The Romantic Soldier King



The death of Red Aunt could not be known to the elder brother Xiong for the time being. Just say that he had sent her out on a mission, and if anyone dared to reveal even half a word in front of the elder brother Xiong, they would be punished by the marquis.    


The four sides of the table remained the same, a black book of accounts was scattered behind the chair where the red clothed man sat. According to the people who were present at the time, the bloodshed between the Red Aunt and the marquis had started from this book.    


He did not ask any further questions and memorized every single one of them. He picked up the account book and started flipping through it. When he saw the numbers inside, he frowned. He thought that the Red Aunt did indeed have the intention of changing masters, but he didn't know if this was done by the Red Aunt himself or by the elder brother Xiong himself.    


There was no problem with the account book, could it be that the Red Aunt was really taking advantage of this opportunity to seize power?    


He carefully checked the cups she had used, the water she had drunk, the clothes she had worn, the stationery on the table, and finally a mobile phone from a drawer.    


The last phone call with Red Aunt turned out to be her!    


The Grand Master put Red Aunt's mobile phone into his pocket and then calmly left the gambling stake, even though it had been cleaned and was once again open for business.    


Far away at the other end of the stake, a wide-angle telescope watched as Grand Master got on his car and left. Not long later, a funeral cart stopped in the alley next to the stake, and four people carried a bag out and got on it.    


The brown window closed and the car drove forward.    


"Boss, Red Aunt is dead!" As the mountain was driving, Ah San dialed Ye Cheng's number.    


Ye Cheng sat in his usual spot. No matter how busy the bar was, there would always be no one in this seat. He tapped on the table with his fingers, who would have known it would be so easy, the marquis opened her eyes wide, hehehe!    


"What's so funny?" Mu Lingdie sat opposite to Ye Cheng. She raised the disc in her hands and said: "I'm not slacking, and I'm not thinking too much of you. There's news about you."    


"poured a cup of wine for her as she watched Mu Lingdie's angry and awkward movements! Let's listen to your news first, then I'll tell you something interesting. "    


The inn owner's phone is indeed full of tricks, but they were all secretly stored away. Fatty and I listened for a few days, but were still unable to memorize the cries of those women.    


"So isn't this old fellow ?"    


"No no no, you think too highly of him! This is his hobby, public or private. " Mu Lingdie raised one of his fingers and shook it. I also investigated the background of this boss. There was an indecent record about him, and he used to be a worry-free guy, so his interest in this aspect is very strong. I even copied the information, it seems like Qiu Yuan's case four years ago was not that ordinary. "    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. There was a huge secret behind Qiu Yuan's death, which had something to do with the matter they were investigating. Furthermore, Ah San had left Hong Kong four years ago, so would these two matters be related?    


"Hubby, my work is already late, what are you trying to say!" From Ye Cheng's expression, Mu Lingdie knew that she had done a great job this time. Holding her cheek, she winked at Ye Cheng, and the matter of her being scolded by Ye Cheng yesterday was completely thrown out of the window.    


"Do you know that there is an underground gambling stake under the large ring gang?" Mu Lingdie nodded strongly. The woman in charge is called Red Aunt, she was just killed by marquis! "    


"Oh my god, this time the large ring gang has struck it big!" Mu Lingdie cried out in shock, but suddenly thought that something was wrong and hurriedly covered his mouth. Fortunately, no one heard him when the music from the bar resounded, otherwise, he would have dived into the secret. This Red Aunt is the lover of the elder brother Xiong, and there's no problem with the intelligence of the marquis, right? Why would he even kill such a ferocious woman?    


"What do you mean?" Ye Cheng stared at Mu Lingdie curiously. She had heard quite a bit of news about him.    


Mu Lingdie started laughing mischievously. At this time, the atmosphere in the bar suddenly became gentler, she pulled Ye Cheng's hand and spoiled: "Hubby dance with me, I'll tell you."    


Ye Cheng naturally would not miss an invitation from a beauty. Under the melodious music, the two of them danced on the dance floor. Mu Lingdie only had Ye Cheng in his eyes, but Ye Cheng did indeed have another person in his eyes.    


Mu Lingdie was a little angry, and she snorted while staring at his black eyes. "Darling, now is our common time, don't be hasty."    


"Understood Madam." "Ye Cheng lowered his head and kissed Mu Lingdie's forehead. When he raised his head and looked at the counter once again, the figure that was sitting there had disappeared. "Let's go!"    


Ye Cheng led Wu and pulled Mu Lingdie out of the stage and onto the stage. "Two bottles of soda water!"    


"Hey, I want a beer. Have a cup of tea for this gentleman." Mu Lingdie chuckled at the bartender at the counter, he then took out two bottles of water to drink, whoever dared to disobey the boss' orders, would be courting death! " Humph, Stinky kid is my boss, how dare you disobey me! "    


"Alright, don't make things difficult for your subordinates." What did the person who was just sitting here drink? Give me the bottle or glass he drank. "    


bartender was startled, he then took out a beer bottle from the box and handed it over to Ye Cheng after some hesitation. "Not sure?"    


"Sorry, boss, I really didn't care about the bottle he drank from."    


"Alright! "Send all the remaining bottles underground to the basement. Is the monitoring system here working?" Seeing the bartender nod, Ye Cheng continued, "Send all the videos from 8 to 10 AM to my mailbox as soon as possible."    


