The Romantic Soldier King



It was an illusion again!    


Ye Cheng's first instinct told him that he had entered into a new environment. Looking around, the whole layout of the teahouse had undergone a qualitative change. The entire teahouse was three stories tall and there were no stairs. A corridor circled around the Tower and led to the top of the path. It was a bit of a transportation channel built by an old-fashioned construction project.    




When Ye Cheng heard Ah San, he looked up from the second floor and saw him leading Big Mountain and a few of his subordinates standing with their backs against each other. He waved at them, but clearly, there were people looking up, but no one could see him.    


At this moment, the lights that were lit on the Tower suddenly flickered, attracting Ye Cheng's attention. He took a step back and hid his body in a place where the light couldn't reach.    


The three primary colors were the basic colors in the colors. The seven-colored light was used to describe the rainbow, but this lamp only had one color. Seven different layers of the same gray layer overlapped each other.    


From these seven colors, Ye Cheng realized that different colors controlled the red clothed woman's movements within the teahouse. The only thing that didn't change was that these red clothed women would forever be facing away from him.    


This was not just an illusion but also a maze. These red-clothed women were the interferers within the maze. If they couldn't find the exit or took a step out, they would be locked in this illusionary teahouse forever.    


"Ah San!" After Ye Cheng understood this, he absorbed it with his breath, raising his spirit and sending out a sound transmission to his Dantian.    


Ah San, who was about to step into the long corridor and search, heard Ye Cheng's call. He suddenly stopped and raised his hand to silence the people behind him. He listened attentively for a moment before he walked in front of the Tower. Looking from the bottom, this Tower was more than ten meters tall, shaped like a pyramid.    


Looking towards the four or five degrees where the thimble was, Ah San couldn't see Ye Cheng. He only saw a woman in red standing beside the railing on the second floor, and told Ye Cheng what he had seen.    


Silent communication was a skill that the others did not understand, it was a consummate technique that had been lost for a long time. Ye Cheng had never asked about the origin of this technique, he only knew that Ah San had learnt this technique since he was young.    


Ye Cheng frowned slightly, he had originally thought that the illusion was only aimed at him, but it was obvious that everyone who entered the building would be affected. However, what was strange was that Ah San and his underlings could see the same thing, that was, the illusion here might not affect individuals, but an entire region.    


Thinking about that, Ye Cheng once again looked at the lights at the top of the Tower. There was a strong method to control the Yellow Dragon, since the gray lights were the key to controlling it, killing it would remove the illusion here.    


But was that really the case?    


The contradictions between people's hearts were the same no matter if they were experts or ordinary people. Being true and false was difficult to distinguish. Winning or losing was a choice one had to make in order to gamble.    


Ye Cheng was currently standing in a dilemma. If he was the only one in the teahouse, he could take the risk once, but he could not take the risk of Ah San and the rest.    


"Little old man!"    


Peony's voice was like a mirror that pierced Ye Cheng's entire state of mind. He took a step back and entered into a place where the seven layers of grey light did not reach.    


"Emptiness Realm walks the eight trigrams!"    


"What do you mean?" Ye Cheng growled, but when Peony left, it was as if she had suddenly appeared.    


Stepping into the Eight Trigrams, Seizing the Universe? Ye Cheng's mind flashed with the eight trigram formation diagram, corresponding to the entire teahouse, but he did not find anything useful, as the words that Peony had said did not point out a path, but a different way. The little girl must already be outside, using something that was common to him as a medium of communication.    


This thing was given to him by the girl when she was in the East Sea's underground cave, she had given it to him to wear the entire time. If he had this thing, Ah San and the others could contact the outside world, but the problem was, how could Ah San obtain it?    


Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the red-clothed female come out from the corner and turn left. Ye Cheng walked over to her from behind and grabbed her shoulder, ripping off the red-clothed female's dried up bones. An idea suddenly occurred to him, and he threw a dried up bone down.    


Clang! The dried up bones made a crisp sound when they smashed onto the Tower's grindstone. Ah San picked up the dried up bones and looked up, only to see a red figure.    


"Boss, there's movement up there!" Mountain didn't know what was going on as he shouted and was about to bring his men and charge up the mountain.    


"No one is allowed to move, no one is allowed to leave without my order!" Ah San bellowed, his cold eyes sweeping across everyone and continued: "From now on, take care of the people around you, remember their faces and characteristics, whoever leaves without an order, I do not care about life and death."    


"Boss, tell our brothers clearly what happened!" Big Mountain had never seen Ah San in such a state of panic before, although he had been hiding it well, but the words he had said just now had explained the terrible situation that was unfolding before his eyes.    


"Look around you, all the scenery is not real, even the people who may be standing beside you are not real, we are in an environment."    


When he said that, a gasp could be heard, especially when Ah San said that the person beside him could also be an illusion. Other than Mountain, who thought that the other three people looked at each other, showing a cautious expression.    


