The Romantic Soldier King



Did he say something wrong? Why did it seem like these people were looking at him as if he were a monster?    


Qiao Yingzhe coughed dryly, he glanced at the three people in front of him who snorted stupidly and walked back to his own room, intentionally slamming the door to shut the other side that no one knew.    


"He didn't take the wrong medicine, right? This is the first time I'm speaking up for my husband. " Mu Lingdie said as he pointed to Qiao Yingzhe's room.    


"That's right!" This young master has always been at odds with our Boss Ye, and when he suddenly appeared on the boat that day, we were all shocked, and are currently still busy with matters concerning our boss. and Ye Cheng's relationship seemed to be a little complicated, but it was true that they did not like each other.    


Mu Lingdie curled his lips, picked up his bag and walked out. Even though Qiao Yingzhe's words sounded bad, if Chen family and he really had colluded with each other, then Ah San would be in danger right now.    


"Where are you?" After getting on the car, Mu Lingdie called Big Mountain. When she found out that he was not with Ah San, her face darkened.    


Long ago, when Mu Lingdie and the Peony were at loggerheads, Ah San quietly left by himself. Now, no one knew where he went, the mountain was at the bar, the subordinate who monitored the Chen family with Ah San also said that he did not see the boss, so wouldn't he be at the Chen family?    


Mu Lingdie pouted. Hong Kong was so big, it was not easy to find someone. "There was no answer even after a few calls, so the other party switched off the phone." "Damn that bastard."    


She stared at the flow of traffic and dialed a number. After waiting for a few minutes, she once again drove back to the road, heading straight to Penghu Bay.    


Penghu Bay was currently sealed with cordon lines, the five yachts were moving up and down with the waves, and the neon lights were no longer flashing.    


Mu Lingdie crawled through the cordon line and into the kitchen on the shore. There was still the same scene as before, the pots and bowls had not been washed, and the leftover scraps from the cooking had not been dumped out. After today's corrosion, they still emitted a rotten smell, and on the shelves were all kinds of seasonings and alcohol.    


His fingers were wet as they ran over the cutting board. He put them to his nose and sniffed at the smell of fish. It might have been traces left behind by the tramps. When Mu Lingdie came out of the kitchen, she easily boarded the first boat. After inspecting the ship one by one, she discovered that every boat was clean and there were no traces of a fight.    


Standing on top of a boat, Mu Lingdie pulled open the cabin door and entered the boat. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew behind her back, and she bent down to avoid it. "Who are you?"    


The man who had been pushed down cried out. He was dressed in tattered clothes, and his mouth was still smeared with rice grains.    


"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"    


Mu Lingdie loosened his grip on the homeless man's Nine Veins. Answer whatever I ask you! "    


"You're not a cop?"    


"Shut up, I'm asking you." Mu Lingdie turned his hand and slapped the big size man, pushing him into a corner. He scanned his surroundings and found some traces. Let me ask you, has there been a young man who has been here? "    


The vagabond shook his head and nodded his head. He stared at Mu Lingdie greedily and chuckled.    


Mu Lingdie punched the homeless man's face in disgust, threatening him: If you dare have any more evil thoughts, I'll kill you.    


"Look carefully, have you seen this person before?"    


The homeless guy shrank back in fear, sneakily glancing at the photo on his phone and nodding. He just left. "    


"Where did you go?"    


The vagabond pointed to a direction. He did not dare to stare straight at Mu Lingdie and immediately lowered his head. There's another person, a very beautiful woman with a very good figure. "    


"Saying that, the homeless man suddenly raised his head and started drawing pen strokes towards Mu Lingdie. It's just like you, nice. "    


Mu Lingdie threw out a kick and knocked the homeless man out, then left Penghu Bay.    


Since a beautiful woman had appeared after Ah San, who could it be? Did she leave with Ah San, or with him?    


"As Mu Lingdie sat in the carriage, even if she racked her brains, she would not be able to think of the cause and effect, so the anticipation she had towards Ye Cheng grew even more. What should he do? My husband told me to look at Ah San, now that he lost him, how can I account for my husband's return! "    


With his hands behind his back, Mu Lingdie stared at the Penghu Bay in front of him in distress. He stared at the homeless person crawling out of the boat, secretly staying on the main street.    


Suddenly, a flash of light came from above his head, and Mu Lingdie noticed that a car that was in violation of the rules drove past the street, and the surveillance camera that was installed at the crossroads shot it on the spot.    


"That's right! If Ah San came here, we can check the surveillance cameras! "    


Thinking about that, Mu Lingdie laughed, she stepped on the accelerator and quickly headed towards the traffic police station. He dialed a number and a few moments later, a person came out from the traffic police station. He waved his hand and got in the car with Mu Lingdie. Have you got it? "    


"How could I dare to disobey Eldest Miss's orders? Here are ten days worth of backup for you to see for a few days. But what do you want this for?"    


"Don't ask so much, I'll treat you to a meal another day."    


"Wait a minute, is that all? You also said the same thing last time, and the same thing last time, how much do you owe me? " the big guy asked unhappily.    


