The Romantic Soldier King



Peony stared at the man in front of her and let out a mischievous laugh. Under the sound of her laughter, she floated off the stool and stabbed at his body!    


There was a sharp dagger hidden under his five fingers. The man sitting opposite to him was very daring. Seeing the dagger not moving even the slightest bit, he started to giggle as if he was not afraid of death.    


The young master narrowed his eyes and snorted. He could have killed this man in an instant, but when Peony's fingertip touched his throat, she changed her direction and stabbed towards a vase at the side.    


"No one expected this turn of events. When the man finally had the chance to feel it, the vase broke into pieces. The words that were stuck in the vase lost its moisture and instantly became bitter. The room reeked of the dead." It's really you! "    


The flowers had wilted, and the man in the chair had disappeared as if he had been divided. Only Peony and the floor of the office were left.    


"Tsk tsk tsk tsk!" Indeed, you are the one who was selected, and you did not disappoint me! "    


A shady voice came from the ventilation hole above her head. Peony raised her head and looked over. A strange eye appeared behind the isolation board. It was unclear whether it was an animal or a human eye.    


It was the same with Paoji's right hand. A bit of a blue flame like a phosphorescent flame appeared in the room. They gradually began to float, illuminating the interior of the room.    


"One eye flashed behind him, and the sound of laughing gradually faded away." Come on! Come on! Watch me do the game! "    




Peony jumped on the cabinet, opened the vent, and went in.    


"Come on!" Come on! "Follow me in the game!"    


Ye Cheng stood on the 17th floor's passageway. He blocked off the scrawny man with one hand and carefully distinguished that he had indeed heard some kind of sound, repeatedly saying the same words!    


"Did you hear anything unusual?"    


"The scrawny man looked at it carefully and shook his head." Nothing? "What's wrong?"    


"Sure enough, only I can hear!" Ye Cheng mumbled to himself. He walked along the corridor slowly, making the skinny guy to follow him closely without taking more than two steps away.    


With every step he took, there would be an air vent. Ye Cheng would then stop and stand there for a long time, before taking a few steps forward to another air vent. The skinny guy behind Ye Cheng stared at the minute changes in Ye Cheng, realising that every time he stopped, his ears would move, as if he was listening to something.    


"Boss Ye, I realize that after we reached the fifteenth floor, those thugs haven't come up yet. And one more thing, if such security is so tight, why didn't anyone notice us climbing the outer wall? "    


Ye Cheng pursed his lips. A single explanation had worked together, to the point of inviting someone to join them.    


"I heard her voice. The ventilation tunnel here is very complicated, so you have to pay extra attention to the person above you. It's not that there's no one there, but rather, he's hiding somewhere." Ye Cheng could faintly hear all kinds of crawling sounds, as well as Peony's shouts. How much speed can you maintain in such a small space? "    


The skinny man hesitated for a moment before he shook his head. "I'm not sure, but I've never tried it before!"    


He stopped and said seriously: "Go find Qiao Yingzhe now, and pass my words to him. If you go any further, you won't be able to walk anymore."    




"No buts!" This entire place is just a trap, get Qiao Yingzhe to bring some people here, and after you tell him the exact words, he'll naturally understand what's going on. "    


After nearing the thin person, Ye Cheng walked into an office. The entire floor's door was tightly shut, and only a small crack could be seen.    


Under his golden eyes, the room was as clear as day. The shattered crystal ball, the black water on the floor, the broken vase and the fallen exhaust fender!    


Even if there were people trying to lure him, Ye Cheng still planned to give it a try.    


After entering the tunnel, the air space here could only fit a single adult crawling at the height of an adult's waist. Long legs like Ye Cheng's were really painful, haha!    


After determining the direction, Ye Cheng quickly crawled towards the right side, and roughly crawled for four or five meters before he arrived at a fork in the road. He heard the sound of the pipe trembling, and pressed his body against the ground.    


In this narrow world, the sound became exceptionally sharp. There was no sound of peonies, only the sound of sticks hitting each other.    


Ye Cheng crawled over to the source of the sound, and from the direction of the ventilation, he saw that the sound came from a pitch black office. Even under his golden eyes, it was hard to see what was below him. The sounds of the sticks hitting the water was dull and rhythmic, like the sound of a bucket filled with water.    


"Don't go down!" Peony Blossom appeared from the other end of the pathway, she stared at Ye Cheng and shouted.    


"Stupid girl, if you run away so quietly the next time I come looking for you?" When Ye Cheng saw the peony, he heaved a sigh of relief. He had truly been driven mad by this little brat, but now that he had met her, it was fine. Cut the crap, hurry up and leave with me. "    


"We can't leave yet. The person I'm looking for is here."    


"Who?" Ye Cheng stared at the peony suspiciously. In the darkness, the peony was a little strange. What did you encounter on the misty island? Who are you looking for? "    


Peony slowly got closer to Ye Cheng. She crawled down and stuck to the hole in the air, hissing at Ye Cheng, signalling him not to talk.    


Bon Temps!    


"Did you hear that? This kind of rhythm is like a distress signal! "    


"Being told by a peony, Ye Cheng really thought that was the case. Someone is being held down there. Is that the person you're looking for? "    


"You'll know in a while." Peony lightly opened the ventilation and said, "I'm not sure if it's this person, but I can smell his scent from you, let's get off!"    


