The Romantic Soldier King



"If you want to kill someone that much, then bring the head of the large ring gang to me." Ye Cheng suddenly said after a long period of silence.    


Qiao Yingzhe looked at Ye Cheng, he moved his lips, wanting to say something, but he suppressed it. large ring gang could not be considered a small gang, furthermore, there was still one of the seven sons of night evil hidden inside, so could Ah San accomplish it by himself?    


"Give me three days, and I want her help!"    


Ah San pondered for a few minutes, then pointed at Peony and firmly said. The resolution in his eyes was the same as Ye Cheng's expression right now, it seemed like the reason he wanted to get rid of large ring gang was not because of Sun Yee On, but because of their selfishness.    


Mu Lingdie could tell from the side that she had sensed Qiao Yingzhe's suspicious gaze, so she shook her head slightly. The two must be hiding something in their hearts, and the reason why Ye Cheng was so determined to get rid of the large ring gang must be because of the Emptiness Realm.    


"I'll go with you!"    


"When it comes to men's business, why would you women intervene?" Have you found out about the death of the inn's owner? " This was the first time Ye Cheng dared to do this to Mu Lingdie in public, causing the beauty to bite her lips in distress.    


As for the location of Chen Luoxue, I will get the people from the Heaven Gate to look for him, and I will personally arrange for the location of the Leng family to be taken care of by me. If there are no other objections, then act separately. "    


"What do we do with the Boss Ye?" Fat Brother cried out at the wrong time. The two brothers did not do much here, they felt a little guilty.    


You guys follow the butterfly, keep an eye on her.    


The group of people majestically left the hospital, Ye Cheng let Ah San follow him to the car, but the two of them did not go to the apartment, nor did they return to the bar, instead, they drove all the way to large ring gang's territory and stopped in front of the strange building.    


"Do you know why I brought you here?" Ye Cheng asked as he lit up his cigarette.    


Ah San nodded, the two of them were the only ones who had entered the Emptiness Realm, and they were very clear about the power of the gray-robed man. Emptiness Realm originated from the human heart, and is similar to a nightmare. Your fear has created the truth behind the Emptiness Realm, wouldn't this mission be too difficult for you? "    


"No way!" Ah San answered with absolute certainty! I came back to Hong Kong this time to settle the matter from four years ago, I am not a match for the gray-robed man, but I will definitely bring the head of the marquis back to see you. "    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, if he could not win against gray-robed man, how could he cut off marquis's head? Ah San said this with the determination to die! Are you really not going to tell me what happened four years ago? "You must hate Leng Yue."    


"He's the one who betrayed Mountain and me! The butcher died at the hands of the police in order to let us escape! When I went back to look for Leng Yue, I found out that the entire incident was just a trap. At that time, the Soul House was facing a crisis of being annihilated by the Triad Society, so Leng Yue secretly cooperated with the police to transport a batch of medicine out of the port.    


Ah San took a few puffs from Ye Cheng's mouth and said again: "When I received Leng Yue's orders to kill that witness, I didn't know that the butcher had participated in this behind our backs. Leng Yue's real goal was to make the butcher die justifiably under the hands of the police, and let me bear the blame for this, hehe, he really thinks highly of me."    


Ye Cheng acknowledged. Be careful! I don't want to see one of the three go in and out. "    


With that, Ye Cheng opened the car door, straightened his collar and took the lead to enter the teahouse in front of him!    


Ah San was startled, and quickly got off the carriage and followed him.    


The teahouse was the same one that Mu Lingdie and the others had visited before, but it was filled with guests. There was business at the door and there were even some who were singing small songs, giving off the vibe of an old port.    


When Ye Cheng appeared in the teahouse, the guard immediately tensed up. Some people went up to inquire about a few things. Ye Cheng waved his hand and directly went up to the second floor.    


The people of large ring gang never thought that Ye Cheng would appear in the teahouse again, and so quickly, with only one subordinate behind him.    


marquis was sitting in a private room on the second floor and drinking tea with Mrs. Zhang. Beside them were elder brother Xiong and Grand Master, and the four of them seemed to be discussing a strategy and cooperation plan. Hearing that their subordinate had reported that Ye Cheng had arrived, marquis's face changed. Get someone to stop him, you can't let him go upstairs. "    


"What is the marquis afraid of? Ye Cheng is not a tiger, how would he eat you? " "Mrs. Zhang put down his eyes and started to smile charmingly. Looking at your expression, it can't be that you did something you shouldn't have done behind my back, right? "    


"Where, where? This humble one has always kept Madame's words in mind. " "Cold sweat appeared on marquis's forehead. I'll go out and see for myself.    


Without waiting for marquis to get up, a hoodlum was thrown in from the outside, Ye Cheng lifted the curtain and walked in openly, then glanced at the people in the room and laughed.    


"Mrs. Zhang, long time no see!"    


"What are you saying, young master Ye? Are you busy or not, if you want to meet someone it will be as difficult as climbing a mountain!" Mrs. Zhang stood up and stretched out his right arm towards Ye Cheng.    


As the Mrs. Zhang stood up, the Grand Master who was sitting beside him also stood up.    