"What is it? You still want to beat me up? "Anyway, since this matter has been settled, I will definitely look for you. Otherwise, I will ask this old man to look for you too. You choose one!" Mu Lingdie giggled slyly as he stared at the man in front of him. As long as he could bring the old man out, he would be fine.    


As expected, the big sized man raised his hand and surrendered. He lovingly scratched at Mu Lingdie's nose as he opened the car door and said: "I will wait for you to contact me.    


"Come on, come on!" "I'll go to your house and chat with my wife about your charm. I promise you that you won't have to risk your life to survive."    


The big guy laughed as he alighted the car. Mu Lingdie returned to his apartment without a care in the world, called the skinny guy and the fatty out, and started watching the surveillance videos on the computers in the vicinity of Penghu Bay during these ten days.    


24 hours a day, but the time in the video was from 7: 00 to 11: 00 PM. Even for these 4 hours, the amount of information was extremely high.    


Fortunately, the big size man had already categorized them into different categories for Mu Lingdie. The three of them started to check from the important dates, and did not spend too much time being wrongly accused. With Fat Brother viewing the video of the day, Mu Lingdie called out the recording of the day that the Old Master Chen met with an accident.    


The Penghu Bay was three meters away from the crossroads, and it was facing a street that was four meters away. The place Mu Lingdie stopped the car at night was at the intersection of these four meters, if the Old Master Chen was in an accident on the Penghu Bay, this place would allow him to see his entire face.    


In these years of trying his luck, Mu Lingdie thought that if he could find the witness here that night, that would be able to remove the suspicion on Ah San, but she didn't expect that it was precisely this year that allowed her to see such an incredible thing.    


"Hey, come over and take a look!" Mu Lingdie put the image on the car, and a white Porsche parked at the side of the street, and two people sat on the car.    


The fatty surrounded him. From the looks of the time, the car had been parked at the intersection for more than twenty minutes. Is this person Han Feng? "    


Fatty did not know the person that Mu Lingdie was talking about. He shook his head in a daze and said: "I saw this woman just now."    


The reason why Fatty did not pay attention to this woman was due to the angle.    


In the video, the woman passed below the camera from the left. Although only a third of her face could be seen, her hair was very distinctive. Thus, Fatty was certain that it was the same person.    


This woman did not appear in the Penghu Bay, nor did she appear under the monitoring of the skinny man. Thus, the fatty ignored her and only left a deep impression on his red hair.    


Mu Lingdie put the two videos together. She was one hundred percent sure that this person was closely related to the night that something happened in Old Master Chen. Furthermore, after Ah San went to Penghu Bay tonight, this woman had also appeared there. Not good, Ah San is in danger! "    


Mu Lingdie shouted and stood up, could this woman be a killer?    


"Ah San's martial arts is so good, there shouldn't be a problem for him to have Xue Sha's protection, right?!" The fat guy said naively.    


Mu Lingdie stared at half of the face in the picture, then turned the camera to its maximum, vaguely discernible the outline of the woman, feeling very familiar with her. After thinking for a long while, he slapped his thigh and said: "I know who she is! That day when I was eating with my husband in Michelin, she was with Han Feng.    


"Her name is Han Yi!"    


"Right, right, that's the person. Eh, when did you appear?" Suddenly, Mu Lingdie turned around and stared at Qiao Yingzhe who had just came out of the kitchen.    


"Please can I come out early? The young miss's eyes were big, how could she see me! " He took a sip of his coffee, pointed at the woman in the picture, and continued: "If it's this woman, Ah San is indeed dangerous."    


"We fought with her in the East China Sea. We don't know where she comes from. She was Han Mingwei's illegitimate daughter, but since Mei Zi said that she was one of Ba's subordinates, that meant that she might not be human. And if she appears in the East Sea, Ba should also be here. " Qiao Yingzhe lit up his cigarette and took a puff.    


"Ba? What the hell is this? "    


After exiting Mu Lingdie, the rest had all experienced the power of Ba and his subordinates, and knew that Ba's other name in the Eastern Sea Region was Absolute Beauty. Therefore, when Qiao Yingzhe spoke of this possibility in a relaxed manner, the Fat Brother trembled for no reason.    


"Uh, do you know about the incomplete beauty?" Qiao Yingzhe asked Mu Lingdie, and the latter nodded. This was it! Fat Brother will stay at home and watch the little demon. I have already contacted the butler and he should be here soon.    




"Let's go!" If it's too late, I'm afraid it will be too late! "    


Qiao Yingzhe dragged Mu Lingdie out of the apartment and the two drove to the bar! After the reopening, the business here had become a little less urgent. However, there was always a familiar process, so Mountain wasn't in a hurry at all.    


Big Mountain gave a black bag to Qiao Yingzhe and the two of them did not talk much. Qiao Yingzhe drove the car ahead of them and headed towards the mountain road.    


Just as he left Hong Kong Island, it started to drizzle. Qiao Yingzhe picked up a few phone calls, and said with a serious tone: "Found Ah San!"    


With one foot on the accelerator, the car moved like lightning across the street and entered the village.    


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