"Seeing this, Big Mountain slapped him three times to wake him up." If you guys are faking it, then it's best for you to greet me in advance. Once I discover you, hehe, that will be the end of Hell. "    




Ah San picked it up and discovered that it was a belt buckle. The badge on it looked like Ye Cheng's thing and in less than a few seconds, another thing had fallen down.    


"Collect the life-saving talisman. This is the only way for you to leave this place. Wait for the peony to contact us again." Ye Cheng's voice came from far away. Ah San hissed, and raised his head to look. A black shadow flashed in midair, and someone pounced towards the top of the Tower.    




Ah San held his breath, and the few seconds of darkness seemed to last for a few centuries. Several people squatted at the Tower s and waited for half a cigarette's worth of time, and discovered that nothing terrifying appeared after the lights were extinguished. It was just that the scene in front of them seemed to be a little different.    


"What the hell is this place?" Big Mountain rubbed his eyes and opened his eyes. In front of him was a cabinet filled with fire utensils, and behind him was the staircase. They seemed to be in the safe passage of a certain building.    


"You're out?" Ah San was also a little unsure. Both of his hands clapped, and the sensing light above his head lit up. This should be the building we just entered.    


The five of them returned from the same route and exited through the security door. They stood at the entrance, with the security room on one side and the mailbox rack on the other.    


Ah San picked up a newspaper. It said September 13, 2011!    


With a hong sound, Ah San's head felt like it was about to explode. He stared at the newspaper for a long time without saying anything! He would never forget this date. He had returned to four years ago.    


"Boss?" Mountain discovered that something was wrong with Ah San, he took a look at the newspaper and stared at him with wide eyes, this day was something that would never forget. The impulsive Mountain turned around and ran out of the building and stood on the street. The streets were bustling with traffic and it was extremely bustling. He slowly turned his head to look, but the building behind him did not look the same as the one they entered earlier!    




What was going on?    


Ah San came out from the building, and after seeing Mountain's excited look, he more or less understood what was going on!    


In the Emptiness Realm just now, someone must have touched something, causing a change in space. Everything he saw now was just an illusion.    


"The scenery created by the Emptiness Realm and the fear at the bottom of my heart, this is our demon barrier!" Ah San smirked. Mountain, the knot in my heart from four years ago, let's just end it here! If we can't get past this hurdle, you and I will never be able to live in peace! "    


Big Mountain nodded his head vigorously and said to the three men behind him, "You guys just wait here. You guys heard boss' words and started acting on your own. Don't expect us to come back and save you. If you want to leave alive, just stay here."    


Big Mountain led Ah San to the street in front. If he remembered correctly, that day, he was driving a car to do business, the car was parked in the alley in front, and the driver was the butcher.    


He walked to the mouth of the alley with the mindset of trying it out. Sure enough, he saw his beloved olive-green SUV. A brawny man was sitting on it. He was a butcher, a fool working in a pig slaughterhouse.    


When Ah San saw this person, he felt his heart clench. This person had long been hidden away in his heart, and now, seeing each and every drop of the person's memory, he would quickly regain it.    


"If the Emptiness Realm can reverse the flow of time, my history would have changed."    


"The Emptiness Realm is the Emptiness Realm. It will not change anything that has happened!" Ah San's callousness had broken Big Mountain's expectations. The two sat on the carriage and left.    


Inside the ball of light, Ye Cheng could clearly see Ah San and Mountain sitting in an off-road vehicle as they left the street. He patted the ball of light with all his might, but the people inside couldn't hear him, as the scene that appeared from the ball of light was another Emptiness Realm.    




Ye Cheng, who had good hearing, straightened up his body. He suddenly turned his head, and saw a man from a gray-robed standing behind him.    


"It's you!" Ye Cheng would never forget the shock this gray-robed man gave him when he was in the old city district. gray-robed man! "    


"Hehehe!" I like that name! " gray-robed man teleported down to the other side of the ball of light.    


One Yin and one Yang, wherever there was light, there would be shadows!    


When Ye Cheng stood on the light side, the gray-robed man would stand on the dark side. It was as if he did not want to appear in front of with his true appearance.    


"Among the seven sons of night evil, who are you?"    


"Right now, Qi Zi only has five fingers left. I am merely the fourth youngest, making it difficult for young master Ye to deal with me. Gold Sun God's reincarnation is also nothing more than that. Back then, Master was able to start a three-way holy war, and both the Gold Sun God and the Birdman were cannon fodder in the holy war. Even after a thousand years, history would not be changed. " The gray-robed man said shamelessly.    


Ye Cheng laughed coldly. What a boastful tone! How could a traitor leave his home in the middle of a holy war be counted as the winner? "In my opinion, he is just a fugitive who has been swept out of the stronghold and is struggling at death's door. To go forward and go back to the peak of history is just a dream."    


"Shut up, the Lord's thoughts are not something a human like you can understand!" gray-robed man shouted angrily as he struck out with his palm towards Ye Cheng, the wind sweeping towards Ye Cheng's right shoulder.    


Ye Cheng who was already prepared slightly tilted his body, barely dodging the first strike, but following that, gray-robed man released two palm strikes consecutively, sending Ye Cheng flying.    


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