After he finished speaking, Ye Cheng brought Mu Lingdie to the employee lounge at the back of the bar. The refurbished bar was divided into two areas: inside and outside. The two of them entered one of the resting rooms and turned on their computers. A package email was sent over.    


"What are you looking for?"    


"The person who just sat at the bar!"    


After quickly flipping through the video, Ye Cheng dialed Lin Sisi's number.    


"A long while later, a blurry voice came from the other side." Officer Lin went to sleep so early? "    


"Who are you?" Lin Sisi blinked his eyes in a daze, and did not recognize Ye Cheng's voice at all.    


"Aiyo, it's been so long since I last made a phone call and you've forgotten about me!" Ye Cheng said with a sour tone. Are you awake? I have something I need to trouble you with. "    


Yu Mingxi's voice came from the other side of the phone. After knowing that it was Ye Cheng, she immediately snatched it away. " I am Yu Mingxi. "    


"Officer Yu, there's something I need you to do!"    


"I've seen what you gave me. Let's meet up!"    


Ye Cheng smiled and said "OK" to Mu Lingdie before he told him the address of the back door of the pub. At first, Yu Mingxi was a little against it, but after thinking about it and agreeing, the two of them hung up at around 11: 30.    


"Did she?"    


Mu Lingdie asked excitedly as he nodded his head. There are only two possibilities for her to come to me, to join forces or refuse, but from her voice, I can hear that the latter is more likely. "    




Ye Cheng raised three of his fingers. Qiu Yuan! Four years ago! "The one behind this!"    


Mu Lingdie clicked his tongue in disdain, and muttered: "If I said it, it's no different from saying it!"    


Ye Cheng laughed, he then moved his mouse skillfully and intercepted many of the pictures on the screen. After that, he used the viewing software to enlarge the images and selected a few frames on the front to look at the video.    


Face to face! Side! Forty-five degrees, looking at the same face from all directions.    




This person had turned into ashes, even Ye Cheng could recognize him!    


"He's the person who went to the elder sister Xue's Laundry that day. I remember him very clearly!" Mu Lingdie pointed to the person in the picture and said. Husband, is he the one who harmed elder sister Xue? "    


Ye Cheng nodded! This bastard really did not die! If that's the case, then the five LY stoste that he had taken away from the East China Sea were also in Hong Kong!    


"Can you help me find out about Hong Kong's underground channels? I want to find something! "    


"The person who occupies the largest market in the underground channel belongs to the Leng family. Whatever you want to find, I'll find it for you!"    


"No, this is too dangerous." Ye Cheng waved his hands. As long as it was related to the JOY and LY stoste s, he would be exceptionally sensitive and strict. He had already seen this before, he didn't want anyone by his side to be in danger! Mu Lingdie, don't think about doing anything behind my back. If you don't listen to me and do as I say, and instead let me know about your reckless actions, don't blame me for not showing mercy. "    


He did not have any intention to joke around or threaten Mu Lingdie, but he understood Mu Lingdie's character and knew that she would definitely do something behind his back. It was impossible for him to follow this girl around 24 hours a day, what if something happened?    


Ye Cheng sucked in a deep breath. He had already hurt his beloved woman because of the LY stoste. butterfly! Can you listen to me? If you still regard me as your husband, then listen to me. Otherwise, I can only send you back to my master's place, and will never see you again! "    


"I don't want to!" She hugged Ye Cheng tightly in fear. She did not want to see him and even more so, did not want him to hate her. "I'll listen to you. Don't send me back to this old man. Whatever you say is what you want me to do. I'll do whatever you want me to do, okay?"    


Ye Cheng sighed, and pulled Mu Lingdie into his arms pitifully. Don't cry! "    


The more she comforted Mu Lingdie, the more upset she felt, and the more upset she felt!    


At 11 AM, Yu Mingxi arrived at the back alley of the bar on time and waited for Mu Lingdie.    


"Follow me!"    


"Where's Ye Cheng?" Yu Mingxi stood in place without moving.    


"It's inside! Are you coming or not? "    


Mu Lingdie shot a glance at Yu Mingxi, and continued walking toward the bar!    


In the basement, Ye Cheng was in a daze while holding onto the two boxes of empty bottles, his mind working extremely quickly, and the sudden appearance of JOY in the bar was not a coincidence, there had to be someone pushing them.    


"The Officer Yu is here!" Mu Lingdie pushed open the basement door, and after letting Yu Mingxi in, she closed the door.    


Ye Cheng pointed to the two boxes of wine bottles and said: "There are not many bottles, only about forty to fifty. Officer Yu, please check the DNA based on the saliva on these boxes!"    




"Can't help?"    


Yu Mingxi shook his head. There are so many bottles, I need some time! "    


"One day!"    


Yu Mingxi opened her eyes wide, and angrily shouted: "Ye Cheng, you are making things difficult for me!"    


"Can you just answer me or not!" Ye Cheng asked unyieldingly.    


Yu Mingxi bit his lips and sighed. "You can't take this to the station. I'll find some acquaintances to check it out for you. Can you do it at seven o'clock tomorrow night?"    


Ye Cheng nodded and found a waiter to help her put away the two boxes of wine bottles. Then, he brought her and left the bar.    


Mu Lingshuang walked out from behind the wall and watched as the car approached the car parked by the side of the road.    


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