"Don't go down!"    


When Ye Cheng heard this, his head buzzed and he exploded. Behind him was another peony. Without a doubt, one of the two must be fake. Ye Cheng looked left and right at the two identical looking brats and suddenly thought of one of them. You are looking for the gray-robed! "    


"Don't believe her! Is there no one down there? The voices you hear are all lies. " She quickly took a few steps forward to Ye Cheng's side, grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards until he was dead.    


"Don't believe her, Chen Luoxue is down there. I heard that fog talking to someone on the island and wanted Chen Luoxue to be your hostage to force you to submit. I didn't tell you that I was looking for this gray-robed." Paoji, who was on the left, pulled Ye Cheng's hand and said.    


Both sides could not tell who was the real one, but Ye Cheng threw off their arms and said softly: "What did you guys call me just now?"    


The two peonies were stunned. The one on the left rolled his eyes and said, "I've never called you before, why do you ask?"    


But who would have thought that the one on the right would also say such a thing? Ye Cheng slightly furrowed his brows, and felt that there was a trace of the same thing. One of you said that there was a ghost down there, while the other said that there wasn't, so who should I listen to? "    


"Of course, listen to me!" The one on the right attacked the one on the left.    


Ye Cheng's body shrank back and stuck to the wall, staring at the two people in front of him who were going back and forth. When Ye Cheng suddenly attacked, he did not do it to stop them, but rather to knock two peonies down onto the house with one hand.    


Boom! A gust of cold smoke, accompanied by cyan light, scuttled towards the air vent from below, almost burning Ye Cheng's eyebrows. Luckily, he had dodged it in time, patted his chest and let out a breath of air. "It's still too late to lie to this young master."    


After the cold flames dispersed, the room below revealed its original appearance. Just as Peony on the left had said, there was indeed a person locked up below, but it was a fake.    


It was an interesting device. The translucent leather bag was filled with water, and the dummy was sealed inside it. If one did not look closely, it was as if a living person had been trapped inside it, made of delicate, fake-like material, and accidentally dropped to the ground.    


The dummy fell out. The water in the dummy's dantain exuded a strange smell, as if it was filled with some kind of fire aid. It even smelled like fish, but the two fake peonies weren't in the room.    


Ye Cheng crawled his way through the house and arrived at another fork in the road. The place he passed before was a little imaginary, so he casually wiped the left side of the wall and sure enough, he found a nut.    


Heh! What an illusory master, could this be counted as his first confrontation with a gray-robed?    


Ye Cheng chose to enter through the right hole this time. If he was currently in the illusion, then no matter which path he took, the result would be the same, and he would still run into the two peonies and the skin bag doll. With this knowledge, Ye Cheng was not at a loss this time, and his speed was also a lot faster than before.    


Then! The truth was beyond his imagination. The right passageway was much longer than the left passageway, and there were also several more bends. They were waiting for the fake Peony to appear, but there were no signs of them.    


Ye Cheng gasped for breath in the passage. He had a bad premonition that he had entered into a dead end, because he saw another fork in the road, and the same nut, and the same choice.    


The cycle of death was also known as the Wall-Hitting Ghost. The term 'unscientific' was to encounter a ghost and encounter an unclean object! However, thinking back, it was normal for a few of night evil's subordinates to be related to ghosts.    


"With this kind of thing as a subordinate, it would be strange if he didn't get betrayed." Ye Cheng despised the Golden Sun God from the bottom of his heart. "I have to think of a way to get out of here, or else I'll be crawling around when I die."    


He leaned on the wall, and there was a possibility that the left passage was just a dead loop. The right passage was a dead loop searching for the exit, after all, they could not go through both paths, so they had to look for the third passage.    


Thinking about it here, Ye Cheng stared at the annoying nut for a long time. It was actually normal for a nut to appear in the Exhaust Corridor, as all the parts here were made of steel and the link between the steel and steel plates all depended on these screws. However, this one looked extremely strange.    


He removed the nut and looked at it closely. It was a normal nut, but the smell was not right. When he moved it closer, he could smell a bit sour.    


The smell was too strong, Ye Cheng could not help but throw the nut to the side, releasing a clanging sound, and it was the crisp metallic sound that made Ye Cheng's body tremble, he closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, there was no difference, there was only one path in front of him.    




Ye Cheng shouted in realization. He had not paid attention to them earlier, but now that he thought about it, the road was filled with a sour taste. It was this smell that had messed up his nerves, causing him to produce an illusion.    


With a cold snort, Ye Cheng crawled forward, and after coming out of the first ventilation hole that led to the office, he kicked off the tailgate and jumped down.    




As if he had hit something, Ye Cheng turned around to see. Aiya!    


Beneath the watering bag, there was a doll that looked like Chen Luoxue, sticking close to the bag as it stared at him with wide eyes. When he turned his head just now, Ye Cheng had thought that it was snow that had fallen because he missed it in his heart, and it was only then that he realized that it was doll.    


Ye Cheng was so angry that he used his blade to cut open the skin of the beast, causing water to flow into the bag. The doll fell out and he kicked it in disgust.    


The doll is alive!    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he told himself that all of this was just an illusion. Because he had smelled the scent of the nut, he had inhaled too much of the acid, but the feeling of being hugged by the doll was too realistic.    


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