as taking revenge for the patriarch.    


When Master Leng San heard this, he couldn't hold back his laughter, and thought that Bai Huang's brain was not bad! Wasn't saying such words in this kind of setting would end up as a topic of conversation? Furthermore, the meaning was no different from what he said just now. It was just that the tactful words had the same goal.    


"third master, who do you think is the most suitable? Xiao Dao was once a subordinate of Ye Cheng. In the case of the Patriarch, it is very likely that the two of them were working together, and now that Xiao Dao is missing, this person is Hong Alliance's traitor. Bai Huang purposely emphasized on Xiao Dao. Although it was a hint, it was clear what his intentions were.    


"Then I'll have to trouble the Seventh Imperial Protector!" Master Leng San directly called out his name, he shot an impolite glance at the person at the corner, and spoke with a tone that could not be refuted.    


In a split-second, the entire atmosphere in the ancestral hall became solemn, as if a gun could go off fire at any time. The elders sitting on both sides of the table suddenly shrank their necks, their bodies leaned forward and cold sweat broke out on their backs.    


"Master Leng San stabilised his spirit, at this time, he definitely could not retreat, he told himself. What did the police say? Do you want to do it or not? "    


The Seventh Imperial Guard chuckled as he looked at the people around him and then silently walked out of the ancestral hall. As he left, four of the nine people walked out, with five remaining.    


Silence is better than sound! It was unknown if Yin ghost accepted the order, but everyone could understand his attitude towards Master Leng San.    


There were rumors that the Thirteen Secret Service was no longer as unified as it seemed on the surface, and now that they were all seated, the remaining five people's hearts and faces were also at odds. Exactly how many of them belonged to the user Master Leng San, it was unknown, but the few doyens, who were doing it, all silently played with their faces, each of them having their own plans.    


Master Leng San sat on the tiger skin chair angrily, he did not say a word as he looked at everyone sitting, and suddenly understood the use of Lao Er. He narrowed his eyes and said: "Junior is burning with anxiety, calling for Senior Uncle to come, and only wants to plot and scheme with him. It seems like I was too anxious, I will send all of you uncles back to the residence, and wait for the Patriarch to wake up before coming up to some sort of strategy."    


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