Ye Cheng and Mrs. Zhang's hands moved together and glanced at the seated elder brother Xiong: "large ring gang's Grand Master is standing, elder brother Xiong is sitting, it seems that large ring gang is indeed as the rumors say, being controlled by elder brother Xiong, marquis is just a decoration."    


Pow! elder brother Xiong slapped the table and glared as he shouted coldly: "You don't need to sow discord here, I am friends with marquis in life and death, how can you sow discord?"    


"Tsk tsk tsk tsk!" What elder brother Xiong said was only hearsay. " Ye Cheng laughed dryly and let go of Mrs. Zhang's hand.    


"Is the young master Ye open for drinking tea too? Then let's do it later! " The Mrs. Zhang glanced at him unhappily, then signaled Ye Cheng to sit down.    


However, Ye Cheng stood up straight, he did not sit, but of course, it was not easy for the Mrs. Zhang, if she did not sit, then the Grand Master and the marquis would not be able to do it either.    


On the surface, they seemed to be talking about the two brothers, but in reality, they were just using them to map her. The large ring gang and the Sun Yee On collaborated and became a transport company under his banner. They then merged with the Sun Yee On and became a guild under his tutelage.    


She felt that this kind of person only had a body of martial arts power, a simple mind. Sooner or later, he would do bad things, but marquis had insisted on staying put, and now was the right time, so she followed Ye Cheng's thoughts and stood there without moving.    


The marquis was complaining in his heart, but he really did not know how to look at the mountain and river. Although it was his own territory, it still depended on who was present, and Mrs. Zhang's gloomy expression made his heart drop, causing him to step forward quickly and kick the leg of the chair that the elder brother Xiong was sitting on. With this strength, the two of them rolled to the side.    


"Stinky kid, grandma master is standing, how can you be sitting? You've completely embarrassed yourself in front of the guests, why aren't you going to take a look." Kicking elder brother Xiong's chair, marquis did not forget to curse twice. He had thought about it, but elder brother Xiong did not feel anything at all.    


"Boss, you!"    




elder brother Xiong was scolded by marquis, his unwilling expression was written all over his face. When he passed by Ye Cheng, he did not forget to threaten him and make him wait, this made marquis feel even more embarrassed.    


"marquis, I'm going to take a look at elder brother Xiong." At this time, the Grand Master walked out from behind the round table. He timely walked out to smooth things over, and didn't care about whether the marquis agreed or not as he walked out.    


Passing by Ye Cheng, the Grand Master didn't even glance at him, but Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself, "It really is you."    


The marquis sent someone to serve tea and invited Ye Cheng to sit.    


"The last time that Miss Mu came to the teahouse, I thought it was young master Gui. I think it must be the young master Ye!" marquis started a conversation with several people.    


"Since marquis is not here, we took the liberty to visit him. That time, we wanted to ask him to help us find a person." Ye Cheng used tea in place of wine to toast the two of them. After drinking close to each other, he placed the cup down and the marquis immediately filled it up.    


"Oh, so that's how it is. May I know which one young master Ye is looking for? "You are the mistress's benefactor. As long as it is something that I can do, I will definitely do it."    


"Forget about being busy, I only came this time to deliver a message to marquis."    


The marquis was waiting for Ye Cheng to continue speaking, but unfortunately, the other party did not say a single word, making him extremely anxious. young master Ye? "    


"marquis, come over here!" Ye Cheng's mouth formed a smile. He whispered a few words into marquis's ear before standing up. The tea is not bad, my lady marquis is slow to use. "    


marquis opened his mouth, his face was frighteningly pale white, he stared ahead for a long time without being able to recover his senses.    


The Mrs. Zhang felt that something was amiss, as the marquis looked like someone had withdrawn her soul. Thus, she walked up to him and lightly tapped his hands, calling him back.    


"Oh my god!"    


"marquis, what happened to you? What did the young master Ye tell you to make you look like you lost your soul! "    


"Madam, you have to save our large ring gang this time!" marquis grabbed Mrs. Zhang's hand and cried.    


"What did he tell you?"    


"Annihilate the gang!"    


wanted to destroy large ring gang? That's impossible! From her observation of Ye Cheng, she knew that he had to be extremely careful. After coming to Hong Kong for so long, she had never seen him do anything against the local underground organizations. His only goal was to do things that were related to him, why did he suddenly want to destroy large ring gang? Was it because of him?    




Mrs. Zhang slapped her palm on the table, she glared at Ye Cheng and said: "I told you not to mess with Ye Cheng, what did you do behind my back?"    


It was just a test, but she didn't think that large ring gang would actually do something he shouldn't have done behind her back.    


"Grand Master's idea?"    


"Madam, I also advised Grand Master not to interfere, but even though he promised me on the surface, he still ? "Hey, what's happening now?"    


"You won't listen to what I say. If something happens, what are you going to do?" "Mrs. Zhang threw away marquis's hand and walked towards the window in disdain." You are the dignified head of large ring gang, and was led by the nose by a Grand Master. Your good brother has a blade behind his back, I think that elder brother Xiong should just be left to that elder brother Xiong to take care of, you should go home and take care of your family! "    


"What does Madam mean by this?"    


"The marquis is really in the dark. You just had to go out and wander around for a bit and you'll know what it means!"    


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